By darkhappybubbles

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This is the story of Luna Silver, a White wolf and the daughter of the Moon Goddess. What happens after her... More

In The Beginning
Chapter 1
chapter 3
chapter 4
Chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
Publish Update
update ~important~

chapter 2

369 10 0
By darkhappybubbles

The next morning I woke up to my alarm to get up and ready for school like every morning. But oddly I woke up completely wide awake and with the feeling that something, is going to happen. I got up and walked over to my closet and picked something random to wear but still looking nice. I walked into my bathroom and did my normal morning routine but deciding on no make-up.

I walked downstairs to see something very strange, everyone was bowing to me! I was stunned. This shouldn't surprise me since I am now the Alpha Luna, now above the Alpha; my brother, and every other Alpha in all the world's packs, but it does. So, I just ignored them grabbing a plate of bacon and eggs and sat down between Wendy and Chuck, the pack's Beta. After breakfast, we all headed to Mark's silver BMW and headed to school, but this time I got to drive.

Once we got there the very moment I stepped through the door everyone froze and stared at me, the next thing they did was they all bowed. This still shocked me, so I just ignored them and walked to my locker to get my things that I need for my first class of the day, my favorite class, wolf history.

As I walked into class everyone stopped to look at me as they bowed their heads to me. I was now finally used to it. I just calmly and quietly walked to my seat and waited for class to start. Mrs. Westerfeled was in the middle of teaching us about the second world wolf war when the loudspeakers came on.


Everyone started to panic and run out of the classroom as some as our strongest pack warriors ran up to me alongside Mrs. Westerfeled.

"What's going on?!" The Blood Moon Pack is attacking! They're here for you"

Mrs. Westerfeled answered.

"Now you must go, and hurry!"

She said to me with worry as one of the pack warriors grabbed my hand and lead me down the school halls swarmed with panicking wolves. I almost tripped going down the stairs a couple of times but I always caught myself. But as the halls got more crowded I got separated and there was no way that I was going to be able to get through the crowd and survive. I had no other choice; I had to run up to the roof of the school where I knew that I would be safe. I started to run up to the rooftop as I heard them calling to me, but there was no way that they would be able to cut through the crowd to get back to me.

As soon as I got to the top I looked over the edge down to see many wolves fighting and Blood Moon wolves attacking and killing many of my friends and teachers. Many were very injured and trying to get up and run and others were dragging themselves in a pool of their own blood. The entire field was covered in blood and dead bodies, i-i-it, it w-was horrifying. I sat down, my back against the wall holding my hand over my mouth as my eyes started to fill with tears.

Then I heard the door to the roof burst open as two big brown Blood Moon Pack wolves burst through the door. Everest was telling me to fight, but, I knew that it was no use, they are way stronger than me and twice my size. Then the Alpha of the Blood Moon Pack walked up. He was gorgeous, absolutely stunning with his short spiky dark brown hair, and bright green eyes, he was tall, maybe about 6'2, he was very muscular, thin, and his face, his face was perfectly sculpted with nice high cheekbones and a well-defined chin, and when he spoke, his voice was strong and demanding that sent shivers down my spine as I melted.

"She's the one! If there is one scratch! One, scratch! On her, I will personally rip, both, your heads off!"

They both nodded. As they started towards me I blacked out and was consumed by darkness. But how? And why? I never blackout nor do I ever, feel faint, no matter what the situation maybe!

When I woke up I was on the hard cold concrete floor in a cell with the bars made out of sold silver. When I sat up and looked around I saw many other girls from my pack in cells huddled into a tight ball and crying into their knees. When they noticed that I was awake they all stopped crying and looked up at me. I gave them all a reassuring smile telling them that it was all right, I'm here now, and that nothing bad is or will happen to them making them calm down by a lot. That's when I heard heavy footsteps coming down the stairs as a sweet forest pine smell filled my nose.

As the smell grew stronger, me being my proud self quickly stood up nice and tall. I had to stay strong, for my pack. As the door opened the sweet smell became overwhelming and so addictive as two guards and the Jack, the Alpha walked in. The, the smell was emanating from him! Everest was now going bat shit crazy, and the way he spoke wasn't helping one bit.

'Mate! Mate! Mate!'

Everest screamed in my head.

"I'm sorry that you had to wake up in this cold, dusty, blood stained cell, but I had no choice at the moment, and I figured that you would have preferred to be here with your fellow pack members, and I'm sure that they would have preferred the same"

Everest clearly did not like those choice of words. I growled at him. I swear! Even if these bars are made from sold silver that they still won't stop me from, ripping his FUCKING HANDSOME HEAD OFF!! Wait! Handsome? Whatever! That still wouldn't stop me. My ice blue eyes then turned pitch black meaning that Everest took over, and I, let her. And boy was she mad.

