Julia's baby, Bk 1 - Oh, Baby...

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Warning- No helpless chicks or 'perfect masculine Alphas' here. Julia's sixteen, the Beta's daughter, a few y... Daha Fazla

Julia's baby - Summary
Chapter 1- Julia's revenge, Part 1
Chapter 1- Julia's revenge, Part 2
Chapter 2- Got a B in biology and also I'm pregnant.
Chapter 3- Oh, sh-
Chapter 4- It's a nice day to hang out in the bathroom.
Chapter 5- Alpha on a leash
Chapter 6- Borders challenged and puppies on the brain.
Chapter 7 - Strange places and hormones that just won't quit.
Chapter 9 - Sore bums are more fun than war and the wife
Chapter 10 - Growing up doesn't have anything to do with age.
Chapter 11- Conflict of the Werewolves- Beth's revenge
Chapter 12 - Suffocated by the mate
Chapter 13- Teasing - slow? What is slow!
Chapter 14 - Alphas don't magically know everything?
Chapter 15 - The betrayal that Julia totally saw coming.
Chapter 16- The Desert Pack and another pregnancy symptom
Chapter 17 & 18 - Gemini? Sugar! Ah!
Chapter 19 - Pack & Spider Clash
Chapter 20- Werewolves? A not so nice reminder & lesson...
Chapter 21 - Shock, the aftermath of the betrayal. Part 1 & Part 2
Chapter 22- Homeless, windy and it's getting hot in here?
Chapter 23- Decisions made and plans drawn up.
Chapter 24- Oh, I do love to sail the seas. Voyage starts.
Chapter 25 - The real destination, Oliver's plan.
Chapter 26 - The end of an era and farewell to American soda.

Chapter 8 - Who said pregnant meant helpless?

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P.L 5 Pack War

Alpha leads. Beta Pair advises from back lines. 

Males and females over 18 only permitted to take part.

Wolf-bound w.w ordered by Alpha

Human bond w.w ordered by Beta male.

Children & Youth guarded by Beta female.

No human witnesses must remain. 

Disobeying orders equals death.


They were midway through cleaning when they smelt and heard two things. Two things that made Oliver's heart stop and his rage rise again, though he wasn't sure why, except that the smell of smoke and the sound of a car speeding away made him angry

He turned to order Yasmine to call the fire department, but she was already doing it, so Oliver ran. Ran for the smell of smoke and saw it was already easily getting into the Pack Hall. The old building wasn't as fire proof as most of the houses in the area. 

Somehow though, that wasn't what bothered him. The hall? Yes, it had a lot of important memories and things, but the car bothered him more. Oliver didn't even wait to see which sleepy handful of werewolves had run up the slope from their houses first. He pointed, barked, "Get the records out from the other end," and ran for the Alpha house connected to the building.

He went upstairs to get Julia out of bed. No Julia. Scent of werewolves in her room. 

No Julia.

No Julia.

The words kept echoing around Oliver's head till they connected with something and he got it. No Julia. Werewolves in her room. Not him, not her father, not Beth.

Car. No Julia. Fire.

He ran for it. Ran for the car, before anyone could ask, and Oliver suspected he might have verbally said something. He didn't know. The blood was pounding in his head, the fury, the rage that came with something going near a mate. It didn't matter if she and he were in a relationship or not. It only made it worse that, however much of a spitfire she was, she was still pregnant. 

Somewhere between the car and the speeding Julia became 'mate'. It didn't matter if a mated pair had been separated for six months, five years or fifty- when it came down to it, husbands or wives aside, the bond was made for a reason. Pack survival. 

Oliver sped after them, hands white around the wheel, struggling to keep himself from changing then and there. Car was faster than paws. He had to focus.


Julia had just started to relax when the door slammed open. Strangers, eyes boring into her, strange werewolves and strange eyes that made her freeze, panic, as they grabbed her. An arm clamped around her, another over her mouth, a soft hiss of, "Careful," as they dragged her downstairs. 

They tried to do it carefully, probably, but Julia squirmed and wriggled and tried to bite the hand, the arm tightening, soft swearing as teeth found a fleshy part of a palm and the person swore. She didn't care if she got bruised. Who did they think they were?

To Julia's shock she saw flames dancing along the edge of the building now, along the hallway, smoke starting to fill Julia's nostrils. It hurt. Who knew smoke could hurt so much that it burnt your nose? She coughed as the hand was removed, some kind of disgusting fabric thing wrapped around her mouth instead, tied tight behind her head. The arms grabbed onto her again as she was lifted up and hoisted outside.

