Leaving All I've Ever Known (...

Von 1000camren

184K 4.6K 5.7K

This is a story of what happened to Camila after she left Fifth Harmony. With all 5 of the girls' lives headi... Mehr

1. when i turned 15,
2. The Truth
3. 2017
4. City Of Love
5. A Walk Through Central Park
6. Eclipse
7. How Are You?
8. I'll See You There
9. No More Bananas
10. Beef
11. Another Walk Through Central Park
12. William and Megan
13. You're Your Own Claim To Success
15. A Sign
16. Camomile Tea
17. I Can't Wait To Live In New York
19. I Should Tell You What Happened That Day
20. ButterLies
21. Come, Sweet Death
22. 2018
23. Join Me In Celebrating A New Year
Leaving All I've Ever Known - Trailer
1. May The Past Repeat Itself
2. A Very Familiar Present
3. Fireworks
4. 2019
5. Surprise! Again!
6. Rich And Famous
7. Contract
8. $5, Ancient, Senior-Section, Frilly, Cotton Bra
9. Kill 2 Birds With 1 Stone
10. Coming Out
11. Stressed, Camila?
12. 'Crying' In The Club
13. Hang over
14. Lauren's Surprise
15. Ohh... Whatever!
16. That's My Girl
17. S*xual Tension, S*x, EX EX EX
18. Yellow
19. Kiss Cam(ila)
20. Mine's Lauren
21. Camila: Sweet dreams
22. I Have Questions After All These Years
23. A Small, Black, Velvet Box
24. The Secret's Out

18. Wimila

5.9K 161 203
Von 1000camren

There's nothing better than the feeling you get from waking up naturally, when your body feels completely rejuvenated and full of energy.

My body feels physically different. It's like I've run a marathon, but the sores and tiredness from it are non-existent.

I stretch out my stiffened muscles and feel a warm, sleeping body next to me. Lauren's long, dark hair is all dishevelled, she hugs what I first thought was a mutated pillow, but now identify as Nala, tight to her chest. I lean on my side and rest a hand underneath my jaw to look at her better.

There's only 1 word I could use to describe Lauren right now and that would be adorable. Every now and then, her nose twitches when a strand of her hair tickles her skin.
I cover my mouth, trying my hardest not to wake Lauren up with giggling. The problems fixed when I tuck the lock of hair behind her ear. I might as well have been laughing because Lauren's eyes slowly flutter open, sleep still riddled in them.

It takes her a moment to familiarise who's next to her and what happened last night. I know when I woke up, I needed to give myself a good second to decide that yesterday, was in fact, not a dream.


Lauren locks eyes with me, no expression on her face to give me a clue as to what she might be thinking.
I thought about it. About how Lauren might have regretted last night. She might regret saying she'll stay with me for Christmas here in New York. Who knows, she still might want Lucy more than she wants me.

She groans as she rubs the tiredness from her eyes.

"What time is it?"


Lauren hums, letting go of Nala and placing it behind me. She takes my arm that was resting on my jaw and turns me around so my backs facing her, making it easier for her to cuddle me instead. Welcome arms possessively wrap around my stomach and a kiss is left on my shoulder blade before she falls back asleep.

I'm surprised at first, but soon sink into her, loving how her skin feels against mine. We stay like that for a while, in fact, I nearly drift off to sleep again like she has.
But we really need to get up and get ready for the day. This isn't a day like any other, we'll be performing in about 10 hours and we still have the last of rehearsals and soundcheck to do before the show starts.

Careful not to wake her up, I gently unravel Lauren's arms and legs from me and slide out of bed, replacing my body with the stuffed animal she clung onto earlier on.

I'm about to shut the bathroom door and get in the shower, when a raspy, seductive voice grabs my attention.

"I want to cuddle you, not Nala."

I turn around and see Lauren stood up instead of on the bed I'd left her on. There's nothing sexier than a confident and naked Lauren starring at me, looking like she's ready to prance on me at any second.

"Can I join you?"

I respond with a bite to my grinning lips and a nod.

She prolongs her walk over to me just a bit longer than usual and sway her hips more flirtatiously than she normally would.

I lean in, just enough to graze her lips, but not grant her the pleasure of kissing them yet, and whisper.

