Come...Fall In Love!

By hemisha

883K 28.6K 699

Kathy would always tell herself, "An arranged marriage is not something I'd ever settle for. I believe in lov... More

1: It all began here
2: Celebrate!
3: Miss over-confident!
4: Trying to break the ice!
5: Holi celebrations!
6: Hurt
7: A day of horror
8: Unexpected turn of events
9: The wedding
10: New life, new beginning?
11: Going back home
12: Learning about each other
13: Conspiracy?
14: Goa it is!
15: Adventurous road journey
16: Honeymoon
17: Oops, he messed it
18: Sweet Distance
19: Book of memories
20: Worrying, caring and ditching
21: Happy birthday!
22: He drops the Bomb!
23: I'll look after you
24: A Heart to Heart
25. Is that Jealousy?
26. Solving the Mystery
27: Diwali
28: Just him & her
29: Here I'm
30: Lonavala- I
31. Lonavala- II
32: New Year
33: Tense moments
34: Tests
35: Uh-ah
36: What did I do?
37: Silent suffering
38: Is it the end?!
39: A year later...
41) It Is Back...

40: Epilogue

28.7K 878 143
By hemisha

Wow guys...30+ Votes in less than 24hours?! I never expected that! Thank you everyone, I love you guys so so much! Sorry for not updating earlier, got busy with work.

Dedicated to: anweshapatel

Chapter 40 (Epilogue):

"You deserve this for leaving us like this! Dare you do something like that again!" Aarav said as he locked Kathy in her room at her parents' house.

"Aarav open the door! I said I'm sorry, I won't do this the damned door!" she yelled as she kept on banging the door.

"You won't be able to leave now, even if you try...we won't open this door!" Mona laughed.

"That's for keeping us in dark and running away from your problems!" Monish added.

"Pay for your sins girl!" Raj said dramatically, making Kathy roll her eyes.

"What do you think you're doing over here Ronnie? We'd get back at you too for not telling us about her!" Suzie said. Kathy smiled on hearing his name.

"Dare you try to open the door Ronnie?" Vinnie warned and pushed Ronnie away from the door. They began pushing each other and tried to reach the door.

"Get lost everyone, top troubling my princess! Leave her alone or rather leave her with me!" Ronnie yelled, making everyone laugh. He took that opportunity to break in and walked in to her room.

"You alright? Did these monsters hurt you by anyways?" he asked her as soon as he got in. His forehead had faint lines of worry, his eyes searching hers and looking for anything wrong as his hands cupped her face. Kathy rolled her eyes at him and pushed him back at an arm's length.

"Geez, they are only fooling around. I'm not hurt at all Ronnie! Stop acting like a possessive psycho lover!" she laughed at him. He shrugged and then snaked one of his hands around her waist and pulled her closer as he left trials of kisses along her jaw, side of her neck to down her throat making her moan.

"Guys stop making out in front of us...seeing my sister like best friend making out with her would be husband makes me want to punch the wall!" Raj said as he covered Mona and Suzie's eyes with his hands.

"Punch the wall?" Kathy asked him.

"Yeah, I can't punch him...h-he'll be your husband!" he said sheepishly; Kathy rushed towards him and pinched his cheeks affectionately.

"You're so cute!" she laughed.

"Stop doing that girl!" he growled as he pushed her away from him.

"Aww...I missed you guys so much! Anyone up for a group hug?" she asked all of them and in no time they were hugging and pulling each other closer as they stood in a circle.

"Don't we get to hug you too?" Kathy's dad said as he looked at them from the door. Mrs. Shenoy stood beside him, her eyes glazed seeing her daughter once again.

"Mom! Dad!" she squealed and rushed towards them like a small child and hugged them tightly.

"I missed you both!" she cried, still hugging them.

"Promise us you won't ever do something like that again! No matter how wrong things get, we want you to know that we'll always be there for you!" her dad told her sternly. Ronnie smiled when he saw all of them getting emotional because of that one silly stupid girl who'd turned his life upside down-in a good way!

