
By TheCandyChild

3.2K 193 169

Len Kagamine never meant for the fiery tealette named Miku Hatsune to get involved with his 'secret' life. Bu... More



554 27 33
By TheCandyChild

"It wasn't supposed to be like this at all. I was supposed to just be a useless pawn to get to what actually mattered- Rin. She was unique, and she had something they were looking desperately for- something called Laristatem." The word rolled off of Len's tongue bitterly and full of venom. Laristatem was the reason his life was so screwed up. It was the reason he couldn't be normal. It was what would shape their treacherous vision of the new world. If that God-awful thing didn't exist, life would be so much better. But, nope, everything has be complicated and difficult to handle.

Both luckily and unluckily, Laristatem was extremely rare, only being found in a few people. It was lucky because it meant that getting the Laristatem was an extremely difficult task, which would obviously delay their plans. Unlucky, because if they found those who had it, they would do whatever they could to have that person in their possession.

Yohio looked at him with horror. "Laristatem...Rin has it?"

"Had it." Len corrected. Yohio looked surprised at this, then his expression slowly changed to one of confusion. He studied Len with his ruby red eyes carefully.

"But...the only way to get rid of it from a person, is to transfer it, right?" Yohio cautiously asked. Len nodded.

"This Laristatem thing..." Miku muttered from next to him. "Who did it transfer to, then? If this thing- whatever the hell it is, because you haven't explained it yet- is as rare and if they want it so much is with someone else, won't they be in danger?"

"That person can protect himself," Len mumbled. "And the people they care about." Len

"But who is it, Len?" Yohio asked, his voice firm and sharp. He stared at Len with piercing eyes, and tension quickly filled the room as they awaited the Kagamine's response. He knew that they knew it, and they knew it, too. The two of them knew, deep down, who it was. They just didn't want to believe it until they heard it for themselves.


The room was quiet. Len didn't look anyone in the eye, his expression stoic. Miku looked at Len, though she did not look surprised.

"Of course..." She sighed. "Len Kagamine, the infamous, mystery shrouded, 16 year old who'd do anything for his family." She brushed a lock of hair out of her face. Len was vaguely surprised that she didn't throw an insult in with what she'd just said, but given their current situation, Len could see why she'd be so serious.

"Is that why they're targetting you?" Yohio muttered. "Because...because you have that cursed thing in you? As if that wasn't bad enough?" Len rubbed the back of his neck nervously. Though, admittedly, the Laristatem itself was a huge part as to why Blackport wanted him so much, their reasons, like everything, had much darker undertones to it. Obviously, he would prefer not to tell Miku. The less she knew, the safer she was.

"...Yeah." Len lied. "That's pretty much it." Thankfully for Len, neither Miku or Yohio sniffed out his fib. The tealette next to him gazed at the wall on the opposite side of her.

"Why do they need the Laristatem? What did they do to you to make you like this?" Len nearly flinched at the question he dreaded to answer. What was done to him, and what he's done was unspeakable. He never wanted anybody to know what he's become over the short span of 2 years. They would be disappointed and terrified.

Naturally, the Kagamine didn't reply at first. However, this only caused Yohio to realize half of what Miku had asked. His eyes widened, then they turned dark with fear.


Len snapped his fingers. "Correct-o. For a really long time, I was their punching bag. Luckily, I've always been a determined son of a bitch." Yohio looked like he was going to be sick, despite Len's attempt to make the situation not as heavy. Miku looked like she just realized something.

"The scars and marks on your's from that?" She asked. Len nodded hesitantly. He couldn't take back what he admitted, so he might as well be honest.

"You've seen...him shirtless?" Yohio asked slowly. Miku nodded.

"Countless times." She confirmed. Yohio stared at the two in shock, his eyes darting back and forth between them. Then, Miku seemed to process what Yohio must have meant.

"N-Not like that!" She assured. "Dumbo over here gets in a lot of fights and doesn't want to go to the hospital, so he makes me his private doctor instead." Len rolled his eye.

"Fights?" Yohio asked. "Why? What is it that they want?" Len sighed softly.

"I'll confess, I start some of them," the Kagamine admitted, "but they deserve it. They've done some things that can never be undone, and they'd find me one way or another."

"What they want," Len continued, "is to fuck up the world without the world itself even knowing about it. Blackport is like that one shady guy who slips drugs into a girl's drink, and the world is that girl. But, first, they have to find the right time to do this. They also have to find the right kind of...drug, if you will." Miku looked confused, not that Len could exactly blame her. He had yet to tell her of what Blackport wanted to do, or more specifically, how they wished to achieve what they wanted. Len was trying to hold off from answering that question while he was still in the place that he was in.

