Hidden {Book 1} IN EDITING

By -weirdo-

604K 18.1K 10.8K

One thing you need to know about life, it's not what it's cut out to be. Why do I say this? Because I'm Harry... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22 (currently editing)
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chaptet 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Contest Winners

Chapter 4

29.5K 708 792
By -weirdo-

A pillow hit my head. "Wake up, Bella! We have to be ready before ten."

I groaned externally turning in my bed. "5 more minutes."

"It's 9:33-" Alex noted.

"Oh, bloody hell," I gasped rising out of bed quickly.

I grabbed my things and hurried into the bathroom.

It had already been a few weeks since I had first arrived here at Grimmauld Place. In the time, I had spent a lot of my time with the twins. They were always open for my help with help in creating their candies for their soon to be prank store. Harry, Ron, and Hermione spent a lot of time by themselves. But every now and then when they came out I got to talk to them. Alex stayed in our room, but came out every night with me for dinner. Ginny also stayed in her room, keeping to herself writing to her 'boyfriend'. Although she did steal me from the twins every now and then for some one on one girl talk. I think she opened up to me so quickly because I reminded her of a possible big sister.

Sometimes, I would keep myself separated from everyone for a couple hours a day. Finding an empty room, I sat down and attempted bringing my magic forth. I was able to do things like light fires and move water with simple hand gestures, but that was mostly it. And even those took a lot of energy out of me. But I never was able to perform magic from my textbooks. I believe it was because I was suppose to use my wand for all of them. However, I was apprehensive about the possibility of witnessing memories of my mother. I'm not sure that I'm ready to accept the fact that my parents aren't my real parents yet.

Snapping myself out of the daze, I finished changing into a grey tank top and jeans. I forced my feet inside my black chuck taylor's, and threw on a pink sweatshirt jacket.

Then I walked out of the bathroom and back into the room. Packing the things I just changed out of I began to look around for my kitten.

"Alex, have you seen Snow?" I asked, looking under my bed.

"Oh yeah, her and Ced went into his crate. Those two are like best friends, huh," she informed.

"Yeah," I chuckled, brushing off the dust.

I walked over to her crate, and pulled my kitten out of it. Then I placed her back into her own crate.

Suddenly, a deathly scream that came from down the hallway. In mere seconds, I ran out of my room and toward the scream. Just one floor down was Mrs. Weasley. Her face was pale pointing her wand at a dead Harry.

That's when I screamed. There was foot steps and a hand was laid on my shoulder. When I turned around Harry was looking over me.

"H-harry?" I stuttered looking back to where the dead Harry was.

But when I looked back, there were the twins' corpses on the floor. My heart began pounding as I attempted to try to identify which was which. I quickly decided the one closer to me was Fred mad my throats tightened.

"It's a boggart," Harry said allowed.

"Ridickulus," Mrs. Weasley whimpered.

"Whats a boggart?" I asked, shakily.

The dead bodies morphed into a body shaped black fabric and retreated into an empty cupboard. Goosebumps arose along my arms and the hair of the back of my neck stood up.

"They are creatures that show you your biggest fear. But know one knows what they really look like," Harry informed me as we walked back to our rooms.

I gulped and nodded. "What do you think a black human shaped figure is?"

"What do you mean?"

"I think that's my boggart," I muttered.

"The Bogyman maybe?" Harry suggested as we walked up the steps.

"You really think I'm afraid of the Bogyman?"

"You never know," he shrugged.

"What just happened?" one of the twins asked as we reached our floor.

"Nothing," Harry told them.

"But I heard Bella screaming," Fred said.

"Yeah, and mum," George added.

"Don't worry," I reassured them. "Everyone is fine. It was just a boggart."

They nodded, seeming to understand what I had meant. I then went back into my room to continue getting ready.

Alex was still packing her clothes, which I had done last night. All I had to do was shove in any spare things lying around.

"So, I've been meaning to ask," Alex began, folding a shirt, "Have they told you about Dylan?"

"Who?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Of course not," she ranted, throwing the shirt into her trunk. "I knew that they never had warmed up to him. After all, they have known him for so long-"

"Who's Dylan?" I questioned, zipping up my trunk.

"He's my best friend," she explained. "Since the time we meet on the train when we were first years. Then I became close with Hermione since we were dorm mates, which led to my friendship with Harry and Ron. But they three of them never really trusted Dylan that much. Or at least saw him as close as a friend as I have."

