MaNan SS - Paris Wala Love

By manan_uniquefc

20.1K 1.5K 273

MaNan love story in the city of Paris... Hey I guess some of you already know me...Yes I am your True Love Wi... More

CHAPTER 1 - Searching Romeo For Juliet
CHAPTER 2 - The Unique First Meet


1.4K 116 121
By manan_uniquefc



In the Morning, Manik wakes up first and realised Nandini is completely hugging him...Manik try to move her but Nandini hug him back tightly...

Manik self talk: God this girl indeed hugging me like her personal teddy bear...

Manik slowly place Nandini on the bed wakes up from the bed without disturbing Nandini's sleep...

Manik went to fresh up and then he makes two cup of black coffee...Nandini wakes up and hold her forehead...

Manik: I know you will have bad headache so here you go black coffee...

Nandini: Thanks...

She drink the coffee and gives the cup to Manik...Later, she look around and ask...

Nandini: Manik why am I here...

Manik put the cups on the table and sit beside on the bed...

Manik: Oh baby you don't remember anything that happen yesterday...

Manik asked while tucking Nandini's hair which fall on her face...

Nandini: What you mean Manik?

Manik: Nandini didn't It obvious...You are in my room...well preciously you are on my bed and also in my shirt...Nandini look at herself and realised she was on his shirt...

Nandini: Manik what are you trying to say?

Manik: Nandini yesterday you and I spend the entire night together on the same bed...It was a wonderful night...

Nandini: No nothing like that happen yesterday...You are lying...

Manik: Why would I lie Nandini...Don't you remember anything that happen between us yesterday...

Manik moves his face near to Nandini...Nandini push Manik a bit and say...

Nandini: Yes I don't remember much what happen yesterday but I am sure that nothing happen between us...

Manik was amazed with Nandini's confident so he asked...

Manik: How are you so sure Nandini?

Nandini: I am so sure because I trust you Manik and I know you would do anything to protect me but you will never think of taking advantage on me...

Manik become speechless after knowing how much trust Nandini have on him...

Manik: Yes you are right nothing happen between us yesterday but then you really drive me crazy and now I know why your friend Lara didn't let you drink...In fact, after this even I will never allow you drink...

Nandini: Did I do something crazy?

Manik: Not something crazy but everything you did yesterday is crazy...

Nandini: What did I do Manik?

Manik: First you become so drunk that you started to complain about why they didn't play the hindi song and then I wanted to drop you home safely but you show me sea as your home...

Nandini: What sea as my house?

Manik: Yeah and the most craziest thing was you started complaining that someone steal your house door...Later I brought you to my room and you started to dance like a crazy girl...After that, we fall on the bed and you...

Manik stop since the next thing happen was the kissing part...

Nandini: After that what happened?

Manik: After that you fall asleep...

Nandini: No you were about to say something else...Manik whatever it was just tell me...

Manik: Are you sure?

Nandini: Manik just tell me na...

Manik: After that, you started kissing my cheek saying it was a reward for finding you yesterday...

Nandini smiles and ask...

Nandini: Did I really did that?

Manik: Yes...

Nandini think back and she remember something like Manik kisses her neck...

Nandini: After that what happen Manik?

Manik: After that you insisted me to be your teddy bear and then you fall asleep hugging me...

Nandini: Are you sure?

Manik: Yes!!!

Manik say yes so faintly and Nandini feel he is lying...

Nandini mind talk: Omg that mean indeed he kissed my neck and those flashback were true...I wish I would have in conscious state when he kissed me,,,

Manik: Nandini where are you lost...Come on get freshen up and then we will go for breakfast...

Nandini: Okay...

Nandini move toward Manik and kiss his cheek...Manik was stunned with the sudden kiss...

Nandini: Thank you for making my birthday wonderful...yesterday was my best day of my life...

By saying this Nandini to bathroom...

Manik place his hand on his cheek where nandini kissed and say...

Manik self talk: In deed yesterday was my best day of my life too Nandini...


MaNan goes in and meet Cabir and Navya there...

Cabir: Wow how come Nandini with you Manik...

Manik: Woh actually she is here for Navya...yeah to meet Navya...

Nandini look at Manik in shock...Cabir notice it...

Cabir: Are you sure Manik?

Manik: Yeah of course

Navya: Nandini we have to talk...

Cabir: Yeah let's sit together and have breakfast...

Navya: No we will sit in that table over there and you guys sit here...

Cabir: Why Navya...

Navya: It's girl's talk...waise bhi we are leaving from Paris today na so I just want to talk with Nandini for a while...

Cabir: Alright...

Manbir and NavNi sit separately and start to have their breakfast...Manik keep on looking at Nandini lovingly while drinking his coffee...Nandini too silently seeing Manik while talking with Navya...Cabir notice it...

