Hearts Will Sacrifice (An And...

By MollyEatsWithAFork

12.5K 235 69

Marnie Collins lives where every girl wishes she lived. With Andy Biersack. They're best friends and nothing... More

HWS: Chapter 1
HWS Chapter 2
HWS Chapter 3
HWS Chapter 4
HWS: Chapter 5
HWS: Chapter 6
HWS: Chapter 7
HWS: Chapter 8
HWS: Chapter 9
HWS: Chapter 11
HWS: Chapter 12
HWS: Chapter 13
HWS: Chapter 14
HWS: Chapter 15
HWS: Chapter 16
HWS: Chapter 17

HWS: Chapter 10

578 14 3
By MollyEatsWithAFork

I walked out of the bathroom as quick as I could've. Demanding she put her pants back on and asking her to refrain from unnecessary stripping and miming of Juliet. Minutes later she joined me on the sofa as I was tweeting away to my followers.

She suddenly said rather loudly in a valley girl accent, "Like, total, like O M G! I'm like sitting on like a sofa with like a famous like person. O M G!"

I laughed, "Oh yes, bow down, oh dutiful worshiper."

"Lick my ass." She said rolling her eyes back to herself.

I turned and raised an eyebrow, "That an offer?"

She rolled her eyes again, "I love how most of the tweets about you are pics of porn stars, girls in bras, girls with your autograph tattoed on them, girls flashing you, or girls in shirts with your name on it claiming they are your propety."

"Hey, I'm not complaining."

"Of course you aren't, you horny little bassist."

"Who says I'm horny?" I said smirking.

"When are you not horny. That 'tis the question." She said proudly.

"No the question really is, how are you?"

"What do you mean?" She asked as I put the laptop down.

"You know exactly what I mean."

"I'd rather not talk about it right now." She said annoyed.

"Why is that?" I asked curiously.

"Because right now when I think about all that shit I want to cry, barf, die, sleep, drink, or even get high. All at once."

"Ah. I see said the blind man." She rolled her eyes then slipped deep into thought for a moment. I just watched her. Suddenly she snapped out of it and looked at me. "You know what Ashley?"

"What my firefly?"

She jumped up and began pulling on her converse, "I need to do something. Anything! I need a drastic change!" She declared with a grin. 

"LIke what?"

"Come one!" She shot out my door and I rushed to get my boots on and grabbed my keys and ran after her.


 We'd decided, aka she'd decided, to walk to whereever it was we were going. As we walked we mindlessly chatted and I signed an autograph here and there. Finally after awhile we reached a type of boulivard that was lined with shops. She squeeled and grabbed my wrist dragging me to one of the shops. They stopped in front of one; the name read: Tattoos! Henna! Airbrush! Piercings!

"Uhuh. Sorry kid but Andy said no tats of piercings. Besides a tat is permanent, you have to really think about it before getting one, not 'I need a  change! Let's do stupid shit!' Sorry, but I can't risk Andy kicking my ass so hard I'll never wake up."

"Good thing I'm not getting either huh? Wait here!" She yelled walking with a bell chiming.

I sighed feeling like such a loser, because everytime the door opened I'd near break my neck trying to see who, but it was always someone else. I snapped a picture of myself and tweeted it then aimlessly texted people. Then I got a text from Andy.

You still up? 

Clearly dumbass. 

She up too?

Yeah. why?

she's not responding. 

Shes kinda busy atm...

doing what?

stalker much? lol no making me food..

remember ashley there are child labor laws :)

pffft laws aint got nuttin on me :D I actually smiled as I responded.

lol don't get arrested I intend on staying in tonight ;)

Whoo! ;D I faked. Normally I wouldn't care but Juliet......she was getting under my skin like a parasite.

He didn't respond and I was glad. The door chimed open and I peeked through the corner of my eye. It was Marnie and she was in her coat and gloves that she must have had in the pockets. I noticed it had indeed gotten colder, I hadn't before because, hello? leather jacket?

"That was quick. So?" I asked curiously. 

"Not now. Let's go home." She said stuffing her hands into her pockets. She was still grinning ear to ear with her eyes shining.

I couldn't help but smile because she had referred to my place as home. I stood up and we headed home.

Getting home was a whole nother story. I unlocked the door and she walked in behind me still in her coat and gloves. "I need a shot!" She declared walking to the kitchen.

I laughed as I shook off my coat, "Underage and already an alcoholic."

She walked back in with a bottle of whiskey and two shot glasses, "Nothing wrong with a celebratory shot!" 

We sat on the hardwood floor and she poured two tall shots and poised her still gloved hand infront of the glass on the floor. "You gonna take off the snow gear?"

