Right to the Night

By Snakehipping-Tom

203K 5.9K 3.2K

After the events of the Dark World, Loki has ascended the throne claiming that Thor has abandoned his people... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty

Chapter Nine

4.9K 160 113
By Snakehipping-Tom

 Elisabete pulled back from Edric's embrace and smiled weakly as he kissed her cheek. He gathered his things and thanked her parents for giving their blessing, reassuring them that he would make a good husband for their beloved daughter.

"Thank you so much for this. I will treat Elisabete with the utmost respect anyone could give her. You will not have to worry about her when she moves out." Edric explained.

Elisabete was about to protest when her mother cut her off.

"We trust that you will be good to her. We have known your family for some time now. Besides, you will want your privacy in the first few months of your marriage." She beamed.

"Now, we must make the preparations for the marriage." Her father added.

"I will come by tomorrow to discuss it with you." Edric told them.

"But I am working tomorrow, Edric. I won't be here." Elisabete scoffed.

"Do not worry, my love," Her father chimed in. "Your mother and I know your likes and dislikes. We can make all the arrangements for you so you do not have to worry about another thing on your mind. We are aware that you are busy in the palace and busy taking care of us."

"Yes, but I would like to have some say in my own wedding." Elisabete chuckled lightly.

"You can leave it to us, Elisabete. You have nothing to worry about. In fact, we'll let you pick the date. How does that sound?" Her mother inquired.

"That sounds wonderful." Elisabete replied.

And it did sound wonderful to her. In her eyes, she held the most power in the planning of the wedding. She could pick a date years from now, or a date in less than a few days. She could keep postponing her own wedding to try and come to terms with what was going to happen to her. Edric said his goodbyes and kissed Elisabete's cheek before exiting the house. Tadeus stood at the front door and pushed it open, causing the door to swing around and slam into the side of the house. Edric jumped upon hearing the bang and chuckled nervously as he bowed his head and scurried down the steps and towards his own home. Elisabete cleaned off the table and wished her parents a good night before making her way to her own bedroom. Before she could open the door, Tadeus gripped her wrist and glared down at her.

"What were you thinking?" Tadeus grimaced.

"I had no other choice, Tadeus. No other man would want to marry me. If I am to be stuck in this position for the rest of my life, I might as well accept it. Edric is a good man." Elisabete explained.

"Elisabete, he loathes the king. His family secretly supports the late king. How could you do this? What could have possibly made you say yes to a man like him?" Tadeus angrily questioned her.

"He can offer me a better life than this." Elisabete exhaled sharply.

"What do you mean by that?" Tadeus asked her.

"Do you like the work you do? Do you enjoy having to help father and mother simply get out of bed just to move their legs so don't develop sores? Do you enjoy having to feed them because they can barely move their owns arms? Do you enjoy having to stand by and watch as they get worse and worse, wondering when the day will come that they'll die? You cannot stand there and tell me you do. I'll know it's a lie, Tadeus. With him, I'll be living in a new home, starting my own family. I'll have them to care for, not our parents. I'm sick of this life, Tadeus. Just as sick with it as mother and father are. Yes, I am aware that he despises my king, who I love dearly, but-"

"I'd say you love him a little bit more dearly than you let on." Tadeus interjected.

Elisabete's eyes widened at his statement and she twisted the doorknob to open her door. She gasped as Tadeus gripped the knob and slammed the door shut.

"You don't love Edric. How can you marry a man you hate?" Tadeus questioned her.

"Because...a wise woman once told me that true love would burn me." Elisabete told him.

"Who was this?" Tadeus scoffed.

"A woman I could learn a few things from. She fell in love with a man who loved her too, but not the same way. I am tired, Tadeus, and I wish to have a good night's sleep before I go to work tomorrow morning." Elisabete explained.

Tadeus took a step back as Elisabete opened the door.

"I hope you'll be happy with the decision you've made." Tadeus spoke softly.

"I hope so too." Elisabete whispered as she entered her bedroom.

She closed the door behind her and smiled softly as she saw Liana and Capriana sitting up in their shared bed, staring up at her.

"Is it true that you're going to get married and leave us?" Liana asked.

"It is true that I am going to be married, but I'm not going to leave you. I'll visit to make sure you're all doing just fine." Elisabete told them.

"Tadeus told us that Edric is a bad man." Capriana stated.

"Edric is not bad. He simply believes in some things that we don't. But that doesn't make him bad. He means well. Now, you two should be asleep. You have school tomorrow." Elisabete explained.

She laid soft kisses to each of their heads and tucked them back into bed. She stood at the foot of the bed, watching them sleep, for a few moments before walking over to her own bed and changing into her nightdress. She laid down in her stiff bed and sighed as her head hit the pillow.