"I won't ever runaway like that, I promise!" she promised them and kissed both her parents on the cheek.

"So, about the wedding- how do you want this to be? Bollywood style?" Vinnie asked after a while.

"I don't want it to be grand and crowded. It'll be a silent court marriage and then we'll go out for lunch or whatever!" Kathy said with a tone of finality.

"You want it simple? Are you sure you're Kathy Dutta?" Aarav asked teasingly earning a playful slap on his back.

"Yeah we want it simple...don't want media attention towards this, so there'll be a private reception for close ones. We'll be heading to Paris the next day!" Ronnie informed them as he sat down on her bed.

"Oh my god, you're going to Paris! Kathy, isn't this you always dreamt of?" Mona squealed. Kathy smiled and looked at him with loving eyes.

"Yeah he is my dream come true!" she smiled a toothy smile. Ronnie looked at her and smiled back sheepishly as every ooh'ed them.

"So when are you getting married?" Monish asked them. Kathy turned around and faced her mother.

"Mom, will the court give us dates somewhere in next week?" Kathy asked her mother who knew a lot about legal matters.

"I'll call Nina get a date fixed, don't worry about that! Tell me if you need help in shopping!" her mother winked at her, making her laugh.

"Naah...I'll take these girls with me! You don't have to come out there unnecessarily. You take rest!" she teased making her mother pout. Ronnie cleared his throat then, attracting everyone's attention towards him.

"Umm-Can you try and get the earliest date possible?" he asked her mother. Everyone stared at him for a while, making him uncomfortably shift in his chair. Soon everyone was laughing at him. Aarav muttered something under his breath making Raj and Monish laugh so hard that they both fell from the bed.

"Can't wait anymore, can you?" Vinnie asked, still laughing. Kathy looked at Ronnie adoringly and then glared at others.

"Stop doing that! Stop embarrassing him!" Kathy shouted.

"Aww...look at Kathy protecting her husband!" Aarav smiled.

"I'll call Nina and get your names registered there!" her mother smiled and excused herself from the room.

"Tell us about L.A! What did you do was your life over there." Vinnie asked Kathy and soon she began narrating stories as everyone sat in a circle and listened to her.

"Ronnie it's a Monday wedding!" Mrs. Dutta squealed like a teenager, making Mr. Dutta roll his eyes.

"Thank you so much Mrs. Dutta! So babe...we're getting married in two days, excited?" Ronnie whispered seductively in her ears after thanking Kathy's mom.

"Very much." she smiled feeling tingly on the inside. Butterflies fluttered in her stomach as Ronnie intertwined his finger with her and looked down at her with a heart melting smile.

"Kathy, I hope you know that you'll be staying here with US for the next two days and not with him!" Vinnie smiled too sweetly for her liking. She felt like wiping that smile off of her friend's face. Ronnie squeezed her hand making her look at him and flashed an assuring smile at her even though he wanted nothing more than to go home with Kathy and start a new life with her but he tried to control his urges and got up from the bed.

"I'll leave now! It's getting late." he said. Kathy frowned at him and pulled his hand towards her, making him look at her.

"I-I'll be back in a few minutes!" she muttered and walked with him.

"No funny business Kathy!" her mother said after them. Kathy glared at her mother as she walked out.

"What's with the sudden mood change baby?" he asked her as they stood at the door facing each other.

"You need to inform your parents about and invite them!" she told him seriously. Ronnie took a deep breath as he ran fingers through his hair.

"Do I have to?" he asked her tiredly. Kathy glared at him and nodded her head.

"They don't care about anything Kathy and I'm sure they are pretty pissed off at you for leaving us behind when they'd arranged such a grand party for us!" he tried to explain her.

"I don't care about what they think of me...I want you to invite them! You're their only son and I'm sure they want to see you getting settled in life!" she told him.

"Alright, I'll inform them but don't expect me to beg in front of them...they can come if they want to!" he said reluctantly.

"Alright, I won't force you to convince them, if you call them and send an invitation to our private little reception!" she agreed.

