Book 3: My Unpredictable Roma...


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Book Three of My Romance with Derek Hale Series... Derek is now an Alpha and determined to add to his pack w... More

Author's Note
Derek: Prologue
Kristin: Aftermath
Belle: The Bite
Kristin: Another Funeral
Derek: Never Ending Problems
Kristin: The First Turn is Always the Worst
Derek: Jailbreak
Belle: Mending Broken Bridges
Kristin: Ripped Shirt
Derek: New Member
Belle: Celebration
Kristin: Terrible Feeling
Derek: Third Member

Derek: Pack Trouble?

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(Previously: Derek gave Jackson the bite.)

Belle has no idea that Isaac was already on my list, one of the few that I plan on offering the bite. Speaking of pack members I can feel that there is something wrong with Jackson. I was hoping the bite might kill him and I think maybe my wish is going to come true, so why do I feel like such a horrible person? I didn’t want to give Jackson the bite but I knew he wouldn’t stop until he got what he wanted. Jackson is the type of rich spoilt brat that has never heard the word no in his entire life.
If Jackson dies it’s because it’s what he deserves. My inner wolf speaks up.
That’s easy for you to say. You don’t have to live with the annoying guilt that constantly follows you around.
Stop whining like a little bitch.
Whatever . . . I hold in the sigh.
I now have the freedom to move around and go where I please since I have been exonerated of my alleged crimes, and I park my black Camaro in the school parking lot before I focus on the pack connection between Jackson and me.
His sickly presence is strong and I quickly make my way into the school past the lockers before I slip into the boy’s bathroom. Thankfully the room is completely clear apart from Jackson who is in a stall with the door locked. 
Let’s just leave and let him die in peace.
You know I can’t do that. He’s my responsibility . . . Unfortunately.
Knock knock . . . I bang on the stall door.
“I’m fine Danny just go back to class,” Jackson replies. I can hear the worry and shock in his voice.
Knock knock.
“Just give me a second okay?”
This time I bang on the door with just enough force to shake it.
Let’s just kill him and put him out of his misery.
Seriously why are you talking so much?! I snap at him/ myself.
“I said give me a frickin’ second!” Jackson yells.
One . . . There I gave him a second.
It’s easy to force the door open. The locks are pathetically weak and I grab Jackson and force him out of the stall and push his near the line of sinks.
“Derek,” Jackson is surprised.
“You’re looking a little pale there Jackson. You feeling okay?” I ask.
“Never better,” Jackson lies and I hold in the eye roll.
“If something’s wrong I need to know. You’re with me now.”
“Wait . . . With you? Me with you?” Jackson chuckles, “What am I your little pet? I mean just because you gave me “the bite” it doesn’t mean I’m part of your little wolf pack. Sorry but to be honest you don’t exactly show outstanding leadership qualities.”
Ungrateful prick bite off his head!
Relax will you!
It was exactly what I was expecting from Jackson, “Is that so?” I ask with a smirk.
“Look I’ve got my own agenda. Which doesn’t involve running around the woods at night howling at the moon with you and McCall okay? So why don’t you just back the fu—”
I cut Jackson off as I grip his chin and force him to look into the mirror. There’s a black liquid oozing from his ears. This shouldn’t be happening. Jackson was either meant to die or turn, he wasn’t meant to get sick two days later.
“What is it? What’s happening?” Jackson asks as he stares into the mirror.
“Your body is fighting the bite,” I reply as the shock is still showing on my face.
“Why?” Jackson asks and I start inching away. This isn’t meant to be happening. I’ve never seen this before.
“I don’t know.”
“What does it mean?”
I shake my head.
“What does it mean?!” Jackson asks and all I can do is walk away. I don’t have answers and I don’t see it ending well for Jackson.
Karma’s a bitch.
What about our karma?
We don’t have to worry about that now that we’re the Alpha. My inner wolf replies although I’m not so sure.
“Derek?” I hear Kristin’s voice call out behind me after I exit the bathroom and start my escape down the hallway. Kristin is still shutting me out through the bond. It’s frustrating not being able feel her emotions or her presence.
“Hey,” I turn on my heels and Kristin gives me an awkward smile. I have been trying to keep my distance, angry at myself for endangering Kristin’s life . . . Again. It had only been two days but felt like two weeks. Plus I’m sure Kristin is still pissed about what happened with Peter where he tested me and was “going to give” Kristin the bite.
If I was stronger I wouldn’t have cemented the bond and bitten Kristin. If I was stronger I would keep my distance completely and suffer the pain of being apart from Kristin, but I’m weak and selfish.
And apparently you’re secretly a girl.
And apparently . . . You need to shut the hell up.
“Hey,” Kristin replies. I may not be able to feel her emotions but I can see that she is worried about something or someone.
What isn’t she telling me?
“You’re a quick learner. I haven’t been able to sense you at all through the bond,” I reply trying to hide my irritation. I know Kristin hasn’t rejected the bond. The pain would be severe and even though it would only last for a few minutes it would feel like an eternity. That’s not including the constant feeling of missing a big part of yourself afterwards, until you fill the hole.
At least that’s what I was told happens.
“I just flipped the switch like you said,” Kristin shrugs.