"How come?"

"His cousin," she sighed, "Draco Malfoy. Honestly the biggest twat on the face of the Earth. He's a total bully to Harry, Ron, and Hermione. Because of this, they never felt comfortable around Dylan."

"Well, that's sort of understandable," I noted skeptically.

"I know," she shrugged. "But still."

A silence filled the space between us as she continued packing.

"I'm going to go bring my trunk downstairs," I announced. "See you there."


I grabbed my trunk and crate, walking down the stairs. Continuing into the living room, where I had placed my things.

"Isabella, you're awake," growled a deep voice once I walked into the dinning room.

"Hello, Moody," I smiled.

I had met the frightening man before after an Order meeting. He seemed very intimidating at first, but we soon warmed up to each other. He was actually pretty funny in a serious kind of way.

"Remus and I will be taking you and Harry to King's Cross Station," he explained to me gruffly.

In order to keep us protected, multiple groups were set up to bring us to Kings Cross Station.

"Okay," I replied.

Remus then has lead Harry into the living room.

"Ready?" Remus asked Moody.

"Yes, let's go," Moody said, thumping out of the room, Remus not far behind.

My eyes widened and I looked at Harry who looked back at me with confusion.


"I haven't eaten, yet!" I whined.

"Don't worry," he chuckled, "Mrs. Weasley left some bangers on a plate. Grab one."

"You're a lifesaver, Harry," I breathed, grabbing two in a napkin.

He chuckled at me before we went back into the living room to get our things. We followed Remus and Moody to the front door.

The door opened, and the sun blinded me for a few seconds. I haven't been outside in since I've been here. Once my vision came back, the others were already walking down the sidewalk. Quickly hurrying after them, I tried to look for 12 Grimmauld Place. Yet there was only an 11 and 13.

"Where is the house?"

"Its hidden from Death Eaters," he explained, "Voldemort's followers. And the muggles as well. But don't mention it anymore. We can't accidentally let anything slip. They could be any where... That's why we are all traveling separately."

"Oh..." I replied nodding. "How come you known all this?"

"I woke up on time."

We continued walking down the road a little while longer in silence. Well, silence other then the pounding of Moody's walking stick on the concrete. Being the talkative person I am, I had to fill the air with words.

"Harry, have you ever wondered what Mum and Dad look like? I mean we hear so much about them, you think we would get shown a picture every once in a while..."

"Well, no," he admitted plainly. "I mean I use to, but not anymore. Hagrid - you'll meet him when we get to Hogwarts - gave me a photo album with pictures of them in it. Funny now that I think I it, there is not one picture with you in it. Bet Hagrid tried to keep that from me," Harry finished.

"I wish I had a book like that," I said sadly.

Silence over came us again. Though this time, I decided to keep to myself. As we got closer into town, the more people crowded the sidewalks.

"Stay close to us," Moody gruffly announced. "Harry, get up here by me."

Harry walked up to Moody as Remus dropped back by me. We began to drop back, creating a gap between Harry and I.

Remus was a sweet guy... awkward, but sweet all the same. He has been trying his best at creating a relationship with me. Seeing his attempts, I full on complied.

"Hey, Isabella," he begun. "I've been meaning to bring this to you. But it's been a little... hectic."

I smiled knowingly at him. "It's okay, I understand."

There was one week were Remus hadn't come around, and I got suspicious since he was at Headquarters at least every other night. So when he came back, I asked him about it. He explained to me about his monthly werwolf situation.

"Thanks," he sighed. "Anyways... here."

Holding out his hand, I saw he was holding a silver charm bracelet.

"This was your mother's. After that night, I went back to the house. I made sure to keep a few of the things. That way Harry could have them... but what would he do with a charm bracelet? I thought you would like it."

I laughed slightly, taking it from him.

There were three small hearts that read Lily & James, while the other had Harry and the other had Isabella. Next to the hearts was a locket that was bigger then them. It was a bit hard to open the locket. But after I broke my nail, the locket opened opened up. Inside was a picture of my parents holding me and Harry. I guess it was around Christmas holiday since there was a large tree in the background. My laughing mother was holding me in her lap as baby me played with a baby blue bear. My father was helping Harry onto a mini broomstick. The picture - like all of them in the wizarding world - was moving.

