The Other Prior

By someonestillalive

11.3K 797 59

●●●●●【 T H E O T H E R P R I O R 】●●●●● Sixteen year old, Alivia Prior finally chooses her faction. ... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Tobias
Chapter Five
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Four + Tris
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Epilogue (Ver. 2)

Chapter Tris

454 32 2
By someonestillalive

06 | T  O  B  I  A  S


I woke up to Tris still asleep beside me, all wrapped up in our comforter.

I studied her face intently. I remember the time when she fell from the roof and onto the net that marked the change her life was pulling itself into.

God, I love her.

Then, her eyes fluttered open to reveal the blue-gray orbs that I fell in love with.

I smiled. "Good morning, beautiful."

She gave me a tired smile. "'Morning, handsome." Her eyes dropped close as she let out a yawn.

"I'm so tired." She wrapped her arms around my neck and snuggled into the crook of my neck. She probably went back to sleep.

I rubbed her arm up and down in comforting drags which probably isn't the best idea if I'm trying to wake her up.

But considering our... wild activity and how she slept quite late last night, I would let her sleep in for at least... ten minutes....?

Yeah, that's probably enough.

"Babe, come on... You have to wake up. We have to train the initiates remember?"

She let out a groan.

"How 'bout I kiss you, yeah?"

"Mmm." She hummed a yes that sounded more like a moan.

I moved her head and kissed her soft lips as she wrapped her legs at my waist. Her arms snaked around my neck as the kissing turned into a full make out session (again).

This is not good.

I planted soft, open-mouth kisses along her collar and jaw, slowly pushing her shirt up and start kissing her chest.

She moaned and said, "I thought this was just a kiss?"

"Want me to stop, then?" I smirked, putting my head out from between her breasts.

"Maybe...?" She gave me a cheeky grin.

I looked at the clock on the nightstand.

Shit. We were making out for half an hour?

"Let's continue this later, shall we?" I said.

She nodded, looking forward to what will happen after training those irritating initiates.

We showered, got dressed and went to the cafeteria for breakfast.

D A Y   1    O F

"Today's your first day of training." Tris barked out loudly with a serious face, "You'll be shooting guns today until Wednesday. You'll have three days to practice. If you aren't able to reach the needed shots, you're out. Clear?"

They all nodded, "Clear."

The initiates took their guns from the table and stationed themselves at their target.

Sounds of bullets piercing through metal resonated throughout the area. The faces of the initiates looked too tensed, sweat dripping down their faces due to the intense concentration and pressure.

The first bullet through the bullseye was shot.

Blythe was the first. Her face filled with triumph and pride.

Then, the shot was immediately followed by the bullet coming from Ali's gun.

After sometime, around a third of the initiates were able to shoot the bullseye. I told the others to stay and the rest could leave for lunch.

"Continue shooting until you hit the bullseye." I barked out. "No one can leave until done."

The one fourth of the initiates that was left groaned in dismay. Some mumbling words of profanity, cursing us for punishing them and some complaining like babies who didn't get their afternoon nap.

Honestly, it's not our fault they suck. They just need practice.

"Do I hear complaining?!" Tris shouted.

They immediately scrambled back to their places and continued shooting.

I left Tris with the initiates to get some glue. This will be fun. I could just imagine the faces of the initiates once I complete my plan.

I quickly came back and told them to raised one of their foot up. They did as told, not knowing that their feet were to be glued to the ground.

I squeezed out a generous amount of glue onto the sole of their shoes and told them to raise the other foot. I glued all of their feet to the ground. Some were giving me looks of incredulity. "You cannot leave until you shoot the bullseye. Don't try to get out of the shoe, some people tried that already."

We went out of the area and stayed at the door, knowing that some of them were to escape.

The steps of a blonde boy was immediately heard.

"To those who are to escape will have their socks and feet glued to the ground. Understood?!" Tris shouted as I adhered his socks and feet to the ground.

The others paled.

Tris and I made our ways to the cafeteria once we were sure the initiates won't escape.

We laughed once we were out of earshot. The look on their faces are just priceless. I should record it next time.

We reached the dining hall and got some food for lunch digging in once we were seated. Zeke and Uriah suddenly shouted together, "Candor or Dauntless at my/Zeke's apartment! Everyone's invited!" And sat down, fighting on who should have said it and who said it better.

Christina looked at Tris with a grin. "You know what this means!!" She squealed

"Ugh!" Tris groaned "My closet is already full, Christina! Can we NOT go shopping!"

"Nope! In YOUR DREAMS!" She beamed. "SHOPPING!!"

Tris groaned in dismay.

T  R  I  S

Christina dragged me to all the shops and made me try on every single clothing there was on every single store. Right now, this is the fourth store we are going to.

"Ali! You should try this!" I heard a girl talk to my sister

"Oh my gosh! This looks so good!"

Christina looked at my expression. I almost wanted to laugh because Ali and Christina were so alike. They're both girly, they both like shopping and are both into boys. But that last part is more of my sister because Christina has Will.

"Is that your sister?" Asked Christina.

"Yeah, definitely"

"Seriously? You two are so different!"

"Yeah, I hear that a lot." I laugh.

"Six?" I heard Ali say when she rounded a corner and spotted.

"Hey, Ali. Shopping for Candor or Dauntless later?"

"Yeah. Gotta have extra layers"

"How did you know that? Did your friend tell you?" I asked

"Yeah, Amille told me about it." She said and went back to looking at the clothes.

"Oh My God, Tr.... Six! You should get this!" Christina said, showing me a black, leather, corset skirt dress that has some lace up details. Christina then got me a pair of nude four inch stilettos to match the dress with.

We, then, left the store and went to buy some lingerie. Christina got a matching red lacy push up bra and thongs. The girl got boobs but she still bought a push up bra for I don't know what reason.

I, on the other hand, got a matching black lacy push up bra and thongs. And I'm telling you, I cannot buy a bra that ain't push up.

After that, we left the shop and went to my apartment to get ready. We passed by Christina's apartment on the way so that she could get her makeup bag.

A T   T R I S '

Christina did my makeup giving me some smokey eyes and red lips. She left my hair down, saying that it'll make me look sexy.

She handed me a black tube dress to wear underneath my dress to give me an added layer. I shimmy into the leather dress, put on my fishnet tights and step into my pumps.

Let's just say Tobias' jaw is going to drop when he sees me because I look HOT.

After Christina was done doing my hair and makeup, she did hers.

She wore a leather bralette with a black leather to show off her figure. She She matched it with some 5 inch red heels and a blood red leather jacket.

We left my apartment a little earlier to pass by hers to return her things.

Then, we went to Zeke's apartment and was instantly greeted by a smell of beer which means already half of the people are drunk.


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