Meeting Her (A Jungkook Fanfi...

By -TheAquaGirl-

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It was an early morning. I was 15 and without a care in the world. I was in the midst of a meadow full of su... More

Hi Wattpad!


98 5 26
By -TheAquaGirl-


"I need you out of here no more than a week from now."

I looked up from the paper in my hands to face the man in front of me with widened eyes.

"A week?!"

"Uh, yes... a week."

"How... how long does the process take then?"

"Oh, about five work days."

That's almost a week!

"So I suggest that you find some friends that can lend you a room for a week."

Yeah... thanks man. Never would've thought of that.

After that painfully obvious statement he left the hall, leaving me at my apartment door with the notice he handed me.

I closed my door slowly, still taking the information in as I still had my mouth opened.

I quickly closed it and looked down at the sheet of paper in my hands.

Now that I think about it...

I think I know just who can help me with this.

°°°Flashback Ends°°°

"So..." she started.

"What you're saying is that the apartment complex is going under reconstruction next week so you need a place to stay in?"

I nodded.

"For five days..." I added.

"Hmm..." she said as she brought her hand up to her chin as if she was thinking.

I groaned.

"Ugh, come on Eunri~"

She looked at me and chuckled.

"Of course you can stay over, besides, my parents would kill me if I said no."

My eyes widened.

"But, you would never say no... right?"

We were currently at work.

The weather today was terrible, it was raining all day. In fact, the diner was practically empty. Except for some couples that took the risk of coming here to eat.

Because it was raining, Eunri and I couldn't go to our spot for lunch. So we opted to stay and eat at the little coffee table near the back of the kitchen.

She stood up to throw away the trash from her meal. As she was about to head back to work she glanced back and smirked.

"Knowing that you tease me all the time during work hours... I think I might be reconsidering my options here."

My mouth opened in shock as I saw her walk away from me as she swayed her hips from side to side.


And then she says I'm the one who teases her.

Well... back to work.

Not that I'm complaining, I got the kitchen to myself. Only two or three waitresses had shifts today, most of them called in saying the rain was too strong for them.

Unfortunately for us, we had no excuse, me and Eunri both live the closest to the diner. So the boss wouldn't let us stay in...

"Two bowls of spicy ramyeon!"

I smiled as I finished assembling the dishes.

As soon as I heard footsteps behind me I turned around to see her shocked face as I placed my hands around her waist and pulled her close.

I smirked.

"See? This is exactly what I'm talking about..." she said as she raised her eyebrows at me.

I continued smirking and pulled her even closer so that she was flush against my chest. Her cheeks suddenly went red, and it just made me want to keep going.

I moved my face closer to hers. I could feel her little staggered breaths.


I bit my bottom lip and smirked.

"What are you talking about?"

I removed one hand from her waist while having the other make sure she wouldn't move and moved the free arm towards the kitchen table behind us.

"I'm not teasing..." I continued.

My free arm took hold of the prepared tray with the two bowls of spicy ramyeon.

I released my strong hold on her waist to let her take a few steps back. As soon as she did, however, my other hand holding the tray became the only thing in between us.

She held a surprised face as my smirk never left mine.

"I'm simply working, jagi..."

Her mouth was agape as she had a moment of recovery before she gave me a death stare, snatched the tray from my hands, and walked away to deliver the dishes while swaying her hips again.

When she got to the door she held the door frame with one hand, and balanced the tray with the other as she shifted her face to look back at me.

"You know, if you keep teasing, boss will have me fired..." she smirked out.

She grinned.

How slick, she knows exactly what she's doing...

"Oh? How funny, I think it's the other way around jagiya..." I said as I quirked a brow and crossed my arms.

All she did was flash me a knowing smile and a wink before she disappeared into the dining area.


Such a tease.



I continued drying the plate with the cloth I was holding.

I heard a groan.

"Jagggggiiiii~ come oooooooonnn..."

I ignored her with a grin on my face.

"I know you can hear me!"

The grin turned into a smile.

I finished the last plate and put it on the drying rack of the kitchen sink.

I heard a sigh of relief.

I guess the countertops are a bit dirty.

I grabbed the wet cloth and dragged it across the countertop to somewhat 'polish' it.

"Uuuugggghhhh..." she groaned.

I chuckled.

"You're doing this on purpose aren't you?! Come onnn, everything's clean! You've cleaned that countertop about three times now!" she complained.

Okay, okay... maybe I wanted to actually joke around with her for a bit longer than usual.