"Now it's your turn."


It's 12:13 and after a very... memorable morning, Lauren and I were finally heading down stairs to go to the last of our rehearsals.

I'm more nervous than usual. I have no clue if the girls will be able to see right through Lauren and I. They'll know somethings up when they see us together.
Come to think of it, I'm not even sure Lauren doesn't want to tell them about what happened last night...

"How do I look?"

My finger presses the close door button on the elevator, I then look over at Lauren who's trying to sort out her messily parted hair.
It's moments like these that make you love another person. They're completely unaware of your meticulous observation of them and all their quirks. Though already perfectly perfect in my eyes, Lauren swoops her hair over from one side to another, trying to accomplish the best looking parting. With a smile, I interject and step in front of her to fix it myself.

It would be wise to bring up what we're going to tell everyone. We didn't really talk about if what happened was a commitment to each other, or just sex. But by the way Lauren spoke to me yesterday and by the way she's looking at me right now, there's not much doubt as to which one it is.

I tuck back any loose hairs left, press the ground button on the elevator and rest my hands on her upper chest. She mirrors me and rests hers on my hips.

"What are we going to tell the girls?" I ask as my fingers twirl a strand of her raven hair.

Lauren thinks for a second. She's probably just as confused as to what yesterday meant to me as I am about what it meant to her.

"What do you want to tell them?"

"That you're mine."

The grin spreading across her face tells me she likes the answer. I lean in and peck her lips.

"But after the performance. I'll tell my parents then too. But for now, let's just keep it between us."

"Okay... so, you really want to do this?" She sounds apprehensive, it's sweet.

"I do. Yesterday happened for a reason. Everything leading up to it happened so I can be here with you. I can't ignore the signs anymore and pretend this is all just a coincidence."

Lauren looks at me like I've just proclaimed my love for her... which I guess I kind of did without actually saying it.
She's about to kiss me, but is stopped by two disengaging elevator doors that force us apart. I straighten my outfit out and prepare myself to greet the girls waiting for us in the lobby.

We walk out and make sure to keep a healthy distance between us, even for the hotel staff. We wouldn't want anyone making assumptions.

I catch Ally's eyes first. She looks, as she always is, excited to see me. Her expression soon changes when she sees who I'm walking next to, it turns surprised as well as excited.

"Hey you two... Why are y'all so late?"

Now Normani and Dinah are the ones starring at us. Is it really so weird that I'm with Lauren?

"Umm, I woke up late. And I saw Lauren walking out of her room as I was getting in the elevator, so I stopped it so she could come with me. And Lauren rode me down-"

What am I saying?!

"-I-I mean, Lauren rode the elevator down with me. That's why we came down. In the same elevator. At the same time. Together."

I mentally face palmed myself, thinking that doing it in real life would make things even more obvious. Why am I like this?

I was never good at hiding us from the girls.



February 2015


"Are you sure we're ready for this?"

"I think so... we're both mature adults now. I'm ready to start this again if you are."

"But we'll be touring for nearly 1 year Lauren... what if something happens?"

"If something happens, then something happens. We'll get through it together. I've learnt a lot in the past 4 month and we're better together than apart. It's 2015. New album, new tour, new us."

Lauren kisses the top of my head and brings it down to lean against her shoulder.
Her and I have just very recently decided to give our relationship a go again, and there's not a better time to do it than on Valentine's day.
All the drama that went down in November with Austin, then later with Brad, forced us to split. We weren't happy, but now things are clearer and we know where we both stand. We want to be with each other.

"Hey, would you mind rubbing my back?"

"You don't even have to ask."

I lean off Lauren's shoulder and turn my back towards her in the car.
We're travelling down to Bondi beach with my mom. The Australian weather is perfect and the view, from both the seaside and attractive people (obviously Lauren being the most attractive of them all), is what I'm excited for.

The mixture of temperature from the blazing heat in the car, to the cold sunscreen and Lauren's warm palm, sends shivers down my spine. I may be Cuban, but this Australia sun is a lot for my tan skin to handle.

"Too hot Camz?"

She glides her hands around my back, often leaving sneaky strokes against my arm and side boob.

"Lauren..." I whisper to her, well aware that my moms driving on the seat in front of us.