Cabir: So how was your first night with Nandini?

Manik split his coffee in shock...

Manik: Listen we are just friends okay...

Cabir: She was staying in your room yesterday right...Don't tell me she just arrived to meet Navya because I know you were lying just now...

Manik: Fine...Yes I brought her to my room yesterday because she was completely drunk and I don't know where she is staying...That's it...

Cabir: Manik stop pretending that you two are only friends because the way both of you looking each other doesn't define friendship...

Manik: Then it define what?

Cabir: It define pure love...

Manik: Stop it yaar...

Cabir: Manik this time I am serious...So far you have never allowed any girls to sleep in your room also but then now Nandini have even enter your heart too...Manik you have fall in love with Nandini...

Manik: Cabir yes I like Nandini a lot and I really want her to be happy always but that does not mean I am in love with her...

Cabir: So if she suddenly comes and introduce someone as her lover you will be okay with it is it?

Manik: Yeah of course...

Cabir: Oky let me see how many days more you will refuse to realise your feeling for her...


After breakfast, Manik comes to drop Nandini home...

Nandini: This is my home...

Manik: Cool...

Nandini: Come in na...

Manik: No its okay...

Nandini: No I have to come in...

Manik: Okay...

MaNan enter in...

Manik look around and then he sees a small office room in the house...

Manik: How come there is office room in your house...

Nandini: Woh that's my dad's office room...come let's go in...I want to show you something...

MaNan enter in and then Nandini takes out Manik's file and give it to Manik...

Manik open it and say...

Manik: A file about me?

Nandini: Yes...It have everything about you Manik...

Manik look through it...

Manik: Wow even my hobby is swimming also stated in this file...How come...

Nandini: My dad own a small detective agency and Robert was my dad's client...I love reading my dad's case and that's how I know about you and also about your life is in danger...

Manik: hmm...So I guess I am in your dad's bad book right...Well he must be thinking that I have cheated all this girls and so on when the truth is I have never even kissed them...

Nandini: Really?

Manik: Yeah nothing more than a hug and forehead kiss...

Nandini: Don't' worry my dad believe in me my words then all this document so if I tell him about you he will surely accept us...

Manik: Us?

Nandini: I mean our friendship...

Then they heard bell rings...

Manik: Who is that?

Nandini: Wait I will check it out...

Nandini open the door...It was Lara...

Lara: Happy Birthday Nandini...Sorry I was not able to be with you yesterday...

Nandini: No worries Lara...

Nandini and Lara comes in...Lara was shocked to see Manik there...

Nandini: Manik this is lara...Lara this is Manik...

Lara: Hi Manik...

Lara shake hand with Manik...

Manik: Hi Lara...

John: Hi guys...

Nandini: Lara what is John doing here...

Lara: Nandini I try to stop him a lot but this stupid cousin of mine never listened to me...I am sorry Nandini...

John is Lara's cousin and he claims that he is madly in love with Nandini but Nandini had rejected him when he first proposed her but then every breaks he comes to meet Nandini to confess his love...

John: Nandini my darling I love you so much...Do you love me Sweetheart...

Nandini: John please stop asking me the same question every year...

John: I will keep on propose you until you say yes to me darling...

By saying this John hug Nandini...Manik does not like it when John say I love you to Nandini and then whne he see John hugs Nandini he cont control himself anymore...

Manik forcely break their hug...

Manik: Am I invisible to you John?

John: Who are you?

Manik: I am Nandini's lover...

By saying this Manik hold Nandini's waist and pull Nandini closer to him...

John: WHAT??? Nandini tell me this is not true...

Nandini: Well I am sorry John...Yes Manik is my lover...

Lara: You know right John...Nandini always want Indian guy as her life partner so when she meet Manik jeeju she fell in love with him...

John: Fine...Nandini whenever you break up with him tell me okay...I will be always there for you...

Manik: Don't's worry John that day will never happen because our love is PARIS WALA LOVE so as long as Paris exist our love will exist...

John goes from there...Once John went Lara asked...

Lara: Manik will you still holds my friend this close...

Manik immediately takes his hand off from Nandini's waist...

Nandini: Why did you say that you are my lover...

Manik: Just to save you from John...

Nandini: Did I ask you to do so...

Manik: Don't tell me that you are interested in him...

Nandini: What if I say yes...

Manik: Fine it's your life...Do anything you want...

Manik said so angrily and he was about to go...

Nandini: Manik I am not interested in him...Please don't go...

Manik unknowingly smiles and then he say...

Manik: I know...I need to fetch Cabir and Navya to airport so I have to go now Nandini...

Nandini: Okay...

Lara: Bye Manik...

Manik: Bye...

Manik goes from there...

Lara: Nandini you need to explain what is happening between you two...

Nandini: Nothing happening...we are just friends...

