Lost Souls - Book 2 "Conver...

By IvyMarieAuthor

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He can't forget her, no matter how hard he tries. The green-eyed Angel whose memory haunts his every thought... More

Chapter 1 - Saturday, September 19th
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8 - Saturday, Sept 19th - Evening
Chapter 9 - Friday, September 25th
Chapter 10 - Friday, September 25th
Chapter 11 - Friday, September 25th
Chapter 12 - Friday, September 25th
Chapter 13 - Friday, September 25th
Chapter 14 - Friday, September 25th
Chapter 15 - Friday, September 25th
Chapter 16 - Saturday, September 26th
Chapter 17 - Saturday, September 26th
Chapter 18 - Delirium's Gala
Chapter 19 - Delirium's Gala
Chapter 20 - Delirium's Gala
Chapter 21 - Delirium's Gala
Chapter 22 - Delirium's Gala
Chapter 23 - Delirium's Gala
Chapter 24 - Delirium's Gala
Chapter 25 - Delirium's Gala
Chapter 26 - Delirium's Gala
Chapter 27 - Delirium's Gala
Chapter 28 - Delirium's Gala
Chapter 29 - Delirium's Gala Night
Chapter 30 - Cards on the Table

Chapter 7

185 6 3
By IvyMarieAuthor

Diego was only half-paying attention to the two men gawking at him with mouths gaping. Their dumbfounded expressions were priceless and he wanted to gloat. Truly, he did. The solution had been so bloody simple, it had surprised him that neither had thought of it.

But then again, the numbskulls weren't exactly thinking with the brains in their heads, now were they? They were thinking with their cocks, so it was no wonder that there wasn't enough blood left to run both at the same time.

Speaking of cocks...his was snugged deep inside his woman, putting him in the mood to be magnanimous rather than mean. As satisfying as rubbing their noses in their own stupidity would be, he'd take the zero and hold his normal sarcasm in check, opting for a little compassion instead. The poor bastards! They were pining for a woman they may never get and the whole situation was fucked up on so many levels that it was impossible to count.

He loved teasing Marcus and Cooper, but he loved them even more as his brothers and would do everything he could, to help them sort this mess out with Tabitha. They deserved the chance to experience the soul-deep connection of being inside a woman they were in love with like he did with his Petra. Not to mention, if things went pear-shaped, guess who'll be stuck cleaning up the mess?

Yup, you got it. Him.

Fuck that. Diego couldn't muster the energy required to give a serious fuck about that potential disaster right now, not when he had the love of his life using his dick as a pogo stick. Blessed Petra was providing him with the perfect distraction, keeping all his attention focused on something other than the drama he was sure Marcus was going to create in the future.

Sorry boys. The Master is a little busy right now. Who knows? Maybe swollen balls will give them an incentive not to fuck things up should they be so lucky as to get Tabitha into their bed. Stupid idiots!

Not that Diego was really worried. As idiotic as they could be, they were the only two people he would trust to have his back or take care of his girl in the event that he couldn't. They had been lost souls for so long, floundering from one mistake to another looking for their missing piece. If Tabitha really was the one for them, then there wasn't a force on this planet that would be able to tear her away from them once they won her.

Unless...of course...Marcus screwed up...again.

Diego grunted, hissing in a breath as Petra dropped a hand between his legs to play with his balls and suddenly he wasn't thinking about Marcus and Cooper at all. He had much better things to concern himself with. Namely, Petra and the devilish things he was planning to do to her.

Gathering her against his chest, he dragged his hands up her sides and she shivered, raising her arms automatically to give him better access. Her forearms snaked around the back of his neck and exerted a gentle, downward pressure, urging him to lower his head to within reach of her hungry mouth. When he resisted, she arched her spine, stretching and twisting around until her soft, moist lips caressed up the side of his neck, working their way closer to their desired target anyway.

Instead of allowing her to reach her goal, Diego dipped his head down, bypassing her questing lips and grinned at her mournful sigh. Descending upon the sensitive flesh of her exposed nape with lips and teeth, he lavished it with rough kisses and sharp nips until she was moaning with bliss. His sweet, cunning submissive was about to find out that her Master would not be so easily manipulated by a handful of illicit kisses.

Moving his mouth over to her shoulder, he licked a leisurely path, exploring every curve of her neck as he made his way up to her jaw line, while both palms flattened against her stomach, massaging her flesh as they slowly traveled upwards. When they encountered the warm weight of her breasts, his cock jerked inside her with the surge of pleasure he got from losing his fingers in the delightful, spongy softness.

Entranced, he lifted one heavy breast to his greedy mouth and sucked the hard, pink nipple between his teeth and bit down. Petra shuddered and moaned, throwing her head back against him, her cunt fisting his shaft like a stress-ball as he applied insistent pressure to both of her nipples. One hand pinched, while his teeth ravaged the other, driving her wild with the dual assault. A long, low keening escaped her parted lips and she quivered as he increased the pressure, making her breasts tingle with sharp, electric jolts that shot throughout her body. The erotic pain drove her to grind her pussy urgently onto his erection, her movements becoming increasingly frantic and uncoordinated as she cruised closer to climaxing.

Diego hid his smile against her neck, allowing her to take what she wanted from his body until tiny, fluttering spasms, rippling along his length, warned him of an impending orgasm. Now he was faced with a choice: he could either stop her before it was too late or permit her the orgasm she was trying to steal. As he was nowhere near ready to allow her to cum, he chose to deny her the release she was chasing and gripped her hips tightly, taking back control of her ability to move.

Unable to shake his unyielding hold from her hips, and thwarted from generating the necessary friction needed to orgasm, Petra resorted to the only avenue of recourse left in her stymied position. She fought him. Twisting and bucking in his arms, she tried to make eye contact with him, to show him how pissed off she was but he paid her no attention. Caging her easily within his strong arms, it was nothing for him to trap her while he continued playing with her breasts as if she wasn't writhing like an angry, hissing cobra.

Ignoring her frustrated grunts and whimpers, he marveled at the perfect combination of firm and pliant flesh filling his hands. He rolled and tugged at her nipples, roughly kneading his fingers into her breasts until all thoughts of breaking free were drowned in the flood of overwhelming pleasure/pain impulses swamping her nervous system.

With her temper momentarily subdued, he happily licked, sucked and bit wherever his mouth could reach, savoring the seductive sounds she made as he tormented her. Petra's breasts were one of Diego's most favourite things to play with, but as much as he adored her tits he still had to be careful. She could and had in the past, cum from having them stimulated too much, and he didn't want to accidentally tip her over the edge unexpectedly, spoiling his fun.

Her nipples were just too tempting, and like a child who knows better and doesn't care, Diego couldn't resist giving both a hard pinch at the same time. Petra yelped, surprising him with the immediate, vise-like clench of her vaginal canal as her pussy attempted to strangle his cock. His vision fogged out as blood rushed from his head and dumped into his balls like hot lava, making them ache with an unbearable pressure that strained his control to the limit. Once again, Diego had miscalculated her violent response and had ended up being the one in imminent danger of premature orgasm.