I turned around to face her as she was fidgeting her leg that was draped across the other as she sat in the employee table in the back of the kitchen.

I gave her an innocent smile as I wiped my hands with the cloth and placed it on a dry area.

"Alright, I'm finished." I said raising my hands in a surrendering fashion so as to exaggerate my point.

She narrowed her eyes at me as she stood up and handed me my jacket she was holding onto.

"About time..."

I smiled warmly at her as I extended my hand to grab it. She suddenly looked at me and her expression completely softened.

"I can't stay mad at you..." she said ever so softly.

I smiled and grabbed her hand to lead her out the back door.

She held my tight grip as well.

As soon as I finished locking up the back door, I returned my hand to its original spot on hers as we walked together through the slightly illuminated streets of Busan to get to her house.

It stopped raining... phew!
Thank goodness, I would much rather get my shoes wet than everything else.

I heard her sigh.

I turned my face to look at her, I knew she was going to say something after that sigh.

"We got out so late, my parents probably started already..."

She took a pause.

"Either that, or they're probably worried about us..." she said worriedly.

I kept a smile on.

Gosh, I can't seem to stop smiling when I'm with her.

I gripped her hand tighter which, in return, made her look my way.

"Don't worry..."

Her eyes widened.

"They know you're safe, I won't let anything happen to you and they know that."

I saw her press her lips together as if she was in doubt.

"Besides, knowing that today was movie night, they most likely started without us aaaaand..."

I pressed a finger to my forehead.

"According to my calculations... they probably fell asleep while watching it as well."

She chuckled and eventually it had us both laughing at my 'logical' assumption.

"Ha! You're probably right... they sure do like to sleep in early... especially on a tuesday."

"See? So don't worry about it..."

She smiled warmly at me.

"You always know how to cheer me up."


Do I?

Because to be honest...

I always thought it was the other way around.


We approached her house.

It was late.

We started cracking out jokes along the way and we certainly stopped to hold in our stomachs from exploding with all of our excessive chuckles.

I'm surprised none of her neighbors yelled at us.

We walked up the entrance way and saw that their were no lights turned on from where we were standing.

I gripped her hand tighter to make her look at me.

"Alright, go and check on your parents to see if they are sleeping or not. I'll stay out here and wait for you."

She nodded and opened the front door and quietly stepped in.

I let the late night Busan breeze sift through my bouncy brown locks as I awaited for Eunri to come back.

I heard the crack of a door and when I turn to face it my hand is already being held by another warm one.

I look up to see a smiling face.

"Yup. You were right, they're snoring the night away. Sorry about that..." she whispered.

I smiled at her.

"Anniyo... it's okay, I can always come tomorrow to talk to them about staying over. You should get some rest, you're tired." I said as I carressed her cheek with my other unoccupied hand.

She leaned into my touch.

"Ne... you're probably right. I'll wait for you tomorrow then, since it's our day off."

"Count on it jagiya." I said as I gave her a peck on the forehead and began to make my way back home.

Even though it was a failed attempt at trying to talk to the Lee's about me staying in for a week, I still got to spend some time with her.

I wouldn't change that for the world... we had so much fun on the way here too.

Some funny stories, and even some pretty sick jokes too!

Which reminds me...

"What did you think of my jokes?!" I asked as I turned around and faced her.

She quickly facepalmed.

"Don't even go there Jungkook..."

My mouth dropped in surprise.

"Wha! They were awesome jokes! Come on, jagi... just admit it!" I gushed out from the street.

She crossed her arms.

"Well okay, they weren't bad... but they also weren't as awesome as you make them out to be."

I smiled.

"This just reminds me of our high school days... where we would tell funny stories on the way home."

I saw her shift her position as if she just remembered something.

"Oh yeah!" she snapped her fingers.

"It was when you were an awkward little boy!"

I stared at her.

"It seems so long ago when you would be so afraid as to approach me or even talk to me..."

"Why do you always bring it up?! You really like to torture me don't you? I've changed Eunri... I'm not a little kid anymore."

She grinned.

"Right, you're an old and wrinkled twenty three year old man... I forgot."

"Actually, it's twenty four in a few days excuse you."

She cracked another laugh this evening, I couldn't help but join her and enjoy this moment to its fullest.

Soon enough we both calmed down and I made my departure to my apartment while Eunri has to try to sleep through the soundbreaking snores of her parents.

I chuckled as I pulled my warm blanket over me as I laid on my bed.

