Soul Slicer

By Skaterchick32

511 85 20

"Kill me!" He yelled at me with passion in his eyes as I was about to let my fingers trail off the string of... More

Chapter 1 ~ Pilot
Chapter 2 ~ Bondbrothers
Chapter 3 ~ Decision of Helpfullness
Chapter 4 ~ Visions
Chapter 5 ~ Smell of Death
Chapter 6 ~ The Plan
Chapter 7 ~ Wings
Chapter 8 ~ Demonic Angel
Chapter 9 ~ Spirit Animal
Chapter 11 ~ Such a Decisive Plan
Chapter 12 ~ Trauma
Chapter 13 ~ Oh, baby!

Chapter 10 ~ The Ripper

25 6 0
By Skaterchick32

We heard the screams once more and their pitches kept getting higher and higher by the minute. Kayn let me out of his hands and I began running and jumping over glowing gigantic plants, this forest was humongous. Kayn had my hand in his and was leading me since he could smell the air with his high Vampire senses. "Are we almost to them?!" I pleaded concernedly as we were still running and jumping. I started losing my breath.

"Almost. Run faster!" he yelled to me. I couldn't run faster though, I was getting extremely tired and slow. He rolled his eyes and stopped a minute to pick me back up again. He bolted as fast as lightning as I was catching my breath, hanging onto him like a monkey. Whatever is happening to Asher, Nathan, Hazel, and mom; I hope no one is seriously injured by the time Kayn and I get to where they are. Kayn came to an abrupt stop, almost falling over into a deep black six foot long hole that was in the ground. "Woah!" he yelled to himself, barely leaning back to safety. I got off him and looked at him with wide eyes.

What heard to be Hazel's screams echoed throughout the inside of the black hole. I could hear her screaming something in faint, but couldn't figure out what she was saying. "We need to go down there," I assured him with my hands on my hips.

"We don't even know what is down their, Ry.."

"So what? We just let them possibly die?!"

"What if there's more than one thing down there? Then what? We all die?" he stared at me with his worrisome dreamy eyes.

"I'm not going to stand here knowing that there's a possible chance of saving them," I sat down on the ground, having my legs leaning down the inside of the hole. It had warm air steaming transparently from below.

"Let me go first at least," he insisted as he sat on the ground, opposite side of me. I sighed quietly as a reply, trying to not get lost in my deep thoughts of what might happen to us before we were about to go down. He gave me a nod and slipped down into the hole with an expressionless face.

"Looks like it's my turn.." I thought to myself, taking a deep breath for what might happen to all of us. This adventure quickly turned into one of the best, to possibly one of the worst. I slipped down into the hole, covering my mouth, just in case I would scream into the black unknown abyss. Not knowing if I would land on a hard or soft ground, I was grateful for realizing that Kayn had caught me in his arms. He put his finger to his mouth, telling me to not say a word. It was dim light down here, the walls of this place looked like blue glowing granite, and it smelled foul and dead.

"Please, don't hurt him," I heard Hazel plead. Kayn led me to a wall of granite with a crack in it, letting us being able to barely see what was going on where everyone was at.

"I knew that thing would be trouble when I first saw it.." Kayn whispered as quiet as he could under his breath to me. My eyes got a little wide noticing the beast was that orange-striped wolf that we saw when we reached the forest at the beginning. Except, not in wolf form, he was now a black human with two orange stripes going from his head down to his feet. He had Nathan handcuffed with spikes jabbing just slightly into his wrists to the wall, barely leaving his feet touch the floor as the blood from his wrists started dripping down to the ground. I looked over to Kayn seeing that he started to get uncomfortable at the smell of Nathan's blood lingering in the air.

I looked quickly over to where Hazel, Asher, and my mom was at. Hazel was the only one conscious. Asher's and Ivory's head was hung forward unconscious, with their hands also cuffed with spikes. "Ryley!" Hazel screamed again in effortless hope, not knowing that I was here yet.

I looked at Kayn, waiting on what he wanted to do. Nathan was looking over to Hazel, trying to catch his breath as his face started turning pale. "What do we do.." I whispered to Kayn.

He pointed his finger silently towards the human-beast, and mouthed quietly to me, "We both attack him at different angles and come back together as one."

