n y c t o p h i☽ i a

By sadderddaze

3.4K 222 128

nyctophilia: (n.) love of darkness or night; finding relaxation or comfort in the darkness sequel to: s t ☆... More

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| f i f t e e n |

164 10 15
By sadderddaze

"Dude, go on a date with me.
We haven't had a bro date in a
long time." Tyler paused the
movie we were watching to
tell me this.

"Come again?" Jenna stuck
her head out of the kitchen.

"Tyler, keep your voice down."
I played along, but Tyler
ended up laughing.

"No I'm serious.
When was the last time we
went out and did something,
just the two of us.
Now that Jenna and I are
married and you have Noah,
we haven't really had any
more guy time.
Let's go to Taco Bell or
something, just like the good
old days." he suggested.

"Let's do it man." I smiled.

I'll go get my shoes."
I chuckled as he jumped up
and hurried to get some shoes.

"He really does miss you
guys hanging out so much.
Ever since you moved, he
talks about how you guys
used to do everything together."
Jenna sat next to me on the
couch with a cup of coffee.

"I miss him too.
I miss all of you guys.
You don't understand how
much I'm dreading having
to leave this all behind again
so soon." I sighed and put
my head in my hands.
I have to leave tomorrow
and I wasn't ready to let go.

"Why don't you just stay Josh.
None of us want you to go."
Jenna put a hand on my
shoulder comfortingly.

"I- I just can't."

"Why not?
You're making this more
difficult than it has to be.
You've survived just fine
this past week.
I'm sure you can make it
work." she had optimism
enough for the both of us.

"I don't want to have to hide
the rest of our relationship,
however long that may be.
I don't want to have this constant
fear of getting caught by her
parents Jenna." I sighed again.

"You ready?" Tyler came out.


"Just think about it." Jenna
smiled and stood up to go
back to the kitchen.

✧☽ ✧

"Unbelievable!" Tyler threw
his hands in the air at his
sudden, unfortunate loss.

After Taco Bell, we crossed
the street and visited the
arcade we used to go to when
we first became room mates.
I remember this was Tyler's
way of getting to know me.
It started out awkward and
quietly playing the machines,
but soon we both got talking
and look where we are now.

"Sick!" I waved a victorious
fist in the air.

"Alright dude, we've been
here for three hours.
I think we should head home
now, but thanks for the lovely
date Josh." he chuckled.

"Anytime." I winked and let
a deep chuckled out too.

"Hey, can I ask you something?"
I asked Tyler as we gathered
our tickets and went to a
special machine that counted
them for us.

"What's up?"

"I was really trying not to
bring her up but it's about
Noah ok?"

"Don't be ridiculous Josh.
You know I don't mind you
bringing her up."

"I know, I know, but today
was just a guy day and I didn't
want to annoy you.
Anyways, you know I'm leaving
tomorrow and you know how
much I don't want to.
Would you think staying
would be worth a try?
Jenna talked to me about it
but I just don't know.
I don't want to always have to
sneak around or leave her a
block away from her house to
drop her off after we've been out.
I love her, more than anything
but I don't know how long we
can survive like that."

"Look man, I honestly think
Jenna has point but I also
see where you're coming from.
If you guys love each other
this much, you need to really
fight for it and let her know that
you're not going to run away
each time her parents make
an empty threat." he shrugged.

"They're not empty threats
though Tyler.
She told me about what they
did to her when she didn't
cut a deal with one of their
business partners.
They locked her in one of
the empty rooms in the house
for hours and hours.
She's lucky the butler slipped
her food a couple of times."

"Who the hell does that to
their daughter?" Tyler whisper
yelled so the kids using the
machine next to us wouldn't hear.

"I don't know, they're psychos!"

"Well then I don't know man.
She's an adult, she should
stand up and take her own
life into her hands.
I know you're scared but this
love is worth salvaging."

He was right.
What me and Noah had was
worth every ounce of fight
I had in me.
I'm sure there were actions we
could take if they threatened us
again and I was going to make
sure I let them know.

I'm staying.
Not just for Noah, but
for all my friendships.
My life has always been
here and it wasn't fair.
I'm staying here for Noah, for
my friends, and for myself.

"I think I'm staying." I smiled
at Tyler, who smiled back.
He gave me a big hug and
patted me on the back.

"Good." he said.

"Can you drop me off at
her house on our way back?
I'm going to talk to her alone
before dealing with her parents."

Tyler nodded in agreement and
took the receipt from the machine.
We went to the front to get
our prize, but I just let Tyler
have all the tickets so he could
get this cute bear for Jenna.

We headed back to the car
and settled inside.
Soon, we were in front of
Noah's palace of a home.

"Good luck man.
I hope it all works out."
Tyler patted my shoulder.

"Thanks." I smiled and exited
the car, already feeling anxious.
I walked up to the front door
and rang the doorbell.
It took about a minute for
someone to actually come
to the door.

"May I help you?" the small
woman, who I assumed was
a maid because of her uniform
asked when she opened the door.

"Uh, I'm here to see Noah."

"And who are you?"

"I'm a friend." I responded

"I'm sorry sir but-"

"Please, I just need to speak
with her for a few minutes."

Please hurry, this could
cost me my job and a lot
worse can happen to you."

"Thank you so much." I
nodded at her and rushed in.
I went down the route I
remembered to get to her
I found it and knocked as I
walked in just to let her
know that I was coming in.

"Josh!" she whisper yelled.
She rushed off her bed and
ran into my arms.

"What are you doing here?"
she asked when she released me.

"I came to tell you that I'm
willing to take the risk.
I'm willing to stay here and
make it work... for us."

"A-Are you serious?" her
eyes began to water.

"I know you're scared, I am
too, but we have to try.
I don't want to lose you again."

"Josh I-" right when it was
our time to celebrate, we
were interrupted.

All happy moments come to
an end I suppose.

"Mr. Dun, I see you have
returned, as we specifically told
you not to do." Mrs. Parrish
stood, crossed arms under the
door frame of Noah's room.

"Guards!" she snapped.

Leave him alone!"
Noah shouted.
Two very well built men in
black suits entered the room
and went straight for me.
I tried to fight them off but
they were much bigger than me.

"Take him to my office."
she said, head up with pride,
just as I remembered her.

"Mom please!" Noah cried.

"Noah, it's ok." I tried to
calm her as the pulled me out
of the room with my hands
behind my back.

"It's not ok Josh, it's not."
she cried more and tried
to push passed her mom but
her mom pushed her down.

"Stay here and we won't do
anything for your little boy
toy." Mrs. Parrish said coldly.
She turned around and left
her daughter heart broken on
the carpeted floor.

"Coming back was a big
mistake Mr. Dun."


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