The Companions of Time

By abbsofsteele02

1.1K 108 23

You must not question the story you are about to read. That is if you are courageous enough to in fact read i... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 32

chapter 31

25 5 3
By abbsofsteele02

Five years later

Dearest reader, we resume our story here. The events of in between are not exciting to go on about.
There was two weddings, three children and a small house built.
One of the weddings, yes reader, was Grey and my wedding.
It was simple and had few people. It was the eve of my 21st birthday, with our closest friends in 1812.

That year was definitely eventful to say the least.

The other wedding was that of Ben.
Reader, our dearest Ben did eventually find love after having his heart shattered to bits by his brother's death.

Before my marriage, he found a beautiful woman from India who was able to pick up those shards and glue them together with a glue made of her love and admiration. He met her in India on an excursion.
He instantly fell in love and brought her home.

Were any of those three children ours?

The answer is no.

Ben and Clarissa had three beautiful triplets.

They had a perfect blend of their mother and father. High cheekbones like their father, and creamy caramel skin like their Indian mother.

As I look back to my dear friends, I smile back with great joy.

It was the winter of 1812 when Grey and I had gotten a visit by the old Mrs Turnage, who was surprisingly still punching and kicking her way throughout everyone's lives.

A loud knock sounded at the door through our cottage.

I opened it to find a snowy Mrs Turnage.

"Come in!" I said ushering her in.

"Who is it bunny?" Called Grey, as he walked into the room "ah! Mrs Turnage, lovely to see you here today. Did you venture through this horrible weather?"

"Yes my dear boy," she said gruffly sitting down on a chair with a sigh, dusting the snow off her clothing.

I brought over the boiling water and put it in the tea pot.

"Why ever are we graced with your presence?"

"I want you two to take me up to where the late Mr. Thompson met his demise," she said bluntly, but the mention of the place brought sickening memories and a chill that I was sure wasn't from the cold.

"Why ever would you want to go to such a dreadful place?" I asked fixing up the tray with tea, my back towards her.

"I want to see where my granddaughter was last seen."

I almost dropped the cream at the mention of Elizabeth.

"You're granddaughter?" Questioned Greyson, stoking the fire with more wood.

"Yes," she said taking a sip of the tea.

"Why has this never been mentioned?" I asked setting the rest of the tray down on the small table.

"It's never been brought up in conversation," she said I to her tea "my dear it is comfortably warm in here!"

"There is not much to heat," I said referring to our two story, small cottage.
"But that doesn't explain why you want to go to the old mansion," I said returning us back to the topic.

The old woman sighed "my dear, I don't need much reason except for I would like to visit, and I would prefer if you would accompany me there."

I sighed and looked to my husband's face. He gave a nod.

"I suppose we can accompany you," I sighed.

"Why thank you my darling," she said standing. She placed a kiss on my cheek and hobbled over to Grey and placed a kiss on his cheek before heading out the door into the harsh cold.

I said down making a sound like a horse "there's a reason we haven't been back there."

"I know," said Grey moving the word around in the fire "I'm just surprised she is in such great health. Remember when we first came and she was in a wheelchair? Yet she still hobbles about now."

I took two tea cups and poured the hot tea inside. I made my tea the way I wanted it, no cream and two cubes of sugar.

Grey made his cup of tea and sat next to me on the sofa, draping an arm around my shoulders.

"You know we would eventually have to go back," he said.

"No I didn't, I had forbid myself from ever returning."

He gave me a reassuring kiss on the forehead, which I gladly received.
He kissed me again, this time on the mouth.

"Bunny, I love you so much. I'm glad we got stuck back in time together. You know I love you right?"

"Of course I do," I said kissing him "I'm a smoking hot babe."

He laughed, throwing his head back in pure laughter.
He hugged me close.

"We can go back, we can do it bravely. After this we don't have to go back ever again, I promise."

"Pinky promise?" I asked holding out my pinky.

He chuckled, and hooked my pinky with his, the promise sealed.

We both fell asleep in each others arms on the sofa watching the fire.


I awoke to Grey getting up to feed the fire.

Missing his warmth I wined "come back."

He chuckled and put more wood inside, and turned the embers with a poker.
He shoved some dry chips inside that caught fire, and spread to the larger pieces.

He grabbed a blanket and returned to the sofa next to me.

"It's morning bunny," I heard his voice echo through the house a few hours later, that felt like minutes.

I sat up and stretched with a yawn "you look cute this morning," I said complementing his morning hair.

I climbed off from the sofa, and set all the pillows back where they needed to be, before walking behind Grey and giving him a hug, as he cooked eggs over the wood stove in the kitchen.

"Ooh, eggs for me?" I asked in a sweet morning tone.

"Ah yes, for the sleeping beauty," he said.

I set the small table for us, putting out all the things needed for breakfast.

Grey outdid himself, with eggs, sausage and pancakes.

We said a prayer over our food, and began to eat.

"So what's the plan today?" I asked as I swallowed a piece of pancake.

"Just have to collect eggs, milk the cow, and go over expenses."

"Okey doke," I said finishing up my breakfast.

I put on pants and tall boots, then put on thick wool shirts and finally a thick overcoat, to face the cold outside.

I went inside the chicken coop, and collected all the eggs. I then made sure there was no cold air making its way inside the coop, before closing it up.

Grey milked the cow, and I shoveled, making sure that there was a place to walk, if one did decide to venture out to see us today.

Both Grey and I made it inside the warm house after the grueling work.

I stripped off the coast and boots, and put them by the door to let them dry.

I kept the soft cotton pants on, but changed into one of Grey's soft shirts, instead of the itchy wool shirt I had worn to keep warm.
Grey situated his clothing, and we both began making lunch.

It was already around noon, which meant after lunch we would probably sit and read a book.
We ate, hungrily and cleaned our dishes, putting them back in their designated spot.

As I had planned we read in the sitting room, with the warmth of the fire comforting our chilled bones as we read.

Later on I decided to mop up the water on the floor left by snow, and that caused a wave of cleaning, that Grey soon joined in.

Around dinnertime we had finished cleaning and begun cooking for dinner.

A knock came at the door, and Grey answered it.

"Why on earth are you two not ready?" Called Mrs. Turnage.

"We didn't know you meant today you wanted to go," I heard Grey's voice explain.

"Is that cooking I smell?"

"Yes it is ma'am," I called to her.

She came around the corner into the kitchen, and gasped.
"My dear! A lady never wears trousers!"

I looked down at the lack of skirts.

"Go change at once!"

I did the walk of shame upstairs to my room, and just slipped a dress over the trousers, not bothering with all the extra steps.

I managed to button up the back, and fix my already pulled back hair into a more "presentable" fashion.

I returned downstairs.

"Ah! Much better!" Said Mrs. Turnage "off we go!"

A/n: hello everyone! Companions is drawing to a close I'm sorry to say. :(
But do not fear! The sequel is already in the writing process!
I would like to thank all my readers and the people that have given me ideas and helped me throughout this whole book.

Thanks! :)

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