"Is that where you come in?" Len nodded, a small sigh escaping from his lips.

"Yep," Len said. "I'm the metaphorical drug. Which kinda sucks, since I really don't want to be a part of that whole stupid plan they've got going on. It's bullshit, and I can't live properly until that problem is resolved."

Miku put her head in her hands, her teal hair falling and covering her face. It was a rather...strange look for someone like Miku. Miku Hatsune was the bold, strong girl who never gave up or felt hopelessly and utterly defeated. She was loyal and would make the best friend or partner anyone could ask for. At least, that's what Len thought. He didn't want to see her look like that- like she was small and terrified.

"What- What exactly are they planning to do with you...?" Miku asked in a small, quiet voice.

Before Len could properly respond, the same men that escorted Miku and Len out of their cell came into the room, slamming the door open with a loud bang! Miku jumped a little bit and quickly looked up as they neared. Len glared at the two, sitting a little bit straighter, almost as if he was trying to shield Miku from something.

"All three of you," Ordered one of them. "You're coming with us. So, get your asses up and let's not make this difficult." Len helped Miku up, though he knew that she was perfectly capable of doing so herself. Nonetheless, he felt the need to be around her, and the urge to help her in every way possible was strong. After all, he got her into this mess. And now, he had to get her out. One of the men went for Miku first, but this time instead of using handcuffs, he bound her hands together with rope. She winced as he tightened the rope. Len glared. The man was buff and bald, looking like he could be a wrestler or boxer. Len had easily taken down men of that size before, though now he was limited due to an injury.

"Hey, watch it, Baldy." Len warned. The man just snorted and turned to look at him. He was very muscular and tall, tall enough to tower over Len menacingly. He stood right in front of the blonde, glaring down at him with a smirk, as if he expected Len to be afraid him. He probably didn't even know about what Len was capable of doing.

"What was that, Blondie?" He cooed. Len wasn't fazed by Baldy's height- instead, his glare turned deadlier the closer he got to him. Len wouldn't care if someone were to stab his thigh with a fork or knife, or if they were to starve and beat him for a year. But if someone were to do so much as pluck a single strand from Miku's head, he'd already be planning where to dump the body. Ever since Len came back into town, disappearances and the body count has become higher.

Len didn't have anything to do with something like that, though, because he was such an innocent and classy guy who was so friendly and sweet that he couldn't even kill a fly.

"I told you to watch it." Len replied, keeping his voice as stable as possible. Len wasn't sure what the pristine, white walls and white tiles have witnessed in that room, but he was sure that they were about to witness a murder if Miku hadn't said anything.

"Please, Len," She said softly, looking over at the Kagamine with pleading blue eyes, "just cooperate." Len looked at her, then at Baldy, then sighed. For her sake...he supposed that he didn't have to commit murder right at that moment. He stepped back an extended his hands.

"Are you gonna cuff me or what? I don't have all day." Baldy smirked, as if he won some long argument. Obviously, to Len, that was bullshit. The metal cuffs soon found themselves on Len's wrists, and Baldy shot him a smug look as he tucked the key somewhere on the inside of his coat.

"You're lucky that your girlfriend spoke up, little one." Len had to literally bite his tongue to stop himself from letting a string of curses and insults escape from his mouth. It wasn't that Len had an anger issue or anything, because usually he'd be able to keep his cool. But that day was just terrible, so to say that he was beyond pissed off from the events that recently occurred was an understatement. Not only that, but he had the huge urge to punch that guy in the face ever since he walked into the room.

"Very lucky." Len spat out through grit teeth. The other man finished cuffing Yohio. He nodded to Baldy and pulled out a black bag. Baldy did the same to Miku and Len.

"Again?" Len whined. "Why do we need this?" Neither of the men replied to Len, but instead led them out of the room. Considering that Baldy was not only guiding Len, but probably Miku as well, Len's unease was not irrational.

Everything was dark, obviously, considering that Len's entire head was covered in a cloth bag or whatever the hell that thing was made of. All was quiet except for the sounds of their footsteps echoing throughout what Len assumed to be a hallway.

Baldy's hand gripped Len's shoulder tightly. Thankfully, it was the uninjured one, so it didn't hurt at all. They continued their trek in silence, the hallway seeming to stretch on forever. Len's hand grazed Miku's for a moment, and he was filled with guilt. He got Miku involved into his horrible, fucked up situation. He selfishly let Miku try to get involved, and he selfishly charged headfirst into a situation without thinking about his loved ones.