I nodded to him to insure that I agreed with the plan, even though I still didn't know what we were going to fully do after we would attack the human-beast surprisingly. Kayn went around the opposite corner then I went to. The human-beast turned into his wolf in a matter of seconds, pouncing at Kayn, pinning him to the hard rocky ground. "You're supposed to pin him, not for him to pin you," Hazel spoke breathlessly to Kayn in annoyance from us not coming here sooner.

"Shut up or I won't even consider on saving your ass!" Kayn barely huffed out as the wolf was pressing its paws on Kayn, glaring his sharp teeth at him, while trying to nip at his face. I took my bow off my back and loaded an arrow in it. I aimed at the wolf's head and released as the arrow drifted off and stuck into the wolf's head. Nothing happened. The wolf didn't even give a flinch. Instead, he stopped focusing on Kayn and turned to look at me.

"Ryley! Run!" Hazel shouted as she was trying to break her hands free from the cuffs, but failed. The wolf pounced at me without a second of me thinking what I would do next. He pinned me to the ground and I used my bow as a shield by putting it in front of its mouth, using all of my strength so that his teeth hopefully won't reach me. Kayn ran to me to help, but was stunned that once he almost touched the wolf, he got zapped and flew back to the wall where Nathan was almost bled dry. Kayn knew he had to help Nathan before he bled out, but was nervous that he would lose control of his own abilities by all the blood almost draining out of him. As Kayn broke the spike cuffs off of Nathan, leaving him falling to the ground, landing on his knees and hands; I was still in a bad pickle of a situation with the wolf. I groaned in frustration, knowing that the wolf's teeth were two inches away from my face, it's spit drooling on me, which smelled nasty. My emotions were getting the best of me, making my eyes turn black, but it was like I was unable to proceed with my transformation.

Laying there without being able to do anything the wolf broke my bow into disintegrating pieces as it got sucked up into the wolf's airway causing it to form back into it's human form and took a step off of me. It was choking on thin air and tried to reach out to me but broke into a million of pieces, disintegrating and seeping deep within the ground. "My bow.." my heart sank. Was it lost forever? My arrows and quiver disappeared from me as well. I got up to my feet heartbroken, but expressionless, and went over to my mom, looking if she still had a pulse. "Thank god at least.." I said softly, feeling her pulse beating on my fingers. I went over to Asher as Kayn went to break Hazel free. I felt his heartbeat as well and sighed in relief. "Everyone is alright," I smiled over to Kayn and Hazel. I pried as hard as I could with all of my strength and broke both of Asher's and my mom's cuffs off of them. They fell to the ground still being unconscious.

"Nathan!" Hazel whimpered as Kayn set her free, running over to Nathan's side. She put her hand on his shoulder and grabbed his hand with her other free one, lifting him up to his feet.

"I feel cold.." he said drifting off as his face was still utterly pale. He collapsed and was unconscious.

Hazel looked at us with tears forming in her eyes. "Someone do something!" she was mainly looking at Kayn rather than me. She looked back to Nathan, bringing his body onto hers, and cradled him. "Stay with me, baby.." she sniffled as her nose and eyes were dripping of sorrow.

"I can turn him into a Vampire.." Kayn suggested to her casually, but nervous as he was waiting for her response. She looked at him with tears running down her face, not being able to say anything, and desperately nodded in approval.

I put my hand on Kayn's shoulder and he looked at me quickly. "Are you sure?" I asked concerned.

"Please, just do something," Hazel murmured as she wiped her own tears away.

"I have to try, love," he looked at me with meaningful eyes and walked over to Hazel. "Move," he told her demandingly. She got up quickly, but carefully laying Nathan on the ground before she made her lead. "I don't know if this will work because of all of the blood that he's already lost, but I will try the best that I can," he assured Hazel.

"Of course, all we can do is try," she agreed as she walked over to her brother, lying on the ground unconsciously. She tried to wake both Asher and Ivory as I was focused on watching Kayn. He put Nathan's pale neck close to his fangs that were now sticking out, and started sucking his neck as Nathan's body started to twitch uncontrollably. Blood was leaking out the side of Kayn's mouth as he looked up to me with blood red eyes, staring at me with fulfillment of warlock blood on his lips. I made my eyes turn into their black self and stared back at him. We were perfectly indifferent in all the most dangerous ways.