The following morning, as Elisabete was preparing breakfast for everyone, and her sisters's lunches, Edric stopped by. Elisabete furrowed her brow as she opened the door and welcomed him inside.

"What brings you here?" Elisabete asked.

"I had told my parents the good news and they are simply too excited. My mother stated she wants to have the wedding in a week. That way, our marriage will be held when there is a new moon in the sky. Isn't that great?" Edric told her.

Now, the only power she held was taken from her, and although disappointed, she was expecting it. She thought that it would be better to get the marriage over with. With her status, there wouldn't be much planning to do anyway.

"That does sound great. I'll go and tell my parents." Elisabete replied.

She walked into their bedroom and smiled as she saw them reading.

"What is it, Elisabete?" Her mother inquired.

"I picked a date." Elisabete spoke.

"Oh, do tell us!" Her mother beamed excitedly.

"In a week." Elisabete told them.

"A week?" Her father scoffed.

"Yes. That way our marriage will be on the night there is to be a new moon. Isn't that great?" Elisabete told them dejectedly.

"Well, of course it does. Whatever you wish, darling." Her mother replied.

Elisabete left their bedroom and walked back into the kitchen to find Edric sampling her cooking. He let out a moan of approval as he nodded his head.

"If you cook this well for me, you will make the best wife this realm has to offer." Edric laughed.

"Thank you," Elisabete sighed. "My parents are alright with the wedding being in a week. Now, I must be off to work. Good day, Edric."

"Good day, Elisabete." Edric grinned.

"You can see yourself out, can't you?" Elisabete asked as she exited the kitchen.

"Yes, I can. And I cannot wait for the-"

"Edric cut himself off when he heard the front door slam shut.

"Wedding." Edric finished.

Knowing that the wedding would be soon, she knew she'd have to alert Loki. She knew she had to tell him that she would be married and would have to take time off from work. Elisabete was well aware of the fact that Loki would be upset since his personal maid would be absent for about a week to celebrate her honeymoon. As she reached the palace, she felt a weight on her shoulders, pushing down on her making her walk slower towards the maid's quarters. She changed her shoes and put her belongings into her marked station. Then, she followed all the other maids into the throne room for role call. As she stood there, Elisabete knew she had to tell him. There was no way around it. If she left the news until the day before her wedding, he'd be livid not knowing the information in advance and not being able to plan accordingly. Loki listed off what he needed her to do but Elisabete could not listen to him. So many thoughts were running through her mind. Loki noted her dazed look and he scoff as he shook his head.

"Girl, have you been listening to a word I've said?" Loki exhaled sharply.

Elisabete gasped softly as she nodded her head.

"Then what did I tell you to do?" Loki questioned her.

"You said to, um, to...to go and, um..." Elisabete stuttered.

"That's what I thought," Loki chuckled. "Why aren't you listening to me?
Elisabete picked her head up from the floor and licked her lips as she gazed into his eyes. She opened her mouth to speak but no words made their way from her lips.

"Do not be afraid. You can tell me anything, girl, and you know that. I, for one, will listen." Loki laughed.

"My king, I have some important news." Elisabete replied.

"Yes? Go on." Loki scoffed.

"I, um...last night, one of the men from my village expressed his wishes to marry me." Elisabete told him.

Loki's calm expression melted away as he felt his blood begin to boil with rage. Someone was going to take his Elisabete away from him and he could not have that.

"Yes?" Loki spoke, raising his brow at her.

"I said I would marry him." Elisabete told him.

Hearing her tell him of her acceptance to his proposal felt like she had shoved a dagger into his chest. His own maid had betrayed him in ways she would never know.

"This morning, we agreed we'd be married in a week. I must ask that I take time off for my honeymoon." Elisabete finished.

Loki stared at her, with wide eyes, not knowing what to tell her. He took note of the tears welling in her eyes, but she pushed them back. Loki swallowed the lump in his throat as he cleared his voice and furrowed his brow. He couldn't believe that Elisabete had said yes.

"Do you love him?" Loki asked her.

"Yes." Elisabete replied, too eagerly for his taste.

"Are you lying to me?" Loki spoke through gritted teeth.

"No, my king. You know very well I do not lie, nor would I ever lie to you, of all people in this realm." Elisabete replied.

Hearing her reply made his solemn disposition begin to fade, but it still remained when he knew his darling Elisabete was to be tied to another man. She would be out of his grasp and there was nothing he could do about that.

"I know this. Good. I shall give you a week off from work to celebrate your marriage." Loki told her.

"Thank you, my king." Elisabete said softly.

"And...congratulations. He is one lucky man to have made you say yes." Loki chuckled.

"Thank you." Elisabete smiled weakly.

After a brief moment of silence, Loki restated the work she was to accomplish and she bowed her head before leaving the room. Loki exhaled sharply when she was out of his sight. He was taken from his thoughts when he saw Sanit enter the room.