Her touch becomes softer and slower as the sunscreen dries up. Her hands slide down to my stomach, wrapping themselves around my torso.

A single kiss is placed on the back of my shoulder blade, causing my breath to catch in my throat. Lauren's hands travel higher and higher until they're just grazing against the fabric of my bathing suit.

"You're glowing."

"Are you sure it's not just the sunscreen?"

We both giggle like little school girls, becoming the carefree and youthful couple we were months ago. She rests her head on the crook of my neck and I lean back so I'm closer to her.

*ring ring ring*

"Ugh." I check my phone.

It's Normani calling.

Lauren sighs behind me. I was enjoying our little moment together too. She better have a decent reason for phoning me.


"Hey Mila, happy Valentine's day! Just wanted to see how things were going."

"They're going good. We were actually in the middle of something, until you interup-"

"-That's great! You see, aren't you glad I set this whole thing up for you?"

I sighed over the phone, but she's right. I was really grateful. I have no clue how Normani done it, but she was the first one to find out about our relationship.
It might have had a little to do with Lauren's smudged red lipstick before we announced our Reflection tour dates back in January. My excuse for her being that 'her lipstick runs when she's excited'...

It runs when she's excited...

Her lipstick...

"We really are grateful Mani. Thanks for doing this for us."

"Girl, I did this for me, not for you. It was tiring seeing you two want but not have each other everyday. But I'm glad you're happy."

"We are. We'll phone you when we're done at the beach."

"We'll all be waiting! And something else."


"Don't fuck it up."

I won't make the same mistake of letting Lauren go again. Especially not for some PR stunt that I didn't want to be part of in the first place that pushed me to be miserable with Austin and her to start dating Brad.

"I won't."

"You better not! I have to go, you two lovebirds have fun. I'll see you later."

"Bye Normani."

I tuck my phone in my shorts and lean against Lauren again.

"Everything okay?"

"Mhm. Just want to get to the beach already and soak up the sun while it lasts."


Isn't it crazy how quickly you can fall in love with someone?

One day, you're not together. The next, you decide to give a relationship a try. The day after that, you fallen definitively, indisputably and completely in love with them.

The fact it's Valentine's day isn't a coincidence, it all lead up to me being here with Lauren. When it's that fast and that intense, I guess it's a sign you should be together.

I'm alone in my hotel room after going on my first date with Lauren since we got back together. The simplicity of the night is what I enjoyed the most.

We drove back to Bondi beach while it was still warm at around 4PM. It was an early dinner, but Lauren brought some cheap Prosecco which actually tastes nicer than some of the more expensive wine.
Lauren and I talked and ate whatever food we managed to sneak out of the hotels courtesy dining area, before we were forced to drive back due to the cooling weather.

The evening cost us less than $10 but it was priceless in my eyes.

And now I'm back in my hotel room, alone, writing down every single detail of our perfect date down in my journal. I'm excited that I get to see Lauren again tomorrow. And more excited that I get to call her mine, even if when I do it's for her ears only. And Normani's I guess.

I type out a tweet that I know Lauren will see, my little way of telling her how much I enjoyed my date with her.

A while later, I read through some of the replies and decide to answer a question that I happen to have the perfect answer for.


end of flashback


All of the girls looked confused by my excuse. It shouldn't have been so complicated for me to say that we got the elevator down together because we got out of our rooms at the same time.

Thank God Normani saved us.

"Ally asked you why y'all were late, not your life story Camila." Dinah and Ally laughed it off. Normani smiled, but I can tell she still wasn't completely convinced by my explanation.

"So, shall we go?" I looked around, hoping the girls would say yes so we can move on from the awkward subject.

"Let's go! Lauren, you're walking with me. Not so close to Camila, there are paparazzi everywhere." Dinah grabbed Lauren and Ally's hand and pushed us all outside to start our short walk to Central Park.


Lauren, Dinah and Ally walk behind us, behind them are a couple of security guards. Extra precautions, especially since it's show day, are being taken. They all talk animatedly and make lots of noise amongst themselves.

