By darkhappybubbles

3K 91 10

This is the story of Luna Silver, a White wolf and the daughter of the Moon Goddess. What happens after her... More

In The Beginning
Chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
Publish Update
update ~important~

Chapter 5

192 5 0
By darkhappybubbles

I was running from something in the dark thick woods in my wolf form completely terrified out of my mind. The light of the full moon shinning down upon me as I ran. I then tripped over a rock turning back into my human form as I hit the hard ground. I tried to get up but I froze when a big black wolf was standing in front of me baring his sharp teeth, slobber dripping from his open mouth as he growled at me making me whimper slightly in fear. Then the wolf shifted into a man with black hair and green eyes, he kinda looked like Jack, but I knew it wasn't him. He laughed evilly, his voice deep and full of the feeling of victory. That he has won.

"There's no use in running Luna, there's nowhere too run, nowhere to hide. I will always find you sweetheart, no matter where you go I will always be there"

He then laughed a sickly blood curdling laugh before shifting back into his big black wolf. Then he pounced at me causing me to scream out.

"Luna! Luna! Wake up please sweetheart! Wake up!"

I woke you screaming in a cold sweat as Jack held me in his arms protectively close to his chest as I started to cry. He was trying to calm me down by rubbing my arm as he pulled me closer into his lap rocking me back and forth.

"Shhhhh shhhhh it's ok, I'm here now, it was just a nightmare, you're ok"

I continued to sob as I looked up at him.  

"N-no i-it was-wasn't! It wasn't j-j-just a n-nightmare! It f-felt so-so real!"

I said between sobs. He whipped my tears away with his thumb and moved my sweat soaked bangs from my face and kissed my forehead.

"Tell me, what happened?"

Jack said softly as he rubbed my arms and whispered sweet nothingness in my ear. His touch calmed me down, but his voice was even more so. I nodded as I begun to tell him what happened and about that man that's been in my dreams for the past couple of weeks biting back tears. His eyes turned pitch black when I reached the part about that man in my dreams and what he looked like, and honestly, it kinda scared me.


Jack growled. I looked up at him shocked and scared.

"Wait! Do you know who this man from my dreams is?!"

Jack looked down at me and calmed down as his eyes when back to their emerald green. He took a deep breath and sighed as he closed his eyes trying to stay calm.

"Unfortunately, yes, I do. The man you keep seeing is my brother, Nick"

My eyes widened and my mouth dropped as I was trying to hold back tears.

"And now I have a feeling that these dreams that you're having aren't dreams at all—but visions"

My eyes filled with tears as I started to tremble at the tears started to fall.

"Jack, i-I'm, I'm scared"

I said as I started to cry harder. He kissed away my tears pulling me closer.

"Don't worry, I'll protect you with my life, now and forever. I won't let him touch you"

His voice was soft and soothing making me feel safe and comfortable, soon falling back to sleep in a peaceful nightmare free sleep.

The next morning was the day that Nick, Alyssa, and John arrive and I was anxious and scared to see if we were correct that Nick really is the man from my visions. We decided not to tell everybody about my visions. We don't want to worry everyone, especially Amy who is obviously missing her son and we don't want her to fret about something that might or might not even happen. But Jack is on high alert and on overly protective Alpha mood.

We were all sitting in the living room with the fireplace lit as Jack and I were sitting on the loveseat with Jack holding me in his lap and my head buried into Jack's chest, his strong warm protecting arms wrapped around me holding me close. Everyone was getting a little suspicious and curious cause' Jack's overly protectiveness definitely, didn't go unnoticed by everyone. That's when there was a knock at the door, all of us jumped to the sound of the knocking. Jack held me closer as I tried to also get as close to him as I could and we knew who was on the other side of that door.

Darick, Alice's brother, and Grayson all got up to get the door as three people walked in. there was a girl with long dark brown hair, green eyes outlined in a blue ring, and a nose ring that was the color of silver, but not actual silver, obviously. She was also Fairly slim and tall, to her left was a tall boy with dirty blonde hair, greenish blue eyes, and he was also thin and tall with a little muscle on his arms. A-a-and, and in t-the middle of the two, was-was—Nick. He was the one from my dreams!

Nick's eyes shot to me making me freeze and tense up. Jack sensing my distress rubbed my arm and whispered sweet nothingness in my left ear knowing that his voice alone calms me down the most. I relaxed a bit but I was still scared. Alice and Alyssa left the room chatting and Grayson and Darick left with John, leaving Nick with Amy, Jack, and me.

"Brother! It's so nice to see you again! And to you too mother"

Amy got up looking ecstatic as she went over to her son to give him a tight long, happy hug, happy to have her son back home.

"Oh! My baby boy is back home! I'm so happy to see you again! I'm glad that you're back" good to be back"

When they separated his attention shot directly to us, particularly to me, smiling. I froze and tensed up again as Jack started to rub my arm again. But Amy looked up at me with worried soft eyes noticing me all tensed up and scarred.

"What's wrong dear? You look pale"

She said softly. I relaxed and shook my head a I turned to her.

"What? Oh, yah, I'm sorry, I'm fine. Honest" ok, just making sure dear" Yah, I'm good, just a bit nervous meeting Jack's older twin brother and childhood friends"

Amy nodded and turned back to Nick who was still staring at us with a smirk on his face.

