Descendants of The Sun: The S...

By ApplePie0097

130K 2.5K 877

The love story between a soldier and a doctor reaches new heights, as their bond strenghtens to a point where... More

Chapter One-Part One
Chapter One-Part Two
Chapter One-Part Three
Chapter One-Part Four
Chapter Two-Part One
Chapter Two-Part Two
Chapter Two-Part Three
Chapter Two-Part Four
Chapter Two-Part Five
Chapter Three-Part One
Chapter Three-Part Two
Chapter Three-Part Three
Chapter Three-Part Four
Chapter Three-Part Five
Chapter Three-Part Six
Chapter Four-Part One
Chapter Four-Part Two
Chapter Four-Part Three
Chapter Four-Part Four
Chapter Five-Part One
Chapter Five-Part Two
Chapter Five-Part Three
Chapter Five-Part Four
Chapter Six-Part One
Chapter Six-Part Two
Chapter Six-Part Three
Chapter Six-Part Four
Chapter Seven-Part One
Chapter Seven-Part Two
Chapter Seven-Part Three
Chapter Seven-Part Five
Chapter Seven-Part Six
Chapter Eight-Part One
Chapter Eight-Part Two
Chapter Eight-Part Three
Chapter Eight-Part Four
Chapter Eight-Part Five
Chapter Nine-Part One
Chapter Nine-Part Two
Chapter Nine-Part Three
Chapter Nine-Part Four
Chapter Nine-Part Five
Chapter Ten-Part One
Chapter Ten-Part Two
Chapter Ten-Part Three
Chapter Ten-Part Four
Chapter Ten-Part Five
Chapter Ten-Part Six

Chapter Seven-Part Four

2.3K 54 30
By ApplePie0097

"Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness."

(Desmond Tutu)

   Mo Yeon struggled to control the unbearable pain of her wound. A few minutes had passed since Sun Yang ran away, and the gunfight outside intensified. She was in a dire situation to win her battle against the searing pain, but with every second flew, her body started to get weaker. Not only that her body was getting colder, and she suddenly shivered. By then, her clothing, especially the wound area was heavily stained with blood.

   Seconds turned to minutes, and the more time past by, the weaker she became. She felt really tired, and her eyelids became heavy. The gunfight was still going on outside.

   Then, some minutes later, she heard the door of the meeting room opening with a loud bang, and she heard someone stepping into the room. Weakly, she turned her head around to see who it was, but by then, her vision had blurred that everything around her became virtually unrecognisable. Still, she could see the silhouette of a man, clad in something light brown. She heard muffled voices, and the man rushed to her aid.

   However, before she could even get a closer look at the saviour, her body couldn't bear it anymore. Slowly, her eyes closed, and before she knew it, darkness took over.


   Si Jin barged into the meeting room alone, and frantically searched for her. He turned to the right, and what he saw next pierced his heart until it shattered to dust.

   Mo Yeon was there, lying on the ground in a pool of blood. She was still moving though, and he could see that she tried to move her head to his direction.

   Si Jin froze all of the sudden, when her eyes, half-closed, met his. His muscles ceased to work, and everything around him seemed to stop in time along with every sound and every sensation. Everything seemed vacuumed. The only thing he felt alive, was his beating heart, and his distorted breath, and the sight of the lady he loves-down to the ground.

   He couldn't let himself get distracted anymore. He switched his mind instantly, and during that change of senses, he regained control of his body. Without hesitation, he dropped his rifle, and ran towards her. Halfway, he skidded down to the floor. It was at that very moment when he saw her eyes shut. He managed to reach her, holding her in his arms as desperation ran deep in his veins. "Mo Yeon-ah!" He called out. Si Jin turned his attention to her wound, and immediately, he placed his gloved right hand atop her already placed and bloody hands, delivering extra pressure to prevent more blood from flowing out. Her back of her neck laid on his free left hand, and she seemed unconscious. "Mo Yeon-ah, wake up!" He called again, shaking her lightly. He noticed the patch of blood on the floor, and he instinctively knew that she had been bleeding out for quite some time already.

   He noticed too, that Sun Yang was missing. Si Jin saw an open emergency door, but right now, his attention was primarily focused on Mo Yeon. There's no point chasing after Sun yang, if he can't even keep Mo Yeon alive. By that time, the gunfight had subsided. Mo yeon was still not responsive, leading Si Jin to become increasingly emotional. He began to cry out of desperation and anxiety. "Mo Yeon-ah, jaebal! Please wake up! Don't leave me yet!" He choked, shaking her again. "This is Bog Boss! Requesting immediate medivac for one survivor! Requesting backup! Please hurry!" He radioed in English to his colleagues outside.

   Then, all of the sudden, Mo Yeon began coughing out blood, much to his horror. The only good news was that it showed that she was still pretty much alive. "Mo yeon-ah, gwaenchana?" He found himself asking. It might be a foolish question to ask right now, considering the condition she was in. She moved her head slightly towards him, and Si Jin's heart elated for a short moment when he saw her eyes opened. He actually chuckled.

   "Si Jin-ah......" He heard her whispering his name weakly, her weak eyes staring straight at him. "....Is"

   Si Jin, in all his glory of a man and a pride of a soldier, suddenly found himself tearing up in front of his love. He didn't know whether it was the anxiety or his emotions that was messing with his feelings, but anyhow, it showed his soft side. He continued tearing up, feeling elated yet extremely heartbroken at the same time, one was to see his love still alive, while the other was his eternal regret of not being able to keep her safe like he always promised he will. He nodded his head, smiling weakly as he choked up. "Ne, Mo Yeon-ah." He said. "I'm here. I'm here for you."

   Like for the first time in his life, he actually saw her smile, albeit a weak one. She lifted her free left hand, and slowly and weakly she touched Si Jin's left side of the cheek, not bothering the blood stained on her fingers and eventually his face as she touched. Three small red lines marked his face as she touched, but anyhow, Mo Yeon was absolutely glad, to be able to see Si Jin's face like she had just seen the most wonderful face in her life for the first time. "Jinjja?" She muttered softly. "Is this a dream?"