Nathan was gasping for air as his eyes turned into golden looking doubloons, with his twitching body matching his face expression. Hazel ran over to him with hopes that she has her love back. As a transformed-born new fledgling he sprung off of Kayn and knocked Hazel to the ground, looking for any blood that he could first sight out. Instinctively I lunged for Nathan, pinning him down to the ground. With his new strength he threw me off of him and I hit the granite wall. Groaning in pain from the hard hit, I tried to stand up. My world was turning dizzy as I saw Kayn trying to decide on whether he should help me or help Nathan, whom had turned into a crazed nightmare. I fell to the ground, not being unconscious, but trying to catch my breath and rest myself up.

"Nathan, stop!" Hazel shouted to him as he was still twitching. His head was twitching from side to side, he kept smelling the air uncontrollably, and his fangs were sticking out. Kayn ran to Nathan and gripped onto Nathan's shoulder's as hard as he could.

"He just has to make it through the transformation, then he'll be fine!" Kayn yelled out in frustration with Nathan in his arms, assuring Hazel. Nathan was fidgeting, trying to break free from Kayn, but was unable to because Kayn was way to strong and powerful for him.

"How could you let me be turned into this, you bitch!" Nathan gritted through his teeth, looking at Hazel with piercing golden eyes.

"Don't listen to him Hazel, he has no clue what he is saying. Trust me," he insisted as he grabbed Nathan's neck; pulling him closer to himself. "Shut up and let this overcome you!" he whisperedly-yelled into Nathan's ear.

Nathan broke free from Kayn's grasp on his neck, but didn't break free from his grip. He looked at Hazel. "Worthless cunt! Worthless cunt!" he started yelling repeatedly over and over again. She started to cry as she started running over to me. "Cunt! Cunt! Cunt! Stupid cunt! Run!" he kept screaming on top of his lungs. Kayn had enough of his foul language and smacked Nathan's head into the granite, causing him to pass out instantly unharmed.

"There, now transform without being a dick," Kayn spat at him and kicked him in the side, then came running to me as well. "Hey, hey.." he bent down on his knees and picked me up into his arms as my eyes were starting to roll in the back of my head from being dizzy.

"I just want to get out of here.." I whispered to him and Hazel, who was still by me.

"What..what happened?" I heard my mom's voice trailing through the air, I played a soft smile upon my lips in relief that she was for sure alright.

"What happened to him.." Asher too spoke, but in confusion; seeing Nathan passed out with his golden eyes still opened wide.

"He's transforming into a Vampire," Hazel replied back to Asher as she went to go help him and Ivory stand to their feet.

"Is that beast thing gone?" Asher asked all of us as he dusted himself off.

I got out of Kayn's grasp. "It's gone, but I think I lost my bow in the process.." I sighed as a response. Everyone looked at me and saw the pain and sadness in my eyes from my lost bow.

"I'm sure it'll pop up somewhere," my mom reassured me, but I knew for a fact that it was gone.

"Since everyone is alright, we should head back out on the road and get out of this forest and get to the other Academies," Kayn broke the saddened atmosphere.

"Agreed," we all said back to him, except for Nathan who was still unconscious.

Kayn went over to Nathan and picked him up over his shoulder and walked over to us. "How are we supposed to get out of here?"

"I can see if my raven can bring us back up," Hazel tsked as she touched her necklace, letting her raven come out once more. It was brought out of the necklace but smaller so that it could fit through the giant hole that led us all here. "Only some people at a time," she told all of us as she hopped on. "Kayn and Nathan first," she looked back at all of us.

Kayn sat on the back of the raven with Nathan in his arms and Hazel pulled on the reigns, making the raven fly up the hole.

"How are you guys?" I turned to look at Asher and Ivory.

"Been better," Asher retorted. Before my mom could say anything Hazel flew down and waited for the rest of us to hop on. Once we got on the back of the raven she flew up out of the hole. Thank god we were done down there. Asher, Ivory, and I got off the back of Hazel's raven and I snapped my fingers, making my Shadowmare pop out of nowhere. He was built more masculine this time and its nostrils flared with beaming red as black smoke trailed throughout it. We decided that it was time to get out of this hectic forest and began moving forward on with our journey. "How's Nathan doing?" Hazel looked back at Kayn and Nathan. Those two were on the back of Hazel's raven. Ivory and Asher were on the back of my Shadowmare.

