Winter's Rose ~A Beauty and t...

By twinkleharryy

59.9K 2.4K 193

'"Oh, William, there will be no heir. The throne will sit empty for years. Everything your father created wil... More

The Two Curses
The Debt
The Attack
The Castle
The Beast
The Truth
The Fever
The Prince
The Lie
The Fleeting Winter
The Celebration
The Moonless Sky
The Letter
The Battle
The Wish
The Return Home
The Escape
The Man
The Curse
The New Kingdom

The Child

2.1K 101 4
By twinkleharryy

Rosalind took a deep breath before walking down the small hall towards the noise. One hand held her cloak together while the other felt along the walls. Cassandra greeted her; looping her arm through Rosalind's. She led Rosalind deeper into the warm room and cleared a seat for her.

"Welcome to our humble home," Cassandra laughed. She guided Rosalind to the seat she had made for her. "This is our sitting room or one of the bedrooms, the kitchen is to your right with a small table where we eat dinner. There is another room above us that is used for a bedroom. You, Selene, and I will be sharing the room upstairs while the men remain down here."

Rosalind smiled widely, she was delighted to be surrounded by friends again.

"Where are they? Jasper and Silas?" Rosalind asked.

"They have gotten a job at the cotton mill down the road--it pays enough and it is work. They had the early shift." Selene said from what she presumed was the kitchen. It occurred to Rosalind that she must have interrupted their breakfast. The thought made her town stomach growl.

"Oh! Let me get you some breakfast!" Cassandra cheered. "Any requests?"

"Not particularly," Rosalind said.

"We have some fresh bread--would you like some toast?" Selene asked.

"Sure," Rosalind replied.

She could hear Ben playing with his toys at her feet. It sounded as if he were crashing two toys into each other. She could hear Selene and Cassandra moving around in the kitchen--pots and pans clanking together as they were being washed. She had missed everyone so much. Selene handed her a small plate of toast. Rosalind nibbled on the bread taking her time. Selene and Cassandra sat across from her.

"How have you been?" Cassandra was the one who broke the silence.

"I'm doing better," Rosalind told them honestly. Rosalind set her now empty plate on a small table in front of her. She felt part of her was avoiding the subject of her current situation. "I just miss him."

"We do too," Selene said, Rosalind could hear the sad smile in her voice. Rosalind felt William's ring burn on her chest as she thought of him.

"How are you liking the city?" Rosalind asked, changing the subject.

"It is...nice enough." Cassandra said slowly.

"We have a home, a bed to sleep in, and food to eat. It might not be much, but it is something." Selene said simply.

"But it is drab, Selene! Even little Benny thinks so, don't you Ben?" Cassandra pouted.

"What?" Ben asked looking up from his toys. Rosalind couldn't help but laugh at Cassandra's fit.

"So, Rosie! Where did you go...after?" Cassandra asked.

"Um," Rosalind began, pushing a strand of hair behind her ear. "I went home...then I had to live with my aunt."

"We stayed in the grounds keeper's cabin for three days, before Silas when to assess damages. You gave Jasper quite the black eye--he told us that he never wanted to be hit by a woman again. Silas came back a few hours later and we moved here." Selene said numbly.

"I'm sorry--none of this would have happened if--"

"We cannot dwell on the 'what ifs', they will never happen. We just have to keep moving." Selene told her.

"Did he find anything?" Rosalind couldn't keep herself from asking. Maybe Will had made a miraculous escape and had survived. He could still be out there. It was becoming warm, but still she pulled the cloak tighter around her.

"No, he only wanted to buried William." Selene told her. Rosalind's heart dropped and tears pooled in her eyes. "I'm so sorry, Rosalind."

Cassandra touched her shoulder trying to soothe her. Rosalind quickly wiped her tears away.

"I'm sorry," She whispered.

"It is all right," Selene cooed.

A commotion could be heard down the hall. A lock rattled and the door swung open. Rosalind could hear the booming sounds of men's voices and laughter. Selene, Cassandra, and Rosalind rise to greet the men joining them.

"Rosalind!" She heard Silas exclaim. Jasper and Silas pulled her into hug. The men joined them in the cramped sitting room, lightening the mood significantly. Jasper jokingly pleaded with Rosalind never to punch him--that earned its fair share of laughs. Silas was quiet--Rosalind could feel his eyes on her. A light sweat had broken out on her forehead, from the increasing heat of the room.

"Let me take your coat from you Rosalind." Silas insisted.

"No, it is quite all right, I'll keep it on." Rosalind stuttered wanting to keep her secret just a tad longer.

"Don't be absurd--it has gotten awfully warm!" Cassandra told her.

"Believe me, I am quite chilled--"

"Rosie, you're burning up." Cassandra said softly.

"I'm fine!" Rosalind said rather harshly. A silence fell on the room which instantly made her feel guilty. "I'm sorry."

"No, it is all right. Say, Rosalind, would you like to take a short walk?" Silas offered. Rosalind nodded gratefully. He helped from her chair and guided her to the front door. She breathed in a deep breath trying to calm her anxiety. Silas lightly touched the small of her back leading her out of the doorway into the day time. He looped his arm through hers; her other hand holding the cloak tightly.

"We are very glad to see you," Silas told her as they walked.

"I am very glad to be here." Rosalind said.

"What made you come? If you don't mind me asking." She could feel his eyes on her.