With a herculean effort, he lifted her off his cock, avoiding any further sneaky attempts to goad him into losing control. Her choked gasp was his reward as his retreating erection excited her overstimulated nerves, effectively turning the tables on his devious little subbie. Diego smirked as she whimpered, shuddering in his arms. That'll teach you for trying to force me to cum, little one, he thought, smugly.

As Diego's swollen cock hastily left her core, the sudden burst of friction caused the coil of tension in Petra's belly to slip a few more notches out of her control, bringing her closer to the edge. It would be so easy to cum! All I need to do is let go. It was so damned tempting. Despite being consumed with the need for relief from the burning pressure inside her, Diego hadn't given her permission to cum, and the thought of intentionally disobeying him made her want to throw up. Her desire to please her Master outweighed her own desperate needs making her harden her will and force the rising tide of sensation back, if only for a little while longer.

I can do this, dammit! It's just a case of mind over pussy. She drew on the training and relaxation exercises he'd taught her, controlling her breathing and focusing on stilling her quivering vaginal muscles until the fizzing, electrical impulses dissipated. She fought so hard to stave off her orgasm, that the exertion left her entire body quaking with hot tears leaking out from under her eyelids, melting her mascara into inky streaks that stained her cheeks.

Fuck! Not the tears! Those beautiful drops came frightening close to undoing what was left of Diego's control. Where her conniving pussy had failed, those magical tears had almost succeeded. Christ, he loved it when she cried. His mouth watered with the compulsion to lick the moisture off her skin, knowing her tears tasted sweeter than summer wine and were more intoxicating than an aphrodisiac. He could smell them; fresh and clean, like a meadow after a spring rain and mixed with the heavy, musky scent of sex, it was more than Diego could handle. Blazing lust fired through him, stripping away his veneer of civility and reduced him to his most primal state, unable to think of anything other than claiming his woman again.

The all-encompassing need had him spearing back inside her, heedless of the consequences. His face screwed up into a mask of pain as glorious, wet heat engulfed him. An impossible rush forced more blood into his greedy erection, swelling it until Diego was sure the damned thing was going to burst. His hips thrust into her with single-minded purpose, the urgent drive to mark her as his turning him feral with intensity.

Petra cried out in shock as his engorged shaft suddenly plunged into her tender core, forcing the muscles to stretch farther than they had before and at a much faster pace than she could process. Burning pain, white hot pleasure, and madness collided inside her, and she thrashed and heaved in his inescapable embrace. She screamed as his strong legs powered his cock into her, slamming her head against his shoulder and screwing her eyes tight until the intense burning in her pussy subsided.

Oh god! Oh god! The mantra repeated in her head as Diego drove her to the brink of sanity with his ferocity, but the only sounds that escaped her lips were gasps and desperate whimpers as her body accommodated his animalistic fervor.

They were both close to losing the battle for control and Diego was sorely tempted to abandon his plans so he could feel her cum around him, but he retained enough sense to know that he wasn't ready to give her that satisfaction yet. There was still so much more he wanted to do and allowing her to cum now, would ruin his plans. He was pushing her hard and being a bastard about it, but she had responded beautifully to every challenge he'd presented her with so far, and he was intrigued by the idea of finding out just how far she'd let him go. What had started out as a correction for misbehavior, had turned into an exhilarating game of pushing her boundaries that had Diego completely enthralled.

No. Nobody would be cumming just yet. Not if he could help it.

The strain of holding back her climax was beginning to take its toll on his poor, little subbie and Diego had to do something about it before it was too late. Her legs had begun trembling and her rapid, shallow breathing sounded too close to hyperventilating for his comfort. Her body was getting tired and he wasn't such a sadistic prick that he'd intentionally push her until she failed. He wasn't that kind of Dom. Quite the opposite, in fact. Everything he did, was with the sole purpose of helping her to succeed, and he was overwhelmed with love and pride at how well she'd done. Regardless, her body was telling him that it was time to back off; she needed a break before the orgasm he'd been denying her, overrode her control and happened whether either of them wanted it to or not.

Throughout all the torment he'd dished out so far, Petra had managed to stay almost completely silent. He allowed her to cry, gasp, scream and moan – those sexy sounds were more for his benefit anyway and he didn't consider them to be technically speech. She'd obeyed the speaking ban, with only the one slip, but her body's desperate need was beginning to circumvent her conscious control.

With his head so close to her mouth, he easily heard the barely audible: please, please, please, slipping out with each of her labored breaths as he stroked into her, begging him to allow her to cum. It was so erotic that Diego's resolve almost cracked. The command for her to cum weighed heavily on his tongue and he bit down hard to keep silent. Not yet, my love. Soon, but not yet.

The time had come to move to the next step in his plan. Rising to his feet, he startled her by lifting her up with him while keeping his cock engaged in her pussy. The new position changed its angle, enabling him to penetrate deeper and reach areas that hadn't had as much stimulation. Intense sensation exploded inside her, overwhelming her ability to cope and her breath caught on a strangled scream.

Petra's overwhelmed brain was still scrambling to process the fresh burst of impulses assaulting it when she found herself placed face down on the table. The comforting feeling of fullness disappeared and she swallowed a wail of dismay, burying her face against her arm to stifle her disappointment. She wanted to scream for Diego to fill her again, to come back to where he belonged, to where she needed him and was unable to cope with the jarring sense of emptiness that sucked all the air out of her lungs. Her life was consumed by this one basic need and he'd just taken it away from her.

"Shhh, baby. It's only for a moment," he soothed, strangely pleased by her distress. "I promise, I'm nowhere near done with you yet." Rough hands gripped her hips and he squeezed her hard, emphasizing his presence and chasing some of the clutching loneliness away. "On your back, now. I want to look at your lovely face when I fuck you this time."

With Diego guiding her so that she wouldn't inadvertently roll off the table, Petra shifted around, shivering more from the intense hunger in Diego's dark eyes, than from the heated skin of her back meeting the cold wood of the table. Her unfocused eyes rolled up as she fought a wave of dizziness, and she found that Diego's attention wasn't the only man's she'd captured. From her new position, she stared straight into the intimidating, smoldering eyes of Marcus and the piercing, sky-blue irises of Cooper – their faces hovering above hers, gazes fixated on her with the same ravenous interest as her lover's.

No. Wait. That's not quite right. She blinked some of the bleariness out of her vision and searched their faces, looking for a clue to the disconnect she sensed. What was throwing her off?

It was their eyes. The hunger on the outside was familiar, she saw a similar emotion in Diego's every time he looked at her, but behind the façade, was a gaping well of desperation sucking everything into it, throwing off the lust they really didn't feel. She grappled with the disparity, unable to interpret what she was seeing. When understanding came, it hit her with the force of an avalanche, and she choked on the surge of sadness clogging her throat.