Deciding to ditch his pride, Len's hand hesitantly found its way to Miku's. He could tell, even without seeing her, that she was surprised at this, but nonetheless, she intertwined their fingers. He gave her hand a gentle squeeze. It was his silent way of attempting to tell her that he'd get her to safety as soon as he can.

Then, suddenly and without any warning whatsoever, there was a grunt of pain from what sounded like Baldy's partner, followed by the sound of rushing footsteps and the absence pf Baldy's presence.

"Shit-" There was the sound of flesh hitting flesh, and before Len could really register what just happened, the bag was pulled off his head and, hallelujah, he could see again. The first thing he noted was that the hallway Len presumed that they were in was much bigger than he imagined. The walls were white, most likely made of marble or some other hard surface. The floor was grey and made of tile, as Len had predicted, and there were several doors on both sides of the hallway that were the same color. Each door shined brightly, as if hey had been cleaned recently, which Len found a little odd. He didn't peg Tei as a clean freak, but then again, he was sure that Miku didn't peg him as someone who was wanted by a powerful organization. On second thought, considering the way he acted at times...

"I can use some help, Dumpling!" Yohio hollered as Len took the bag off of Miku's head. Len growled.

"Don't call me that!" He roared as he turned, jumping up to kick someone who walked out of one of the rooms in the face. He didn't even know who that person was, but he was so absorbed in the fact that Yohio called him Dumpling (in front of Miku, especially) that he didn't really care. With his hands still in the handcuffs, Len miraculously managed to get Miku's wrists free of the rough, scratchy rope. He smoothed down her hair, which was a little messy from the bag.

"If you need help, or something's happening to you, yell for me. I'll be there faster than the speed of light." Miku nodded, and Len set off to assist his father in kicking ass.

The two men were ganging up on Yohio, who was beginning to get backed up into a wall. Len kicked Baldy's ankle, using his foot to sweep the guard's ankle towards Len. Baldy stumbled before turning around and swinging almost blindly. As Len suspected, Baldy depended more on his muscle and strength than skill. That was an advantage to Len.

Now, let's look at the advantages and disadvantages of this fight.

Len was far more skilled in fights than Baldy, who relied on his strength to settle the problem and thought nothing of thought itself. That was an advantage for Len. It also appeared that Tei told them not to kill Len, so that was another advantage. Yohio, who seemed to be skilled in fighting as well, was also on Len's team. Another advantage for Len.

However, Baldy had the advantage of having the Kagamine cuffed and injured, and therefore far weaker than he usually was. Although Len was fairly experienced in being bound and fighting at the same time, he was still uneasy at the fact that blocking and hitting would be much more difficult. Len also had the disadvantage of being wounded. He was shot not too long ago, and yet here he was, fighting some muscular guy with his father that was supposed to be long gone.

Len stepped back and curled both of his hands into fists and swung them upwards, hitting Baldy under the chin. The handcuffs scraped Len's skin, and the pain in his shoulder flared lightly, almost as if it was a warning about his current condition.

Baldy charged forth with a very, very angered expression on his face, making it obvious that he had a rather short temper. Len stepped back, barely managing to dodge each hit that was savagely thrown at him. Len decided that he had to be careful. Miku specifically told him to be cautious since he could hurt himself due to his injury. He believed her, too; those pains he felt from doing the slightest things hurt like hell. He could only imagine what it'd feel like if he tried to go all out.

Len ducked yet another punch from his opponent when he made the mistake of hurriedly stepping back, resulting in the usually smooth and stealthy blonde to trip and fall onto his back. His shoulder stung as he lay there, quickly deciding his next course of action. Baldy swung down at Len with what looked like a crowbar. Len rolled to the left, the crowbar barely missing the side of his face.

Len was starting to think that maybe Baldy forgot about whatever the hell Tei's orders were and actually wanted to kill him. Looks like he lost one advantage he had in the fight.

Len looked to his right and spotted something that was sure to help him. It was almost as if the gods were smiling down upon him, urging him to survive and kill the bald asshole trying to bash his face in.

Len made a grab for the knife, but it wasn't long before he was at it with his best buddy again. The man grabbed Len by the ankles and dragged him back- away from his source of hope, damn him- and sent a nice, hard kick to his side. Len flinched slightly, since Baldy was a rather strong guy and obviously had a mean kick, and brought his hands up right as a crowbar flew toward his face.