"I just visited Eir to see how the baby was doing and she said everything looked wonderful." Sanit told him.

"That's great." Loki spoke as he walked up towards his throne.

He dejectedly sat in the seat, spread his legs as he slumped down in the throne, and laid his hands on the armrests, tracing his finger along the intricate designs of them. Sanit furrowed her brow at him and made her way up the steps. She stood on the last one, glaring down at him.

"Why aren't you happy? I'm going to be having your son." Sanit asked him.

"Some things have come to light that have made me realize things I never knew about myself." Loki told her.

"Stop speaking nonsense. Tell me what is wrong." Sanit demanded.

"My maid is to be married in a week." Loki replied.

"And you're upset by that?" Sanit laughed wildly.

"I am." Loki told her.

Sanit ceased her laughter and bit the inside of her cheek as she narrowed her eyes at him.

"Why are you upset by that? She's nothing to you. She's just a maid. You're lucky you already have someone you love by your side, who is also pregnant with your prince, might I add." Sanit explained to him.

"She means everything to me." Loki confessed.

Sanit placed her hands on the armrests of the throne and leaned forward, her face mere inches away from his.

"And I don't?" Sanit questioned him.

"Sanit, you know how much you mean to me." Loki scoffed.

"I'm afraid I don't." Sanit glared at him.

"You are carrying my child. A child I never thought I could have. You've been true to me during these years we've known each other. You would never do anything to betray me. You mean everything to me too." Loki reassured her.

"Then why are you upset about a nobody? Why are upset that a stupid girl like her is getting married?" Sanit seethed.

"She is not a stupid girl, Sanit. Take that back now." Loki spoke.

"I will not!" Sanit scoffed.

"As your king, I demand you take back the slanderous things you have said about Elisabete." Loki growled.

"Fine. I take it back." Sanit rolled her eyes.

"Good. She has done nothing to you to make you feel this way about her." Loki told Sanit.

"Everything she does and says has made me feel this way about her. You care for her like she's your wife! You won't admit it but I see how your eyes always turn to look at her. I see how you stare at her with admiration, the way you once looked at me. I saw the smile on your face as you danced with her. I saw how close you pulled her to your body. You cannot deny it to me any longer. I know how you feel about her, but trust me, you're just infatuated by her. Nothing will ever happen between you two and it never can. She's a maid and you're a king. She could never be a queen. Your queen is staring right at you. Your beloved queen. Sanit, queen of Asg-"

"You will never be queen!" Loki shouted at her.

Sanit gasped as she stepped back from the throne watching as Loki stood from the throne and advanced towards her. She carefully stepped back down the steps, her eyes wide with fear as she took in the contorted expression on Loki's face.

"But, I am carrying the prince." Sanit chuckled lightly.

"And that makes you think that's all you need to be queen? You are mistaken, Sanit. I will never have you as my queen. That is something you must accept. You are nothing but my mistress, a whore." Loki seethed.

"Take that back." Sanit whimpered.

"I will not! It's the truth. That's all you are to me." Loki exclaimed.

"It's not fair that you made me take back what I said about her, yet you cannot take back what you said about me!" Sanit shouted at him.

"It is completely fair because I am the king and I can do whatever I please!" Loki yelled at her.

"So, just because you're the king, you think you can play with my emotions just like that? I am a person, you know. I have feelings. I hear what everyone whispers about me. I know they think I slept with hundreds of men, including your brother, but they're wrong. Their words don't hurt me, but to hear them come from you...it's like you're stabbing a dagger into my back." Sanit explained to him.

"You and I both know that is all you'll ever be. I sleep with you because I like it, not because I love it. I will admit I loved you once. But I have changed, Sanit, and you have to. This...you cannot deny. We are completely different people. Yes, I am so pleased that you are carrying my child, but that doesn't make me want to give you the title of queen. You do not have the proper etiquette to be a queen. Do you really think I can make you a queen when the people of this court despise you? Is that why you came back? Because you thought you'd be queen?" Loki told her, furrowing his brow together, wondering if he was right.

"You know that is not why I came back. I came back because I love you, you idiot! And then I see the way you look at her. I hate knowing that you don't love me the way you used to." Sanit replied.

Loki sighed as he walked back to his throne and Sanit groaned as she shook her head.

"What can I do to make you love me again? Tell me." Sanit pleaded with him.

"Tell you what! I have nothing left to say to you!" Loki screamed at her.

Sanit cursed at herself as a few tears escaped from her eyes. She bit her lip as her hands trembled. She took a deep breath before bowing her head and kneeling onto the floor before him.

"I will do anything for you, Loki. I would go to Hel for you. As a matter of fact, I think that's where I'm already headed. And you too know that that is where you are headed to. Please, tell me what it is that will make you love me." Sanit begged him.