"He's doing fine, I just checked his pulse and his eyes are still golden!" Kayn yelled back to her as the wind was rustling high within the air. As Hazel was leading Asher, Ivory, and I my Shadowmare found a gravel trail and it began sprinting forward as Hazel's raven was doing twirls throughout the air. It was getting hotter and hotter throughout the day as the dust started to pick up from the wind. I wonder what will happen with Nathan once he wakes up from his transformation. Is it going to be more difficult for him or will he pull through and be normal like how he used to be? Would it effect Hazel in the end?

It had been hours of riding through the gravel hot dusty trail. We were all starting to grow hungry. Hazel, this time, whistled for me to stop. She glided her way down to the ground and landed just right before me. "I think we're all getting hungry. I know somewhere around here that there's a place where every creature or assassin goes to eat, since this is a long journey after all."

"There's really a place to eat around here? Sounds too good to be true," my mother spoke out as she poked her head out around the corner, which I was blocking her, looking at Hazel.

"Right! There's a place that I don't think is too far from here. Maybe there's a place to get some rest from the horrible day we all have had," she looked at us and then to Nathan; who was still knocked out. "And for his sake," she added.

"I mean, sounds good to me," I smiled. "I could go for something to eat, and I'm sure everyone else is starving," I said looking back behind me, seeing that Asher was nodding in approval, then looked at Kayn who had a smile on his face.

"Alright!" Hazel smiled. "Then let's go!" she pulled the reins and began flying up again.

I patted my Shadowmare's long ghostly hair and pulled the reins so that we would be running in sync with Hazel's movements. We began running again as the sky grew hazy and foggy, covering the stars from up in the sky. We had put a whole entire day into just running throughout the fantasy realm. I'm guessing our next place after we would be done eating, would be straight to one of the Academies. I have high hopes and beliefs that they will join us and fight for what's right. We made our way to a large cabin-looking place where there were horses and wolves tied up to the post just right outside the eating place.

I could smell the delicious food all around me and small bickering and laughter from the inside. Hazel started gliding down as she made her way to me. Kayn picked Nathan up in his arms and got off the raven. Hazel got off and rubbed her necklace, putting the raven back to rest. Asher and Ivory got off and I snapped my fingers, letting my Shadowmare disappear into the air. "Mmm, It smells so good," I smelled the air with my eyes closed as I smiled.

"Right! I can't wait to stuff myself!" Hazel eagerly smiled to me.

"Then what are you guys waiting for?" Asher started walking to the front door with my mother following behind him. It's like they were friends in a weird way.

"Isn't going to be weird carrying an unconscious person in there?" I turned to Kayn, almost laughing at the thought.

"I guess.." he replied. "Just wait," he stuck his tongue out playfully at me and started walking to a nearby bush. It was getting dark out so it wasn't like anyone would see what was about to happen. Kayn shoved Nathan back into the bushes as Hazel and I heard a thud.

"Seriously," she started. "You couldn't be any more careful," she glared at Kayn and he shrugged his shoulder's in reply.

"Let's go eat," I quietly laughed under my breath, becoming amused by this incident. We walked in and people were talking to each other with smiles and laughter, except for two men bickering back and forth about who knows what. We all ignored them, as did everyone else. The place was decorated in fine lighting, with a glass chandelier above our heads and classical music that was barely making a noise through the busted speakers. We went to go sit down where Asher and my mother was, which was at the bar area.

"What can I get you guys?" the bartender asked us as his black beard moved as he talked. He had piercings on his upper eyebrow and a tattoo of a naked mermaid on his neck, with a scar across his forehead going down through his eye.

"Um, I'll just have a water," I smiled kindly at him.

"You?" he looked at Kayn.

"Whiskey strong."

"Ohh! I'll take a Sarsaparilla!" Hazel's eyes were sparkling at him. He finally gave out a little smile in the corner of his mouth in awe. Hazel was such a flirt in the most weird ways.

"Coming right up," he went to the backroom. Asher and Ivory already had their drinks, which was water and Sprite.

"So," I looked over to Hazel. "After this we're leaving and going to the Academy?"

"Either that, or if you want, we could stay here for the night?" she offered as she tapped her fingers on the tan counter.