They were only partially enjoying hers and Diego's scene. Pretending was closer to the truth. Their bodies were present and functioning normally, but their minds were in a different world altogether.

It's not really me they're seeing! When Petra looked into their eyes, their gazes barely acknowledged her, passing right through her as if she were a ghost, confirming her suspicion. If not me...then, who? The passion and yearning clouding their eyes were evidence that whoever it was, they wanted them more than their next breaths.

Tabby! Holy shit. It has to be Tabby! They want her and it's driving them crazy. She had to look away, fighting the urge to weep for the pain they were both trying to hide.

Oh. My. God. This is more than mere curiosity. They're not fooling around. They seriously want her. Oh Tabs, you have no idea what you're missing out on! I have to help them. A chance like this only comes 'round once in a lifetime and if she misses it, she'll never forgive herself. She's won the freaking lottery and doesn't have a clue!

Her sympathy for her friend's plight didn't stop waves of self-consciousness from overcoming her with trepidation as Marcus and Cooper's unwavering stares made her squirm like a bug under a heat lamp. Her arms automatically crossed in front of her, hands covering her breasts in a pitiful attempt to preserve what little modesty she could and her thighs edged together, stopped only by Diego's bulk wedged between them. The irony of the situation wasn't lost on her; considering all that they had just witnessed Diego doing with her. They'd probably been staring at her naked body for the past half hour and it hadn't bothered her until now. Yet, she couldn't seem to remove her arms nor prevent a scorching flush of mortification from turning her face bright red.

"Uh uh, none of that now," Diego warned her, sternly.

With her courage shaken, his brave little sub was in danger of losing the progress she'd made so far, all because of a bad case of nerves. This was the last thing Diego wanted, not when he had so much riding on her not safewording out. Taking both her wrists in his hands, he slid his body on top of hers, pressing her down with his weight, while fully extending her arms above her head and holding them firmly down. Pinned to the table by the inescapable crush of his body, he used his massive size to block her view, forcing her to focus solely on him.

At first, she struggled beneath Diego's superior weight. She wasn't sure what he was doing but the moment his chest pressed against hers and his warm, masculine scent filled her nostrils, her nerves began to settle. He was her Master. He was her protector. Her tormentor. Her lover. Almost completely surrounded by his mountains of muscle, her rapid breathing synced to the steady beat of his heart pounding against her chest. Her anxiety slowly ebbed, replaced by a desire for the man that superseded everything around her, until only he and she existed.

Diego waited until Petra relaxed beneath him and the anxious sparks in her eyes turned back into liquid lust. When he was sure that she had her nerves back under control, he spoke softly to her, loving the way her pupils dilated at the sound of his voice.

"Eyes on me, pet, not them. If you don't want this...safeword...otherwise, until I hear red fall from your lips, your body is mine to do with as I see fit and you don't have permission to hide it from me."

He dropped his head and captured one pert nipple between his teeth, rolling it gently before biting down with enough force to make Petra tremble and whimper beneath him. When she shivered, he released the tender nub, raised up on his arms and pointedly cast hungry eyes up and down her naked torso.

"And I love looking at what belongs to me," he growled, licking his lips like a lion sizing up a wounded gazelle. "Does it please you to have my eyes on you, little pet?"

A blast of desire ignited an inferno deep inside her belly, matching the burning lust scalding her skin from Diego's heated gaze. A ripple raced up her body, her nerves prickled with acute awareness. The heat melted her resistance and she nodded in acquiescence, tension flowing out of her muscles as she embraced submission to her king. The pleased smile he gave her made effervescent joy bubble in her veins and she glowed with contentment.

"Good girl." He kissed her sweetly, before lifting his face and grinning wolfishly at the two men avidly watching them. "Gentlemen, if you'd be so kind as to lend a hand...or two?" He indicated with a sly look to Petra's hands before sliding one in front of each man. "I'm about to fuck my beautiful submissive like I hate her, and I don't trust her not to try to escape." One of his eyebrows quirked up in amusement and his grin broadened. "Or beat the shit out of me, while I do it."

Diego watched her closely, monitoring the impact his words had on her and he received a dark thrill of excitement at the way her amber eyes widened in shock, before darkening almost to the colour of bourbon as her shock gave way to simmering lust.

He'd only recently discovered Petra's predilection for rough sex and the revelation had come as a welcome surprise. After witnessing a staged ravishment scene at the Club, he could tell that something about it had intrigued her, but whatever it was had stayed a mystery because she wouldn't discuss it with him. Not wanting to push her, he gave her space, letting her sort her feelings out on her own with the expectation that she'd come to him when she was ready to talk. But when a week had passed by and she was still preoccupied and avoiding the subject, he'd taken matters into his own hands and had sat her down, making her tell him what was going on in her head.

He hadn't been expecting her answer. She'd liked the scene. So much so, she hadn't been able to think of anything else because the provocative images had woven themselves into her fantasies, disturbing her while at the same time enticing her. The distraction had gotten so bad, the only way she'd found to relieve herself of the arousal they were causing, was by getting herself off while replaying the memories of what she had seen. The raw violence and dark sexuality had turned her on, flipping a switch and awakening a craving for something she'd never known had been lying dormant in her subconscious. This newfound desire to be so completely dominated, blurred the lines of right and wrong, mixing in confusion and desire to complicate matters until she didn't know what to think anymore.

How could she want something that was so...so wrong? She'd burst into tears after her declaration and Diego had held her, comforting and reassuring her that the feelings she'd experienced weren't wrong at all. It was her own submission deepening to a new level and he would guide her along the new path that had opened up for them.

Many intense discussions and experimentations followed as Diego helped her to explore aspects of consensual non-consent play, finding that her real interest wasn't so much in the ravishment or pseudo-rape aspect, but in the rough, no holds barred sex. She had bloody well responded to his harsh treatment in a way that he'd never thought she'd ever be interested in. Yes, she had shown masochist tendencies, but broaching such an extreme form of play had never occurred to him.

As with most of their kinky practices, Diego had chosen to let her come to him with new interests rather than pushing them on her. He'd expose her to something new, like the ravishment scene, usually as a spectator, and then wait to see what percolated out of the experience. This way, he ensured that anything new they tried, she was doing so out of genuine interest and not out of obligation to him. He never forced anything on her...ever...and if it turned out she didn't like what they'd tried, the matter was never brought up again. He may have been the Dominant in their relationship, but his submissive held all the power and he couldn't have been happier.

So here they were now, his girl displayed before him, with only trust and her safeword to protect her...the way it had always been between them. He grinned wickedly at her, not missing the shiver of goosebumps that erupted on her skin or the way her nipples plumped into hard nubs, turning the dusky rose of high arousal. She was quivering beneath him and Diego's own arousal deepened. The tremors weren't from fear. The musky scent wafting up from her engorged sex and the flush creeping up her chest confirmed his girl was more than ready for anything he had planned for her. The tremors were from anticipation and they were a siren's song to his raging libido.