Normani and I are the opposite. We walked together, but silently. She looked straight ahead of us. I can tell she knows more than what she's leading on ever since she I saw her this morning.
But there's no way she knows what happened yesterday with Lauren. None of us had a chance to tell her. We said we wouldn't anyway, even if Normani is Lauren's best friend. And we certainly weren't loud enough for her to hear us through the hotels walls... at least I don't think we were...

"Did you have sex with Lauren?"

Shit, she knows. My face darted to Normani, then it checked to see if any of the girls behind us heard her, then back to her again.
She looked more playful than serious. When she took a glance at my face, she burst out in laughter.

Even when I tried to shut her up with a hand over her mouth and quiet begs, pleading her to stop, she still continued.

"Shh! Please Normani! Stop! No one can find out." I whispered to Normani, nervously looking around us and hoping we're not drawing too much attention to ourselves.

She calmed down enough to respond. "I know. It's just funny-" her laughter started again.

I crossed my arms and tilting my head down, embarrassed by all the eyes starring at us. The paparazzi are already bad enough, we don't need normal people looking at us too.

I lean closer to her and whisper. "How the heck did you find out?"

"How did I find out? I planned the whole thing!"

I knit my eyebrows as I stare at her. How could she have planned the whole thing? Lauren and I decided there and then that we were going to be intimate. It was never planned. I would never would have guessed it...

"Stop pulling that face, it's not good for the wrinkles."

She pats my cheek and starts explaining.

"Lauren sent me that long ass paragraph proclaiming her love to you when you went to get the herbs from your parents hotel room. I read it and I knew she'd come to see me soon if I didn't respond. I needed to think of a reason to get you to stay, but you thought of one for me when you asked if you could finish your tea and wait for Ally since she'd just finished rehearsals. I 'forgot' my phone and went on my date. I'm just glad you guys moved into Lauren's room. Wouldn't want to have poor, little Ally walking in on you guys."

My cheeks flushed a crimson shade of red as I buried my head deep into my coat. And I thought Dinah was the one that was trying to get me to hook up with someone...

"When I read the message Lauren sent me, I knew what needed to be done. The way you spoke about needing someone to make the first move that day I saw you at breakfast, made me think up this plan. Lauren wanted a 'sign' because she believes in destiny and all that lovey dovey stuff. And you needed someone to be brave."

"... But how did you know I still had feelings for Lauren?"

I looked at Normani when she didn't respond. She glanced at me and smiled.

"You can never be 'just friends' with someone you fell in love with."

I'm lost for words for a split second, but decide that nothing else needed to be said. She repeated back the advice I gave her last night. I would never have said it myself if I knew it wasn't true...

"Don't fuck it up this time."

"I won't."

I decide to change the subject. Anything would be less awkward to talk about right now.

"So... how did your date with the doctor go?"

"It went really well! Like I said before, he's sweet and kind. Dre's a great guy."

Finally she's met a nice, decent guy! Fingers crossed it works out for them.

"I'm so happy for you Mani! When's your second date?"

"We're not getting a second date." My face fell. I thought they had a good time? "We're both busy people. And living miles away from someone strains relationships. Plus, he's moving to LA to work in some fancy private hospital next year because he's that good - that just adds to the distance. We're planning on keeping in touch. But just as friends, nothing more than that."

I nod my head, understanding their decision. Relationships are always easier when you're physically nearer the person. And it's even worse if you're both busy people.

A relationship like those hardly ever last.

We enter the parks gates. It's barely midday and fans are already crowding around the closed off area outside the view of the stage. They're waving and shouting at us, trying to get even just a moment of our attention. Some already hold up posters ready for the show.

Though we're not meant to, the girls and I decide to stop for a couple of minutes and take pictures with the fans. We have to give back to the people that support us everyday.

"Hey guys! Thanks for coming out here today!"

I start taking selfies, but my attention gets drawn somewhere else by a fan. "Lauren! I'm so sorry about what happened! How are you feeling?"

I look to my right and see Lauren talking to a very concerned group of teens.

"I'm doing better. Seeing you guys out here today has definitely made me happier."

A poster being shoved into my hands distracts me enough to stop eavesdropping in on their conversation.

"Can you sign it Camila?"

The teen handed me her pen. It's only when I'd finished my signature that I actually read what was written on the poster the fan gave me.

"What's a Wim-... Wimila? Am I saying it right?"

