By stillhopingtosurvive

332 23 191

Meet Emily River. Shy yet cheerful.Mistaken to be miss-goody-two shoe, stubborn, full of life and crazy. She... More

Chapter - 1
Chapter - 3
Chapter- 5


34 2 11
By stillhopingtosurvive

        Sevoiles High is just like any other schools in California but the only difference is that its bigger and popular. Other than this its quite the same. Our school maintains strict rules and stuff  but in every school there are rule breakers.

Morning is usually filled with students who are always too busy talking to themselves and then there are creepy students who like to checkout girls and everyone likes to stay away from them. There are your usual groups:

The Extreme Popular group ( mostt of them are boys) who seems to rule the school with their charms. Everyone seems to know their names and about every little things they do. And everyone of them plays football. Yes and they have fans as in the weird junior girls who seems to die when they are around. Rich self centered teenagers who do not give a damn about anything even if the school is on fire. Okay okay I am exaggerating but you get my point. People call them Hotties and by people I mean their weird fans *eye roll*.

Then there is your Nerds studying 24/7. Always having their nose stuck in some sort of books. They sit in a circular table during lunch naming it 'The Bench'. Again I am no one to judge here because they are very nice and sweet.

Jocks are usually the hottie's, the one who are addicted to sports. Participating in all kinds of sport.

Oh did I forget to mention Queen Bees. Well we have our Queen Bees too. Adelyn and her minions thinking they are perfect and always being fake when 'hottie's' are around. Their uniform is so short that I sometimes wonder if they are wearing uniform of their kindergarten times.

And then there are the rest. Contains loser,geeks, emos, wannabes always making rumours because they don't have a life like duh!

And if you are thinking which group me and my friends belongs to, we don't belong to any of the above group.

I think me and my friends can be classified as a ' busy group'. Me, Vennessa, Tasha, Lauren, Dorethea, Zara, Marisa always stick together and most of the students know us. We don't care because like I said we are always busy with ourselves. We always chat among ourselves throwing tantrums. That's how our friendship works.

Venessa is the one who scares all the boys away. She is more like a protective sister who is always looking out for us. She has a beautiful brown hair, tanned skin but such a shame she scares all the boys away. We two are the closest.

Then we have Lauren. With attitude where she can be friendly and moody at the same time. Most people say she has a bitchy attitude but we don't care. She is beautiful with hijab.

People think Dorethea is the quitest one but trust me when you get to know her she is anything but quiet. She is crazy just like us if not even more. She has a height 5'7 and very beautiful. She is so into fashion.

And then we have Tasha. The most beautiful girl in our school. She has almost 50% of the male population in school dying for her and she is the player kind of girl. She is my best friend.

Zara is friendly with everyone and is very good at journalism. She is the smallest beautiful girl in our group.

Marisa is the most responsible friend in our group. She is very beautiful but unfortunately she lives in a different state for her fathers job but our friendship is intact.

And then there is me. I don't know how I am even friends with such amazing people. I mean nothing matches except my craziness. Me, Lauren, Tasha , Marisa had been friends as long as I can remember Vanessa and Dorethea joined us later.

We also have our guy friends who are always very supportive and are always there for us.

All in all I got a handful of friends so we interact with others very less but that doesn't lessened the drama that attack us. Another thing that is common between us is that we are very short tempered and results  as bitch to many.

We are honestly very happy the way we are. We aren't selfish or selfless. We know what is good for us. And if that's what makes us a bitch. Okay. We don't mind. We are who we are.

Hey everyone! Hope you all are doing fine. Please do give this story a read. I promise its  going to get better.

How do you think Emily and her friends are ? Comment below.

Please vote and comment everyone. Let me know your thought and if I am making any mistakes or not. If there is any questions please comment.

P.s : this  story is not yet proof read. So if you find any mistakes do tell me.

Love you all.

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