I closed it and tried my best to slip it on my wrist with a single hand.

Sniffing, I looked up at Remus with a broad smile. "Thank you."

He gave me a crooked smile. "Anytime. I also wanted to give you this before I forget."

Remus rewatched into his pocket and pulled out a slip of paper. As he handed it over to me, I read 'This document hereby serves to state the aforementioned fifth-year student of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
is permitted to visit the village of Hogsmeade at such a time that the school arranges, and with the signature of the undersigned
parent or guardian.' At the bottom of the slip was Remus's scratchy signature.

I thanked him once again, and also gave him a small hug.

Once we made it into Kings Cross, the two of us merged with Harry and Moody once again. We loaded our trunks and things onto separate trolleys and continued on our way. Just as we walked past he ticket booth, a black shaggy dog brushed past my leg, and trotted alongside Harry.

"Sirius, you shouldn't be here," Moody grumbled.

"Where is he?" I whispered to Harry.

"Sirius is an animugus. He went through a process that gave him the ability to allow him to change into a dog," Harry explained. "Our father was one too, but he would change into a stag. Not a dog. It all depends on what your - I guess - spiritual animal is."

"Wicked," I chuckled, looking down at him.

Sirius looked back up at me with a wink, causing me to giggle. Dogs look weird when they wink.

"Here, take your tickets," Moody commanded, holding out two tickets.

Harry and I each grabbed a single ticket from Moody's stubby hand. Looking it over, I noticed that it said the train would be leaving from platform 9 3/4. A platform I knew did not exist in Kings Cross.

"Harry," I begun, "my train ticket says platform 9 3/4. Out of all the times I have been here, there has never a platform 9 3/4. How are we suppose to rematch the train without the correct platform?"

He chuckled before facing me with a thin smile. "Oh, I can't wait to see your reaction."

"That doesn't answer my question."

Up ahead was a group of finials red heads. Harry had sped up in order to escape my question. I opened my mouth in attempt to stop him, but that was when Fred pulled me over to him.

"Hey," he said. "How was walking for miles?"

Rolling my eyes at him, I answered with, "At least I know I've gotten a good workout in. How about you? Going to never walk again since you can apparate?"

He let out a snort, "Wow, no need to get feisty there, Miss. Goodie Two Shoes."

I let out a dry laugh. "Well, I'm not the one who started it."

Fred held up his hands in defense. "Let's not go pointing our fingers all around the place."

"I shall point where ever I like," I said with an evil grin.

As I made my way towards Hermione and Ginny, Fred gave me an attractive smirk. I felt his eyes watching me the whole way.

"Hey, guys. How was your walk?" I asked.

"Tiring," Ginny breathed. "I picked the wrong day to wear nice boots."

The three of us laughed, causing me to realize we were missing a fourth.

"Where is Alex?" I asked curiously.

"Already on the platform meeting up with Dylan. By the way, I truly apologize for forgetting to tell you about him," Hermione said. "It honestly has slipped my mind-"

"Hermione, it's fine," I cut her off with a shrug. "As long as I get to meet the famous Dylan."

"So, Isabella," Ginny started, causing me to become curious as to why she used my full name, "when are you and my brother hooking up?"

I cocked an eyebrow at her. "Excuse me?"

"Isn't it obvious that she and Fred have a thing going on? Or am I just that dim?" Ginny asked Hermione.

Hermione nodded in full agreement, "No, they are so getting together by the end of the month."

"Why would you two think that Fred and I are getting together?" I asked astonished.

Both of them broke out into snickers. Yet before they could answer, we were back to walking.

"Isabella, over here!" Moody grumbled, walking away from Molly.

I was next to Harry once again. He held a picture in his hand that he hadn't had before. I tried my best to make it out, but when he realized I was hovering over his shoulder, he simply showed me the picture.

It was a large group of people, however only four of them caught my eye. Two were a younger looking army's and Sirius, while the other two were our mum and dad.

"It's the first Order of the Phoenix," he informed me. "Sirius gave me it, along with a permission slip to go to Hogsmade."

Continuing our way past the platforms until we reached the place in between platforms 9 and 10.

"We're here! I can't wait to see your reaction," Harry called with a broad smile.

"Harry, there is no platform- HERMIONE YOU'RE GOING TO CRASH!" I screamed as she ran at the wall.

But instead of crashing, she simply went right through it. My mouth was wide open, as well my eyes.

