πΉπ‘ˆπ‘ 𝐺𝐼𝑅𝐿

By Jadahx_

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Can'tβ€…turn a ho into a housewife Thatβ€…I was just a homie, a fun girl More

πΉπ‘ˆπ‘ 𝐺𝐼𝑅𝐿


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By Jadahx_

Chapter 1: Fun Girl
Brooklyn, New York
January 14th, 8:57 PM

That's whyI'mso lonely, mm
Can'tturn a ho into a housewife

The release of her moan came through a shuddered breath, her head thrown back while her hips never seized the slow rock they attained on top of her man of the night. She sunk her top row of teeth into her plump bottom lip, attempting to supress all sound that flew past her lips. Though the feeling of fullness made it a challenge, her lower half gliding up and down his thick shaft repeatedly.


"No touching." She whispered out the reminder, just as her favorite feeling balled up in the pit of her stomach. She used both her hands to steady herself, grasping away at his shoulders tightly just as a small shriek flew past her lips. And without warning, she released her cream all over him, refusing to slow down the fast paced speed she increased her body to move at. Her orgasm more important than the fact he struggled to keep up under her.

She was in control. Never the submissive type and never would be, mainly for times like these. She knew what she wanted and she got that, regardless of who the man was...or woman, she never allowed any room for her dominance to be challenged or questioned. Being mindful to set those boundaries in order to ensure that they knew this too.

"Shit!" She cursed, the pit of her stomach balling up once more with another orgasm that she knew she wouldn't have achieved had it not been for herself. Considering the person who was supposed to be pleasuring her did no such thing, the only thing saving him being his size.

"Damn...wait what are-."

"Time to go." She panted, wasting no time in hopping off of him once she allowed the second orgasm to consume her. Moving a piece of her hair from out of her face, she adjusted the purple bra that remained covering her body with her eyes never leaving those of the man who looked puzzled.

"What do you mean, I thought..." With her hands pressed against her bare hips, Jahzara stared at him blankly.

Rolling her eyes, she assumed this was somebody new whose first time making it into her bed was that night. She didn't keep track, couldn't even if she tried considering it was usually someone new every night. Who she picked depended on her mood, her feelings, and how good she felt she looked that night. Not wanting to give herself to someone she deemed unworthy, although most ended up being just that. But as long as she managed to get her own pleasure, she wasn't complaining.

"Don't know what you thought, nor do I know what you expected. But I'll give you 10 seconds to get yourself together." She smiled briefly, the look of hurt on his face not going unnoticed. Releasing a small breath, she reached over to grab the large sweatpants she had dangled over one of her chairs. Planning on taking a shower of course, but she had to make sure her "guest" was out of her vicinity first.

"You still on the same shit I see. When you gon stop acting like that man? You too beautiful to be living this kind of life and-."

"Don't tell me what the hell type of life I should or shouldn't be living, especially not while there's a wedding band on your left hand. Now get the hell out my house before wifey doesn't see her bitch ever again." She snapped, her eyes immediately squeezing shut in attempts to stop herself from allowing her anger to progress.

She didn't like to get like that, not wanting to allow herself to get out of character in the sense she managed to do many times. She hated it though, but only that aspect of herself considering she was fine with everything else. Everything else that nobody else understood, but everybody else seen.

She could hear a small sigh fly past the man's lips, his feet moving before his mouth could to walk up closer in her direction. Wrapping his arms around her from behind, he planted a small kiss on the back of her neck, her body tensing up with her face contoured in a grimace. She was disgusted, the feeling of affection being placed upon her causing her skin to crawl...it was dramatic, but she couldn't help it. That wasn't her, she wasn't that type of girl.

"I'm sorry baby, I'll call you later and-."

"Don't." She cut in, instantly unclasping his arms from around her body to turn in his direction. Giving him a sharp glare before taking a step back since she knew what was to come next. "And delete my number, don't even know how you got that."

She could see his eyebrows furrow in confusion, a small tilt of his head causing her to roll her eyes. Brushing past him, she latched her hand onto the doorknob to grant him his exit ticket. Not understanding why the clear indication of this experience being solely for her pleasure and her pleasure only not translating. This wasn't someone new either, but he also wasn't anybody she cared to get to know. Just like everyone else who ended up in her bed almost every night.

"Man, you don't always got to act like that. Stop being so damn-." Stopping him mid sentence again, Jahzara trailed her eyes over towards the wine bottle that rested peacefully on her small table next to the front door. She stood mute for a second, contemplating on if she wanted to use it on him or not considering he was well aware of this process.

"You have 5 seconds, if you're still in my presence after that then...well...no promises." She winked, watching the defeated look that instantly fell over his face. Her hand motioned it's way towards the front door that was still open, a subtle breeze adding a small draft into the entryway due to the January weather.