It was a good thing she liked it rough because rough was what he was going to give her tonight...in spades.

"You ready, pet?"

She nodded and spread her legs for him.

"Damn..." he murmured, dipping his head to kiss her. "You're fucking perfect, baby, and I can't wait to fuck you the way a naughty little slut deserves to be fucked."

Diego glanced up at Cooper and he took the wrist he was proffering, gripping it securely. Cooper grinned, his hungry eyes roving between Diego and Petra. "Let's get this show on the road."

Diego shifted his gaze to Marcus, sliding Petra's hand until it nudged against his. "Your turn, big guy."

Marcus hesitated, staring at the petite hand before him, his strange connection to Tabitha filling him with a reluctance to touch her. Another tremor shook through Petra and she muffled a cry as her emotions began scattering on her. She glanced nervously away, a flash of uncertainty catching her by surprise and her fear broke through to the protective Dom in Marcus. He automatically reached for her, wrapping his big, warm hand around her delicate wrist and smiled down at her. Using his thumb, he lightly stroked the thin, soft skin on the underside of her wrist until she relaxed.

With amusement sparkling in his blue-green eyes, he winked at her. "You're doing great," he whispered and Petra let out a shaky breath, smiling shyly back at him, grateful for the moral support.

"What he said," Cooper chimed in, lifting her hand up to his lips and kissing her open palm.

Thanks, she mouthed to both men, receiving reassuring squeezes from their strong, yet surprisingly gentle, hands.

Diego waited patiently, giving Petra the time she needed to become acclimated to having so many hands and eyes on her. Though Marcus and Cooper were both close friends, this was the first time either of them had touched her in such circumstances, and he wanted to ensure that she was okay with it. At the same time, it gave him a chance to surreptitiously observe each of his friend's reactions. Emotions had been running high with those two, and he wanted to make sure that they were willing participants and not doing so under obligation...especially Marcus. By including them, Diego had hoped to give them an incentive to get their shit sorted by showing them what they were missing out on.

With Cooper, there was no question. He was having fun and was more than eager to play his part. The man's sky-blue eyes sparkled with playfulness and arousal, if somewhat a little forced. Still, Diego had no doubt that if he had offered him a turn with Petra, Cooper would've had his dick in hand before he'd finished giving him permission. He grinned knowingly. Some lucky subbie was going to win the orgasm jackpot tonight when Cooper went hunting for relief from the massive boner he was packing.

Marcus, on the other hand, was a different story. He had been way too broody all evening...not that that was anything new. He'd been a moody asshole for the past month and his surliness was a sure sign that the usually unshakable man was on edge. There was too much going on in that thick head of his, and Diego was willing to bet that all of it had to do with Tabitha. He wished he could get him to lighten up and had stupidly thought that getting him to play along with them, might've done the trick. Marcus needed to find a willing sub of his own to blow some steam off with before he went nuts. If ever there was a man needing to get laid...his man Marcus more than fit that bill.

One look at the devastation lurking behind Marcus' smile crushed Diego's hopes. He was hiding it well; smiling, behaving normally and was being kind to Petra, but Diego knew the man too well to be fooled by the act. It was obvious that his friend was tearing himself up inside. He was so done and gone over Tabitha, all that was left was a shell of a man – hollowed out by his insatiable need for her.

When Marcus had hesitated, Diego had actually thought he was going to refuse, but Petra's case of the jitters had compelled him to help her. Diego smiled indulgently. His brilliant little sub had inadvertently found Marcus' one weakness. The man couldn't ignore a damsel in despair. Once Petra's arm was in his grip, some of the old Marcus had resurfaced as he had tenderly caressed her wrist, calming her down. It may be Tabitha his heart wanted, but the Dom in him couldn't ignore giving a nervous submissive the support she needed to brave through being watched by friends and strangers.

With Marcus on board and emotionally connected to Petra, Diego turned his attention back to the delectable morsel arrayed before him like an all-you-can-eat buffet. Licking his lips, he pushed her legs even wider and perched on the edge of the bench seat, giving him a front row seat to his girl's glistening cunt. Utterly captivated by the way her pussy seemed to unfurl its velvety folds like a rose blooming before his eyes, Diego couldn't bring himself to look away. The outer lips of her magnificent pussy were puffy and flushed, swollen from hormones and from the fucking he'd already given her. Glistening nectar soaked her skin, and the smell was as mesmerizing as a snake charmer's song, tempting him closer to have a taste. He moved in, spreading her delicate folds to exposure her dripping entrance and paused for a moment, letting the heat rolling off her sex bathe his face while he inhaled her intoxicating scent. Humming with pure delight, his tongue dove in, bringing the subtle, salty-sweet taste of peaches and the sea into his mouth as he gorged himself on her juices.

Petra moaned, arching her hips under Diego's plunging tongue, but with three men holding her down, the only thing she could do was either trust her Master and submit to him, or use her safe word to put a stop to everything. Part of her was a little afraid, this was still brand new to her and they'd only just started playing around with rough sex recently; she had an idea of what to expect from Diego, but it was the spectators that had really unsettled her.

Admitting the true source of her agitation, helped her calm down a bit, at least she knew where the nerves were coming from and could deal with it better. She trusted Diego implicitly and found a profound sense of security in that. It was only her fear of having so many eyes on her, while he took what he wanted from her, that was giving her the wobbles.

The moment of truth had arrived. If she let fear win, Diego would stop the instant she gave her safeword, but she didn't want him to stop...in fact, she wanted more. More of the wicked things his tongue was doing to her. More of the brutal things he'd promised his cock was going to do. Just...more of everything and being watched wasn't really that bad, now was it? So far, Diego had made it easy to block out Marcus and Cooper. So why was she being silly and letting such a trivial detail bother her so much?

Because I like being watched.

The revelation sent a fresh wave of electricity arcing over her skin, making her chest feel like it was filled with a tangle of live wires taking her breath away.

I like having an audience. Oh...my god.

The more she thought about it, the more right it felt. She liked being watched. She liked how fucking hot it was being the focus of so much lust and attention. She imagined she could feel the envy emanating from the women watching her sexy, amazing, god of a Dom fuck her, wishing they could be in her place. Oh yeah, Petra especially loved that one.

Take that Barbie-bitches! Not so superior now, are you? Your thigh-gaps, fake boobs and dirty looks got you absolutely nowhere because my man loves him some curves and he's rocking every single one of mine for all to see.

Holy shit! Mentally and physically overwhelmed, Petra cried out, her pelvis jacking off the table, pushing her cunt into Diego's face. Heat spread like molten honey, filling her veins with languid pleasure as it traveled, before coalescing in her belly like a newborn star.

Diego gulped greedily as a flood of moisture gushed into his waiting mouth. "Fucking ambrosia," he growled, licking her arousal off his lips. "Nothing tastes better than my girl, just before I fill her with my cum."