"You better close that mouth of yours if you don't want any flies in it," Fred whispered into my ear, coming up behind me.

Quickly closing it, I shot daggers at Harry, Ron, and George who were all dying of laughter.

"Shut it," I grumbled.

"Hey, Bella, want to run in with me? It helps to go with someone on your first try," Ginny asked.

I nodded and pushed my trolley with me. When I was right next to Ginny, I made sure the trolley was perfectly in front of me. This way, if it doesn't work for me, I wouldn't get banged up.

I nervously jogged behind her as we headed towards the brick wall. Just when she broke into a run, I did too. My eyes squeezed shut as I got closer to the wall. However, I felt a cool breeze instead of a stone cold wall. Peeking one eye open, I saw that I was in a very crowed Platform. Gazing around, I found a sign that read:



"Come on slow poke," Ginny giggled.

I gave her a warily smile as I continued towards the train with her. As we were carried our stuff onto the train, the wheels of my trunk got stuck under one of the steps.

"Ah, damn," I muttered.

"Need help?" came a pair of identical chuckled.

"That would be nice," I noted before they helped me with my luggage.

Then they brought their things aboard just as easily.

"Want to share an apparent with us?" George asked as we walked through the corridor.

"Sure," I shrugged. "Oh look, that compartment is empty. Come on!"

I hurried over to the compartment before anyone else occupied it. The three of us settled in, the boys throwing our trunks on the shelves above our heads before we fell onto the seats. The boys began cracking jokes like usually, with me adding my two cents in there every once in a while.

Then the door slid open, and in walked a new kid. He looked around the same age as the twins, with dark skin and eyes. His hair was in dreadlocks that came down to his shoulders.

"Hello all!" he announced.

"Hey, Lee!" the twins greeted him, standing up to shake his hand.

I awkwardly sat were I was watching the friends reunite.

Lee then looked down at me with a curious smile. "And who might you be?"

"Lee this is Bella. Bella this is Lee," Fred introduced.

"You know - in Italian - your name means beautiful," he commented as I shook his hand.

"So I've been told," I chuckled.

"Suits you well," he winked, putting his trunk onto the shelf.

With a slight smile, a blush crept onto my cheeks.

"I must be going," I noted aloud, standing up. "I would really like to stay and chat, but I promised I'd meet up with Alex. I'll be back in a few minutes."

Giving a small wave, I walked out of the compartment.

"Lee cool it," he warned lightly. "She's mine."

I smiled broadly to myself before looking around the train. When I finally found Alex, she was also with Harry.

"Hey, where is Ron and Hermione?" I asked as Alex let me in.

"Prefect meeting," Harry said.

"Oh," I breathed, then turned toward Alex. "Where is this Dylan you've been telling me about?"

Plopping down on the seat seat across from her, she smiled. I guess she was happy I was showing an interest in at least meeting him, even though the others didn't accept him as easily.

"He's in the bathroom," she said simply.

Then there was a tap on the door and we all looked over at the guy standing at the door. He had longish, bleach blond hair and dark brown eyes. His skin was paler then most peoples, but it seemed to suit him well. Overall, he was well built and taller then I was.

Alex stood up and opened the door for him. His eyes scanned over me and he looked back at Alex.

"New girl," he noted. "Why didn't you tell me?"

Alex opened her mouth but then shut it, biting down on her lip. We weren't allowed to mention Grimmauld Place while in school.

"I stayed with the Weasley's over the summer," I quickly cut in. "I only met Alex a few days ago."

"Oh," he nodded.

"I'm Isabella Cooper, by the way," I introduced, holding out my hand for him to shake. "But please call me Bella."

"Hey, I'm Dylan Malloy," he chuckled. "Funny. You look a lot like Harry's mum."

The color in my face drained slightly, and a lump formed in my throat. Last night Dumbledore had made it clear about how my status would be during the school year. He wanted me to continue to use my adoptive name until further notice. No one was to know that I was in anyway related to Harry.

According to Dumbledore, I was born in Britain. But when I was 10, my parents moved me to France for their new job, were I began to study in Beauxbatons Academy. Then - when my parents obtained their old jobs back here in Britain - I enrolled to Hogwarts. These were the terms my new life would have to live by.

"N-now, why would you say that?" Harry babbled before laughing really awkwardly. "She looks nothing like my mum."