   "Ani, Mo Yeon-ah. This is not a dream. I am here now, for you." Si Jin replied.

   "Then......then I cold?" Mo Yeon spoke softly, her breath suddenly laboured which worried Si Jin. "I feel cold, Si Jin-ah. It much...." Her face began to show some serious strain, the immense sensation of pain probably kicking in.

   Si Jin instantly realised that Mo Yeon was slipping away. He looked at the wound, and only saw more blood oozing out from her wound. He knew that he had no time to lose, and he became increasingly desperate.

   "Wha...what's going on with me.....Si Jin-ah?" Mo Yeon asked, eyes showing her greatest suffering which pierced Si Jin's heart like a cannonball. "Am...I going to die?"

   Die? Now? No way. Not a chance. He's not going to let her go, not now. After all the things they had done, the times they shared, amd the love they bonded, she's going to leave just like that? Never will–not without a fight. Si Jin's face frowned, still tearing up. He pressed the wound harder. "Aniyo." He replied. "You are NOT going to die. You will never die, not oj my watch!" He avowed. "Now, I need you to fight! Fight! Fight like a soldier to survive! Don't lose your fight, Mo Yeon-ah, I will not allow you to leave me on my watch!" He encouraged. "I'm holding the wound for you, but I NEED your will!"

   At that moment, Si Jin heard footsteps entering the room. He briefly turned around, and he saw Aleya, Dr Song, and Yoon Mi along with Captain Hong Guan rushing to his aid. The three doctors were literally shocked to their wits, standing frozen as they saw the bloodied victim which was none other that their very own colleague–Kang Mo Yeon. Yoon Mi, whose relationship with Mo Yeon was more than just a student-teacher bond, cupped her mouth as she began to tear up.

   Aleya was the first to act, her medical skill still in her peak despite years of espionage training. Together with Si Jin, she placed both of her hands on Mo Yeon's wound. Dr Song reacted second by cutting out the right side of the long sleeve of his shirt, and then used it as a bandage to wrap around her wound. "How long has she been like this?" Aleya asked in English to Si Jin.

   "I...I don't know. Ten minutes at most." Si Jin stuttered, eyes looking only at Mo Yeon.

   "We need to take her to the hospital, quick!" Dr Song suggested. "She's losing too much blood to survive at this rate!"

   "Must be the artery." Aleya diagnosed. "Major, we need to move now! It's her only chance of survival!"

   Si Jin could agree no more. He supported Aleya's decision, and then carefully, Si Jin lifted Mo Yeon up in her arms. Together, the team moved, while Yoon Mi, who was still teary, followed closely behind. Hong Guan led the way, radioing the rest of the team to clear every inch of the City Hall as they proceeded towards the hospital. It wasn't hard to find a vehicle once they stepped outside, and Hong Guan 'borrowed' a humvee to transport them to the hospital.

   Hong Guan wasted no time. Immediately, he stepped on the pedal, and the humvee zoomed away from the City Hall in full speed. Si Jin, at the back of the humvee together with the weak Mo Yeon with the three doctors crammed beside them, held Mo Yeon closely in his arms. He was fighting back tears.

   "Si Jin-ah..." Mo Yeon suddenly whispered out, her bloodied right hand slowly outstretched. Si Jin instinctively held on to her hand, holding it tighly like life depending on it. This time, Si Jin really depended on it, the remaining pieces of her life she still had left in her weakening soul. "Your hands are warm..."

   The entire team listened to her words with great empathy. Mo Yeon's bleeding out too much, and Aleya in particular, including Dr Song, knew that her chances were fading rapidly. At any moment, her body will shut itself down one-by-one, leaving only her heart and mind to fend for itself. Once the last line was breached, it's all over for her. Aleya glanced at Si Jin with worried eyes, for her two fingers were placed on Mo Yeon's wrist, and from the looks of Aleya's face, it didn't sound good. Aleya could feel Mo Yeon's heartbeat getting weaker by the second.

   Si Jin briefly stared at Aleya, and he knew from the expression of hers what she meant. However, Si Jin wasn't giving up yet. He shook his head, hand still holding Mo Yeon's, as tears began to fall again. "No, Aleya." He disagreed in English. "She will not die today. She will survive this."

   "Si Jin-ah..." Mo Yeon whispered again.


   "It''s okay..." She began, giving out a weak smile. "I...know how I am. I'm a doctor, remember?"

   Si Jin could not believe his ears. She's literally giving up fighting for her life. That was something Si Jin will not, and never will accept. "Andwae, Mo Yeon-ah." He protested, a teardrop falling on her cheek. "You will never leave me. I know you still can fight, and please, fight for the two of us!"

   "...I am....but I can't....anymore." Mo Yeon spoke. "I am too losing too much blood–"

   "Don't you ever say that!" Si Jin interjected, hugging her body in one quick succession. If it was his warmth she needed, or the sound of his heartbeat, or a piece of his thoughts, he would gladly deliver it. All as long as she continued to live–for herself, for him, and for their relationship. "I'll never let you go! Never! I love you, Mo Yeon-ah! Live for us! Don't give up now!"


   "No buts!" Si Jin pulled away slightly, touching her already pale face with his right palm. "You are a doctor, for crying out loud! You took the oath! Do you want to leave this world, without fulfilling your oath?!" Si Jin questioned, his tone somewhat commanding. "Use your skill! Save yourself! I will always be the one who got your back!"

   His words made Mo Yeon silent. Her eyes gazed at Si Jin's face.

   Si Jin, despite realising how futile the situation had become, and despite fighting to defeat reality but failed, knew that he was all she ever needed at this moment. She needed his greatest support, and Si Jin was trying his best to deliver it. However, the pain might be too much for a small-sized body of hers to handle, and Si Jin knew deeply, that her knowledge in medical sciences will not come in handy. Still, if she wanted to leave, Si Jin wanted to make sure, that she will fight to the very finish.