"You have a good night." He chuckled bitterly, nothing else aside from his exit out of the house being communicated between the two. Watching him the entire way down the hallway, Jahzara couldn't wipe the smile from off of her face, her shoulders going up in a small shrug at the frustration in his demeanor. Something she would be lying if she said she cared about.

Going to close her door back to continue on in her lonesome, she grew alert from the resistance behind it. Her first thought to defend herself, except she didn't need to once she heard the voice coming from the other end.

"Maleah open this damn door..." Rolling her eyes, she pulled the door back open to see her two closest friends on the other end with weird looks on their faces. Her expression mirroring theirs, considering they for one knew not to call her by that name, and she also didn't understand why they were at her house at this time.

"Jazlyn...Stasia...go home." She fake smiled, though her demand fell upon deaf ears once Stasia sucked her teeth to push the door open some more. Both her and Jazlyn bombarding their way inside as though they owned the place, finding nothing wrong considering they spent a lot of their time there anyways. It would be hard to tell they didn't live there aside from the fact they paid no bills.

"Was that a single one or another man with a partner?" Jazlyn tilted her head, both her and Stasia making their way deeper inside Maleah's condo. Rolling her eyes, she moved the piece of hair that hung in her face away, following both her friends towards the living room which she knew they were making their ways towards after closing her front door back.

"A wife, some kids." She shrugged, before plopping down on the couch with an unfazed look on her face. Her friends would have scolded her, but neither had much energy to do such anymore, since they were already aware of her far from pure ways of living.

This wasn't anything new for Maleah, she lived the life she lived and enjoyed every second of it. Of course that aspect of her life was wrong considering people were getting hurt in the process, but she also knew she owed not a soul any type of loyalty. She never thought on the fact that she knew these men were in relationships, because they knew also. Yet that didn't stop them from seeking her out and entertaining her, so who was she to deny them and try to preach to them about being faithful. If they didn't tell, then she wouldn't either.

She maneuvered around in what was said to be a "man's world," did what many wouldn't expect out of someone like her. But this was the life she chose to live, and the life she was happy living. She had her own reasons aside from the fact that she was comfortable, with the biggest one being that she didn't understand why everything that she did was okay with the opposite gender, yet looked down upon when it came to her.

She had money, power, and did whatever and whoever it was she wanted to do. The men envied her, not understanding how a woman could ever stake claims and surpass heights that they could only dream of reaching. She had so many people right in the palm of her hand that all of this came easy to her, starting out with just using people for her own gain, before changing into the ice hearted individual she was.

There was no time for attachment, nor was there any time to care about anyone except for the one male who held significance in her life. She slept around, married, single, men, women- if she wanted it, she got it. Kicking them to the curb once she was satisfied, or keeping some regulars around for when she needed immediate relief.

"And yet another man who has most likely fallen in love with you despite the hardened exterior you like to put up..." Stasia raised an eyebrow, seeing the immediate change in body language from Maleah. It was a conversation the friends had frequently, but it was clear no matter how many times they discussed it, nothing was changing.

"And yet another situation that I can't find it in me to care about. If a married man who has children is falling in love with me of all people, then good luck to that man." She shrugged nonchalantly, both her friends only eyeing her because there was nothing more to say.

A hoe, a gold digger, an opportunist...all terms she'd heard before with many more. But the words meant nothing to her, especially not when they were being spoken by people who knew nothing about her besides the fact she did her and left it at that. Of course people got hurt in the process and it wasn't like she was proud of it, but she wasn't responsible for the works of grown men and women who knew exactly what she was about before indulging in her. She didn't have power above these people after the slick words from her mouth and body parts.

But those alone were enough, enough to also boost her confidence in the process. She had many reasons as to why exactly she became this way, but it never made sense in trying to dive in the past so she just didn't. Her lifestyle was a choice, but it was one she for sure never planned on trading in. A game of chess to say the least, playing with hearts for her own personal gain. Whether that be psychological or physical gains, money or power, gifts or submission, she accepted it all.

"Considering we have this conversation every single day, how bout we choose not to have it again." Jazlyn fake smiled with her right hand rubbing at her forehead gently, her eyes shifting between both her best friends. Nodding in agreement, Maleah leaned back with her feet propped up against the middle glass table. A comfortable silence falling over the room until Stasia perked up with a bright smile on her face.

"I have good news!" She yelled excitedly, gaining more of Jazlyn's attention since Maleah didn't care that much. Not because she wasn't interested in what it was her friend had to say, but she was almost 100% positive that it had something to do with Stasia's little "secret boyfriend" that she never missed an opportunity to gloat about.

"If it's about that mystery nigga, then we don't want to hear it unless you're finally showing us what this dude looks like with a name attached." Maleah mumbled, Jazlyn not hesitating to point in her direction because she felt the same way.

Playfully rolling her eyes, Stasia sat up with her arms crossed. "It's not that I'm trying to hide him from you guys or anything like that, but I want you all to meet in a formal setting. He's been in Virginia all this time, and I didn't want the first meeting to be through a FaceTime call or something-."