"How far until we reach the Academy?" Kayn budged in as Asher and mom were chit chatting away, ignoring us.

"Maybe an hour or two? Depends on how fast we ride-"

"Here you go," the bartender dropped off all of our drinks, interrupting Hazel. "On the house," he smiled at her. "Can I get you guys something to eat?"

"Yess please! We're starving!" Hazel exasperatedly said, making a little dramatic scene.

"Burgers on the house?" he asked nicely, just looking at her and only her.

"Burgers alright, guys?" she asked all of us and we all nodded in approval. Who could go wrong with a free juicy burger?

"Be right back," he winked at her and left to the backroom once again.

"Geez Hazel, what about Nathan who is lying in a bush unconscious?" I giggled out to her.

"A little flirting isn't bad. Plus," she smiled and whispered to me. "We get free food, and it helps in our benefit because we're broke as a joke," she smiled as I rolled my eyes at her.

Kayn nudged me. "Hey, I think those guys are talking about you.." he breathed jealously. "They've been pointing at you a couple of times and I've been..kind of glaring in return."

"Don't mind them. They don't even know any of us," I assured him as I put my hand on his knee, almost by his crotch area. His eyes lit up and he looked at me, but I didn't look at him. The bartender came with our food and we thanked him. We scarfed down our food in a hurry, eating all the juicy goodness that was just for us. I sipped on my water just as one of the guys who Kayn was telling me about, came up to me.

"You're Seifer's daughter, aren't you?" the guy put his arm on the bar counter and glared at me. I didn't say anything, not knowing what to say. He put a finger on his temple and looked to something behind me.

"You're coming with us," the other guy grabbed me from behind.

"The hell she is," Kayn stood up and got in the blonde haired guy's face. "She isn't going anywhere with you fucktards!" he pushed him back and the guy hit the counter.

"Kayn, stop," Hazel came to his side.

The blonde guy nodded to the black haired guy. And that's when I realized it. These were the men who were chasing me and my foster dad at the way beginning.

"No, Kayn," I started as Asher and my mom stood up. "We all need to go now!" I started running, knowing that these guys were way too dangerous. They didn't seem like much, but they knew how to take care of a job. We all began running out the door, but just then every person in here came to an awakening. These were part of the Assassins that still hated our Academy still. They blocked the exit and had their bows and knives out right before us.

"Either, you let me take the girl, or the mother," the blonde hair man approached Kayn, getting up in his face as a returned favor of what Kayn done to him.

"Or both," the black haired guy insisted. "Take it as a favor of the rest of you not dying."

"You're not taking neither of them!" Kayn spat in his face. The blonde hair guy had enough of him and tased Kayn with an electricity sword. Kayn twitched uncontrollably to the ground and we all gasped silently.

"Just take me, please," my mother pleaded to both of them. I couldn't lose her again.

Before anything else could happen we heard screams and ripping of people's flesh. It was Nathan. He jumped on everyone that blocked the exit and started ripping their heads off with his fangs hanging out of his mouth. Blood trailed down his chin. He didn't hesitate. He meant business. He was fast as lightning, ripping people's head off and ripping their hearts out one by one before they could do anything to stop it. The blonde and black haired guys ran the other way, breaking out the window, leaving behind any ally they had inside the diner. They were selfish.

Nathan didn't stop. We let him do what he had to do to be able to get us out of there. People, starting to realize that they were all going to die, started pleading for their life. Nathan didn't have a thought in his head that he cared and still continued to suck people's blood, ripping their hearts out, and ripping their heads out without a flinch. Bloody bodies lay on the ground, dead in cold blood. "Nathan.." Hazel echoed throughout the place, with hopes that he'll stop spreading bloodshed. He stopped right when he heard her voice as blood was all around his mouth and down his shirt, dripping onto the floor before him; letting only three people being able to get out as fast as they could.

The bartender ran for his life, starting to run out of the exit, but was caught by Nathan with one hand and twirled him around so that he'd be facing him. "Don't you ever talk to my girl again," his eyes were more golden then they have even been and without another word from anybody he ripped out the bartender's heart and he fell to the floor. Nathan then ripped his heart into pieces and put it in his mouth and swallowed it in one gulp.

Kayn looked at Nathan with wide eyes. "You're a Ripper."

Please vote and comment if you enjoy my story:) that would mean so much to me !

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