Cooper had a wolfish grin on his face, his gaze lingering on the cum glistening on Diego's lips. "Smells pretty damn good from over here too. You up for sharing her?"

Petra jolted, her wide-eyed stare darting uncertainly between him and her Master. She sucked in a breath and held it, trying to calm the sudden flurry of jittering nerves that exploded in her chest.

What the hell? What was he going to say? What am I going to do if he says yes?

He'd shared her before, but never with his closest friends, and though Petra was strangely okay with the idea, it worried her that doing so would make things awkward between all of them after the deed was done. It was so much easier being fucked by a stranger she had no emotional connection to and would probably never have to see again rather than to have to face these men – who were constant fixtures in her life – acting as if they hadn't shared something so intimate.

Or wanting to do it again and again, because...duh...they were fucking gorgeous and she'd seen them fuck! Tabby could be a lucky, lucky girl if only she could accept these two!

"Hmmm," he said, noticing Petra's anxiety. Let her wonder. Looks like something else we need to have a discussion about later. He stayed quiet for a few minutes, pretending to consider Cooper's request while running an absent finger through her folds. "Not a bad idea." With his finger in her pussy, she couldn't hide the quiver of interest that shook her. "But...not tonight, I think." He fixed her with a flinty stare that made all the heat in her body evaporate.

Oh fuck. Looks like I'm still in shit. Petra squirmed uncomfortably, anxiety nipping at her like a carnivorous flower blossoming in her stomach.

Good. Diego smiled when furrows of uneasiness appeared between Petra's luminescent eyes. Be worried, my little pet. Here comes the consequences part of tonight's program. "Tonight...my girl needs a refresher in behaviour befitting a well-trained submissive." He pressed his cock to her entrance and easily slid inside.

Petra shuddered and her eyelids fluttered momentarily as she absorbed the glorious sensation of being stretched by him once more. Confusion quickly deprived her of any enjoyment and she blasted him with an anxious look. What are you talking about?

"Shall I remind you, little one?" Gone was his playful demeanor, in its place was a hard, imposing Dom staring at her with dark intent as he stroked his huge cock in and out of her like a king wielding his scepter.

Trepidation bubbled in her belly making her queasy, but she nodded slowly, grimacing when his cock surged into her and he stopped, holding the painful position.

"As a submissive, your fulfillment comes from giving: giving your Master your submission, giving your Master your obedience, giving your Master what I want and giving what I desire, before your own needs and wants. You always gave so beautifully and so generously, my love, that it was an honor to receive your gifts. But today? Today, you tossed all of that away." His cock left her and before she could take a breath, he reentered her with devastating speed. "Didn't you, pet?" His stern words hit her like a slap and she recoiled with a squeak.

Shame heated her cheeks and she tried to look away, but Diego's steely gaze held her as securely as invisible shackles. Defeated, she nodded her head and averted her eyes, willing the tears stinging them not to fall and embarrass her further.

"Instead of giving, you took and took and took..." He trailed off, distractedly dipping his finger into her pussy and running the nail against the stretched skin of her opening, gently scratching the ultra-sensitive rim as his cock slid past. The pleasure was more than anything she'd experienced before, each sharp scratch sent electric shocks pulsing into her belly, obliterating her ability to think coherently. When he worked the tip of his finger in alongside his cock, Petra stretched her head back, crying out and shaking. Hyper-aware of his finger sliding in and out with his erection, she bucked against the intrusion, raising her shoulders off the table and arching her hips in a futile attempt to escape him, but nothing worked. Diego would not be denied.

Liberally coated in her arousal, he trailed his finger up over her clit and onto her belly, leaving a cooling path of moisture to her waist. He swirled his finger around her navel a few times before returning to her pussy. She bit her bottom lip and thrashed her head as he pushed inside her once more.

"So now, it's my turn to take," he continued as if she weren't shuddering with pain and pleasure beneath him. His blasted finger landed on her stomach and he dragged it, warm and wet from her cunt, over her ribs, and between her breasts.

"First..." He circled each hard nipple. "I took your clothes." The finger dipped back between her legs, swirling in the moisture dripping out of her, before returning to her collarbone and continuing its slick journey up her neck. His hand paused at her larynx and he brushed his fingertip over it, making Petra swallow convulsively.

"Then...I took your voice." His finger returned to her pussy and she could feel him scooping up more of her juices, before tapping her on her nose with his dripping finger like a naughty child.

The musky scent of feminine arousal filled her nostrils and he moved his finger to her mouth, leaving a sticky coating of her own essence as he traced the shape of her lips. Mesmerized by his rough voice and insistent cock, Petra wasn't paying attention so was surprised by his mouth crashing onto hers in a brutal kiss that swallowed her startled shriek. He sealed his lips onto hers, drawing her breath into his lungs and using his superior mass to make it impossible for her to expand her chest. Each breath she tried to take, he inhaled into his own lungs until she began to panic. He released her instantly, staring hard into her shocked eyes as she sucked in much need air.

"Yes, pet. I will even take the very breath you need. Everything you have. Everything you are. I will take because you are mine."

Without warning, his hips snapped in a powerful thrust and she let out a pained yelp as his invading cock slammed into her cervix like a barbarian at a castle's gate. "Do I have your undivided attention now, pet?" His devastatingly handsome face hovered inches above hers looking like sin incarnate.

She nodded, traitorous tears slipping from the corners of eyes and her heart kicking at her ribs as if it had a hope in escaping her body.

"Good, because there's one more thing I'm going to take and I'm going to take it hard and without mercy. And do you know what that is?"

Jerky with nerves, Petra shook her head.

He gave her a smirk positively dripping with wickedness. "I'm going to take what I want now. And you're going to give it to me, pet." He grabbed her breasts with both hands, squishing them together none too gently, squeezing until her nipples stuck straight up like succulent cherries on a sundae. He sucked one into his mouth, using it like a punching bag for his tongue and then bit down hard. The sharp sting of his bite coupled with the force of his cock pounding into her, had Petra losing her mind in the hot rush of arousal that swamped her senses. Something in the way his dark eyes never strayed from hers, told her that he wasn't through talking yet, and Petra didn't know if she should be afraid or excited at whatever it was he had to say next.

His mouth left her aching nipples and he graced her with the most terrifyingly beautiful smile she'd ever seen on his face. It made her want to cum and run away, all at the same time.

"And do you know how I know you'll give me what I want, dear one?" he said in that same silky, erotic voice. Petra was sure the Devil used the exact same tone when he whispered stories of temptations to the damned.

She shook her head slowly. God, I'm going to cum just from his voice. He doesn't even need to touch me. The smoldering lust burning in his dark eyes held her utterly transfixed as if she were under a spell. He could've asked anything from her and she'd have gladly given it to him if only to keep him talking and fucking her like he was doing right at that moment.