Dylan gave him a confused look. "Harry, don't take it seriously. I was just simply saying what I thought."

Harry let out a breath and Dylan sat next to Alex.

"So, Dylan, how was your summer?" Harry asked, changing the subject.

Dylan began to tell us stories of his trips to America. However, he was cut off by the door being slid open. At first I thought it might have been Hermione and Ron coming back from the meeting, but instead another boy walked in with two bodyguard looking boys.

"Hello, Potter and cousins," he says coldly, his eyes gliding over them before stopping on me. "Oh, hello. I don't believe we've met."

His thin lips curved into a smirk. I believe he resembled Dylan very much. Both had the bleach blonde hair with pale skin. Yet, this boy had his hair slicked back and blue eyes.

"Go away, Malfoy," Harry spit.

I realized then he must have been Dylan's cousin that the others didn't like, as he shot daggers at Harry.

"I haven't had a chance to learn her name," he spat. "It seems best for me to learn the names of my peers since I'm a prefect. Didn't see you at the meeting. Looks like you aren't as perfect as you're treated."

In a moment, Harry rose up with his fists balled. I yanked Harry's hand so hard that he sat back down. Malfoy snorted at my actions and took a step into the compartment.

"Looks like Potter's got himself a girlfriend, boys," he sneered.

Internally, I gagged. But externally, I glared at him.

"Well, at least he's worthy enough to have one," I sneered.

The boy fixated his glare on me before turning around.

"Let's get out of here," he muttered to his goons.

Once he was out of ear shot, I stood up and closed the door.

"You're cousin seems swell," I said sarcastically.

"He's really the opposite," Dylan said with clear disliking.

"So, are you two cousins?" I questioned.

"No way. Dylan's father and Draco's father are brothers," Alex explained. "I'm not even Draco's cousin. My father and his mother are cousins."

"Oh. You've never mentioned anything about your parents this summer. How come I didn't see them when they dropped you off at the Weasley's?" I asked Alex, careful not to reveal anything.

"My father died before I was born. Plus, I know the Weasley's would feel uncomfortable around my mum and my sister," she said. "They were all in Slytherin house and I'm in Gryffindor. Same goes for Dylan."

At that moment Hermione and Ron walked in. Hermione looked thrilled while Ron looked bored.

"That was so much fun," she squealed.

Ron gave her a confused look, "Fun? That was fun? More like an hour of information I didn't care for."

She rolled her eyes, while I stood up.

"It's been an hour already? I have to go back to Fred and George. Bye guys," I waved before walking out of the compartment.

"Bye," they chorused.

Sprinting down the train corridor, I accidentally ran into somebody. The force was so great that it caused me to fall onto the floor.

"Sorry!" I quickly apologized looking up.

There was Fred, laughing and helping me up. Holding my embarrassed face in my hands, I walked in front of him to the toward the compartment.

"I was just about to go get you. You said that you would sit with me- us and... um... I just wanted to make sure you would come back," he explained.

Taking my hands away from my face, I smiled toothlessly at him.

"Fred, I never break a promise. But I also told Alex I would meet Dylan," I explained opening the compartment door. "Where's Lee?"

"Went to go talk to Angelina Johnson. She's a girl in our year, also Freddie's ex-girlfriend," George explained.

I didn't really mind the fact that Fred had an ex-girlfriend. With his looks, he probably had tons.

"She's not my ex-girlfriend, George," Fred groaned.

"Well, I'm going to get dressed. I'll be right back," I notified them before leaving the room with a folded uniform in my hands.

"Isn't it a bit early?" George asked.

I shrugged and closed the door.

Fred's P.O.V.

I smacked George once Bella left. "Why the bloody hell would you say that?"

"Because, it's fun taunting you."

I rolled my eyes at his comment.

"So, when are you asking her out?" he continued.

"Says who I'm going to ask her out?" I asked with a cocked eyebrow.

He smiled, "Freddie, we are twins I can just tell. Plus your always staring at her."

"Ugh, do you think she knows?"

"I'm not sure, but it seems likely," George informed me.

"Really?" I asked softly thinking about the way she smiles. "Ugh, it would be so much easier if i just knew how she felt!"

"I'll go ask her for you," George said simply.

He gave me an evil smirk and raced out of the compartment. I jumped up, following behind him.

"You better not ask her a single question you little weasel!" I yelled after him.

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