"I fucking hate you! You took me from my pack, and my family! You also took some of my pack members! Do you fucking know who I am?!"

He seemed surprised by this sudden outburst, along with everyone else. But Jack's face soon fell calm again before he calmly spoke again. God I hate him.

"Yes, I do. You're Luna, the Alpha Luna of the Silver Moon Pack, a white wolf, the Moon Goddess' daughter, the next Moon Goddess, and you, are my mate"

Everyone but Jack, the two guards, and me gasped in shock and surprise. I held my ground as my eyes turned back to their normal ice blue meaning that Everest has backed down acknowledging that Jack is my mate and that she can't argue with the truth. But still, I needed to stay strong, for my pack. Everest might have backed down, but I haven't.

"Let us go! Now! Or else"

Jack stared at me with his gorgeous green eyes as my angry and cold ice blue ones locking with his again.

"I'm sorry sweetheart, but I can't do that"

Sweetheart? Is he fucking serious calling me sweetheart? I'm just done. He can keep me here and do whatever he wants to me, but not to my pack. Instead of my eyes turning black they turned completely white, not a single drop of color left in my eyes. I could tell that it wasn't Everest, with this power and energy it could only be one person, it was the Moon Goddess who took over this time, and it wasn't I who was talking anymore, it was her.

"You will let my daughter's pack members go, unharmed! And! In return, she will stay behind here with you. But, if you don't do this, you will feel my wrath!"

She threatened as the ground began to shake slightly. When my eyes cleared everyone looked generally terrified, and I kinda liked it. Jack took a deep breath of defeat.

"Fine, they can go-"

As he said this all the girls jumped up off the ground excitedly and lightly cheering. Jack continued.

"-They can go, unharmed, but, you must promise to stay and to not try to escape or run away at all."

Everest was happy to hear this and so was I. She on-the-other-hand was not only happy that our pack members will be released unharmed, but also that we get to stay with Jack, our mate; no matter how much dislike we have for him at the moment. I nodded in agreement. He snapped his fingers and the two guards as well as others came down and took all the girls upstairs. When they were out of our sight Jack opened my cell door and grabbed my arms. Shocks were sent flying through my body from his touch, but they didn't hurt, they were actually quite pleasant and I never wanted him to remove his hands, craving for his touch.

It's been about two hours now since Jack put me in my own room. It had a soft comfy queen-sized bed, a small sitting area with a couch under the window, a stone fireplace with a nice white mantel to match, there was also a conjoining bathroom. I will emit that the room was very nice, nicer than my room back home. 

The bathroom was also just as nice with a white and gray granite sink, a large white bathtub, a white and gray granite shower, and the tiling was also white and gray granite too. One of the best parts was that the bathroom was fully stocked with all my womanly needs. It's almost like they planned a head. That thought honestly makes me feel a little on edge.

There was then a knock at the door as a girl with long curly brown hair and hazel-green eyes, she was thin, with tan peach skin, and is 5'7. She smiled warmly at me as she came in with a tray of food.

"Hello Luna, I'm Alice Miller"

I smiled sadly as I said hi to her back. Her smile faltered a bit at my treating. I sighed.

"I'm sorry, I just have had a lot on my mind in the last three hours. I just want to go home, but yet half of me doesn't, I miss my brother, I miss my best friend, I miss my family, and I miss my pack, but..."

I looked down into my lap and closed my eyes.

"I can't"

Alice set down the tray of food on the night stand as she sat down next to me. She took a deep breath.

"I know, and I'm sorry that you can't go back home, to your pack. What you did was very brave of you, but I promise that I will do everything in my power to make sure that you feel more at home here."

I couldn't help but let out a small laugh as a small smile etched its way across my face.

"Thanks Alice."

She smiled at me as she nodded her head.

"Well, I have to go so you better eat, Alpha Jack has something special planned for you."

I smiled and nodded at her as she got up and left, but not before sending me another kind friendly smile. I got up and grabbed the tray of food and sat back down on the bed to eat. I didn't feel hungry, but I guess I was. I ate all of it: the turkey sandwich with mustard, mayo, lettuce, tomatoes, and cheese, the slice of bread, and some water. 

When I was done eating I sat the tray aside and got off the bed. I think a shower is in order! I walked into the bathroom and turned on the water. As I waited for the water to warm up I grabbed two nice fluffy white towels; one for my hair and one for my body. Once the water was finally warm I stripped my clothes and stepped into the warm muscle relaxing water and began to wash my hair and body with the lavender scented shampoo, conditioner, and body wash.