This was a version of her Master that she wasn't familiar with. He was so much more intense than he'd ever been and the thrill of excitement shocked her. She hadn't realized how much he'd always held himself back, waiting until she was ready for him to lose control with her, and she had a feeling that she was about to find out tonight. She was scared, but in a highly charged, turned on kind of way. It was terrifying and exhilarating, reminding her of the first time he'd tied her to a St. Andrews cross and had flogged her to multiple screaming orgasms. She'd been terrified then too, but in the end, her fear had been for naught and she'd ended up falling in love with both bondage and his whip. Her Master had been intense and intimating back then, but that version paled in comparison to the new and improved Master standing before her now.

Holy shit, I don't know what to do or how to feel. I just want...more! That random thought rang through the haze of lust and anticipation loud and clear. Maybe, I should've pissed him off sooner. She gulped on the giggle that almost burst out of her mouth. She was in enough trouble as it was. Big, bad Master probably wouldn't appreciate it if she suddenly started cackling like a lunatic at his expense.

One eyebrow raised up and his dark eyes narrowed to slits as he appraised her with curious suspicion. "What's going on in that pretty little head of yours, pet?" The question wasn't meant to be answered, it was as if Diego was musing to himself as he watched her switching from thought to thought like a gerbil on crack.

Petra closed her eyes and turned away, embarrassed to have her emotions read so easily by her lover. Diego was so damned perceptive, always knowing what she needed before she did. It's what made him such a good Dom and why she trusted him as much as she did. It also made him a colossal pain in her ass. He often knew exactly what she was thinking, even when she wished he didn't.

"Oh, my pretty girl, so many emotions flitting by. I can't keep up with you." His rough chuckle filled her belly with warm, thick molasses that oozed throughout her body, igniting every nerve until they sizzled and glowed like sparklers.

He leaned over, his big body swallowing hers up in its shadow and she trembled, unsure of what he was about to do, yet dying from anticipation at the same time. When his head dropped so that his lips could brush the shell of her ear, Petra couldn't stop the whimper that escaped her throat. Hot breath and his intoxicating scent fired off a riot of prickles racing down her neck, straight into her sensitive nipples and clit, making them tingle and ache for his touch. Her eyes rolled and she moaned, quivering as Diego laughed quietly next to her, keeping up his slow, methodical thrusts like a teaser of the oncoming storm he was about to unleash.

"You'll do whatever I want, because if you are exceptionally good...I might just decide to give you something back." He placed a tender kiss on her cheek before rising up, leaving her shivering with the loss of his heat and adrift in a sea of conflicting emotions.

"Prepare yourself, pet. I'm about to show you what real taking feels like." He glanced at Marcus and Cooper. "You got her?"

Marcus gave a curt nod and Cooper grinned at him, their grips tightening around her wrists for good measure. "Go for it. We'll hold her."

Diego didn't make Petra wait. His strong arms curled under her thighs, lifting and locking her legs in his hold. Giving her a few, test thrusts to prepare her and encourage her natural lubrication, he trained his dark eyes on her and began increasing the pace and power with which he pumped into her.

This time, there was no chance of her remaining silent as sharp, bursts of pain and the most exquisite pleasure hit her in a furious barrage, leaving her no time to assimilate either. Waves upon waves of sensation lit up every erogenous zone in her body like the Vegas strip, sweeping her up in its wake and tumbling her like a stone cast into a tidal wave. Her brain overloaded and sent her into freefall secure in the knowledge that no matter how high she soared, Diego would always be there to catch her before she crashed to the ground.

He hadn't been kidding when he'd warned her that he was going to fuck like he hated her. He used his cock like a battering ram, crashing his pelvis into hers like some demonic machine as he hammered his lust into her. The concussive, wet smacking of their bodies colliding, carried above the thumping bass from the dancefloor and every punishing thrust struck so deep and so hard, Petra could've sworn he was trying to bludgeon his way into her womb.

Over and over, he came at her, his cock so impossibly long and thick that her copious lubrication couldn't keep up. The speed with which his cock was moving, made her pussy burn as the delicate tissues were not only rubbed raw from the relentless friction but also from the stress of being stretched to the limit to accommodate his massive girth.

She whimpered as discomfort transitioned into pain, but she didn't hurt long. The pain quickly morphed into a deeper, more seductive pleasure than she had ever experienced. The more it hurt, the more exquisite the pleasure that followed until he had her anticipating the sting so that she could reap the reward that came after.

Diego ignored her sounds of distress and continued pummeling her cunt – a whimper wasn't her safeword, and without it, there would be no stopping until he'd expended every last steaming drop of lust in his body. To anyone who didn't know Diego, he would've looked cruel and callous with the way he continued fucking her when it was obvious he was hurting her, but they couldn't have been more wrong. He was paying attention, in fact, all his attention was focused solely on the writhing woman beneath him. If her cries of pain hadn't soon been followed by moans of bliss, he would've backed off immediately. He had no interest in really hurting her and was only taking her so hard because her whole body was practically saturated in arousal.

Any fear that Petra might have had, was blown away by the care her ferocious Master was showing. Her eyes would catch his every so often and the love she found there reassured her that she was in good hands. Even amidst his furious claiming, Diego retained awareness and complete control and was being careful to give her only that which he knew she could take and not straying a hair past that limit.

Pieces of a puzzle fell into place and comprehension dawned on Petra. That had been the whole point of the past half hour, now hadn't it? There was no doubt she was going to be sore after this, but bruising healed quickly and because of Diego's preparation, she would only be bruised and not injured. Every action Diego had taken, had been meticulous and full of love; from getting her muscles warmed up, to making sure she was sufficient aroused and loosened up. He'd prepared her body and her mind to be able to withstand the violence he was unleashing now and had taken the time to make sure she was okay with every step of the process as he went. Everything that had preceded this moment had been calculated foreplay, making it possible for him to let go and still keep her safe at the same time.

Which was exactly what he was doing now – taking but giving at the same time. He always protected her. No wonder why she loved him so much. He gave her wings to fly without fear of falling.

Warmth bloomed, rivaling the conflagration already scorching her insides. The care he'd shown, and the restraint he was still exercising, were the final ingredients she needed to be able to release the anxiety and stress that had paralyzed her mind. It didn't matter, that to an outside observer, it looked like he was fucking her like an animal. Petra knew differently and was loving every earth-shattering thrust of his cock, taking everything he had to give. She was his and he was hers, a fact he was industriously hammering home at that moment.

Her muscles relaxed, going fluid and pliant, submitting fully to him for the first time that day, all because her mind had embraced the assurance that her beloved Master would take care of her heart, no matter what he did to her body.

At some point, Cooper and Marcus were forced to stand, needing to brace Petra by her shoulders to keep her from being pushed off the table, but Diego and Petra were too consumed by each other to notice. Nor did they acknowledge the crowd of avid spectators standing at a respectful distance, watching their erotic display. There were even eyes on the pair from above, as Club employees ventured out onto the walkways to observe from the Heights.

Safely ensconced in their own little world full of lust and desire, Diego and Petra only had eyes for each other. Nothing else existed.