“Even so I should be able to channel you through the connection,” I reply. Kristin is human and flipping off one aspect of the bond is hard enough let alone numbing the connection between us completely.
At least Kristin won’t be in any danger next time I get tortured.
“Maybe you’re not as good as you think you are,” Kristin suggests and I grab her hand and pull her along until we reach the janitor’s closest which is only down the hall. To my surprise Kristin doesn’t resist and follows me inside.
Kristin probably just doesn’t want to cause a scene in the hallway and figures it’s safer to slap me in here.
“The janitor’s closet. . . Really?!” Kristin crosses her arms over her chest.
“You’re wrong. Since I’m an Alpha it means that my connection with you should be stronger,” I reply.
“So now you want me to un-flip the switch?” Kristin asks confused.
“No of course not; the last thing I need is you suffering another heart attack,” I reply certain that Kristin won’t survive the torture a second time.
“Look Derek just because I kissed you back in the torture dungeon, it doesn’t mean we are back together,” Kristin changes the subject.
Can we move onto someone who isn’t constantly playing hard to get?
You know it doesn’t work like that.
I know . . .
“Actually it wasn’t a torture dungeon until Kate renovated it,” I close the space between us and Kristin tries to take a step back but collides with the shelving. That place used to be our sanctuary, our safe area where we first learned to gain control of the shift and break the full moon’s power over us.
“Derek I—”
“I told you that I was sorry. Peter was testing me Kristin, and he would’ve snapped your neck before I had the chance to attack him.”
Kristin nods and avoids my gaze, “That’s not our problem.”
“Our problem?” I ask. I didn’t realise we had just one specific problem.
I’m assuming it’s me.
“Do you really need me to explain?” Kristin asks.
“Yeah I do,” I reply and brace myself for the worst.
This’ll be good.
Kristin sighs, “I can count all the deep and meaningful conversations we’ve had since your return on one hand Derek . . . One hand!” Kristin tries to slide away but I press my body up against hers. Kristin’s sweet scent is intoxicating and fuelling the desire.
“We’re connected Kristin and I know you don’t know what that feels like but—”
“You’re right I don’t,” Kristin interrupts and avoids looking me in the eyes which is when I gently grip her chin and force her blue eyes to look into mine.
Even though I know better and that Kristin is better off without me, I can’t will myself to walk away. Part of me feels that since I’m the Alpha that I can protect Kristin, and I won’t fail but then I’m reminded of the moment when Kristin’s heart literally stopped beating.
“Tell me to leave and I will,” I reply and clutch her face in between my hands.
“Just because you’re the Alpha now it—” Kristin starts but I cut her off and press my lips against hers. Kristin is trying to resist although she doesn’t push me away straight away.
Kristin pulls away, “No I’m not doing this again. Just because we’re bonded it doesn’t automatically make me yours.”
“Then tell me to leave.”
Kristin goes to talk but stops herself and I can see the frustration in her eyes before I kiss her again. Kristin doesn’t resist me and her lips part before she pulls away . . . Again.
I vote we just leave before she gives us blue balls.
I’ll leave when Kristin tells me to.
“This isn’t going to work Derek,” I can feel Kristin’s warm breath on my face as my lips hover just inches from hers.
“Why not?” I ask and lean my forehead against hers. Kristin doesn’t move an inch and closes her eyes as my hands slide down to her shoulders. Her jacket is thin and I can feel her body heat through the material.
“Because you’re too closed off and you’re not ready to let me in.”
“I’m here now aren’t I?”
“Yeah and then once you get what you want you’ll be gone again.”
“It’s not like that,” I object. I’ve never used Kristin for sex. I want to be with her but the fear of something happening to Kristin is constant. People I care about die around me and I don’t want Kristin added to that list.
“It’s always going to be like that until you stop punishing yourself, and stop pushing everyone away,” Kristin’s leans her hand against the side of my face, and just for a second I feel her frustration and sadness that is radiating within Kristin.
I hate that I’m the reason. Before Kristin numbed the connection between us I could feel her emotions just by focussing on her, and picturing her face in my mind. Sometimes I could also feel the reasons behind her emotions, I’ve missed that.
“Everything was fine before Peter screwed it up,” I point out. We had to sneak around because I was wanted by the police and there were cops guarding her house, but it was working between us.
It was far from a normal relationship.
I know.
Kristin deserves a normal relationship.
I know but what is normal anyway? The world is full of supernatural creatures. Kristin was a hunter along with her father and brother who are still hunters, and her sister and mother are werewolves as well.   
“Exactly, it was fine. That’s the problem. I want more than that. I want to be able to talk openly and go out to dinner, and introduce you to Michelle and tell Dee and Cassie that we’re together again. I want to be able to walk down the street and hold your hand. I . . . I want to go to the movies,” Kristin replies although I don’t know if that’s me anymore or if I can ever be that person again. Kristin wants what she had with Tane but the community is never going to accept me like that.
“I’m not that seventeen year old boy anymore.”
“I know,” Kristin replies and moves her hand back by her side.
