
By simplymaddii_

1.4M 30.1K 7.4K

"There are rules!you must follow them!"he yells making me jump back "What if I don't"I barely whisper yet he... More



68.2K 1.4K 556
By simplymaddii_

That's me above☝🏼☝🏼☝🏼☝🏼 yea I know ugly😷😂


Ayeee reached chapter ten😂🎉

Madison's pov

I hug myself as I sit in the basement with Alec and some other guards.

One of the cell mates is glaring at me,making me back into Alec.

"Stop glaring at her or boss will make sure you die painfully"Alec snaps.

Shit I've never seen him like this

We've been down here for like two hours and I'm dying to just leave and go lay down.

A couple minutes go by and another alarm goes off.

"It's over"Alec breathes out I get up and we walk back upstairs.

I see Damien and run into his arms.

"Why didn't you tell me"he asks

I give him a weird look and he shakes his head walking away.

I see two people drag in my mothers husband making me cringe.

I follow Damien and grab his shoulder.

"What are you talking about Damien!"I ask turning him around.

He ignores me and brushes me off making me stomp my foot

"What the fuck!"I yell making him stop

"Drop the tone Madison!this isn't the time to Fucking piss me off"he yells back making me roll my eyes

"I don't even know why your mad!!"I scream

"She messaged you! You didn't fucking tell me! You could have got yourself and the baby killed!! I fucking told you to what she did to my mother and unborn sister!but no you don't listen!!"he yells making my eyes tear up.

"I didn't want to bother you everything was going smoothly,we were getting back on track"I say loudly.

"Just to have them attack again!that makes us go off track!"he yells

"She never said anything about an attack all she did was threaten me!!"I cry making him scoff

"That calls for an attack madison!"he screams "like fuck are you stupid!!"he asks

I let out a sob and my bad starts shaking

"I don't usually get threatened Damien!! I was scared! She told me she would hurt all the ones I loved if I told you"I cry shaking my head.

"How did you even find out!!"I ask

"You got a message from Macy before you came up and I saw your messages"he says calmly

"I'm sorry"I say making him scoff

"You should be"

"Why are you so mad!!!!"I yell.

"Because you could have got hurt Madison!"he snaps

I cry loudly making him sigh and walk away.

I turn around to walk but pause letting out a cry as sharp pain takes through my body.

I hold my stomach and feel water trickle down my leg.

"Damien"I scream out crouching down

Damien and Alec both run in and hold me up.

"My water broke"I cry holding onto Damien

"Oh my fuck"Damien curses picking me up and rushes me to the doctors.

"How far along"

"7 months in 3 days"

I tune them out as pain takes over my stomach.

If I told Damien about the message there whorls have been no fight and my water wouldn't have broke.

This is all my fault.

My baby could die.

"Okay we need you to push"the doctor says as nurses hook me up to machines.

"No I can't it's too early"I cry

"I know but she's coming now so you need to push"the doctor says.

Damien squeezes my hand and the doctor starts to count




I groan as I push squeezing Damien's hand as hard as I can.

I give 3 more pushes and little whimpers are heard but it's barley a cry.

Tears fall down my face and Damien hugs me whispering things to reassure me everything will be fine.

But really it's not.


Damien rubs my back as I play with my baby girls tiny hand.

"It's all my fault"I say my voice cracking.

"Don't say or think that baby girl"Damien says kissing the back of my head.

"Yes it is!if I had of should you the messages there wouldn't be a fight and my water wouldn't have broken"I whimper.

He wipes my tear away and sighs

"If anything it's my fault,I got mad at you and I should have understood that you've never had this type of life before and that you would be scared"he says

"I'm so sorry baby"he says kissing my head I give a weak smile and turning around kissing his lips.

I hear a little baby whimper and turn back around to face her.

"Have you thought of a name yet"he asks

I smile at him and look back at my little baby.


"I love it"he smiles kissing my cheek

The doctor walks in and she gives us a sweet smile.

"I need to run some tests and you should get some rest"she says softly.

I nod my head and Damien helps me back into the other room.


"She's so tiny"my dad says playing with her tiny toes

"I know"I whisper

Damien sighs and leaves the room making me frown

"What's wrong with him"his dad asks

"I don't know,he was fine earlier but now he just seems off"I shrug

"I'll go talk to him"he says leaving.

I give him a smile and the nurse walks in.

"I'm thinking you'll be able to go home in a few days,we just need to run more tests and keep an eye on her"she smiles

"Yay I can't wait to take her home"I smile.

My dad smiles too and sighs

"I got her some premie clothing"he says handing me my diaper bag.

"Thank you"I say looking through all the tiny clothing.

Damien's dad walks back in and sighs

"He left,he told me that he was going out and would be back tomorrow"he says making me frown.

"What do you mean he's gone,she just had their baby"my dad snaps

"I don't know,he just left I yelled at him to get back but he kept waking"he sighs running a hand trough his hair

I sigh and look down at my feet.

I can't believe he left me,I just had a baby and he left without a good bye or an explanation of why he left.

I feel hurt.


Qotd#2: what's your favourite movie?

I have to many lmao but right now I'm obsessed with grease😍

Helllllo peopleeeee I'm updating again todayyyyy

And I'm sorry for any of you who think my books are all the same,I like writing books with that set up and they aren't alllll the same so sorry if you don't like that🤷🏻‍♀️


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