Then something else came across her nose. A rag. It stank like hell as it went against her nose, blocking the smoke, but filling Julia's head with some other smell that stank and made her head spin as she tried to breathe through it. 

Suddenly, just like that, she fell asleep. 

Julia woke in the back of a van, the vibration of an engine going, her hands tied behind her back and the sense of being bump-bump-bumped against something soft. Not a mattress, that would have freaked her out big time, but something soft. Vans? Weren't those the things that lured little kids with puppies and were used to rape people? Okay, so they were also used by trade people, but Julia's instincts went with the 'little kids and rape' part, knees tightened automatically, and she felt her heart kick up a gear in response. 

The ropes around her wrists were tight but Julia had always had small hands. Useless for hand-to-hand stuff. Apparently, she found as she wriggled and squeaked into the gag, extremely useful for slipping out of ropes.

Actually, she really wanted to vomit. Really wanted to vomit. That peanut butter jelly sandwich was already starting to prepare itself for launch.  This urge made Julia's hands really work to get the hell out of the bindings, she did not want to vomit in her own throat, how gross would that be? She tore her hands out of it, ignoring the pain that came with the sudden movement, and yanked the gag down out of her mouth.

She threw up, the sound of the van overpowering any sound she made, the peanut butter jelly sandwich now no longer so yummy. Ew. Julia made a face as she tried to wipe her face, tried to ignore the smell of vomit, turning around to see and get what was going on. 

"We've got company."

The words made her heart sped up. Had they noticed she was free? Julia froze like a startled bunny. Hands clenched into the soft ground of the van, clawing into it, waiting for them to pounce. They didn't. They didn't even look back. They were looking at something else out the window. Lights hit the van from behind, the rev of another engine, and this one sped up faster.

"I'll call them and let them know." A woman replied. 


"Where did they say they'd meet us?" There was a man driving. His voice was unusually soft though. Like a woman. 

"An hour from the border. So they're about ten minutes away. Shit. Got a message about the Alpha. He's coming after us already."

Julia started inching towards the front as they spoke soft tones. She heard the sound of a gun.. A gun? Were they fucking nuts? 

"He's on his own? Told you. She looked young but she has to be the one. We'll have to update our reports about the pre-" The woman swore when she saw Julia.

Julia pressed a pipe against the man's head, just out of view of the woman, and hissed, "You better fucking pull this van over and let me out or I'll blow your brains all over the steering wheel."

"We'll crash."

There was a pause. A long drawn out pause. The woman stared at Julia, hands going up, dropping the gun.

Julia gestured at her. "Yeah, exactly. So it's better for all of us if you let me out and keep driving. Throw that gun at me, bitch. You think kidnapping a pregnant chick means she's helpless? Come on." Yes, okay, not the traditional werewolf thing. Also not her usual 'ban war and sunshine for all' thing. Julia was cranky, hungry, and about to vomit again. The car slowed slightly as the woman handed it over. Julia grinned. Dropped the pole and shot the woman in the leg. Accidentally, of course.

The man swore, the car swerved, Julia got flung sideways into the side of the van as the man tried to reach for something. Julia kept her hand on the gun as it went off again, went off somewhere, and then the car swerved again, skidding, sliding... 

It tipped onto its side. Julia fell back with stuff, stuff they'd left in the dark back, falling onto her back and one arm going around her arm protectively. The other tried to hold the gun in a direction that wasn't pointing towards one of her limbs.  Metal screeched, she was sure she saw sparks fly, the glass shattering somewhere as the entire thing just slid off the road. There was a huge bang, the gun went off again, and then nothing.

Julia woke some time later. She wasn't sure if it was five seconds or five hours. There was no sound, except for the breathing from the front, heavy breathing. The entire top of the van, now on the side, had caved in as it wrapped around something. Julia was sort of pinned in between it and the back of a seat, gun still clutched in hand, smell of gunpowder mixing with the stench of blood, of metal, of fuel, urine... ew... and her own vomit. Gross. Julia didn't want to know where those two had flown. 

The door was under her. She swore softly, shutting her eyes, trying to pry her arm free. It was tangled up in metal and really hurt. It was also covered in blood. Damn. The idiot to crash. Julia's entire body ached, the back of her head hurt, her hip hurt, but her stomach was more or less okay. She checked it with her free hand. Not even a bruise there. 