Loki's chest heaved as he stared down at her. He had nothing to tell her. He knew the love he once had for her was gone. Yet, he could not toss her onto the streets for she carried his prince in her womb. All that mattered to him was that she gave birth to a healthy boy that would be his heir.

"If it pleases you, I shall assign you your own chambers. It will look more official that way, anyway." Loki spoke up.

"No! That is not what I asked of you. Tell me what it is you want!" Sanit exclaimed.

Loki gazed down at her. The desperation in her eyes did not fit her well. She was not the begging type and Loki knew that. He scoffed as he shook his head. As Sanit examined his face, she thought back to everything that has happened and a smile creeped its way onto her face. Loki furrowed his brow at her and took a step forward as she laughed softly.

"I know what it is." Sanit beamed.

"What?" Loki scoffed.

"I know why you're upset about her marriage." Sanit replied.

"You do? Enlighten me then." Loki chuckled as he sat himself down on his throne.

As he sat down, Sanit stood from the floor and patted down her dress. SHe pointed her finger at him and tried her hardest to contain her laughter.

"You just want to fuck her." Sanit stated.

Loki's smile faded as he registered what she said.

"That's it. You just want to fuck her, that's all. You know that once she marries, you'll never be able to. You want to be the first to know her body. You want to fuck her tight quim, don't you? It burns you to know that someone else will know her before you do, isn't that right?" Sanit explained to him.

Loki's jaw clenched as he gripped onto the ends of the armrests. He glanced down at his lap and then back up at Sanit. She giggled softly as she stared him down, awaiting his answer.

"Yes." Loki replied softly.

"And if I satisfy this need of yours, will I make you happy?" Sanit asked.

"I won't know until you try." Loki spoke.

"Do not worry...my king...I'll find a way," Sanit told him. "And what will happen once you've broken her in and tossed her back to her husband? What will become of her?"

"This discussion is over, Sanit. Go and rest. You've had too much excitement." Loki replied.

"Eir just said that-"

"I do not care what she has told you! I've said that you have had too much excitement and must rest for the child's sake! I order you to go to your chambers and rest!" Loki shouted as he stood from his throne.

Sanit slowly nodded her head as she stared at him with wide eyes.

"Yes, my king." Sanit whispered.

She bowed her head and paced out of the room. Loki let out a deep breath as he sat back down on the throne, running his hands through his hair. Sanit had been right. Loki wanted Elisabete in the most unnatural way possible. He had wanted her the moment he laid his eyes on her. Her spirit, loyalty, and good manners drove him wild. He knew she loved and cared for him and would do anything for him. Loki would gladly put his life on the line for Elisabete. He knew Elisabete better than he knew Sanit. The closer he grew towards Elisabete, the farther apart he and Sanit grew. Loki hated how Sanit begged and pleaded with him to love her. His love had disappeared in the three years she was gone. When she returned, he was happy to see her after so long, but, he didn't love her. To him, all she was was a good lay, nothing else. Now, she was a good lay, and soon-to-be the mother of his child. His people would hate him if they tossed her onto the streets and would not accept the child as his when it was born. They would despise him even more than many already did. Sanit's presence made him feel like he was suffocating. Whenever Elisabete was present, he couldn't help but adore her. She drove him to insanity with everything she did.

Towards the middle of the day, Elisabete gathered Loki's lunch and delivered it to his chambers. He opened the door and as she stepped inside, Sanit was nowhere to be seen.

"My king, I thought my lady would be present with you." Elisabete stated.

"I have assigned her her own chambers. You can take whatever is hers off the tray and give it to her. She resides in my brother's chambers now." Loki told her.

"Oh. I will gladly bring her lunch." Elisabete smiled.

"Good. Thank you." Loki said.

Elisabete placed his food on his writing desk and took the tray with Sanit's meal in her hands. As she went to leave the room, she noticed Loki standing in the doorway to his balcony, just staring out over the city, with no expression on his face.

"My king, are you alright?" Elisabete asked.

Loki snapped his head to face Elisabete and he cleared his throat as he nodded his head.

"Yes, I'm...I'm perfectly alright." Loki replied.

"Okay. I'll be back to fetch your dinner." Elisabete told him.

She left his chambers and Loki let out a few deep breaths as he looked back out his balcony and into the city. As Elisabete walked down the hall to Sanit's new chambers, she realized just how serious Loki was about Sanit's position in the court. It was just like the other maids had spoken about. She was finally given her own private rooms. Soon, Elisabete would hear of her engagement to Loki. She felt tears in her eyes but pushed them back, not wanting Sanit to notice her tears and make a spectacle of it. She took a deep breath before knocking on her door. She heard Sanit's voice call her in and Elisabete entered the room.  

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