The harder he pounded into her, the deeper he needed to go...if they somehow magically fused together, it still wouldn't have been deep enough to satisfy the desire, but he was all for giving it a damn good try. Diego flipped Petra's legs up, hooking her calves over his shoulders and pressing her thighs to her chest, raising her pelvis off the table. Without losing a beat in his demanding rhythm, his weight landed on fists slammed into the table on either side of her and he used the strength in his torso to keep her pinned in the uncomfortable position. She moaned and he locked heated stares with her. Searching her eyes, he found nothing other than the same raw lust to match his own. Holding her gaze, he angled his hips so that his next thrust hit exactly the right spot.

Petra's eyes flew open with a scream, rolling like spilled marbles in their sockets, before her hips exploded upward beneath him, impaling her sopping cunt onto his cock. He'd been purposely priming her g-spot, increasing its sensitivity until a well-aimed strike would send an overload cascading along her nerves. He froze in place, depriving her of the needed friction to complete the climax and left her hanging on the verge. She cried out, jerking her arms in the other men's grips intending to beat Diego into moving again, but they held on tightly, stretching her arms taut to keep her in place.

Diego grinned, breathing hard as he hovered over her heaving, furious little body. He was a bastard, but the way her pussy gripped and pulled at him now was worth all the daggers she was shooting at his heart. He leaned down and kissed her forehead and she screamed in frustration at him. There were no words, but he got her message and chuckled as he painstakingly eased his cock away from her g-spot to avoid triggering her orgasm. Half out of her pussy, he paused for a minute that felt like an hour. When the quivering in her abdomen stopped, he surged back into her without warning.

Petra's neck extended on a startled wail, pushing her head so far back that she ended up looking at Cooper and Marcus upside down. Not that she had time to ponder the odd perspective. Diego's throbbing, swollen cock had her undivided attention, filling her so completely that it was too much and not enough all at the same time. As he powered into her with unforgiving strokes, she honestly thought his cock was pounding straight into her heart, making it stutter and skip with each impact. Her clit ached to be touched and she stared at the place where their bodies were joined, looking under Diego's massive chest to watch his thick shaft working itself in and out of her pussy like a piston in a racecar's engine.

All she needed was a little more stimulation. Stimulation that Diego purposely was avoiding giving to her. Momentarily forgetting that she was being held down, she tried to bend her elbows, tugging at her arms, but nothing happened. Her head rolled back and she glared at the two, smug assholes smirking at her.

"Uh uh, little one," Marcus admonished, easily reading her intentions. "That's not allowed."

Fuck you, jackass. Just...fuck you! She had to bite her tongue to keep the curse in and scowled at Marcus. He just sniggered and held on tighter as Diego bent his head to bite one of her nipples, distracting her from the other men.

Ow! Motherfucker! How could something that hurt so much feel so fucking good?

When he treated the other nipple to the same abuse, she whined and heaved her chest up for more. Alternating between wanting Diego to stop and being terrified that he would, was giving Petra whiplash. Her safeword danced on the tip of her tongue but there was no way in hell she could bring herself to utter it, not when she was so close to shattering into a million, sparkling pieces. She just needed a little bit more. Was she going to get it? Fuck no. The bastard shifted his position again, making sure he avoided brushing against her clit, and his damnable cock was hitting everything but her g-spot. The only thing she was getting was more frustration.

The determined grimace on his face told her that her devious Master knew exactly how close she was to cumming and was intentionally denying her the orgasm to either prove a point or drive her insane. Probably both, knowing Diego. He was lucky that her arms were restrained because she'd love to erase that smug expression off his face right now...with her fists. Anger gave way to tears of utter despair. Denied the release she so desperately needed, the pressure continued to build inside her belly. Having nowhere to go, it expanded like an over-inflated balloon that refused to burst, all because her Master was expertly depriving her of any contact that would trip that magical switch.

Normally, Diego would've taken a moment to enjoy the exquisite exasperation scrunching up his beloved's pretty face. Seeing the torment slowly unraveling her would've had him feeling all self-satisfied for being the cause, but he didn't have the luxury to savour his accomplishment. The insistent pressure simmering in his balls screamed a warning that precious time was running through his fingers. The orgasm he'd been holding off, was only a handful of heartbeats away from breaking through as his stubborn control rapidly disintegrated.

Sweat poured off his face, dripping onto Petra's breasts in fat droplets, mixing with her own perspiration so that tiny rivulets spilled off her to pool on the table. Fatigue had settled in his thigh muscles, turning them to lead and tremors shook his legs, threatening to fold his knees like a lousy hand of cards. Every muscle he had, tightened in preparation, and if his balls drew up any higher, he'd be chewing on the fuckers. He took one last look at the goddess below him, knowing that what he was about to do would clinch the point of his lesson...and probably make her hate him.

What could he say? He was a bastard.

A few more punishing thrusts and the tidal wave wouldn't be held back any longer. Lightning fired up his spine as his cock swelled in advance of the monster orgasm igniting in his balls. With seconds to spare, he scooped Petra into his arms, clutched her tightly against him and buried his face in the sweet hollow by her neck. She jerked in his arms, struggling to get free as he drove into her body, forcing her to take him as far as he could go.

Suddenly freed from Marcus and Cooper's hold, her hands pummeled his shoulders and shoved at his unyielding chest as she took her frustration out on him, knowing full well the dirty trick he was about to play on her.

No! No! No! He can't! He wouldn't! Damn it! I need to cum too!

"I love you," he ground out, needing her to know that despite his harsh use of her body, he still cherished her more than life itself. His vision flared brilliant white and his brain went abruptly off-line as the most powerful orgasm of his life short-circuited his nervous system. With a rough growl, Diego's knees buckled and he pitched forward, dropping onto Petra while his cock skewered into her, firing his seed into the woman who had stolen his heart.

They lay still for several minutes, Diego on top of Petra while she sobbed quietly, all her fight vanishing in the wake of the intense let-down overcoming her. Both were so exhausted, it was all they could do to keep breathing. When sensation finally returned to his muscles, Diego raised himself off her, not surprised to see her amber eyes incandescent with anger and desperation. He'd just had the best orgasm of his life, but she had yet to cum.

He pretended not to notice the furious tension in her body and lowered his head to kiss her deeply. Despite her rage, she opened her mouth for him willingly, licking and sucking on his tongue as if nothing was the matter, though her rigid muscles said otherwise. She was royally pissed with him and Diego couldn't give a shit. She'd earned this punishment and he'd leave her needy and wanting until she could show him the proper humility and decorum befitting a submissive.

The crowd surrounding their booth let out a collective sigh of appreciation and began dispersing now that the show was over. Petra jolted and pulled away from him in shock, suddenly aware of their audience.

"Eyes on me, little one. Ignore them," he murmured. "You just gave them the best show they've ever seen, my love. You have nothing to be embarrassed about."

Petra turned desperate eyes to him silently begging him for relief from the painful pressure inside of her.

