I hate fakers sequel

By readingfanatic

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Following on from 'I hate fakers', Alayna and Jayden still have a thing or two to learn about fakers... Where... More

I hate fakers sequel (Chapter 1)
I hate fakers sequel (Chapter 2)
I hate fakers sequel (Chapter 3)
I hate fakers sequel (Chapter 4)
I hate fakers sequel (Chapter 5)
I hate fakers sequel (Chapter 6)
I hate fakers sequel (Chapter 7)
I hate fakers sequel (Chapter 8)
I hate fakers sequel (Chapter 9)
I hate fakers sequel (Chapter 10)
I hate fakers sequel (Chapter 11)
I hate fakers sequel (Chapter 12)
I hate fakers sequel (Chapter 13)
I hate fakers sequel (Chapter 14)

I hate fakers sequel (Chapter 15)

113 1 1
By readingfanatic

I hate fakers sequel (Chapter 15)

4 months pregnant

“I want popcorn” I pout as Jayden talks with my father about some legal stuff. I know I should be paying more attention to this conversation considering that it is for our business, but lately all I seem to be able to think about is popcorn.

“Sure baby” Jayden replies as he rubs his thumb gently over my stomach. I know Jayden doesn’t mean to dismiss my mumblings, because he has been extremely busy lately with our business and helping my dad with the case against Conrad. I frown when my thoughts direct towards Conrad, and I narrow my eyes at the cushion by my feet. I imagine that the cushion is Conrad’s head so I swiftly kick it off the couch and start giggling uncontrollably.

As I am nestled in Jaydens side, he pecks the side of my head and whispers “Are you okay baby?” with a hint of a smile in his tone.

“Popcorn” I mumble in response while sinking further into his embrace. I must commend my father for having such a comfortable couch in his office. I swear I am so comfortable right now, I could happily stay exactly as I am until I give birth. Okay, slight exaggeration, and besides that would be gross.

“Yes, I will make you some popcorn shortly.” Jayden replies and then kisses my temple again before resuming his conversation with my father.

A little while later, my father mentions Conrad and my ears immediately perk up and I turn my gaze to my father. Although my father and Jayden now openly discuss Conrad around me, it doesn’t make things any easier for Jayden and he still tenses slightly.

“Conrad’s lawyers are still trying to strike a deal” my father informs as he hunts out a stray file on his desk. The audacity, at times I really do question our justice system.

“Is there anything we can do to stop it?” Jayden asks as he pulls me closer to him.

I snuggle in his embrace but still listen attentively as my father replies “I will try son” and then his gaze softens when he looks at me “baby girl. I promise to do everything I can”

Smiling in response, I reply “I know you will daddy.”

My father simply nods in response, shares a glance with Jayden and then promptly dismisses us. I must question what that glance meant. Im sure they don’t have some sort of telepathic powers, and I sincerely hope that they aren’t keeping anything from me. If how I reacted the last time at their secret keeping is any indication, they know full well that they shouldn’t keep things from me.

As soon as we exit my fathers office I ask Jayden “What was that look about?” and I turn around to face him and give him my best ‘don’t you even think about playing ignorant’ look.

My look seems to work because Jayden runs a hand through his hair and then leads me down the hallway as he admits “You will think it is stupid”

“Please Jayden” I urge as we round the corner to my fathers kitchen area.

Jayden helps me into a stool and then makes his way to the pantry, probably to get me some popcorn. I don’t want the popcorn to distract me and I am about to ask Jayden again when he replies “We are just worried about you baby. I want to be with you constantly, and if not me then someone else I completely trust.”

“You’re right, that is stupid” I mutter as I pick up an apple off the counter. I look up at Jayden and notice the hurt expression on his face and my heart stutters.

“Im sorry Jayden” I quickly add as I hop down from the counter and make my way towards him. I wrap my arms around his waist tightly and his arms automatically find their way around mine.

“I love the fact that you love me so much. But how is living in constant fear and on edge a solution?” I question softly.

Jayden has no response but rubs his thumbs over my lower back.

“I don’t want you live life constantly looking over my shoulder. Its not healthy.” I reply as I cup his cheeks in my hands.

“Thank you for being my wonderful, charming, and caring husband. But for today, no more overprotective thoughts ok?” I ask I search his gaze.

Jayden nods and then whispers “Ok” before he captures my lips in a passionate kiss.

