Klance stuff (Closed For Now)

By AdrianWritesStufd

32.3K 1K 538

Just Klance stuff Possibly smut but probably mostly Fluff More

Truth or Dare
I Will Never Leave You. pt 2
You're Not Worthless
Crystal Carnival Klance
Zombie AU

I Will Never Leave You

6.2K 177 42
By AdrianWritesStufd

Idk my friend gave me this idea and I thought it was really good so I wrote it.

Enjoy my garbage writing.

-------Lance's Pov-------

I sprinted down the long corridor chasing after the cloaked woman, Hagar.

My feet ached and my body was covered in bruises and cuts from previous battles but I couldn't lose her.

I kept chasing after her, trying to catch up to her and attack, if she was lost to Zarcon's army then he would be much weaker.

If I could attack her then maybe I could prove to both myself and to my team that I wasn't the 7th wheel. I grinned at the thought of finally being able to tell myself that I had a place in our group.

I finally cornered her, she was stuck in an empty control room with only one exit and I was standing right in it. I smirked and raised my laser gun leveling it to her fear filled face.

I never had actually killed anyone up close, sure we probably killed many of Zarkon's troops while being a part of Voltron and I probably have killed some masked galran troops but this was different.

I could see her face

Her face reflected the terror she felt and I slowly lowered my gun, I couldn't do it, I couldn't kill someone.

She raised her hands in a way that I assume to surrender, she lifted her arms so her palms were about level to her face.

Wait this isn't right.

Her fingertips started to glow a blueish hue and a sharp toothed grin revealed itself from her mouth.

Bolts of blue electricity launched itself towards me and shot into my chest causing my arms to tense up and drop my weapon. I fell to ground as the lightning ripped through my body. I was paralyzed and couldn't do anything to stop her.

I tensed up and curled into a ball, hoping what she was doing would stop soon. She stopped electrocuting me and laughed

"You're useless to Voltron if this is all it takes to defeat you." She turned and continued running down the hallway.

My vision started to blur and it felt like I wasn't in this control room anymore. I was in my house, my home on earth.

We were all sitting at the breakfast table, a platter of warm eggs and delicious smelling bacon sat in the center. But what was really the best thing on the table was my mother's glorious, fluffy pancakes. I reached over the table to grab one and put it on my plate, she slapped my wrist.

"Don't use your bare hand!" She corrected me

It felt so nice to be home, everything was peaceful again and all of my family was here. I thought to myself as I put a forkful of maple covered pancake in my mouth.

Everything was at peace until I heard banging on the front door, I couldn't move, no I literally couldn't move anymore.

The door broke down and about 15 Galra soldiers rammed themselves into our house. Once they all got into our kitchen they raised their blasters and started firing.

I screamed and tried to move to stop them but I couldn't. Tears streamed down my face as I watched my family get mutilated by Zarkons soldiers.

When they finished their job they left and the house started to fade away

The hallucination slowly faded away until I was back into the control room. I curled up and pressed my face to my knees and sobbed.

-------Keith's Pov-------

"Lance! Lance where are you!" I hollered into the built in helmet com
"Lance, please answer." I said getting more worried. I ran down a long winding corridor. My boots clinking on the metal flooring.

I walked into what I assume used to be a control room. Lance was curled into a ball and shivering, the walls around him were singed and blackened.

I ran to him and slowly realized that he was crying. I crouched down and wrapped my arms around him.

"Lance what's wrong?" I said quietly as he released his grip on himself and slowly eased his arms and legs around me.

"H-Hagar, s-she was here." He stuttered.

"Okay what else happened? What did she do to you?" I asked running my fingers through his hair in a comforting sort of way.

"S-she. M-my family, t-they were killed right h-here." He stuttered and started crying again.

"No Lance don't cry, it wasn't real. Your family is okay." I whispered to him, I took off my helmet and softly placed a kiss on the top of his head.

He cried into my shoulder, I carefully put my fingers under his chin and looked at his face.

"It's going to be okay Lance" I said to him as I wiped the tears off his face.

"Please don't leave me Keith..." he muttered.

"I will never leave you"


"I promise" I said as brushed away the hair sticking to his face from tears. I revealed his forehead and softy placed my lips on it causing Lance to shiver slightly.

"I would never, ever leave you Lance" I said as I looked into his eyes.

"Thank you" he whispered

I'm probably going to write a part two for this one because I like it so much. I hope you guys enjoyed :D

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