   It's been more than a year since they were together. They've managed to come this far, despite all the apologies and sudden heartbreaks they had to endure. They were an unusual couple–a doctor and a soldier with a same purpose but of different set of ideas.

   Yes, Si Jin kills for the sake of the peace of his country and its people. Si Jin's a soldier, an occupational hazard. Soldiers were always misunderstood, shunned upon by their own people due to their 'irrelevance'. They kill, so they have blood on their hands. They had lower pay compared to businessmen, and lived with nothing but dirt in order to survive. While those rich chaebols, or at least the common people, lived in comfortable households, people like Si Jin soaked under the sun, dropped from the sky and bathed under their own sweat and shit. Yet, what made those soldiers stood out among the rest, Si Jin in particular, was the honour he was raised with. Si Jin believed in what he fought for, and will never be bent or be corrupted by anyone. Protecting the children, the elderly and beautiful women were his utmost priority, and he would always honour his soldier's pledge no matter where he went.

   As for Mo Yeon, she's a doctor, a person with brains. She saw the world of the human body like a two-paged fairy tale story–easily understood and mastered. She had everything, except connections. Still, compared to Si Jin, she lived a better life. While Si Jin lived in the bunks of his barracks, Mo Yeon had her castle of her own where she can rest and relax in her own comfort zone. She rescued lives, saving people using her knowledge and skill without fail. Unlike Si Jin who had to kill for the sake of survival and the mission, Mo Yeon needed only her brains to get things right. Problem solved, one life saved. That's how her world literally works, unlike anything compared to Si Jin. In Si Jin's world, as long as there are bad guys in the world, the work is never finished.

   Yet, fate had different plans for the two of them, and it was destiny that they met and eventually became lovers. It all came to the great understanding of each other's jobs, all of which happened during the tragic earthquake. Both of them came to a steady realisation that humanity was the main reason for their work–whether it was holding a gun or operating with a scalpel, both jobs had the same purpose, which was to ensure that lives could be saved, and the damage could be minimised. There's a connection between the occupations they worked on, and only when they come together this faint connection can be seen.

   It was Si Jin's valiant heart, and his ultimate honourable character that caught Mo Yeon's attention, and it was Mo Yeon's inner beauty that made Si Jin so attracted to her. They realised that their hearts beat as one, and they established a connection that no one else can duplicate–telepathic connection. Somehow, the two of them can read each other's minds, although Mo Yeon's ability was stronger than his.

   Been through hell and back, surviving deadly situations together, saving each other's backs like close comrades, there's nothing the couple can't do together. One thing's for sure–as long as they are together, nothing will tear them apart. Now, in a dire situation like this, Mo Yeon decided to leave it all to fate. Si Jin knew there was an ounce of energy left in her, he felt it. The only way to spark back her fighting spirit, was for him to convince her to fight on. If nothing could tear them apart, then this wound, shall be an obstacle they will get through no matter what.

   In fact, Si Jin had so much things to say to her–the one in particular he had been trying to tell her but he couldn't. Since this might be the last time he could ever be with her, Si Jin decided to share his greatest intentions. Whether or not his confession would inspire her to fight on, or to be his last words goodbye, at least Si Jin had told what he needed to tell.

   "I want you to live for me, Mo Yeon-ah." He whispered, going low this time. "You are my everything–the whole of me. I can't go on, without you by my side. You lit up my world, do you know that?"

   Mo Yeon stayed silent.

   "There's something I wanted to tell you for a long time. I've been trying to....convey it to you, but I couldn't find the right moment. I fear that you are not prepared for it, that's why I keep it buried." Si Jin choked up. "I left you with so little hints that you don't see it." He turned away for a moment, his mind in a state of disbelieve that this would be the moment where he would tell her wholeheartedly, the moment where Mo Yeon was dying. He gathered his guts, facing Mo Yeon. "I want to marry you, Mo Yeon-ah."

   His eventual confession sent shockwaves to the entire team. Aleya, Dr Song and Yoon Mi glanced at each other, feeling unsure whether they had heard it right.

   "I want to build a family with you, Mo Yeon-ah–you, me, our kids, our home. I want to do a lot of things with you, take care of you, cherish you, appreciate you like you're the only woman in the world. We can go for a holiday together, maybe make our very own adventure together." Si Jin confessed. "I want to make ever lasting memories with you, jagiya. Let's hold each other's hands, till we can no longer live."

   This time, Mo Yeon began to tear up. She was deeply touched by his confession. It was at that moment when she eventually made her choice–a choice she had been wanting to make for a long time when the moment arose. Now that the right moment had arrived, what else did she have to lose?

   "Mo Yeon-ah," Si Jin called her affectionately, "..will you marry me?"

   Mo Yeon's answer was immediate. Gathering all the strength she had left inside her, she arched forward, her left hand suddenly holding the back of Si Jin's neck, and then in a moment which seemed to only exist in the movies, Mo Yeon kissed him passionately. It was as if her spirits had been lifted, energy surging back into her battered soul.

   The others watched with awe at the great romantic relationship between them. Despite all the pain, Mo Yeon somehow defied fate, and kissed Si Jin like the couple had a clue. Whatever it was, the answer was clear–Mo Yeon accepted his proposal.

   Si Jin knew the answer. Her actions told the truth. In response, he kissed her back, delivering the most precious love he could ever give to his dying lover. He kissed her deeply, emotions running high. Eventually, they pulled back, her left palm placed on his face and a weak smile plastered on her pale face. "I take that as a 'yes'." Si Jin smirked.

   "I for you..." She replied in a weak but seemingly determined tone. "For the two of us–together."

   Si Jin was visibly elated. He held her hand tightly, kissing her knuckles lovingly. He was still tearing up like a little boy, but those tears weren't just tears of sadness or grief, but of determination and will. He was glad that she was fighting now–not only for herself, but for the future of their lives as one. "For the two of us." Si Jin avowed.

   If there was one person in particular who was deeply affected by the enchanting scenario, it was none other than Yoon Mi herself. Finally, she knew what it was like to be a part of the military family, and how much sacrifice both sides had to make to maintain that bond. Although she had not seen much, but the scene in front of her was all that it took to tell how much the couple had been through together, and their undying love for each other was the perfect evidence of the sacrifices they had made.