After a while, I pull away from the kiss rather breathless and rest my forehead against Jaydens soft lips as I try to catch my breath. Although we are married, making out in my fathers kitchen isn’t exactly something I aspire to, so I try to redirect the mood by asking “Wheres my popcorn?”

Jayden chuckles softly then kisses my forehead before releasing me saying “I was just about to make some”

I make my way back to my stool and take a bite out of my apple as I watch Jayden pop the popcorn. Ok, don’t judge me but I didn’t realize that this was how popcorn was made.  Yes, I know I sound incredibly dense, but Tyler and I used to make popcorn all the time. Sure it was in the microwave and came pre-seasoned and pre-packaged, it was very simple really – just place the bag in the microwave for a few minutes and you’re done.

But using a pan to make popcorn from these little kernel things was a revelation to me so I watched Jayden in rapt attention. Unfortunately though, I was too engaged in my attention that as soon as the first kernels popped it gave me the fright of my life. This of course, triggered my bowels so I had to quickly rush to the bathroom to relieve myself.

On my way back to the kitchen, a knock at the front door catches my attention and I make a slight detour to answer it.

Pulling the door open, I smile warmly and am greeted by a vaguely familiar face.

“My name is Cassie” a small voice draws my attention down to a little girl dressed in a blue and green uniform “I am a Tiger Lily Scout and we are fundraising for a school camp. Would you like to buy some cookies?” she asks as she raises the box so I can see the delectable goodies.

My mouth practically salivates as I nod in agreement and then reply “I need to grab some money. Wont be a sec.”

I quickly head towards the kitchen and as soon as I enter Jayden is starting to plate up my popcorn “I need some money?”

Jayden raises an eyebrow at me curiously and then responds “We have plenty of money baby.”

“I know, I know. But I need some money” I urge while extending my hand towards him.

“Whatever you need I can get for you” Jayden replies while smiling at me.

“No no, I want cookies. And I need money.” I halfheartedly explain and then start searching his pockets for his wallet. I know what you are thinking, where is my wallet, but Jayden insists on carrying everything for me and paying, so I no longer have a use for my purse.

“As enjoyable as this is, we have plenty of cookies here and at home” Jayden chuckles as I pull the wallet from his pocket while blushing at his comment.

“But they’re not Tiger Lily Scout cookies” I reply as I fish out some money from his wallet. Jayden eyes me curiously and asks “Tiger Lily Scout?”

“Yes, there is a cute little girl scout selling cookies at the door” I explain as I turn to return to them.

“You answered the door” Jayden growls at me while reaching to grab my arm. Although his grip doesn’t hurt, I don’t appreciate the man-handling. Besides, only moments ago we decided to ease up  on the over-protective shenanigans.

I frown at Jayden and reply coldly “Of course I answered the door”

My tone seems to trigger Jaydens memory and he quickly entwines his hand with mine and apologises “Sorry baby. Force of habit. I could have answered the door for you”

“Don’t be silly” I mumble as I shake my head and then turn to return to the front door with Jayden in tow.

I hand my money to Cassie and say to her caregiver “You look familiar”

“I was going to say the same thing” she laughs with me and I still try to place where I had seen her before.

“You’re Tyler’s sister right?” she asks, and I nod while still trying to remember where I know her from.

“Hannah?” Jayden asks and I look between the two of them.

“That’s right” Hannah smiles warmly and then adds for my benefit “Pregnancy test girl” Immediately a light bulb goes off in my head and I reply “Oh, I remember now. Such a small world”

“Small world indeed” she replies and then asks “How are you guys? Ive caught up a couple of times with Tyler and he told me you had moved.”

“Yes, we actually moved in down the road” I reply and then point in the general direction of our house and add “But we spend a lot of time here at my parents”

“We live a couple of blocks away. Its so weird that Cassie got assigned your street” Hannah muses as she rubs Cassie’s arms.

I nod enthusiastically and agree “Weird alright”

“Well, we must get going. Brendon will be coming home soon” Hannah says and Cassie turns her nose up at the mention of the name ‘Brendon’, who I am assuming is her brother.

Hannah turns to Cassie asking “What do you say Cassie?”

Cassie turns to me with a smile and says “Thank you for your purchase. Enjoy your cookies”

“Thank you Cassie, I will” I reply while smiling at her and then to Hannah “It was nice seeing you again Hannah”

“You too Ali” she replies kindly and then directs Cassie down the path and head towards the neighbours.

“Such a small world” I mumble as Jayden leads me back into the kitchen as I put a delectable cookie into my mouth.

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