The Wild Ones Rebellion // Bl...

By SkeleBri

18.6K 981 872

{2ND PLACE WINNER IN THE 2018 BVB FANFIC AWARDS} Highest Ranking: #1 in #WretchedAndDivine #3 in #WildOnes #C... More

Author's Note
1 - Just Five Guys (edited)
3 - Antics (Edited)
4 - Secret British Accent Society (edited)
5 - World of Trouble (edited)
6 - With What's Left (edited)
7 - This Isn't Right (Edited)
8 - The Hammer's Coming Down (edited)
9 - Gathering (edited)
10 - Party Poison (edited)
11 - I'll Never Let You Die (edited)
12 - Unprepared (edited)
13 - Magically Enticed (edited)
[Official Announcement]
14 - Rise From the Ashes (edited)
15 - Welcome to the Legion (edited)
16 - Badass
Let's be honest
Cover change
17 - We Wanted a War...
18 - Ghosts of Gifts
19 - The Shot Heard Round the World
20 - Hard Decisions and Failed Plans
21 - True Colors of the Hurting
22 - Prophecies of the Dead and the Living
23 - Fatal Sacrifices
24 - Trading Places
My life is a living fanfiction???
25 - Keep On Keepin' On
26 - The Serpent Queen
To the people who love to hate me
27 - Breaking Point
28 - There Won't Be an "Again"
To My Devoted Readers (A/N)
29 - Confessions of Devotion
30 - Far From Over
31 - Fear of the Future
32 - Negotiations
Ashley's Departure + Lonny's Addition
Impasse - Author's Note and future for this story

2 - We Only Want to be Ourselves (edited)

1.1K 56 38
By SkeleBri

"We are the in between, cast down as sons of war.  Struck to the earth like lightning, on this world we're torn.  We won't cause the pain, of living out their law.  Take joy in who you are, we know our wings are flawed." ~ Fallen Angels


Andy entered first. I was immediately struck by his height. Any fangirl with a computer knew that he was six foot four, but I'd never really taken in how tall that actually was. He was just about a foot taller than me. I was five foot five and he completely towered over me.

Even from where I was at, I could clearly see his intense blue eyes. Those were the same eyes I fell in love with the first time I saw a picture of him. Yeah, I'd had a fangirl crush on him, but I was well over it now. Him and I didn't have a chance, I knew that, but he was still a huge inspiration in my life.

He was wearing his signature clothes, tight black jeans, a ripped up muscle shirt that had the Legion of the Black mask on it, a black leather jacket with the sleeves ripped off revealing his many tattoos, and black boots. His black hair was teased slightly, making his punk-like hairstyle stick out slightly. It was nothing like it used to be back when the band first started out. It had been just past shoulder length until he cut it all off a year or two ago. It had grown out again, but it wasn't quite as long and it was a bit of a different style now. Longer in the back, and a bit shorter in the front. I liked it like that. It looked a little more mature on him, but I still missed his longer hair. It made him look more rebellious.

He was closely followed by both Jake and Jinxx. They were wearing similar clothes to Andy, dark pants, muscle shirts, black boots and leather jackets. Jake had his long black hair teased like Andy, but Jinxx had left his straight. It was different seeing it like that since he used to tease his like Andy and Jake, but recently, as the band's style started changing a bit, Jinxx stopped teasing his hair.

Behind them was Ashley, Ashley freaking Purdy. He was wearing a black t-shirt with a skull on it and a small 69 on the sleeve, and I internally rolled my eyes. Of course he would wear that. He had on black ripped jeans, boots, and his signature star necklace. He too left his long black hair straight.

Then of course, there was CC, who was grinning like a psycho, which was rather usual for him. He had on a simple black t-shirt, dark pants, a leather jacket, black shoes, and a black bandana over his usual long, straight black hair.

But the thing that caught me off guard was the war paint. Every single one of them was wearing their signature war paint. Andy had a horizontal black stripe going across his face along his cheekbones and thick, dark eyeliner around his eyes. Jake had his eye war paint that went out even further than the others' eyeliner and lines protruding from it and pointing down, almost making him look sad. Jinxx wore his diamond eye war paint where black diamonds were drawn over his eyes and a black line protruded horizontally from the corners of his mouth and black lipstick. Ashley was wearing his signature neck painting with a black line going down his neck and multiple horizontal lines going across it. He also had a couple small, black, horizontal lines coming from below his right temple and thick black eyeliner. And CC had his usual tear drop shaped paint on his cheeks and the thick dark eyeliner.

I did a double take on the war paint. Last I'd heard, they'd stopped doing it since they were getting older and their style was changing. I had no clue why they would do it now. They were going to get quite a few weird looks for it, that's for sure.

I took all of it in in less than a few seconds. I briefly looked out at the stands to see what everyone's reactions were. Some students were whistling, some were clapping, a few were grinning like crazy, but the majority of the students were gaping. They obviously had no idea who they were. I was in shock myself, but I couldn't help but smile. They were here because of me, I had gotten them here, even if I'd had no idea they were coming. It took everything I had to keep from fangirling there in front of everyone, but my smile continued to get bigger and bigger. When the guys saw my reaction, they smirked. Well, all except for CC, who was still grinning like a maniac. That's CC for you though. He's like a giant kid.

They joined us in the center of the gym floor which we used as the "stage". They were standing a few feet from me and their stance kind of intimidated me. I felt like shrinking into the floor. Then I realized there was nothing to be afraid of. I'd stood in front of this many people many times before, so why was I having a problem now?  Perhaps I was just nervous I'd make a fool of myself in front of my favorite band.