Uruk Capital Hospital
Some time later
   Mo Yeon managed to survive so far, thanks to Si Jin's relentless support and her own will to survive. However, she had lost some amount of blood, and there were concerns that she might not last for the next few minutes. As soon as the humvee arrived at the emergency bay, Mo Yeon was brought in straight away to the operation room. Yoon Mi, who was insistent to save her senior, would be the one in charge of saving her sunbae's life.

   When Yoon Mi entered the operation room in her surgical gown, she saw the body of her senior all wired up and her mouth placed with oxygen mask. Mo Yeon had been dosed with anaesthetic, so she was asleep. She will not feel pain during the operation, but the damage she had in her body will kill her silently if not treated immediately.

   Yoon Mi instantly realised that she had a big burden on her shoulders. This was no ordinary patient she had treated before on the surgery table, this was her senior she was handling now–the person who had guided her with every knowledge she had to be where Yoon Mi was today. Yoon Mi's going to save her own teacher, and this won't be an easy task.

   Moments ago, she had promised Si Jin that whatever the situation was, she would give her very best to save Mo Yeon. She swore with her own life, that no matter what, Mo Yeon must live. She went into the operation room with that kind of will, and today, she will never let that promise go to waste. She let out a sigh, steadying herself for the inevitable task ahead of her. For an intern to initiate this major operation was a major feat, and she had just experienced only a few operations herself.

   It was Mo Yeon who had allowed her to operate. Now was the time to express her gratitude. Whatever experience she had gained this far, was all thanks to Mo Yeon. She proceeded to the table, heart beating nervously despite telling herself not to panic. She stepped to the spot where she needed to be. "How's the patient?" Yoon Mi asked in a commanding tone to the local nurse standing near the EKG in English.

   "Blood pressure low and heartbeat's irregular." The nurse replied. "She needs to be saved now."

   Yoon Mi needn't be reminded of that fact. She knew what to do. For once, her eyes glanced at Dr Song, who nodded his head slightly to give her the green light and encouragement. "I need your help, sunbaenim." She requested in Hangul to Dr Song. "No one's dying today, not on my watch." She avowed.

   "I will help whatever I can." Dr Song responded with determination.

   At that exact moment, the sliding doors of the operation room suddenly opened, and the person that appeared in front of the door, was none other than Dr Athena herself. Her real identity's still relatively unknown to the rest of Mo Yeon's team. "I hope I'm not late." She spoke with that same confident tone she had used when the Korean team first arrived.

   Yoon Mi smiled. A professional had just came to deliver her services, and Yoon Mi was glad that she had obtained herself some extra help. "No, you're not. We're just getting started."

   "Well, lead the way, lady." She spoke as she approached the table. "I'll guide you."

   "Thanks, doctor." Yoon Mi expressed.

   If only Yoon Mi had known what Aleya's true intentions were. "I'm beginning the operation." She heard Yoon Mi announcing. As the operation commenced, Aleya found herself staring at the wounded doctor in front of her–the doctor whom she had lied to, and a friend she had unwillingly fooled. It was the great sense of guilt that encouraged her to come to the operation room. Initially, she was reluctant. After all the lies she had told Mo Yeon, she found herself completely shameful to face Mo Yeon.

   Something told Aleya that she should just own up to her mistakes. Even if Mo Yeon might not forgive her, at least Aleya had tried. In fact, she had just saved Mo Yeon's life once, albeit a disastrous result in the end. What more does she have to lose, if she could save Mo Yeon once again and forever clear the debt between them?

   Aleya watched as Yoon Mi began operating on the wound, searching carefully for the severed artery that was pouring ot blood. Carefully guiding Yoon Mi along the way, Aleya made a vow in her thoughts–the one she would try her best to fulfill and thus, remove all debt for good.

   Don't worry, Dr Kang. I will do my best. Even if you hate me for life, I will still try to save you. I hope you can understand that whatever I'm doing, is for the sake of the people I cared about.

   Little did Aleya know that during the surgery, Yoon Mi had also made a vow of her own.

   Sunbaenim, I would like to thank you for the opportunity you gave me. Now, it's my turn to return you a favour. Don't worry, sunbaenim, I will not fail you, for you will forever be my teacher I duly respect till the day I die.


   Si Jin waited outside the operation theatre, sitting down in the chair as he cupped his face with both of his gloved hands. The soggy sensation of his gloves reminded him of the blood that had stained his gloves–Mo Yeon's blood, on his hands.

   His emotions ran high, anxiety mixed with anger all jumbled up in his brain all at once. His worry for Mo Yeon was intense, and his heart beat in a laboured motion. In his heavy breath, he wondered, if Mo Yeon couldn't survive this calamity.

   He saw himself in a white room, its spaces indefinite and never-ending. He was walking, he pictured, towards the only thing that stood out amongst the white atmosphere–a bed, a surgical bed to be exact, and a body on it, lying peacefully. Instincts told him to approach the bed, and he eventually learned that instincts were the worst material of fear, when he saw that the body lying on the bed was none other than Mo Yeon. She physically had nothing on her body, only a white cloth drapped up to her neck area.

   Si Jin didn't do anything. He simply stood there, tears brimming on his face. His face turned into a scowl, fists clenched as he saw his lover, dead, yet sleeping peacefully on the bed with a smile on her face. She must have died happily, Si Jin thought, and he hated himself for it. So much for swearing that he would protect her; yet he still lost her in the end.

   In the otherwise sombre atmosphere, he suddenly heard the unusual sound of footsteps. Without any second thoughts, he turned around, only to see the person he never wanted to see again–Sun Yang. "What are you doing here?" He found himself asking to the smirking bad guy the world was searching for.

   "To deliver you a gift." He chuckled. "That gift." He nodded his head to the body of Mo Yeon before chuckling even further, his laugh getting louder as seconds passed.