"I'll leave now!" he said moodily and turned around to leave. Kathy frowned at him and took a bigger step ahead and stood before him.

"Cheer up, this can't be that bad..." she said as she cupped his face.

"You know I like to maintain a distance from them and still you are always pushing me towards them!" he looked away from her.

"Do this one last time, please?" she begged. He sighed.

"You know how you affect me and you use that to convince me for such stupid matters!" he mumbled, making her smile.

"Good night!" she whispered and pecked his lips. Ronnie instantly wrapped his arm around her and deepened the kiss. His warm lips moved in perfect sync with hers; he put a bit more pressure and sucked the soft skin at her bottom lip, making her moan. His tongue entered her mouth then and swirled around her tongue, exploring her mouth and taking in the sweet taste of the brownie she ate for dessert. Her fingers gripped the collar of his shirt and pulled him closer. She bit his tongue and moved her tongue around his mouth as he pushed her towards a nearby wall and slipped his hands inside her T-shirt.

"S-Stop! You should leave now!" she told him breaking the kiss, running out of breath.

"Good night babe!" He said, nodding his head but left a few butterfly kisses on her face before walking away.

Kathy spent the next two days shopping with the girls. Vinnie, Mona and Suzie forced her to go for a complete clean-up and then they got their nails done. The girls then made her buy sexy lingerie saying something about how men loved them. They partied a night before her wedding.

Monish, Aarav and Raj joined Ronnie and threw a bachelor's party at his place. They called over a sexy stripper who entertained them all night and tried to seduce Ronnie. They had a pretty wild night. Ronnie kept looking at his phone though and began counting hours to their marriage.

The day came finally and they quickly signed the register and got married the next day.

"Mrs. Kathy Shenoy, lets go home now!" Ronnie smiled at her as everyone walked out of the court. She looped her arm with his and they walked out of the court, waiting for a new start.

The reception began soon as their guests came up to the stage one by one to shower their blessings and love. They clicked pictures and gave gifts as they kept walking out from the stage. Everyone soon gathered at the dining table and began making small talks as they ate food. Ronnie looked around and smiled as everyone he ever valued were there to bless him and Kathy...His parents, Mrs. Patel, Kathy's parents, her cousins, her friends and his friend Varun.

"Let's go?" Kathy asked him when she noticed him looking around at everyone. He smiled at her nodded his head.

"Uh-attention people, we'll leave now since we're tired and we've a flight to catch tomorrow! You all can stay here for tonight; I've booked this hotel for tonight." Ronnie announced.

"Are you sure that you're going to sleep now?" Monish joked, making everyone laugh.

"Shut up Monish!" Kathy said her cheeks red. Ronnie clasped her hand in his as he waved good bye to others. They sat in their cars and drove off to their little paradise...their home.

"Finally!" Ronnie smiled as they reached home. Kathy's heart went wild as she began thinking of how things will change that night.

"Yeah finally!" she stated after a while. He picked her up bridal style and walked her to their room. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kept staring at him just the way he did. No words were exchanged between them. He placed her on the bed and sat next to her.

"Uhm-I've...I want to give you something!" Kathy said softly. She got out and searched for something and came back with a huge gift in her hands. He looked at it curiously as he began unwrapping it.

" did you-" he tried asking but she placed her finger on his lips.

"Play a song for me!" she mumbled. Reluctantly he took out a guitar from the box and played her a soft romantic song.

"How was it?" he asked after he finished playing the song. She jumped out of her place and sat on his lap, wrapping her hands around him. She kissed him with all the love she felt for him. He responded quickly and things got hotter from there.

That night started a new chapter in their lives. They were close before but they became one as their bodies united and their hearts became one. Things finally fell in place. Kathy lost her virginity to Ronnie that night and Ronnie promised to love her same for his whole life.

Pairs are indeed made in's all about finding the right now soon!


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Thanks to each one of you for reading and supporting this story till the end. It really means a lot.

-Hemii :)

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