"You don't got pictures from the times you went to go visit that nigga?" Maleah raised an eyebrow, expecting that to come from happy relationships like the way Stasia explained hers to be.

"She probably not showing you cause she don't want you to go fuck her nigga." Jazlyn snickered, earning a middle finger from Maleah and a gasp from Stasia.

"Just call me a whore while you're at it." She rolled her eyes, Jazlyn playfully blowing her a kiss before they placed their attention back on Stasia who was texting away at her phone with a wide grin on her face.

Maleah shook her head, happy that her friend was, but she would never be able to understand how. The thought of giving herself away to one person and one person only, with a loss of complete freedom, was far from ideal in her world. She felt there was no need to even put her time and patience in a person when she was positive she knew how it would eventually end. The possibility of heartbreak not at all being an option for her.

"Can you at least spill what got you all giggly..." Jazlyn trailed off, gaining Stasia's attention once more. Moving a piece of her hair from out of her face, she ran her hands down her thighs with a bright smile tugging at her lips.

"Okay so as you both know him and I been doing the whole long distance thing for a while now. I was always fine with it because I love him and I know he loves me, he isn't the type to go out and be a dog because he only has eyes for me and I do trust him." Twisting her lips to the side, Maleah only crossed her legs while keeping her thoughts to herself. But she couldn't help the amused look that spread across her face, Stasia taking a deep sigh because she already knew where this was going. "Just say whatever it is you're trying to get at..."

Glancing up, Maleah let out a small laugh while shrugging to herself. Jazlyn flicking her eyes between the two because she understood both sides of the spectrum, even though Maleah had yet to explain her amusement.

"I don't want to rain on your parade, but best friend to best friend that mentality is dumb. Not to put anything out into the universe, but trusting that a nigga isn't fucking other bitches because you trust him with absolutely no solid proof he not doing you dirty makes no sense. Y'all haven't seen each other in person for nearly a year right-."

"And that's where you're wrong, which leads us to what I was originally trying to say which is that he moved up here!" Stasia perked up excitedly, gaining the full attention of both her friends. "His job was offering up a big promotion for him, he had the option of going to Georgia or coming here. So we talked for a while and decided that we're both ready to take that next step in our relationship, so he came up with one of his friends who works with him."

Slowly nodding, Jazlyn never took her eyes off of Maleah who cleared her throat. Fixing both her lashes, she sat silent for a second to make sure she didn't end up saying the wrong thing. However she wasn't sure what Stasia was expecting out of either of them, considering the friends didn't even have as much as a name for this man.

"Congratulations...I guess? I don't know why you're being so secretive about who this dude is, sure I get around and maybe Jazlyn is a little blunt at times, but you know if you like it we love it." Maleah smiled genuinely for the first time since the conversation started.

Letting out a sigh, Stasia stood to her feet while doing a small stretch. Twisting her lips to the side, she battled the internal fight she was having with herself.

"I'm not hiding him, and I don't want to hide him. But I really like him a lot, and I just want it to be beautiful when both my best friends do end up meeting him. I know you'll both love him-."

"I might, Maleah on the other hand..." Jazlyn trailed off, rolling her eyes because their friend had a long history of running their partners away. She usually ended up being right when saying she could read their intentions, but that didn't change the fact that it messed up everything in the moment.

Furrowing her eyebrows, Maleah crossed her arms while sitting up straight. "I'm never just mean to whatever guy friends y'all bring around, I can tell when they're not with y'all for the reasons you both think. My bad for being attentive." She mumbled the last past, both her and Jazlyn also standing to their feet to join Stasia on her way towards Maleah's kitchen.

"It's not your fault, it's okay." Stasia smiled genuinely, Maleah not hesitating to mirror her friend while Jazlyn sucked her teeth.

"Tell that hoe her bad." Raising her left hand, Maleah only flicked Jazlyn off, never stopping the route towards the kitchen.

This was how their friendship always had been, the three of them being similar in many ways, but different in so many more. Stasia was the more calm and nice one of the three, an angel to say the least who kept her other two friends grounded. She was the peacemaker, always being the one to get them out of situations that they found themselves tangled up in. She was the sweetheart, the lover, the one who neither of them dared to treat foul even if it meant in a joking manner. Simply because of her not only high sensitivities, but it was a different connection that the two held with her.

That being a lot different from the relationship Jazlyn and Maleah held. They rotated between lovers and enemies, whatever the occasion called for, but they were friends before all of that. They bonded through their close personalities, the addition of the connection between their bodies only adding to how close they were. It was nothing official, feelings never having any room to get involved beyond what they felt towards each other currently. They were simply there to please each other in times of need, nothing more, nothing less.

"It's fine, really." Stasia laughed to herself, standing on her tippy toes to grab 3 wine glasses from the cabinet. "But trust me, you'll both meet him on my birthday, so no longer than 2 months from now. And when you do, like I said, y'all will love him."

~ Life's so unfair ~

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