"Brother, so nice to see you again. Who is that lovely gorgeous girl with the platinum blonde hair, pale skin, and bright ice blue eyes that's sitting on your lap with your arms so tightly wrapped around her protectively?"

Jack held me closer and tighter. I tried to smile warmly trying not to look or sound scarred or worried when I spoke, but, my voice failed me.

"Hi, I-I'm L-Luna, J-Jack's mate"

Nick's smirk turned into a devilish smile, the smile that I've only seen in my dreams. I froze as fear took over me. Luckily, Amy didn't notice this time. Everest tried to calm me down as Jack helped.

'Luna, calm down' b-but, but I can't!' yes, you can. Remember, jack is here and I am here too' I know but-' but nothing! Jack and I will protect you, if he tries anything, I will take over and rip his head off, and you know that Jack will too'

I smiled mentally as I calmed down and relaxed a bit knowing that what Everest said was true.

'Thanks Everest' no problem, one of the many reasons why I'm here'

I could feel her smile as she went back quietly to the back of my mind as Nick continued to talk.

"Oh! So you're Luna! The Alpha Luna, and..."

Nick's voice turned softer and darker scaring me, but knowing that Everest was right and what she said was true, I was able to stay calm anyhow.

"A white wolf"

I nodded slightly as I then started to see a dark black ora form all around him. I knew that no one else could see it because no one was even fazed by this. But I sure could. And I could have sworn that I heard him say something between the lines of:

'So, this is her, I shall have her power! I will have my revenge! And no one will stop me!'

That did it! I'm done! I was now completely consumed in fear, but Everest hid it for me. So thankful for that. But of course Jack could still sense it. Thankfully Amy stepped in.

"Well, if you'd excuse me, I better go get supper ready"

We nodded as Nick followed Amy to the kitchen. Me and Jack quickly got up and went upstairs to our room.

I sat down on the bed and breathed out the breath that I didn't even know that I was holding. Jack shut the door and came to sit beside me. I looked up at him, his face but mostly his eyes showed the confusion and all the worry that he was feeling. Your eyes, your eyes will always show all your emotion, no matter how hard you try to hide it, your eyes will always show all of your deepest emotions.

"What's wrong? What happened down there?"

Jack's voice was soft and caring. I looked down avoiding having to look at his face. But Jack lifted my chin so that I would have to look at him.

"Tell me, what's wrong?"

I said nothing. That's when Everest popped in.

'You have to tell him what happened and what's going to happen on the next full moon' Well, what's going to happen on the next full moon?' Something amazing and magical!' Well, what is it?' Your first transformation was on your 17th birthday, and, on a full moon, so the next full moon something wonderful is going to happen'

That's all she said before popping out. When I came back at him Jack was still looking at me.

"Luna...what happened?"

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath to steady my breathing before I spoke.

"When my eyes met Nick's something strange started to happen, a dark black ora started to form around his body a-a-and"

My voice started to break up as tears filled my eyes. Jack pulled me into his arms and rubbed my back as I continued.

"And, I-I-I could h-have sworn t-that I heard him say-say that my p-p-power will-will be his"

By the time that I finished I was now sobbing, I was balling my eyes out. Jack held me closer as I buried my head into his chest and cried soaking his shirt with my tears as he softly stroked my head.

"Don't worry, I won't let anything happen to you"

I nodded as we sat in a comfortable silent as he rubbed my back just letting me cry. Ten minutes later and I finally stopped crying, only a few tears slipping through. That's when my phone started to ring. I got up and looked at the caller I.D to see that it was Wendy. I tried to sound happy and like I haven't been crying, but my voice failed me.

'Hey Wendy!'

'Luna? Are you ok?'

'Yah, why?'

'Have you been crying?'

'No, I'm fine'

I then heard Mark in the background asking Wendy what's going on and why I'm crying? I then heard his voice come through the phone.

'Luna! Why are you crying?! What did he do to you?! Did he hurt you?! Do I need to come over there and kill him?!'

'No, Mark, I'm fine'

'You are serenely not fine! I can hear it in your voice, what happened?'

'I told you that I'm fine'

'No! You're not! I'm going over there'

'Mark, no, I'm fine, promise'

I heard Mark sigh into the phone before speaking again.

'Ok, are you sure that you're ok?'

'Yah, I'm fine'

'Ok, just promise me that you'll be ok'

'I promise, I'm ok'

'Ok, well, you should come and visit, please, Wendy is lost without you'

'Ok, I will, but hey, sorry I've got to go, tell Wendy that I miss her and that I love her'

'Ok, I will'

'Love you'

'Love you too'



I hung up the phone and put it back down on the desk as I looked back to Jack to see a small soft smile on his lips. Jack got up and walked over to me and laid his hand on my cheek as I closed my eyes as I leaned into his touch as the familiar sparks flowed through my body calming me down, a small smile playing on my lips. There was then a soft knock on the door as Alice poked her head through the door.

"Hey, Amy told me to come tell you that supper is ready"

I took a deep breath and nodded. She left as I looked up at Jack who had a worried face crooking up his eyebrow.

"Are you sure that you want to go down? I could always just have them bring up our plates"

I nodded slowly.

"Yah, I'm sure"

Jack mouthed an ok. As we walked out Jack wrapped his arm around my waist as he kissed my forehead before walking downstairs.

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