   The laughter pricked Si Jin's heart like a thousand bullets striking a bullseye, sending Si Jin's emotions into a firestorm. Anger reached his peak. For all the things Sun Yang had done to him, harming his girlfriend was the only thing Si Jin can never tolerate. In his angered emotions, Si Jin quickly took out his sidearm, aiming directly at Sun Yang. "You fucking monster!" Si Jin cursed loudly. "You shibalseki! You don't deserve to live!"

   Suddenly, someone patted his left shoulder. In one quick succession, Si Jin turned around and struck the person he thought was going to assault him. However, the atmosphere changed in a flash as he turned around, and Si Jin instantly found himself back to reality–in the hospital. What's more intimidating to him as he discovered immediately when his mind returned to the current state–was that he nearly punched Staff Sergeant Park Yeung Joon in the face, his right fist fully outstretched for a big blow while his left hand gripped Yeung Joon's uniform collar tightly. The surprised Yeung Joon was stuck to the wall, and Si Jin found himself standing at the opposite direction of the seat he sat on earlier, his stance defensive.

   Si Jin realised his folly, and slowly retracted himself. He released his grip as he shook his head in an effort to bring his senses to reality. He was still teary when he placed his right palm on his forehead, and then ran his fingers along his hair. Obviously, he was bewildered by, messed up by his own emotions. Yeung Joon carefully approached his commanding officer. "Soryeongnim, gwaenchana?" He asked.

   Si Jin stared at the Staff Sergeant, eyes looking very pathetic. "Geulsaeyo..." He muttered. "I'm all messed up right now." He returned to his seat, slumping on it. He arched his back forward, hands clamped together and then rested on his forehead, elbow on his knees. "I don't know what to do, Yeung Joon-nim. I don't know if she's going to be okay. I don't know if she's going to make it. I don't know if-" He suddenly paused, exhaling heavily. Then, he looked up at Yeung Joon. "I really don't know...."

   Yeung Joon sighed sympathetically. Although he's a soldier like Si Jin, Si Jin's hurt upon seeing his lover got hurt was a part of emotions Yeung Joon might find hard to understand, since he hadn't felt it yet. However, he understood the desperation in Si Jin, for when he heard that Yoon Mi was in great danger, he too began to feel anxious. He gave a friendly pat on the Major's shoulder, disregarding all formality. This time, he wanted to be Si Jin's friend to rely on, not his obedient subordinate. "She'll make it, Soryeongnim." He consoled. "Yoon Mi's saving her. I have faith in her, sir. You should have some faith in Kang-sonsaeng too."

   Moments later, Hong Jun, Hong Guan's brother, appeared. He was running towards them, his face showing a serious expression. Yeung Joon saw that expression and he immediately knew that something wasn't right. Si Jin refused to look up, brooding all the way in worry. "Sir, I have news!" Hong Jun reported, but was ignored.

   Yeung Joon decided to take the report for him, for he knew that Si Jin was in no condition to accept any current updates, especially when his lover was hurt. Crossing his arms, he responded to Hong Jun's report. "What's the matter?"

   "The Uruk President's dead." Hong Jun replied.

   "Mwo?" Yeung Joon questioned with a weird look, probably not believing what he had heard. "The President's dead?" Yeung Joon glanced at Si Jin, who showed no response to the news. Yeung Joon exhaled, turning back to Hong Jun. "Maybe this is not the right time, Hong Jun. Perhaps later."

   Hong Jun, who had the same feeling as Yeung Joon right now when he looked at the condition of the officer, could only shake his head in sympathy. He knew that there's nothing much he could do. "Alright, then. I'll keep you informed." He turned to leave.

   "Where's Sun Yang?" Si Jin suddenly voiced out the moment when Hong Jun was about to walk away. The man stopped in his tracks instantly, and the two soldiers stared at the Major. Receiving no answer, Si Jin looked up at Hong Jun, his expression stern and red with what was obviously a burning anger flustered in his heart. "I say, where is Sun Yang?!" He questioned loudly in a commanding tone.

   Hong Jun stared at the Major with a puzzled expression. The reason for that was that he didnt know how to tell the situation to Si Jin.

   Si Jin found it utterly irritating. He suddenly rose, posturing a commanding stature in an angry tone as he approached Hong Jun, fist balled as if ready for a fight. His anger was drowning his consciousness to the depths, and it was evident when he began to question Hong Jun with a louder tone this time. "Where's Sun Yang, for goodness sake?!" He had this threatening look on his face.

   "Soryeongnim, pull yourself together–"

   "I AM pulling myself together!" Si Jin yanked away Yeung Joon's hand on his right shoulder, giving the soldier a cold stare. "But Sun Yang stabbed Mo Yeon! I cannot let him go just yet!" Si Jin pointed to the doors of the operation theatre. "As long as he is around, I will not stop–until I find him!" He avowed. "When I do, I will kill him myself!"

   "Sir, you need to cool down–"

   "I can't cool down, you blittering idiot! You don't understand how I feel!" Si Jin interjected Yeung Joon rudely. "I will find Sun Yang, no matter what! I will find him, and I'll bring his playground down. If you are with me, then help me, or else, you are free to go! With or without you, I will find him!"

   Si Jin began to walk away, but Yeung Joon, who saw dangerous signs of emotional storm in Si Jin based on the way he thought and acted, felt that it had to be stopped at this instant. Si Jin's anger–and probably, the thirst for revenge, was preventing his consciousness from thinking straight. If Yeung Joon were to just let Si Jin be on his way, more disasters will happen, and more unnecessary lives will be lost. Plus, a man with an unstable mind and holding a loaded weapon spelled bad omen. Considering the Major's safety, and the result of his fortcoming actions, Yeung Joon decided to stop him. He grabbed Si Jin's left arm as soon as he rudely pushed Hong Jun away by a nudge on the shoulder.

   As expected, Si Jin glared at him, fury evident in his eyes. Yeung Joon wasn't intimidated this time. He's determined to stop Si Jin from doing stupid things. "Come to your senses, Soryeongnim! You're not going to change anything!"

   "Let me go!" Si Jin tried to yank his arm away, refusing to listen to any advice whatsoever.