"Are you okay, Dumpli- Len?" The blonde heard his father yell from somewhere else. Somehow, Yohio was still fighting off the other guy, just as Len was currently doing. Luckily for Len, the crowbar hit the chain that linked the two handcuffs on his wrists together. Both luckily and unluckily for Len, the handcuffs didn't break. If they broke, then Len would probably have a face full of steel, but that would also mean that his hands would be freed, and he could always attempt to dodge the hit. Len grit his teeth, not sure if he should curse or thank Tei for getting such strong handcuffs.

"Peachy," He hollered in response, "remember what you told me when I was little about getting bullied or some shit like that?" Yohio has always been a 'no nonsense' type of guy who wanted his kids to grow up to kick ass if needed, which is why he never poisoned his children with the 'if you get hit, tell an adult' bullshit. Len cast a glance at the knife. So close, yet so far...

"Uh- what?"

"You told me that if someone punched me, I should punch back harder. If they kick me, I should kick them back, only harder." Len replied. He had realized something, something that could lead to the downfall of Baldy. Len rolled away yet again as Baldy tried to strike a blow at him, this time around his chest area.

"What does this have to do with anything?"

"Nothing, really," Replied Len as he got to his feet. "Just wanna thank you for your great advice." Len kicked Baldy's kneecap from the ground, hitting it upwards. His main goal was to damage the kneecap. Len wasn't a huge nerd in anatomy, but he was pretty sure that Baldy would have a hard time walking with a dislocated or shattered knee cap.

Len swiftly stood and struck another, hard hit at Baldy's other knee. Len's opponent staggered with a grunt, and Len swept his feet out from under him. Baldy landed with a very loud thud and Len sprinted to where the knife was. He wasn't sure if he actually managed to damage Baldy's knees, meaning that if he failed in doing so, Baldy could be getting up any second. Len slid to the floor and grabbed the knife, and his thought process stopped and his instincts kicked in.

The next thing he knew, he was standing, the knife he held buried deep in Baldy's throat. Baldy gurgled for a moment, then in one swift and effortless motion, Len drew the bloodstained knife out as Baldy fell.

He searched for Yohio. When Len spotted the fellow blonde, he was pressed against the wall, the guard's hands wrapped around his throat. Before Len could go to his aid, the guard fell to the floor. Behind him was Miku, her trembling hands gripping the crowbar that was once used to try and kill Len.

Yohio gasped for breath as soon as the guard let go. "A-Are you okay?" Miku asked quietly. Yohio nodded, while Len stared at Miku like a proud father.

"Yep," Yohio said, clearing his throat. He looked at Len with a crooked smile. "I liked her before, but now I really, really like your girlfriend!" Len shot Yohio a withering glare and turned around, convincing himself that he only hid his face from the two was to get the key from Baldy's coat.

"Shut up!" Len snapped heatedly. "How many times do I need to say it? We're not dating!" He crouched down next to the body. A large puddle of blood already began to form, and Len kicked the body over with his shoe.

He heard the two make their way over, which was quickly followed by a whimper from Miku. "O-Oh..." She whispered quietly. Len sighed.

"Yeah..." He mumbled as he groped the inside of Baldy's jacket, searching for a hidden pocket of some sort. "Just...look away, alright?"

"I-It's fine." She said. "I can handle it..."

"Gotcha," Len muttered under his breath. He slid his hand into the pocket and brought the key out. "Get over here, Yohio." Yohio pouted as he brought his wrists forwards.

"Can't you call me 'Dad?'" Yohio asked as Len unlocked the cuffs. They came off, and Yohio shook them to the ground, rubbing his wrists. Len rolled his eyes.

"Now isn't the time," He replied as Yohio unlocked his handcuffs. Len picked up the knife he set down as soon as the handcuffs were off. He almost let out a sigh of relief- oh how he missed having free hands.

"So...what now?" Miku asked. Yohio looked at Len somewhat grimly. It was like this was some messed up game, where their main goal was to escape and the final boss that stood between them and freedom was Tei.

Len cast a look at the long hallway. There was a left turn after that, leaving what was beyond out of sight. He held the knife with a tight grip.

He wasn't fighting only for himself anymore. He didn't have to worry about only his safety when facing a dangerous opponent. He was now fighting for two other people. He had to be powerful and quick. A wave of something washed over him for a moment- vulnerability. He regained his usual confidence quickly, deciding not to doubt himself in fear that it would make matters worse for him. If you doubt yourself in s fight, you lose. Plain and simple.

"We find a way out."

the fight scene was terrible for me to write jesus christ

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