Alexander Hamilton And The Ga...

By orinscrivello

4.4K 234 263

17 gay kids, a lake, some alcohol, two pocketknives, a lot of candles, green hair dye, and a guy with a vende... More

Awkwardness Strikes Again. And Again. And Again.
Only An Hour In And He's Already Made Enemies...
(The Hassle It Took To Post This Because Wattpad Is A Bitch Honestly)
Among Other Things, A Shower Scene (not that kind, unfortunately)
Who Thought A Bunch Of Teenagers And A Lake Was A Good Idea?
Everyone Gets Wet
John Gets Southern (And Sexual) (And Sad) When He's Drunk
Suffering™ + Washingdad
Hamilton Is Pretty Darn Gay.
Seriously Washington, Stop Entrusting Teenagers With Messy Things.
A Bunch Of Teens Think They Can Solve A Mystery + More Suffering™
Jefferson Gets Rekt.
Why Did I Do This To Thomas? He's Not Supposed To Be So Bad...
I'm So Sorry, Maria
When Will They Learn!!! That Their Actions! Have Consequences!!
bonus jeffermads chapter
Laf Finds Their T-Shirt
The Storm Chapter™ (feat A Hell Of A Lot Of Glitter)
Body-Slamming James Reynolds

Way Too Much PDA (But Still Not Enough)

200 13 1
By orinscrivello

A/N: jus t a warning: I project a lot when writing.

Hamilton spent the rest of the day dreading the evening. Why did Eliza make him wait to speak to him? This was torture...

Eventually, the sun began to set, and they made their way over to the campfire. There were less people than usual, as some went to their cabins. Eliza sat on a log seat with her sisters on one side of her, and Maria on the other. Hamilton excused himself from the others and approached Eliza, hearing them teasing him for having a crush on her as he walked away.

"Uh... Eliza? You wanted to speak to me?" He mumbled, rubbing the back if his neck awkwardly. She looked up at him and gave him a sad smile.
"Alexander." She got to her feet and took his arm, then led him away from the campfire, towards the lake.

She stopped near the edge of the lake, then stared out at it silently for a few moments. Eventually, Hamilton decided to break the heavy silence.
"I'm sorry."

She sighed.
"Where did you go?"
"I... I was fostered. They moved me." He revealed.
"You never told me." She frowned.
"I didn't think it was important." He looked down.
"You still bite your lip when you lie." She pointed out. He stopped, not realising that he was doing it until it was pointed out. The inside of Hamilton's cheeks were shredded from constant anxious chewing.

"I... I thought you wouldn't want to be friends with me." He admitted. "The other foster kids were boisterous and rude. If you knew I was one of them..."
"Oh, Alexander." Not Alex, he noticed. Not what she used to call him. That was understandable.
"I would still want to be your friend!" She reassured him.

"It broke my heart when you left with no warning..."
"I'm so sorry, Eliza." He told her sincerely.

Eliza had been his first and only friend. Eliza had plenty of friends, but Alexander always came second, right after her sisters, who were a single unit. They met when they were twelve, right after Alexander was put into care after his mother died. His father had disappeared and his only living relative, his cousin, had committed suicide when Alexander was staying with him. He didn't tell Eliza any of this, but she could sense when he was especially in need of reassurance, and she was always there for him. He had visited her house once and had marvelled at its size and luxury. After that, he was much too ashamed to ever tell her that he came from the run-down foster home in the grittier part of town. Then, after almost two years of friendship, Alexander got into a fight at the home. A boy had called him stupid and called his mother a whore, and Alexander had lost it. With a black eye and a bust lip, he was moved across the country. He lost all connect with Eliza.

"Can we still be friends?" He asked warily. She offered him a cautious smile.
"We'll see how it goes." She walked back to the campfire and took a seat beside Maria. Hamilton walked back slowly, watching her. She spoke to the others briefly, then Maria wrapped an arm around Eliza and kissed her cheek. Eliza leaned closer. Hamilton smiled slightly. At least she had her sisters and Maria. Still, he had practically abandoned her, even if it was unintentional.

"What was that about?" John asked as Alex sat beside him. He decided to be honest, but not to reveal too much.
"We used to know each other, but we lost contact." He told his cabin-mates.
"Are you going to reconcile?" Lafayette asked, sounding concerned.
"I hope so."

The rest of the time spent at the campfire was filled with laughter and more singing. Eliza and Hamilton made eye contact a few times, but each time, one of them would quickly look away. It quickly became clear that Maria as Eliza were dating.

It also became very obvious that Madison and Jefferson were. Or at least, they used to be. Madison seemed to be giving him the silent treatment, but Jefferson's reaction to this was to try and break this by cracking jokes or being extremely inappropriate. He laid across Madison's lap, told dirty jokes which everyone else was disgusted by, and basically just acted like a pest. Eventually, Madison snapped. He grabbed Jefferson's face and kissed him hard, then pulled away and hissed
"For god's sake, Thomas, shut up!" Jefferson grinned like a lovesick schoolgirl in response. Laurens decided to voice everybody else's feelings.
"Oh my god, please, for everybody else's sanity, get a room!" Even Washington nodded in agreement.

Halfway through the night, Burr and Theodosia left together, which inspired a lot of suggestive comments from John, Hercules and Lafayette. Hamilton was blushing like crazy very quickly. Where were they getting all of these ideas? Did he even want to know? After an especially questionable comment from Lafayette, he decided he didn't.

"Hey, did you bring headphones?" Laurens asked Hamilton as they walked back to their cabin.
"Uh... yeah, I think so." Hamilton nodded.
"Right, well you might want to fall asleep to music tonight." John advised him. "Loud music."

When he saw Hamilton's confused expression, he gestured to Hercules and Lafayette, who were walking ahead of them, hand in hand.
'What? I don't- oh. Oh. No!"
"Yes." John chuckled. "I've developed very selective hearing."
"Is- is that allowed here?" Alexander asked incredulously. "Won't Washington be mad?"
"Not if he doesn't catch them."
"But-" He though back to the things that Herc and Laf had said about Burr and Theodisia earlier, and he grimaced, hoping they didn't speak from experience.

"My advice is to play your loudest music and close your eyes.' John suggested. Hercules opened their cabin for, and Laurens jogged to catch up to his friends.

Hamilton sighed; it was going to be a long night...

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