   "Do you think that by killing him, everything will end?! You'll only get blood in your hands!"

   "HE TRIED KILLING HER!" Si Jin yelled, facing Yeung Joon directly. "I CANNOT LET HIM GO WITHOUT A PAYBACK!" Si Jin began walking away again, but again, Yeung Joon grabbed his shoulder.

   "How are you going to find him?! By killing?! Is that what you want?!" Yeung Joon questioned.

   "YES!" Si Jin slapped Yeung Joon's hand away. "I will do so, if that's what it takes to find that gaejasik! I'm going to kill him, and break his body till the Gods can't recognise him–"

   All of the sudden, Yeung Joon delivered a sharp blow to the right side of the Major's face, thus rudely interrupting Si Jin with a painful sensation. The blow stumbled the Major to the ground, the Major grunted in pain when he hit the ground hard. Hong Jun, who was helplessly witnessing the scenario, was utterly surprised to see Yeung Joon acting this way. Yeung Joon was a typically reserved guy, and he would only speak when he felt necessary. This time, Yeung Joon had showed Hong Jun a different light of that man.

   To Yeung Joon, the punch was necessary, even though he felt guilty instantly after doing so. That was the only way to wake Si Jin up from his devil mind. It's not only for his sake, or the sake of his girlfriend, but for the sake of nearly everyone involved in this already messed-up situation. Too much damage had been done already. The least the team needed right now was a man running amok.

   "Can't you see what you're doing right now?! Is that what you want Kang-sonsaeng to see–you turning into a cold murderer?!" Yeung Joon scolded hardly as Si Jin, who was slightly dazed, rubbed the small patch of blood flowing from his mouth with the tip of his knuckles, eyes staring directly at Yeung Joon. For sure he didn't expect such a blow from his fellow subordinate. Yeung Joon crouched in front of the Major. "We are all tired, Soryeongnim. We all are. We all want to go home, to return back to our families and our lives in peace, but as long as Sun Yang's around and messing our world, we cannot falter at this time."

   Si Jin didn't fight this time. He simply turned away, staring directly at Yeung Joon's boots as if there was something on it.

   "Sun Yang intends to bring the devil in you, because he knows that if he can do just that, then it would be easier to control you. Is that what you want, Soryeongnim? Is this what you want to be? Is this the life you wanted? Is this.....what Kang-sonsaneg wants? Do you wish to see her suffer; after all the things you've done for her, do you really want to let it slip away?"

   His words sank in slowly yet steadily. Si Jin felt his anger subsiding, as his senses came back to life.

   "I admit that I too felt like hitting Sun Yang in the head, when I know that Yoon Mi's in danger. Like Kang-sonsaeng mattered much to you, Yoon Mi's life matters to me as well. She's my everything, as much as Kang-sonsaeng is to you." Yeung Joon spoke softly this time. He placed a hand on Si Jim's shoulder in a friendly manner. "Right now, we need to take a step back, and then reorganise our strategies. However, to do that, we need you, Soryeongnim. We need you to lead us, sir. There's no time for wild emotions." Yeung Joon pulled back the hand from Si Jin's shoulder, offering his hand instead–brotherhood style. "Lead us, Soryeongnim. We await your command."

   Si Jin felt absolutely ashamed of himself. At one point, he wasn't himself. He had let the devil in him control his mind, and he realised that he had nearly caused a catastrophe. Luckily, Yeung Joon delivered that painful blow. If it wasn't for Yeung Joon, for sure he would have already taken some lives away. He saw the hand Yeung Joon offered, but he was very ashamed to accept that hand.

   Yeung Joon seemed to know what was lingering in the Major's mind. And so, he spoke, "My eomma once told me; that a man who knows how to feel ashamed of his wrongdoings, is better than a man who has none. You did nothing wrong, sir. It's just that you've just lost control of your thoughts."

   Si Jin realised that Yeung Joon was right. He might have lost control today, but he's not going to let that thing happen to him again. The only way to counter Sun Yang's psychological warfare, was for Si Jin to be strong and resilient. He mustn't fall into any of Sun Yang's well-placed traps. There's a rise for every fall. Si Jin knew that he needed to get up now and resume fighting, not lying down on the floor like a pathetic weak soldier. He's a Major, for crying out loud. He cannot be weak at this point.

   Eventually, with his will revived, he grabbed Yeung Joon's hand. Yeung Joon helped him up, like a comrade helping his fellow servicemen in the face of battle.

   "Mianhamnida, for the blow on your face." Yeung Joon expressed guiltily as Si Jin rose from the ground with his help.

   "Don't apologise for that." Si Jin muttered. "I deserved that. If it wasn't for you, God knows what damage I would have done already." He exhaled heavily. "I want to stay here."

   "I understand." Yeung Joon nodded his head. "We'll take things from here. Be rest assured."


   The operation went on for some time, and so far, they made good progress. Still, everything will not work if they can't seal the damaged artery. Yoon Mi  began to have some trouble fixing it up because she simply can't clamp the artery right.

   That problem seemed to concern Aleya and Dr Song. The both of them noticed that she was taking way too long, and what's worse was that Mo Yeon's blood pressure was unstable. At any moment, a complication will happen. If the problem wasn't rectified on time, the complication will definitely kill Mo Yeon. "Let it go, Dr Jung. We'll take it from here." Aleya insisted in English.

   "No." Yoon Mi defied. She still feel that she can still do it. "I can do this. Give me some time."

   "You are taking too long, doctor. Leave it to the professionals." Aleya couldn't wait any longer.

   "I made a promise, that I will save her. No matter what, I'll do it. Please let me–"

   Suddenly, the entire conversation was abruptly interrupted by the sound of the EKG beeping alarmingly. The doctors and the crew instantly glanced at the machine, and to their horror, the unexpected happened.

   Mo Yeon had a cardiac arrest.


   "Cardiac arrest!" Aleya alarmingly reported. "Get the defibrillator now!" She instructed the nurse.