Good luck Eunri...

I turned off the light from my bedside lamp and got comfortable on the bed.

Sweet dreams~


'I can't believe I raised a son like you...'

Don't say that... please don't.

'Well, it's no wonder why me and your father had to divorce...'


'All because of you...'


Don't do this...

'It was always your fault, Jungkook.'


It wasn't.

'It isn't? Well, you were the one who left us first... everyone else was bound to separate eventually.'


That's not true...

You have it all wrong...

'Now that I think about it, how does it feel to be a sixteen year old boy trapped inside a twenty four year old man's body?'

Shut up.

'I guess that's why you were so pathetic on the day of the news huh?'


'How could you ruin my life like this?'

I didn't...
I tried to save mine.

'So selfish...'

No... that's not it.

'Your father was right... things would've been way easier if you were never even born...'



'It's all your fault Jungkook..."


'It's all your fault.'


I banged my head onto something hard.


I'm in my room?

I looked around frantically.

There's no one here...

I placed a hand on my chest.

My heart was racing, you wouldn't be able to tell the difference between my heart rate and a car engine.

I felt a few beads of sweat drip down from my forehead.

My feet were sticking out from the end of the scrumbled blanket in front of me.


Just a dream.

No, more like a nightmare.

I felt a stinging pain at the back of my head.

I rubbed it instantly.


I must've rammed my head into the headboard.

Wow... what a night.

What a dream...

I suddenly got all sad again.

Would it have been better if I hadn't existed?

Would my parents still be together?

I got up from bed and checked my phone as I made my way to the bathroom.

I got a message.

I unlocked my phone and read it.


'Hey, start packing your things because I talked to my parents for you. You can stay over from today if you want. Just hurry up and get here, you better come.'

Uh oh... seems like I better go then huh?

She already talked for me?
Ugh... of course she did.
I should've known.

I looked back at the message and read it over.

A smile formed onto my face.

What am I thinking about so early in the morning?

Parents? Pah! Right now I should hurry and start packing before I get scolded by a Lee as soon as I arrive.

Yeah, let's start off the day nicely shall we?

Let's get through this together.



Check the time Jungkook.
Wait, where's my phone?


It is... currently three in the afternoon and I'm still paranoid if I got everything packed or not.

I sigh out as I rub a hand through my hair.

Let's go through this again...

Necessities first, toothbrush, comb, hair stuff, facewash, shaving gel, towel... check.

Now, clothes...

Underwear, a few extra just in case, pants, and shirts.


Agh, almost forgot them...

Socks, and... oh, which shoes should I bring?

Jungkook just pick one, it's not that serious!

I stand back looking the abomination I created that is my duffel bag.

Clothes were seaping out from the side and socks were sliding out.

I can't do this...

I paced back and forth in the room to think of other options I could do.

I heard a knock.

Who could it be?

I gasped.

Is it the owner?
Is he going to try and kick me out?!

I still have a day left!

I warily made my way to the front door as I reluctantly raised my hand to turn the knob and open the door.

I was immediately received with a smack on my arm. It didn't hurt but I was still taken aback by it.

I look up to see her narrowed eyes as she placed her hand on my chest and used that to push me inside my apartment.

I was flabbergasted... I didn't expect her to come here.

"Uh, I- uh..."

She crossed her arms, gave me a look, and then proceeded to my bedroom.

No, wait!

Don't go in there!

I quickly paced myself over to my room, I would've ran but I would've gotten scolded by the neighbors downstairs and please, by the looks of it, one scolding is enough for today.

I quickly turned the corner to head into my room and as soon as I stepped foot in it my eyes widened.

I saw Eunri zipping up the duffel bag as if nothing had happened.

"I knew you were late because of something..."

Her back was turned towards me so I could only hear her while she was zipping up the bag.

"I just never would've thought it was a packing problem..."

I rubbed the back of my neck in embarrassment.

"Well, um... I didn't want to forget anything."

I stood next to her as she kept fiddling with the zipper.

She glanced up at me.

"Jungkook... it's only a week, you don't need your whole closet."

I chuckled.

"Yeah... I guess you're right. I'll make sure to call you up if I need packing advice again."

It was her turn to chuckle.

"Very funny, now come here and help me zip this thing up, it won't budge."

I smiled.

"Yes, ma'am."


A door suddenly opened revealing the warm and cozy atmosphere I've always liked.

"Thank goodness, we were starting to worry that something might've happened to you." said Mrs. Lee.

