The Difference Between You An...

By UnpopularAccount

52.5K 1.5K 836

Two years is a long time. Two years in space is a very long time. But two, in the hands of one's arch nemesis... More

Before We Begin...
Fruitless Efforts
Training Deck
Birthday Present
Short Victory
Author's Note - 1.5K
Author's Note - Recommendations


4.2K 145 10
By UnpopularAccount

A hand was rested on her own, gently caressing her smooth skin. She managed to open her eyes to see a tall, thin boy in blue staring at her.

"Pidge, you're awake!" He said, and was met with a furrowed brow and sleepy eyes from his friend. "Are you okay? Let me get everyone. They'll be happy to see you're actually awake." He spranged up, rushing out of the room as she leaned back, somewhat grateful that she wasn't able to sleep again. The nightmares she'd had...

"Pidge! How wonderful! Are you alright? You must be thirsty." Allura said, thrusting a glass of water at the girl, who didn't decline. As she drank, she wondered who all the people were. They seemed to know her well enough.

"Pidge, do you remember anytbing? Anything at all?" A man asked. He was tall, black hair with a small tuft of white at the front. He was muscular, with one metal arm. She flinched as she noticed it, remembering what she previously thought to be a dream.

"Who... Who is that?" She asked. Perhaps she was Pidge. It seemed likely, but she didn't want to assume. Besides, as foggy as she was, who could blame her for not knowing? Apparently, the answer was all of them.

"You don't know who Pidge is?" The boy in blue asked. She shook her head.

"What's my name?" She asked.

"Pidge." He answered slowly.


"This isn't good. Are you okay otherwise? Do you remember anything else?" A big guy in a yellow shirt asked. She shook her head again.

"I remember... My brother, and my father... They went to space, and then I followed them... With... With... The color blue. The colors took me here." She said, closing her eyes as she strained her memory. She opened them to see a boy in red and the man in black exchange a look.

"You don't know anything else?"

"I know... Purple is bad. It's the worst color, it's the... The... Galra." An involuntary shiver ran up her spine as she pictured one of the furry faces, hollow yellow eyes, sharpened teeth. She saw how they laughed at her pain, the masked ones hitting her and testing on her, using her as an experiment. As bait.

"You remember the galra, then?" She nodded, answering the man's question, one she thought would be obvious. Hadn't she just mentioned them?

"Do you know where the colors are? There are four of them. Maybe six, or seven, if I'm one. I need to find them. Something is telling me... I need to find them, and soon..." Again, the boy in red and the man in black exchanged glances.

"Pidge, what are the colors?" She closed her eyes.

"Red." She said. "And... And blue, and yellow." Then the harder one... "And black." She said. Then she saw it. The tall boy in the blue. The shorter one in red. The large boy in yellow, and the muscular one in black. "Wait, that's... That's you? You're the colors?"

"We're called Voltron. And you are one of us."


Shiro stared at the floor, unsure of what to do now. Pidge was resting, and he didn't know what good it would do. She wanted to explore the castle, unsure that a castle could fly in space. When Hunk started reciting some of the science stuff that Pidge had written down a while back, she looked confused and asked about half of the vocabulary words.

Things weren't looking up.

Lance, on the other hand, was just half she was awake. After sleeping for two days, he especially was getting discouraged. But now, he was rambling away at Pidge as she sat politely listening. Shiro watched as they had a nice conversation, the tension behind it clear as day. Lance was worried about her amnesia. She was worried about where she was and who she was.

Shiro was worried for the same reasons. He knew that she was having a hard time trying to stay calm. He knew how she felt, somewhat. He, too, had lost some of his memories after being a galra prisoner. But not on this scale.

"Pidge? I have something that may help you remember. It will take a few quintants - er, days. It may be painful, too. But it would be better than missing two years of your life." Allura said, entering the room suddenly. Pidge stared at the bedsheets in front of her, dully aware that she was still tucked into those covers.

"I don't know. I'll... I'll think about it." She said darkly. "If I could see something that convinces me of my time here, then I'll do it." Shiro smiled.

"Can you walk?"


Shiro ended up half carrying, half supporting Pidge as she stumbled down the hall. He was sure that this would convince her. If she was truly a Paladin of Voltron, she would be convinced. Because he was sure that somewhere, she was still connected to Green.

The hangar door hissed open, revealing a ginormous metal creature. It was green with dull yellow eyes and a thick layer of dust. Pidge stared in awe for a moment, then turned to Shiro.

"What is this thing?" All hope that Shiro had was drained as he heard those four words. Somehow, he managed to stay encouraged.

"Go find out." He said, watching as Pidge slowly made her way across the hangar floor, insisting that she didn't need his help. Some things never change. He thought with a smile. He followed her into the lion, watching as she explores the small interior. He watched as she froze for a moment, then stiffly walked towards the front, where a picture was jammed behind a control panel.

"Who... Matt! It's Matt and me... I really was here!" She turned back to Shiro with a bittersweet smile. "I do want to remember."


"She seems motivated. What did you show her?" Keith asked his leader as he watched Pidge fall into a painful slumber.


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