   Now, Yoon Mi was getting panicked. Her hands trembled instantly, and her heartbeat intensified. "Step back!" She heard Aleya instructing her, and obediently, Yoon Mi retreated a step away from the table as Aleya began the resuscitation process. At that moment, Yoon Mi's will sapped away almost instantly. She began to feel that this was a hopeless fight from the start, and she had only herself to blame for her lack of experience yet insisting on doing the operation despite not confidently ready.

   Great, now she's about to kill off her teacher from the face of the Earth. What a dumb fool. She shouldn't have made that promise to Si Jin if she knew that she can't actually do it. Guiltily, Yoon Mi began to tear up. There's a high possibility that Mo Yeon might die, and it seemed that she will eventually die in her hands.


   Si Jin suddenly felt a strange sensation in his beating heart. It seemed to beat in a weird rhythem, and whatever the thing might be, it began to make him feel off. Si Jin placed his right palm on his chest area, particularly the part where his heart was, as he suddenly felt weak.

   Soon, a painful sensation, limited only to that of a small prick on the skin by a sharp needle yet still sending strange waves of stress, sent Si Jin falling onto his knees. By that time, Min Ji and Ja Ae were there along with a few colleagues, and Min Ji was quick enough to reapond to Si Jin's plight as Si Jin gasped for air. Si Jin gasped, and then coughed, and then gasped again, like there was something obstructing the airway.

   Si Jin's condition worried the rest who were witnessing the event. While the intern Tae Jin tried to treat the Major up, suddenly, Si Jin felt no pain anymore. He was breathing again, much to the relieve of the crew who had initially thought that Si Jin was suffering from a heart attack.

   "Do you have any cases of cardiac arrests when you're young? I mean when you're a kid? Or at least, any relatives having heart disease?" Tae Jin asked with great concern as Min Ji and Ja Ae looked on.

   Si Jin, who was trying to get his breathing right, knitted his eyebrows as he tried to remember anything off. However, he couldn't remember anyone having that disease. He shook his head. "Aniyo. I don't have any relatives having this disease. My parents are healthy, and I'm relatively alright when I was young."

   "Then do you feel anything strange lately? I mean your heart?" Tae Jin inquired.

   "Ani. I feel alright. This is the first time." Si Jin replied. "Is there something wrong with me?"

   Tae Jin placed a stethoscope on Si Jin's ches for confirmation. Strangely, Tae Jin found nothing out of the ordinary of the sound of the Major's heartbeat. "There's nothing wrong with your heartbeat, Soryeongnim." He said.

   Si Jin felt weird. A few seconds ago, he couldn't even breath. Now he's perfectly alright,

   However, Si Jin instantly realised too, that there was sonething off. It was not any coincidental cases where heart attacks would, but rather a strange message the pain was trying to tell him.

   It didn't take long for Si Jin to notice what actually went wrong, and that sent nervous shockwaves to the deepest part of his heart. He knew what was going on.

   The reason was outright clear–something had happened to Mo Yeon.


   "Charge 150!" Aleya instructed the operator.

   "Ready, doctor!"

   "Charge 150! Shoot!" Aleya shocked Mo Yeon, the patient's body jerked upwards from the sudden surge of energy flowing through the body. Aleya stared at the machine.

   There was no response. Only a visible flatline and the zero digits were displayed.

   "Plus charge 200! Quick!"

   The machine continued to produce that flat, ear-piercing sound of a flatline as the operator adjusted the current swiftly. In an instant, the operator got it done. "Ready, doctor!"

   "Come on, Dr Kang! Fight!" She muttered. "Charge 200! Shoot!" she shocked her for the second time.

   Nothing happened.

   Now, the situation was desperate. If Aleya couldn't revive Mo Yeon during the five-minute duration, Mo Yeon's as good as dead. Mo Yeon's chances of surviving were trickling to a serious low at this point. Aleya desperately needed a breakthrough, and a little bit of luck. "Charge 300, now!" She instructed. "Don't die yet, Dr Kang! Don't die just yet! You still have your boyfriend waiting for you outside! You want to get married, then fight for it!"

   "Ready, doctor!"

   "This is our last chance." Aleya told as she placed the chest pedals on Mo Yeon's chest. Silently, she prayed, hoping that this last opportunity would be a success.
    Dr Kang, whatever you are doing right now, I need you to live. I still have a debt to pay.

   Prayer said, Aleya readied herself. "Charge 300! Shoot" She shocked Mo Yeon for the third time. Mo Yeon's body jerked, and then relaxed.

   Aleya stopped moving, as she let the seconds do the work.

   One second passed and nothing happened...

   Then came the second...

   Then came the third.

   The fourth second trickled by and Aleya regretfully knew that it was all over. The prayers had failed, and Mo Yeon had given up. There's nothing she can do left to bring her back to life, for her soul was no longer there. She was about to report the time of death as Dr Song and Yoon Mi dejectedly looked on, when out of the blue, something happened.

   A miracle...

   Seven seconds after the third pump, the EKG suddenly beeped to live, much to the surprise of the crew. As it beeped once, all eyes turned to the machine. Everyone saw the numbers appearing, and during that short moment, regret immediately turned to elation. Just one more beep and everything will be okay.

   The machine beeped for the second time, and then the third. Soon, the machine was showing positive readings. The already smiling Aleya glanced at Dr Song and Yoon Mi, as they finally realised that Mo Yeon hadn't lost the fight at all.

   "Looks like Dr Kang is giving you a second chance, Dr Jung." Aleya spoke. "Perhaps you should fulfill that promise."

   Aleya's words gave Yoon Mi the confidence she badly needed. Braving her heart once more, she resumed operating while Aleya and Dr Song guided her. Each and every careful step was directed by the two professionals.

   Finally, after a long gruelling fight, Yoon Mi eventually sealed the leak, thus saving Mo Yeon from death. Yoon Mi let out a sigh of relieve when she stitched up the wound, a sign that the operation had ended. "There..." She exhaled. "It's done."

   She had finally fulfilled a part of her promise. Now, it's time to complete the next part–to tell the Major the great news.