I smiled warmly at her.

"I'm okay Mrs. Lee... Eunri came and helped me."

"But everything's fine now... right?" said a deeper voice behind Mrs. Lee.

"Yeah... I mean, it was just-"

"His incapability of packing a duffel bag because he was too worried he might've forgotten something." she interrupted as she left my side to go inside the house.

I was left in an awkward predicament as I chuckled nervously, rubbed the back of my head, and stole short glances at the two adults in front of me.

Mr. Lee's face looked amused while Mrs. Lee had an eyebrow raised towards me.

"Honey, if you ever need help packing again, just leave it for the ladies... you guys always overthink things." she said as she also turned around and disappeared inside the house.

Mr. Lee was the only one left.

He uncrossed his arms from his chest, wrapped an arm around my back to pat my right shoulder and lead me inside.

He was chuckling... there's no doubt that he was enjoying this.

"I don't know how... but with simple words from the both of them, I feel like I did something worse than a simple mistake, like if I was planning to murder someone."

With his other hand he closed the door behind us while laughing away at my little outburst.

He suddenly looked at me and patted my shoulder.

"I know how it feels... trust me, it's not pleasant. But I think that just means that they care about you a lot."

He raised an eyebrow.

"Unless, I'm wrong about the whole caring about you thing and that in my forty six years of marriage I learned nothing."

I laughed at his serious face as he said that.

"Guys, dinner's ready! What are you two still doing at the door? Come on and eat!" said an all too familiar voice.

Me and Mr. Lee looked at eachother with raised eyebrows and quickly made our way to the kitchen without any hesitation so as to avoid any more 'attacks' from the ladies.


I heard her sigh out.

"Ahhh... that really hit the spot!" she said as she laid atop of the bed rubbing her stomach slowly.

I was sitting at the desk filling a paper out while she hanged around in my OLD room.

"Hey, why haven't you unpacked yet?"

I was focused on filling out the sheet in front of me.

"I did, I took my essentials to the bathroom and I think the charger I brought is somewhere on the bed."

It was quiet.

"But... what about the rest? Everything else is in the duffel bag. A few things could go on the desk and in the closet too. I mean, the room looks so plain than before."

I finally turned to look at her and grinned appreciatively.

"Jagi, if I make this room more 'homey' I don't think I'll want to leave. By having everything in my duffel bag it reminds me that I have to go back home."

I looked for her reaction, she squirmed a bit as she sat on the bed, and she was hugging herself.

"You know, you could just stay here, like before..."

I pressed my lips together.

"Eunri... how could I? I'm a twenty four year old man with a well-paying job. Why would I need to live here, where people are supporting my needs, when I am able to do it myself?"

"I know... but my parents don't think you're a bur-"

"I know they don't consider me a burden. And now I know that I have someplace that can support me at my weak moments. But I have plans for the future..."

I gazed at her warmingly.

"And I need to be able to maintain myself before I can accomplish anything."

She had a confused face on, but nonetheless agreed with my point of view.

"Is that why you're filling out that job application?"

I smiled and turned to the said sheet on the desk.

"Ne, Hoseok-hyung recommended me to this place nearby and I think I might give it a try."

Her eyes lightened up at the name.

"HOSEOK- OPPA?! Well, what is it?"

I chuckled.

"It's this dance academy for kids... Hoseok- hyung was planning to work there but an offer came up and that's why he moved to Seoul."

I saw her open her mouth in amazement.

"So he told me that spots were still available to be the dance instructor of that academy."

She smiled from ear to ear.


I grinned and nodded.

"Uwa! Daebak~"

It was my turn to smile.

Seriously... this girl is going to be the death of me.

Everytime she smiles it's practically impossible to not smile back.

And even if you don't smile, it instantly lifts your mood and makes you happy.


Now that I think about it.

When has there ever been a moment where she is with me and I haven't cracked a smile?

When I'm with her, I'm at peace.
When I'm with her, I can undoubtedly say that I'm happy.

I can't believe it took me this long to realize.

To realize that she is my happiness.

She's been there for me even in my weakest moments.

And I want that to keep happening even when we turn into old grandparents.

I need to do this.

I have to...

Because I don't think I can live without her.

What kind of curse did you put me under Lee Eunri?

Well, whatever it is... I don't want it to stop, it's gone so far that I might just lose all my senses.

I look at her getting up from the bed, making her way towards me, and pressing her lips against my cheek.