A shadow darted across the front windows, one part of it shattered, and she saw a body lying outside in the grass. Hadn't one of them done up their seat belts? Julia squeezed her eyes shut as a wave of nausea came back. Tried to ignore it.

It didn't work. She threw up again, arms till pinned, adding to the nasty smells already around. Morning sickness in the middle of the night straight after a car accident? That wasn't on the Internet either. Julia had to start her own blog. 

Glass shattered again, making her scream softly, holding the gun back up with her good arm. Some shadow was climbing in. Some smell filling her nostrils and making her want to vomit again with relief.

Relief vomit? That was another new type.

"Ol- Oliver?"

"Fuck, woman." He nearly fell over, she heard his heart jump, and then climbed over the chairs, kicking the unconscious guy over the wheel. Probably also 'accidentally'. "Why didn't you yell?"

"They used some thing to make me fall asleep." Julia replied. She glared at him. "Why weren't you paying attention?"

"I was cleaning." Oliver dropped to his knees, trying to pry the metal away from her arm, the stench of her blood sending his instincts mad. He had to focus just to not change here and now and rip the other two to pieces. The metal smelt like it had cut into her- the more he pulled, the more it smelt.  "We should wait for an ambulance."

"They had people coming to meet them, I think." Julia wasn't sure the woman werewolf had sent the message though. 

"Fuck. Okay." Oliver tugged off his shirt, trying to rip it up, his hands shaking. He stared at the guns held hard in one of her hands. "You keep that pointed at the windscreen. Don't shoot without my order."

"Because you're the Alpha." She rolled her eyes when she heard him laugh. Laugh! Julia was in pain and he was laughing? 

"Because your father might be following me. I'm not sure. I may have mentioned that they had my mate." Oliver scowled somewhat at that, tearing his shirt up, aware that he may have given up the game much too early. At least Julia had the gun this time. It was a fraction better. He started to bend the metal again, pausing when blood gushed out, and tied one of the strips of cotton around her upper arm fast. 

"I shot the woman." She informed him, inhaling sharply as the pain of something being pulled out of her made Julia want to whimper. Instead she clenched her teeth and tried to stay still. "But I didn't shoot the deputy."

"You hit your head too?"

"Don't you know Bob Marley? What kind of useless mate are you?" She shut her eyes. "I may have. My head hurts."

She felt Oliver slide closer, careful hands pulling her forward, something touching the back of her head. The closeness made her chest hurt for entirely different reasons. It reminded her of the last time they'd been this close. A hand cupped her forehead, she felt lips grazed hers, Julia breathing out a low sigh of relief. He'd kissed her. She wasn't sure why she'd been missing it but she had.

"It's okay. Julia. It's okay. I'll get you free."

"What about my babies?" She said quietly, fear starting to come through the daze, and Oliver swore. Went back to trying to get her arm free as fast as he could.

 "Hospital. They'll check. I can't belie-" They both heard it, Oliver cut off, holding a finger to his lips. He yanked the metal to free her arm and shoved the cotton in her hand. Then he took the gun and slid down behind the chair.

Julia tried to wind up her arm with it, slowly, sliding up a bit more, her head spinning. There was another shadow, another familiar smell. "Daddy?"

"Baby. Is Oliver here? I owe him something." Her dad asked, softly, sliding in. Oliver stood up sheepishly.

Something hit Oliver, hard, knocking him back and down into the van. A fist? She wasn't sure. It was too dark. "That's for lying to me. Come on, Julia. We're going to the hospital."

"There's some werewolves coming to meet these two, David." Oliver tried to stand, holding apart of his jaw, his talking suddenly muffled. She smelt his blood this time. "We should-"

"You deal with it, Alpha. Julia's pregnant. I'm taking her to hospital. Tim and Randy are outside getting these two tied up and in the back of your car." David lifted Julia up carefully, helping her through the front, keeping her feet from the glass by lifting her up. "Did you get this to happen, Julia?"

"Yeah. I told them a pipe was a gun. Told them to drop me off on the side of the road. The guy panicked." Okay, Julia had shot his friend, but that wasn't the point. 

"Clever girl." Her dad's praise made the aches a little less. He squeezed her, cringing when she did, lifting her into his car. "Maybe these two babies won't be as stupid as I feared. Let's hope they get your brains and not his."