   God knew how long she was in there during the entire stretch of the operation. For the first time in her life, Yoon Mi couldn't wait to get out of that stuffy operation room, sweat still trickling from her face as a result of the humid environment. Her heart beat impatiently as she approached the sliding doors, her heart wondering how the Major was feeling right now.

   He must be worried sick.

   The moment of truth arrived when she neared the sliding doors, and when the doors slid open, she was welcomed by an intimidating sight–nearly all of her colleagues were here, eagerly waiting for the news of the wounded doctor. Yoon Mi was instantly met with concerned faces, and she was then surged by the crowd the moment she stepped out of the theatre.

   All of them threw questions of 'How is she?' and 'Is she alright?', but Yoon Mi didn't answer them. Instead, she searched for Si Jin, who seemed to be out of the picture. "Where's Yoo Soryeong?" Yoon Mi asked the crowd.

   In an instant, the crew became silent. Each of them glanced at each other, as if wondering what she was asking about. While Yoon Mi began to wonder about their strange reaction, the crowd suddenly split into two groups, thus revealing the figure of the Major who was still seating there face down, probably still brooding, or maybe was preparing himself for the bad news.

   "Earlier on, Yoo Soryeong had a heart problem." Ja Ae told.

   "Mwo?! Jinjja?!" Yoon Mo exclaimed softly in surprise, staring at Ja Ae with her eyes balled.

   "Looks like it, but he recovered quickly. Tae Jin gave him a check and he said Yoo Soryeong was perfectly alright." Ja Ae then glanced at Si Jin with sympathy, shaking her head. "He's been through a lot."

   Yoon Mi couldn't agree more, especially when she saw how concerned Si Jin was when Mo Yeon was bleeding. It showed that his love for her was true and genuine.

   And Yoon Mi had the balm that could cure his worry heart for life. "Leave that to me. I know what to do." Yoon Mi approached the Major cautiously.

   Yoon Mi walked in a calculated motion while her eyes observed the Major closely to see if there was any reaction from him. He showed no reaction whatsoever. As the crew looked on, Yoon Mi crouched in front of him. "Gwaenchanayo, Yoo Soryeong?" She whispered, noticing how down his expression was.

   "Just tell me already. Don't beat around the bush." Si Jin responded coldly, his tone commanding.

   Yoon Mi let out a sigh. She rose from her position and bravely took a seat next to the Major. She decided to test the waters, to see how he would react. "Looks like you love her very much."

   "She's my everything." For the first time since she appeared out of the room, Si Jin stared at her, his eyes showing great sense of worry. "I cannot live without her." He then turned away. "But it looks like it's all over, right? I nearly had a heart attack, which means that Mo Yeon is in trouble, am I right?" He suddenly choked up. Yoon Mi knew that he was crying. "I've lost her, right?"

   "Aniyo." Yoon Mi replied instantly.

   Suddenly, Si Jin froze. He didn't know if he had heard that right. Did she just said no? He immediately turned hisbhead around, staring at the seemingly smiling Yoon Mi with puzzled eyes. "Wha...what do you mean?"

   "Kang-sunbae's a fighter, Yoo Soryeong. She wouldn't leave you without a fight." Yoon Mi responded. "Congratulations, Yoo Soryeong. Kang-sunbae survived."

   The words came through. Si Jin literally didn't know how to respond to the good news. The feeling of great relieve, just like the weight lifted off his shoulders, surged through his soul mixed with all the things that made his worry fall apart came in like a tsunami, flooding his heart with great elation. He was absolutely glad to hear that news, and he hugged Yoon Mi tightly, surprising the intern as the crew let out sighs of relieve upon knowing that Mo Yeon's alive. Even the feisty Kim Eun Ji was glad as well.

   "Gomapta!" Si Jin expressed as happy tears fell from his eyes. "Gomapta!"

   "She's my teacher, Yoo Soryeong. It's my duty to repay her." Yoon Mi replied back.

   It was a day of disastrous events. While one life ended in tragedy, the other survived to tell the tale. To Si Jin, Mo Yeon mattered above the rest. As long as she's fine, then everything will be okay.


   Si Jin entered the ICU ward, dressed in a hospital suit, a headcap, and a mask to reduce the risk of possible infection on Mo Yeon's body. He was deeply elated to see her awake, despite being wired and tubed all over, and he approached her with tears in his eyes.

   Mo Yeon needn't know who that person was. The eyes, those wonderful eyes that caught her attention for the first time, told the identity. Smiling behind the oxygen mask, she slowly outstretched her right hand, a strong feeling of wanting to hold Si Jin's hand strong in her heart. Si Jin approached her closer, until at one point, Si Jin's hand eventually held hers.

   It was the greatest feeling in the world–to be able to hold her hand again. Although it had only been a few hours, but it felt as if years had passed since he last held that hand. He sat down beside her bed on the chair, as both of his hands encompassed her right palm into his hold, the right thumb stroking her knuckles tenderly. "Jagiya." He whispered tenderly. Calling her 'honey' had never sounded so good before.

   Si Jin could see that she was smiling. His eyes met hers. "Si Jin-ah..." Mo Yeon muttered softly.

   "Welcome back, my love." He expressed affectionately as he rose from his seat, slowly lowered his mask, and then forgoing all hospital protocol, he planted a kiss on her forehead as Mo Yeon closed her eyes in graceful acceptance.
The darkest days may be hurtful, but in the end of the day, light will shine amongst the darkest skies. This time, the hunt for Sun Yang is on.

The next parts will concentrate on the supporting characters' point of view. I'm pretty sure that all of you are wondering what actually happened during the event, and how Mo Yeon ended up battling for her life.

Till the next update! Happy reading!

Korean military ranks

Romanised Korean Words & Expressions
Jaebal: Please
Gwaenchana: Are you alright
Ne/ Ye: Yes
Jinjja: Reallly
Ani: No
Andwae: No/ Impossible
Sunbae: Senior
Geulsae: I don't know
Mwo: What
Mianhamnida: I'm sorry
Gomapta: Thank you

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