"Not yet. Shot first. Ready?"

"Please. You sure about whiskey? It is dry."

"That's the point of the game. Ready?" She asked as I postioned my hand like hers.

"Go!" We yelled simultaniously and our hands shot out and we almost chipped teeth. I winced as the fiery liquid slid down my throat. I slammed my glass upside down. Alas, hers had slammed first and I'd lost. "Ha!" She yelled proudly. 

"Yeah well not all of us can open up our mouth like a snake." I said laughing as that delightful small buzz began to  fill my mind. 

 "Your just mad because you lost to a girl!" 

"False, I've drank with other woman before but very seldom just anyone beat me. I am the Master of Liquer."

"Not anymore!" She grabbed her phone texted something then returned it to the floor. My phone buzzed a twitter update from her, "Guess who just out drank the Liquer Master Ashley Purdy?!" 

"You did not out drink me. You just beat me at a shot."

"All the same!"

"No, because I promise you firefly I could out drink you any day. I've got experience! I could consume more liquer than you any way and day!"

"OH please, I can hold my own in a drinking game just fine!" She called as she saved the bottle and the two glasses.

"Yeah okay! Ten shots can kill a hundred pound person!"

"That wasn't ten it was one!" She laughed walking back in and heading for the bathroom.

"Where are you going?"

"You sit right there on that there couch!" She called as she closed the door.

 I kicked off my boots, "Oh come on!"

"Close your eyes!" I rolled them but closed them anyway, squeezing them shut. Why was she being so over dramatic? Oh God Andy's gonna kick my ass so hard I'll never be able to hold an instrument again. 

"Ready?" She called.

"Come on!" I laughed, my curiosity growing.

I heard the door open and close then barefoot steps stopped a few steps infront of the sofa. 

"Can I open my eyes?" I asked.

She took a shaky breath and said, "Okay."

I opened my eyes and stared. I had to adjust my sitting position to a woman's with one leg high over the other. 

"Well? Not so bad right?" She said voice shaking with uncertainty.

I stammered, "I....uh...um........eh.....yo....I.." I took a deap breath and said voice still shaky, "Not bad at all." 

She sighed in relief. She stood before me in nothing but bra and boxer panties. Her chest slightly spilling from the blue bra. Her shorts rode low on top and very high on the bottom. Her body was covered in inks, reds, blues, purples, blacks, greys and more. It was beautiful. Her arms and wrists were covered cascading from the shoulder. Her hips each had one, so did her calfs and ankles. I couldn't make out some one the arms, there were so many and so beautiful. Her left hit read Never give in! her right said Never back down! in scriptive black ink. Her left wrist said Stay Strong! With a black heart and stars all over. Her long dark hair hung behind her shoulders and she lifted it as she turned to show her backside. again her arms and legs were covered. Her thighs and majority of her back weren't though. Neither had been her torso in front. On her neck were tiny black wings that were either feathers or leather, I couldn't make it out. She turned back around and her short legs pointed in like always. Her awe stricking, beckoning to me to touch, whitest I'd ever seen, pale flesh was gorgeous. 

Andy would kill me for sure.

"It can't be permanent..." I said in a whisper.

"No, it's airbrushed so it'll last for a week or so..."


"Really?" She asked excitedly.

"Yes. Your fucking hot. You look so fucking badass."

She grinned and it was a grin I barely recognized. I'd never really seen it except for rare drunk moments around Andy. She wasn't drunk right now.

She strolled closer over toward me. "So?" She asked with that suductive smile. She bit her lip and looked away as  she came sit next to me.

I watched her with an eye. "So what?" I asked with a smile my own. She stood up and went over to the kitchen table and scooped up my mail. "Fan! Mail!" She declared and I laughed, but remained in my feminine position. 

We went through most of it and read everyone laughing at some. "All you get are letters, stuffed animals, and so much fucking gum!" She said removing yet another pack of gum.

"I a gum lover, is that really so bad?"

"It could be worse.." She said laughing still wearing nothing but her undergarmets."Yes, so give me my damn gum!" I said snatching it out of her hands.

"Ashley do we need to go over the sharing concept from kindergarden?" She said quoting our cafe talk.

 "No." I said rolling my eyes and popping a piece of gum in my mouth. I leaned back and relaxed against the sofa. She leaned back as well and looked up to me. "What?" I asked looking down to her.

"Nothing." She said with that smile.

I leaned closer and studied her eyes, "Oh really?" I said challengly.

She leaned closer, "You tell me." She said seductively. 

We were close now, dangerously close and we teetered on the edge. We challenged each other and it was a matter of who'd make that move. We searched each others eyes. Suddenly she bit her lip and brought her lips to mine.

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