"My aunt was trying to marry me off." She told him frankly. "I just couldn't stand it anymore--my brother, my old home, thoughts about my father, thoughts about Will-- it just became too much. I just wanted to be where all of you were."

"I understand."

The two of them walked through the streets of a city foreign to Rosalind. For the first time in a long time she felt the sun warm her face and a light breeze brush past her. She could be happy here--her child could be happy here.

"Where is he buried?" Rosalind asked, not being able to stop the question from coming out of her mouth.

"There was a large oak tree next to the lake--he used to read out there in the summers. I made sure he could be near his favorite place." Silas said softly, sadness slipping into his voice.

"Good," Rosalind replied numbly.

"He really did love you, you know?"

"I know." Rosalind said with certainty. "And I love him."

They walked further down the street. Rosalind could hear the bustling sounds of the city. Surely there were tons of places that she could explore here. Perhaps once the baby was born she could take up some form of work--she was good at cleaning if someone told her exactly where or what was to be cleaned. Her mind drifted; someday she would bring her child to that oak tree so that he or she could meet their father. The child wouldn't understand, not until later.

"Tell me, Little Rose, what is weighing so heavy on your heart?"

"I don't know how to say it, Silas." She said softly. "I don't know what to do."

"Tell me, what is the matter?" Silas prompted.

"I'm with child," She said a little softer than a whisper. Silas' steps halted.

"You mean?" He gapped at her; she opened her cloak revealing her swollen belly. He reached out in disbelief and touched her bump. "Do you realize what this means?"

Rosalind shook her head.

"This child is an heir--the House of Biron is still alive." Rosalind could hear excitement building in his voice.

The two of them began walking again. This time Rosalind let her cloak go freely--no longer having anything to hide. She rested her newly freed hand a top the bump. Silas led her further into town--she could feel his body move every time he would glance over at her--it was as if he almost didn't believe it.

"That explains your aversion to an arranged marriage," Silas stated.

"Yes; it was that or adoption... I couldn't let the baby go. It is the only thing I have left--" She stopped herself.

"Of William?" Silas finished.


"We're nearing the house," Silas began. "It is best to be up front; I can tell you right now Selene with be irritated that she didn't notice."

Rosalind's lips twitched up into a soft smile.

"Everyone is going to be happy." He reassured her. "Everyone is so happy you have come home."

She nodded as he pushed open the door of the house. Everyone welcomed her back in open arms. They were shocked of course--none of them seemed to have any idea. Allegedly she had hidden her belly quite well. Silas had been right Selene was irritated that she hadn't sensed another mother. Cassandra was ecstatic--she immediately bent down cooing to the unborn child. Ben, of course, didn't quite understand what the fuss was about. Like a normal child would he seemed confused that there was a child in her belly. To which he asked Selene how a baby was made; he seemed utterly convinced that Rosalind had swallowed a seed of some sort. Jasper congratulated her and hugged her warmly. That night she laid in bed, content for the first time in a long time. Selene and Cassandra were sleep soundly on the other side of her. Her hand gently caressed her swollen belly. This is where they belonged.


Months passed, and Rosalind became more accustomed to the daily life of the city. Her belly grew larger as time passed. Cassandra, Selene, and Ben loved watching as the unborn baby kicked and pushed at Rosalind. She could simply lay her hand on her belly and the child would nudge at her hand. Ben was thought it was amazing. As she neared the end of her pregnancy she found it hard to be on her feet. Her entire body seemed to ache with the effort to stand up for more than a few hours. Rosalind tried to help around the house as she could, but struggled lifting anything. Ben would keep her company--he had recently learned how to read, so he would sit reading her short stories.

The night the pain began was one of the worst nights of her life. The September air was warmed by her pain and seemed to cling to her skin. The pain had been small at first, but soon grew into something that was so ravenous and unbearable. Selene and Cassandra stayed at her side the entire night. Selene would spoon her broth or help her drink water while Cassandra would wipe her brow with a clean cloth. Selene had sent Ben away with Jasper and Silas to retrieve fresh water. They had been preparing for weeks-- the baby had a nursery in the corner of the upstairs room. Selene had made sure they had plenty of clean linens as well.

The pain was indescribable. Her water had broken and the pain had only increased. Selene tried to tell her that it would end, but she feared that she wouldn't be able to do it. Her body was exhausted from the endless hours of fighting off the horrible pain. It was as if nothing at all could help her. Nothing at all could soothe her pain.

Except Loraina.

Selene had cleaned and swaddled the child allowing Rosalind to hold her. She felt her delicate features with the tip of her finger. Her skin was so soft-- she had small wisps of hair beginning on her head. So fragile and tiny. Never in Rosalind's life had she thought something more beautiful. This was her child. Her daughter. Happiness swelled in her chest--she couldn't keep the smile from her face.

She had let all of them hold her. Cassandra stared down at the child in awe, cooing to her. Selene did the same. Jasper thought it amazing that she could be so tiny. Silas was terrified to hold her; he feared he drop her or hurt her. Eventually he caved and held the little girl in his arms. Silas had picked her name; Loraina. From royalty; it couldn't be any more fitting.

"She looks like William," He said softly, looking down at the child. "Has his nose and mouth--she has your eyes though."

Rosalind was exhausted, but she couldn't sleep. She could not stop admiring her daughter. She promised her that someday, they would travel to that oak and sit beneath it. Rosalind would tell her daughter about William.

This little girl would know her father.

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