"I'm sleepy, so I'm going to bed. See you tomorrow?" she said while she yawned.

I chuckled and looked into her beautiful eyes.

"Definitely. Good night, jagi."

She smiled and disappeared into the hall.

As soon as she was in her room I dashed out and quickly went searching for the other two adults.

I found them in the living room taking the moment to cuddle with the other and watching a movie.

I immediately regretted having to interrupt their moment.

I turned around to head back to my room.



What do think you're doing?

But they are HAVING A MOMENT.


This is more important.

I turn around, head back to the living room, and catch their attention.


"What's wrong?"

I sigh out and take turns looking at both of them.

"I need to talk with you guys..."

I pressed my lips together and took a deep breath.

"It's important."

They immediately turned off the T.V and stood up.

"Well, if it's important then we should sit down, come, let's sit at the kitchen table." said Mr. Lee as he patted my shoulder to follow him.

The kitchen is farther away from Eunri's room...


"I'll get us some water." offered Mrs. Lee.

"Khamsamnida." I piped out.

Soon enough the three of us were sitting down looking intently at each other in silence, the only sound being the ticking of the clock hanging in the living room.

I cleared my throat, and bit my bottom lip out of nervousness.

"What is it that you need to tell us my boy?" asked Mr. Lee.

I sighed out.

"Don't be nervous, just say whatever is on your mind. It's okay." whispered Mrs. Lee.

I smiled.

Suddenly I wasn't so nervous.

I clenched my fists.

I looked at both of them.

"Eunri and I have been friends for nine years now... and four of them being my girlfriend."

They nodded showing that they understood what I said.

"She's been there for me in my weakest moments, and I've been there for hers..."

I paused.

"In a way, we just clicked. We support one another and learn from each other every time we're together."

They smiled.

"These nine years have been the happiest years of my life. They've made me into a better person, a happier person. But... I don't want that."

Their expressions changed.

"I want to be happy... having her by my side."

Their eyes widened.

"What I'm trying to say is..."

I stared at them in the eyes.

"Do you approve of me making your daughter mine?"

At that moment all of my oxygen left my body... I couldn't feel a thing.

I said it.

I finally said it.

Oh my gosh... look at their faces.

They certainly weren't expecting that.

I pressed my lips together in hopes that at least one of them will say something.

All I got was widened eyes, open mouths, and raised eyebrows.

I uneasily shifted in my chair, seeing that the atmosphere was getting rather awkward.

Suddenly I heard a faint sniffle.

I rapidly look back up to see Mrs. Lee... crying?

"Are... are you ok Mrs. Le-"

"Honey, that was the cutest thing I have ever heard..." she exclaimed as she wiped away her free falling tears.

I sigh out in relief and turn to look at Mr. Lee.

He was staring right back at me.

My smile vanished.

"Make Eunri yours huh?"

I gulped and nodded.

"Jungkook, this is a very big decision... can you even mainta-"

"Ne, I can maintain us both! I just got another job offer to be a dance instructor for a kids academy. I calculated everything!"

He hummed.

"Great. Now that's half of the problem, like I said, this is a very big decision Jungkook..."

"I understand that, but I think I'm ready to take it to the next level. She makes me happy and I can't imagine living my life without her."

Ah... he smiled!

"You were always a great boy Jungkook, snd smart too... but tell me why you pick my daughter out of the million girls out there? Why not find yourself a different girl?"

I softened my eyes at him.

"That can't be possible sir, I can't imagine having anyone by my side but her... I just can't."

He leaned forward and looked me right in the eyes.

Mrs. Lee was nowhere to be seen at this point.

I focused all my attention on him.

"Jungkook... do you love her?"

My mind started shifting to everything about her.

Her scent.
Her kindness.
Her reliability.
Her beautiful complexion, that shiny silky hair that I loved to play with, her big round eyes that would shine when the light hit them just right, her soft hands that massaged me every night whenever I had nightmares, her sense of humor that I never get tired of, her laugh that makes everything seem better and...

Her smile.

Oh... her smile would turn even the most saddest of days into a brighter one in a matter of seconds, her smile changed me as a person, it even made me smile on my own, it has given me strength to keep on going, to pursue my goals.

Her smile means everything to me.

And I'm not going to let her get away.

That's why I leaned forward to meet the older man's stare.

I shook my head and sighed out desperately.

"At this point... it's more than you can ever imagine."

I looked at him once more.

"In fact, I just don't know what to do with myself...

I love her way too much."


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