He shot Oliver a glare over the top of the car.

Julia shrugged, trying to shrug it off, and glanced sideways at Oliver as her dad pulled away fast.

Oliver stared at her, his heart still in his throat, nostrils still full of his mate's blood. Hands clenched, claws, the gun in one hand being taken by Randy. There was no point even bothering to risk a fang and claw fight. But if there were intruders then they needed to be dealt with too. 

He just wanted to race after her and panic and freak out and... 

"Alpha. What now?" Randy touched Oliver's shoulder. He stiffened, stood up straighter, and nodded backwards. 

"Hide the car. They'll have trouble smelling us over the fuel. We'll hide and ambush them."

They nodded and he snapped back into Alpha once Julia was gone, though his legs and arms still shook, the fear and anger pushed down into a more useful place. They'd taken his mate. Screw the old Pack Hall. They'd taken his mate. His puppies.   It would be good fuel for a fight. 


The hospital fussed over Julia big time. She must have fallen asleep in the car. Next thing she knew, she was lying on a stretcher being wheeled in through big doors, there was her Dad running beside.

Then she was somewhere else. A room. Her mum was there. A thing all over her stomach. Like a band or something, Julia didn't know. There was a nurse standing there with another of those plastic things. Sunlight was coming through a window.


"How... how long?" Julia's voice ached, her throat burnt as she tried to talk, and she felt a glass of water pushed into her hands by the nurse.

"You're awake. Good. We kept you sedated overnight after you panicked a few times. You can drink that."

Julia drank and asked, "The babies?"

"Both all right. One's hiding a bit still." Her mother shifted closer, and Julia felt a flicker of fear, then smelt it. Her mother wasn't fertile. She relaxed, shut her eyes, and let her mother come up close. "You're okay. Bruised. They said something about a concussion. Your dad's with Oliver." She lowered her voice, amusement there, as she added, "Probably giving him a broken arm to go with his  broken cheek bone."


" Your dad's not a lightweight. You could have told me, honey." Her mother slid closer, taking the arm that wasn't bandaged up, squeezing it. "You were conceived like that. When we got a bit drunk and gave in to the mate bond. I wanted to finish University." 

"Ew, don't tell me that." Somehow Julia didn't want to know that. She cringed as her mother laughed. "Where's Ben?"

"Being babysat by Beth and her parents. She said she wanted to learn how babies are cared for, so she could help you. She's a good friend." Her mother glanced up as the nurse finished whatever it was she was doing.

"Still all good. Hearts strong. Nothing's wrong in there. Your impact was all on the back of you so you might have trouble sitting for a while. You tore one of the muscles in your gluteal muscle on the left."

"My what?" Julia had no clue what she was on about. 

"Your bum, sweetie."

Oh. That wasn't going to be much fun. Julia breathed out slowly and let go of her mother's hand to touch the bump. "So they're okay?"

"Fine. Kicking away in there. Maybe they'll like roller coasters." The nurse nodded. "We'll keep you in for a few days to make sure you're safe and the babies are safe.  Call me if you feel any bit strange."' 

She left.

That was when Julia's mother really talked. Georgie slid close again, brushing Julia's red hair gently as she spoke quietly. "They're from the Northern Pack. Oliver captured another pair of the pack. The driver died but the woman survived and he's taken her to the estate. The Pack Hall's gone, the fire fighters decided to let it burn. We're moving onto the estate but you'll have to move with Oliver and his wife again."

"I can't move back in with you two?" Julia asked quietly. She felt more emotional when her mother shook her head. "Mom, why not? Is it because of the attack?"

"No. It's better you learn how to handle living independent before you have a baby who needs you, sweetheart. Oliver will be strangled by your father if he doesn't help from now on. We'll still help you out with your babies. Right now is a good time to learn while your stomach's not too heavy." Her mother stroked her hair gently. "I want you to keep up with school from home for now. You have to work hard. Worry about study and working."

"I need to find a job."

"Yes, it would help." There was a nod. "You can worry about that after you get out of here."

Julia nodded. She was tired, she ached, and she wasn't too upset with that. She fell asleep as her mother stroked her hair, slowly. She'd do this with her own babies. It felt nice. Julia couldn't wait. 


Thankyou for reading! Please remember to vote. :) 

I am trying to make character things... if you've found the perfect 'Oliver', or even Yasmine, let me know!

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