Before I moved on, I waited for her answer. The fan and her group of friends giggled at my obliviousness.

"It's your and William Jaure's ship name. You're such a cute couple!"

These shippers move fast...

"Ohh, no, Will and I are just friends. I met Will 2 days ago, I barely know him."

The looks on every single on of their faces told me they were disappointed. I know what it's like to ship a couple together - at their age I was a hard-core Larry Stylinson shipper!

"Will's definitely not bad looking though! He's a very handsome boy."

The girls started giggling to themselves again. I would join in too, if it wasn't for a pair of intense, green eyes looking at me.
She would deny the jealousy if she could, but with the fans around, the only thing Lauren could do was look away and pretend she wasn't even listening in the first place.

I smiled to myself, there's not many things on earth that are cuter than Lauren trying to hide her jealous side, especially out in public.

"I don't think he's my type anyway. The boy has too much facial hair."

Yes, 'boy'. Saying 'they' or 'them' is unacceptable now. Roger insists I use male pronouns now when talking about relationships or anyone I'm interested in. Not that it's not true, I have only been on dates and 'relationships' with guys ever since leaving Fifth Harmony. It's almost second nature to say 'he' or 'him' now.

It hardly matters anyway when I notice the teens holding smiles on their faces.
It may not be the biggest, but the best smile I spot is the one held by Lauren's. She gives me the look she shows me when I've done something right.

"Times up ladies, let's start walking back to the stage."

The security guards usher us away from the fans. I blow a few more kisses and wave at the girls and boys who came all the way out here, in the freezing New York air, just to see us.

"I'll see you all soon!"

I heard a few cheers and goodbyes in return an started walking back towards the Winterstage.

Not wanting to walk the rest of the journey alone, I look over my shoulder and wait for one of the girls to join me. To my surprise, I see Lauren speed walk in my direction.

I turn and start walking away. She should know she can't be so close to me.

My feet hardly have a chance to distance myself from her when my phone vibrates. I check it and read the message.

Lauren: I want to walk with you

I don't dare look behind me. I wouldn't want to see the face that goes with that plea. I'd have to say yes.

Camila: We have to keep our distance Lauren...

Lauren: I know. But I'm not going to talk to you. I just want to walk next to you

I eventually slow down my pace so Lauren could catch up to me.
As soon as I saw her from the corner of my eyes, my lips turned up into a small, satisfied smile. There's no point pretending I would want her anywhere else but by my side.

"Happy?" I whisper, eyes still glued to the horizon, where I can just about make out the stage. I put my phone back in my pocket, but take it out when it vibrates again.

Lauren: Yes. And no! Keep your phone out!

Camila: Ok

Lauren: It's good to know your type includes people lacking in facial hair

Lauren: I miss seeing you with the fans. I know some of the ones we see really miss having you around

Lauren: I love how your face lights up around them

Lauren: You were glowing Camila

I want to hide my phone away and read and re-read Lauren's texts. I glance at her and see her smiling. I'm glad we're nearing the stage, otherwise the paparazzi would get a perfect shot of the both of us obviously texting each other.

Camila: It's because of you you know

Lauren: Just generally because of me, or because of what I did to you in the shower?...

A hot flush ran down my entire body. It almost feels like this text is being projected from a beacon for an audience of 1000 people. I peek over at Lauren and see her grinning at me, it's a grin that soon turns into a lip bite when she notices me staring at her lips.

Camila: Lauren...

Camila: And a little bit of both to answer your question. You are, after all, my type

Lauren: So I don't have to worry about Will?

Camila: I like him a lot. But only as a friend. I could never be more than just friends with Will

Lauren: Promise?


She looks up from her phone with a soft smile and doleful eyes.

I hope she understands just how serious I am about her. And I hope she knows that Will takes up no space in my heart, just like how I hope Lucy's space in Lauren's has been replaced.
The past 5 days were inevitable. It was destiny's grand gesture, a sign from the universe.

It was a promise.


Mani's clever af.

Spanish readers! Hi! 😊 A very kind girl called Lauren Michelle Jaurello has offered to translate this fic into your very beautiful language. Her wattpad is laura23111999 . The first chapters up, so go check it out! - and remember to come back and vote for this story since it still helps me out a lot

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!



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