I pushed that out of my head, unable to afford the distraction at a time like this. It was, after all, my grade and graduation on the line with this project. I had to relax and focus on what lie ahead. I could do this. I kept repeating that in my head. Keep your cool. I can do this. I can do this.

Mr. Gulbranson handed the microphone to Andy to begin the introductions.

"Hey guys, my name is Andy Biersack and I'm the lead singer of Black Veil Brides," he said in his signature unusually deep voice. "We want to thank Katrina here for sending out that invitation for this to happen. Even though she didn't know we were coming, we wouldn't be here if she hadn't started this. We're really excited to be here and spend the week with you guys and get to know you all and, hopefully, help Katrina out with her Senior project." He looked over and smiled at me. Oh god, I could feel the heat rising to my face, indicating I was definitely blushing.

He handed the mic to Jake. "Hey everyone. My name is Jake Pitts and I'm the lead guitarist for Black Veil Brides." He grinned and handed the mic to Jinxx.

"Hey everyone, I'm Jinxx and I'm the rhythm guitarist and violinist for Black Veil Brides." He smiled, his blue eyes twinkling.

The mic was passed to Ashley and he too introduced himself. "My name's Ashley Purdy and I'm the bassist for Black Veil Brides." He winked. Ashley was the well known womanizer of the group, known for his constant one night stands with girls. Yet, somehow, he managed to get girls to fall head over heels for him, even though its pretty obvious that they mostly likely don't have a chance of lasting with him. I mean, yes, he was hot as hell and quite the charmer and a nice guy, but he was still a player.

Then CC took the mic from him, jumping up and down slightly, making him seem as thought he were and overgrown kid. "You motherfuckers ready for this!?" Mr. Gulbranson glared at him, which made people laugh and made CC smile even bigger, if that was even possible. "I'm Christian Coma, but you can call me CC, and I am the drummer for Black Veil Brides." He handed the mic to Jinxx who chuckled at his enthusiasm.

"So, just like Andy said, thank you Katrina for setting this up. We're excited about this week and we want you all to treat us like we're any other students here. But keep in mind, we're not going to change to your standards of 'normal'. The idea is you're supposed to try and accept us for us. If you really want, you can give us all your hate." I chuckled at his reference, but it appeared that I was the only one other than the guys who got it. "We know how to handle it, but we only want to be ourselves, so get used to it," he continued, smiling at the crowd. He then handed the mic over to me. I took it and carefully tried to recite what I'd been planning on saying if this day should come.

"Um, ok, so first off, thank you guys for coming. As the guys have said multiple times, they are the Black Veil Brides." Some cheers rose from the stands which made me smile. Maybe this week would turn out okay. I shifted my weight and continued, "Please, please don't swamp them asking for pictures and autographs. They are, as of now, everyday students at an everyday school. I can't stress enough how important that is. At the end of the week, I will assess how the student body treated them. Did we treat them as outcasts, or did we learn to accept them? It is your job to try to accept them, every single one of you. If you can learn to accept them, then you can learn to accept anyone. Please, at least try." I glanced over at the guys to see them smiling at me. Well, accept for CC who was still jumping around. Still? He must've had like 50 Monsters before he got here. It gave me a confidence boost, seeing them. "Before we go back to class, does anyone have any questions for any of the guys?"

Only a few hands rose, so I handed the mic to Andy and let him choose hands one by one.

First, a girl with black eyeliner, dark hair, and many band bracelets stood and asked, "Have you done this at other schools?"

"No, this is the first time, but you never know, this might become a common thing." Andy replied honestly, smiling.

The next girl shot out of her seat before she had even been called on and began spewing her question at Andy. She was thin as a twig, bleach blonde, and had a high pitched, squeaky voice. It was Savannah Pates, a particularly popular girl from my class, and one of my repeated harassers. I put up with her just fine, but I knew she would be one of the people to give the guys a hard time, and that was going to be a pain.

"What's up with the weird makeup?" She asked accusingly, a smug look upon her face. Another girl shot from her seat across the bleachers, an obvious fan since she was wearing Black Veil Brides bracelets, a Black Veil Brides shirt, and a BVB necklace.

"Number one, it's war paint, not makeup. Number two, they can do whatever the hell they want to. It's their style." I'm pretty sure I recognized the girl. She was a Sophomore, I think, probably in one of the classes that I was a teacher's aid in.

"Makeup is for girls, unless your gay." Savannah spat back. The Sophomore girl looked like she was about to say something, but Mr. Gulbranson got involved before she could.

"ENOUGH!" He yelled. He took the mic from Andy, who was looking sort of shocked. "Is thsi really how you want to present our school to our guests?" Crickets. "Everyone has five minutes to get to their second period class," he said into the mic, rage seething in every word. "Go." Students grabbed their bags and scrambled to the doors.

I looked over to him, silently asking if that included me. He nodded his head and I scrambled up the bleachers to get my bags and out the doors, not even looking back, but my heart soaring.


So the picture on the right is a picture of Andy. He doesn't have his war paint on and it's bad qualiity, but he does have his eye liner on and his hair is the same and you can see his tattoos. :) maybe I'll post another one of him later on but that'd just so you can get an idea of what he looks like. :D

Sorry this chapter sucks guys. I wanted to be descriptive of the guys, but I realized that this entire chapter is not that exciting. It's kinda boring and I'm sorry. :( It's just a filler though. And jsyk, they guys were only acting out of character because they were trying to "behave" in front of the students since they didn't want to get kiced out of the school. xD That's explained in the next chapter, but I just wanted to let you know.

so yeah, sorry for the boring begining chapters, but I have to explainstuff, so I'm putting a lot of effort into it. :/ The next chapter is when the fun begins though. :D

(Can you tell I like faces? :P)

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