"Good girl," he said, softly. He knew what she wanted but keeping her on edge would only make her release, when he finally allowed it, much more satisfying.

"Hmm, I know you want to cum, my sweet, but, I think you can wait a little longer." He kissed her nose, smiling at her even as she scowled back. Just then, a server appeared by their booth pushing a stainless-steel trolley bearing several covered metal basins and stacks of fresh towels. She parked it close to Diego's side of the table and left as quickly as she'd appeared without making eye contact.

Diego flashed Marcus and Cooper a grateful smile, knowing one of them must have ordered him the Aftercare kit while he'd been preoccupied screwing Petra's brains out. The kit was usually something he'd have arranged in advance but had honestly never expected Petra to let him push her as far as she had. It hadn't occurred to him that he was going to need it, let alone have a thoroughly fucked, angry as shit, subbie to look after. Not that he was complaining, she had surprised him in the best of ways.

Fucking her on the goddamn table in front of everyone definitely hadn't been in his plans, that's for sure. But she had let him, and he'd claimed her in the most spectacular way he could've imagined. Giving herself to him had made him the luckiest bastard in the history of lucky bastards, but he didn't have time to bask in his good fortune. His responsibility as her Master didn't end with his orgasm, the most important part of his job was still waiting to be done. He needed to look after his girl, reconnecting with her without lust colouring his actions. It was time for quiet and for tenderness, something his sweet Petra had definitely earned.

He smoothed a lock of sweat-soaked hair from her forehead and groaned as his dick continued to pulse inside her. He didn't want to pull out just yet, not only because he loved how her pussy felt around him, but doing so now, would release the massive load he'd just emptied into her. One day, that jizz will make us a family. He couldn't stop the ear-to-ear grin that split his face, contentment wrapping his heart in a comforting blanket of warmth.

"You okay?" He asked her quietly, gently caressing her cheek with his thumb. She'd only flirted with subspace thankfully, and wasn't as out of it as she would've been if he'd allowed her to climax.

She blinked and some of the disappointment cleared from her eyes. With a soft smile, she gave him a hesitant nod and then winced as her pussy tensed around his dick. So...not completely okay then.

"Sore, baby?" He shifted his hips and his cock jerked inside her, rubbing the abused tissues.

She gasped, grimacing with discomfort and squirmed beneath him to help dissipate the pain, giving him another quick nod.

Diego sighed. "I figured you would be. Let's take care of you."

He pushed himself up and was about to withdraw from her heat when her legs locked around his ass, preventing him from moving. She shook her head vehemently, her tears suddenly reappearing, pouring from the sides of her eyes. Choking on thick sobs, her arms flew up around his back, clutching him for dear life.

"Shhh, easy baby. I need to get you cleaned up." He brushed his lips over her tears, tasting the salty liquid. "There'll be plenty of time for me to get back inside you later. For now, you need time to recover."

His cock slipped from her opening and she whimpered at its loss. Diego glanced down and staggered as a fierce rush of primal pride overwhelmed him at the sight of his creamy seed leaking from his woman. "Fuck..." he growled. One day soon, his essence wasn't going to go to waste, it was going to create a life inside his girl.

From the Aftercare trolley, he wet a clean washcloth in the basin of steaming water and quickly cleaned himself off before tucking his spent dick back into his leathers and zipping them up. He tossed the dirty washcloth into the laundry bag hanging off the end of the trolley and sighed when dark patches on his leather pants caught his eye. The baby-soft leather was stained with a combination of sweat and both their juices and was probably ruined, but he couldn't care less. He'd happily buy a dozen pairs to replace this one, gladly ruining each and every one of them if it meant a repeat of the mind-blowing sex they'd just shared. An expensive pair of Italian leather pants was a pittance in exchange for the incredible gift Petra had given him.

"Those are garbage now," Cooper chuckled, pointing at the stains.

"Yeah. I should've worn my bloody kilt."

From another covered stainless steel bowl, Diego removed a terry sack filled with ice and pressed it between Petra's legs. She yelped and tried to wriggle away, but Diego stopped her. "Leave it there, baby. I know it's cold, but it will help with the soreness."

He received a glare and a groan for a reply, but she stopped struggling and allowed him to hold the ice pack to her pussy while he pushed her legs together to keep it in place. Grabbing a clean facecloth off the stack, he dipped it into the water and began wiping at the dark streaks of mascara that had melted down her cheeks. In between swipes with the cloth, he stole sweet kisses and whispered endearments until she was moaning and sighing with happiness. She might be tired and sore, but her hormones were still smoldering, her arousal had only been banked for the moment, not extinguished entirely.

With loving gentleness and care that belied the aggravated fucking he'd just given her, Diego patiently washed her down, finishing by cleaning away the semen that had oozed from her core and replacing it with a couple of ice cubes inserted into her pussy before she could stop him. She whined and shuddered at the freezing intrusion but he held them inside, waiting for the ice to melt and numb the soreness. When Petra's eyelids drooped and her body went limp with a long sigh of relief, he removed his hand and replaced it with a clean washcloth snugged between her thighs to absorb any leakage.

"That's my girl," he murmured. "C'mon, time to sit up." Helping her to rise, Diego was ready with a warmed, fleece blanket and wrapped it around her naked body. With the endorphins dissipating and perspiration cooling her skin, she had begun to shiver and he didn't want her to catch a chill. He picked her up and cuddled her, enjoying her soft weight in his arms for a minute, before resettling on the bench seat, cradling her against his chest like a sleepy child.

Throughout all this, Petra submitted to Diego's loving ministrations without complaint – well, except for the ice. That shit was cold but had ultimately helped soothe the burning ache left behind inside her core. Aftercare was her favourite part of their scenes and Diego needed to be allowed to provide it to readjust his own balance as well. She never fought him and didn't try to help or refuse his care, loving that he could be so tender and gentle after being so rough. Her big, strong protector needed the quiet time after such an intense session. He could relax and indulge in being a kind caretaker instead of an imposing, sexual god of a Dom.

Cracking the seal on a bottle of water, he brought it to her lips. "Drink up, pet. You're dehydrated." While she sipped the cold water, he lowered his mouth to her ear and nipped her earlobe. When the water was mostly gone, he fed her small pieces of chocolate and fresh berries, courtesy of the Aftercare kit, watching with approval as the sugar helped perk her energy back up.

As she let the last delicious piece of chocolate melt in her mouth, she snuggled against Diego's broad chest and sighed as his big arms tightened around her. She only partially relaxed, still too keyed up with arousal to come down quickly and Diego sensed the tension in her body, knowing the reason for it, and content to let her stew a while longer.

"Patience, little one. This was only the beginning. Trust me to give you what you need when the time is right," he promised and kissed the hollow of her shoulder, making her shiver in his arms.

Humming contentedly, Petra shifted on his lap getting comfortable, before resting her cheek on his shoulder. With a happy sigh, her eyes closed and she drifted off into a light sleep.

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