After about an hour I decided that it was about time to get out. I wrapped one of the towels around my body and hair and stepped out. When I walked out into my room with my towel still wrapped around my body I noticed there lying on the bed was a long plain white strapless dress with a small thin black belt, a peril necklace, peril earrings, and a pair of white 1½ high heels to match.

I grabbed everything but the heels and walked back into the bathroom to get ready, and may I say that the dress looked stunning on me. It fit like a glove and hugged my body showing off all my curves but still leaving much to the imagination very nicely, very nicely indeed. But... how did they know my size? I put on some light make-up, putting on only some mascara, eyeliner, and a nice peach lip gloss. I brushed my teeth and hair, putting my hair up in a nice high ponytail.

When I was done I took one finally look in the mirror nodding in approval before I walked back into the bedroom to see a girl with curly blonde hair, dark blue eyes, pale cream skin, fairly nice big curves with a full hourglass figure, and a fake smile plastered on her face. She just looked generally pissed off and disgusted to even be here. She took a deep annoyed sigh before she turned to me and spoke.

"Hello Alpha Luna, Alpha Jack sent me to come and take you to his office."

She sounded pissed off and annoyed. Gees, what's wrong with her? She's acting like a complete bitch, and I don't even know her nor does she know me. I just nodded and put on the white heels and walked towards her before smiling a fake smile back at her. I noticed that she rolled her eyes as she turned around and led me down the halls to Jack's office. I already hate this bitch, she just keeps getting better and better.

When we finally arrived to Jack's office I smelt the sweet smell of that sweet forest pine through the doors as the girl who I came to know as Courtney MilkyWay left, which I was so thankful for. I knocked on the door and heard a "come in", so, of course I went in. When I walked in I saw Jack sitting at his desk doing some paperwork or something like that. He stopped what he was doing and put what he was doing aside as he noticed me walk in, shutting the door behind me. When I turned to him my ice blue eyes locked with his green ones. I noticed that they had something in them, some kind of sparkle in them. It was so hypnotic as Everest was going crazy screaming over and over again in my head.

'Mate! Mate! Mate!'

"So, you wanted to speak with me about something?"

I asked as I crossed my arms across my chest. I really don't want to be here. 

'But I do.'

Everest said in a sing-song voice. I ignored her.

'You're so rude.' Just shut it.'

Jack got up and walked up over to me with a sideways smirk on his face.

"Yes, I did. First, I just wanted to say that I am sorry."

I jumped back a bit as my mouth dropped and my eyes widened as they were practically popping out of my head. I was stunned, he's sorry? Jack chuckled as he shut my mouth with his hand making my face heat up and my heart pound in my chest.

"For what?" 

I asked. I need to hear it.

"For everything that I did to you. For taking you from your pack, your family and friends, taking some of the pack members, and for throwing you and your pack members in musty cold blood-stained cells. Besides, as you know we're mates, my pack needs it's Luna and the Moon Goddess paired us for a reason. That, and I honestly hate seeing you sad like this, and I would like to make it up to you."

I was shocked but happy, Everest also seemed pleased by this too; both our hearts melting at his words and his soft calm voice. What he was telling us was true, that he really did mean what he was saying, that he was actually sorry. A sly smile formed on my lips, but it was only then that I realized how close he was to me.

'Kiss him! Kiss him!' 

Everest pushed.

'No! So just shut up!' awe come-on, just kiss him.' No!' you're no fun' Just shut up and go away', how did I even end up with a wolf like you.' You know you love me.' Only if, now, can you just leave me alone for five minutes?' Fine, but only five minutes.'

Everest then popped out. I turned my mind back to Jack with a sly smile still on my face.


His soft smile turned into a smirk.

"By taking you out to dinner, but first, a tour showing you around the pack house, and maybe after... a little, desert~"

He purred in my ear. I shuddered at the thought. Everest of course was howling at the thought and doing flips for him in my head.

'Gees girl! Calm down!' No! Never! I can't, it's physically impossible! I want him! ant him now!' well, then try' Never!'

I just shut her out and turned back to Jack. I honestly am a little excited to see around the house and go out to dinner, and maybe, maybe get to know him a little bit better. I hate to emit it, but he is my mate and Jack is right, the Moon Goddess, my supposed mother paired us for a reason. Hopefully I won't have to worry about much and I can be happy here, but I still need to get into contact with Mark to tell him the situation before he does something stupid.

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