“So what are you saying?” I ask and hold Kristin’s face in between my hands as I look her in the eyes. The last time we had a talk similar to this I told Kristin I just needed time. I needed her to be patient and Kristin agreed to give me time. That was before Peter screwed everything up.
I’ve spent the last six years keeping myself guarded afraid to become attached to new people. It was my fault my family were burnt alive and I had to punish myself by closing myself off, and cutting off my connection to Kristin. It was hard enough letting Laura and Tane in. I don’t want to lose Kristin and the bond but I don’t know if I can be what Kristin needs me to be.
If Kristin could feel the connection I know she would be patient with me but that’s not going to happen.
We could make it happen. My inner wolf loves the idea.
Kristin would never forgive me if I forced the bite on her.
She would eventually.
Not if she rejects the bond in response.
“The night the hunters attacked I was coming to see you. I wanted to have the talk. I wanted us to either finally end it for good or agree to try and make it work,” Kristin answers.
“I thought you were done with me after the Peter incident?” I ask unsure of how to word what happened with Peter.
“So did I,” Kristin replies and I feel my self-control diminish completely before I press my lips against Kristin’s. To my surprise she doesn’t hesitate and her lips part for me again before my arms wrap around her.
The lack of control I have when with Kristin is unnerving but I also know it is normal and part of the bond. When I’m with Kristin as corny as it sounds I’m complete and at peace. The anger and guilt I feel towards myself eases instantly which is part of the problem. The anger is how I survive and I’m not ready to let go of the guilt yet.
I deserve it.
Kristin’s arms wrap around my neck before I grip her hips and pull her up. Kristin wraps her legs around my torso as the frenzy begins, and our lips start clashing furiously. It’s too easy to forget where we are and our bodies collide with the shelf behind us.
Thud, thump . . . thud. I hear cleaning products hit the ground as my lips start to trail down her jaw and neck before I find her lips again.
For a brief moment I feel the wall between us crumble again, and I feel Kristin’s desire which feeds into mine. I have to hold it back. The last thing I want to do is accidentally hurt Kristin by grabbing her to hard. The human body is fragile. Plus Kristin literally just suffered a heart attack a couple of days ago and was shot in the leg. Damn it!
I pull away and take a deep breath and Kristin does the same before she looks at me confused.
What the hell dude!
Don’t call me dude.
“Shouldn’t you be at home resting?” I ask.
“The doctor said I’m fine. I got lucky,” Kristin replies and a smirk surfaces before she starts to kiss across my jaw and moves down my neck.
Stop talking! My wolf demands. I want to listen and push away the concern but I can’t. Kristin has to be in some pain at least.
“You were shot, shouldn’t you be on crutches or something?” I somehow manage to ask as Kristin’s lips move back to mine, and hover less than in inch away. All I want to do is finish what I started but I don’t want to hurt Kristin. The torso wound from Peter still won’t be healed for another few months, not completely.
“The bullet managed to dodge all the important stuff. I’m fine,” Kristin replies before she presses her lips against mine and I can’t resist.
I felt Kristin’s desire when it first spiked. If the pain is strong I should be able to feel that also. I hope as Kristin’s finger tips run through my dark hair. I focus on her racing heartbeat and her sweet scent, and block out the pungent chemicals as well as the teenage hormones I can sense.
I don’t even want to know how many others have hooked up in this closet. I never thought I’d ever set foot in this hell hole again let alone make out with Kristin in the Janitor’s closet. What a cliché.
Her hands snap me out of my thoughts as they creep under my shirt and up my chest. My arms tighten around Kristin slightly as our lips continue to clash furiously. I haven’t felt this satisfied since the last time we were together, which was only a few hours after I found out Peter was the Alpha. I don’t count the quick kiss in the “torture dungeon” as Kristin called it.
The door opens and Kristin and I pull away from the kiss immediately.
I vote we kill her.
I vote you shut up.
“Oh my god I’m sorry,” the brunette woman apologises.
“Michelle!?” Kristin looks like a deer in headlights.
So that’s the famous Michelle that Kristin wants me to be introduced to, well it looks like Kristin is getting her wish.
She’s pretty.
Keep it in your pants.
“I thought you were a couple of kids skipping class,” Michelle replies.
Kristin un-wraps her legs from mine and straightens out her hair, jeans, shirt and jacket before she turns her full attention to Michelle.
“Why aren’t you teaching class?” Kristin asks curiously.
“My class isn’t for another half hour,” Michelle is smirking.
Awkward . . .
I bet we would have scored a home run if Michelle didn’t interrupt.
How did I know you were going to say that? I hold in the eye roll.
“Well don’t you have something to do Derek?” Kristin asks me and I take the hint. At least I know Kristin isn’t throwing in the towel just yet, well until we finish “the talk”.
We can avoid her.
Yeah because that totally worked today.
You could stop being a little bitch and give Kristin what she wants.
I can’t.
“Yeah,” I nod before I pass by Michelle and start the walk down the empty hallway back to my car.
“So that’s Derek? Wow he is hot!” I eavesdrop and hear Michelle.
“He’s not too bad I suppose,” Kristin replies trying to sound indifferent as I open the doors and exit the building.

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