Lara: Stop lying Nandini...You know right you are an open book to me so tell me the truth...

Nandini: Fine...I am in love with Manik...

Lara: Wow when did you realised...

Nandini: Yesterday when he do every crazy thing with me...That's when I realised I can't miss a guy like him in my life...

Lara: How about Manik? Did he loves you too?

Nandini: He loves me very much...In fact his love only make me realised that I love him too...He was searching for me the whole day Lara apparently he losed my number that's why he didn't call me...

Lara: Wow...

Nandini: Just now you saw right how he claim himself as my lover in front of John...

Lara: Yeah...That mean he can't see you with other guy...omg when are you going to confess your love...

Nandini: There is a problem Lara...I know he loves me a lot but then he haven realised it that he loves me...So I will confess when he confess to me that he loves me...

Lara: cool...

Nandini: No I can't wait...I will do something to make him realised his love for me soon...

Lara: You guys are really complicated...Anyway best of luck...

Nandini: Thanks...


The next day, MaNan decided to meet at fountain at night...Manik have already reached there and waiting for Nandini...Nandini comes there wearing a red sary...Manik was stunned to see Nandini in this avatar...

Nandini: Hi Manik...

Manik: Hi...Anything special...You look so different...

Nandini: Nothing I just thought of wearing your favourite colour...How am i looking Manik

Manik: Nandini you are looking so sexy in this red sary...

Nandini: Thanks...

They start to walk around the fountain and Manik was completely lost in Nandini...Later, Manik rightfully place his hand on her waist saying...

Manik: Nandini every guy looking at you so this is for your own safety...

Nandini: Yeah I can see it why you are doing it...

All of sudden it started to rain and Manik say...

Manik: Nandini come let's get into my car...

Nandini: You have a car?

Manik: I mean my rented car...come let's go...

Nandini: Manik look one is here so we will enjoy the rain first...

Nandini open her hand widely and enjoy the rain fall on her...Manik also did the same and then he slowly walk closer to Nandini...Nandini was about to stumble but Manik immediately caught her in time...


Manik pull her closer and his hand on her bare waist...

Nandini: Manik!!!

Manik: shhh don't spoil the moment Nandini...

Manik tucks her hair that falls on her face behind her ear and then kiss her cheek...Then, he kisses her eyes...Next, Manik tilt her head a bit and moves closer to her lip...Nandini place her hand on his neck and closes her eyes...Within few second Manik fuse his lip on Nandini's lip...

Both kiss each other equally...After few minutes they break the kiss when they need oxygen to breath...Manik without wasting time goes to her neck and start to kiss her neck...He even sucks up the water droplet on her neck too...


After some time, Manik look at her and was about to kiss her lip again...

Nandini: I love you Manik!!!

By saying this, Nandini passionately hug Manik and Manik comes back to senses when he heard Nandini say I love you to him...Manik immediately break the hug and say...

Manik: Nandini it's getting late...Come let's go...


Manik silently drives the car and Nandini thinks of asking him why he didn't say anything about her confession...

Nandini mind talk: Did he even heard what I said...I guess he need more time to problem Manik I will wait...

Manik reach Nandini house...Nandini was about to open the door...

Manik: Nandini I am going back Mumbai tomorrow...

Nandini: What are you saying Manik?

Manik: Nandini just forgot whatever happen just now...We can't be together Nandini...

That's it Nandini become angry too

Nandini: Fine if this is what you want then go ahead...bye...

By saying this Nandini goes out of Manik's car...


Manik try calling Nandini but she didn't answer his phone...

Manik self talk: Just because I say we can't be together she is not even answering my call...

Manik throw his phone in anger...Then he sit on the sofa...

Manik mind talk: This is what I wanted yet when it is happening why did I feel bad about it...


Manik reach airport and looking around hoping Nandini will be there but she is not there...Then suddenly she saw someone from far look like Nandini so he run toward that girl...

Manik: Nandini I know you will come...

The girl turn back towards Manik and it is someone else...

Girl: Yes do you want something?

Manik: Sorry...

Manik try calling Nandini again...

Manik self talk: Nandini pick up the phone...I just need to hear your voice one time before I go...

On the other side, Nandini keeps on reject his phone calls...

Rajesh: Why are you not answering his call. May be he have realised how much he love you...

Nandini: I am very angry on him Appa...I know he can't live without me still he want to go away from me na...let him call me million times but I will not answer him...

Yes Nandini's dad have return and Nandini had told him everything about Manik...Nandini's dad is happy with Nandini's choice...

Nandini gets ready...

Rajesh: Where are you going dear?

Nandini: I am going somewhere where I can find some peace...

Rajesh: Where is that place?

Nandini: Don't worry appa I will be back before evening...

Rajesh: Okay...


Manik went into the flight and settle down...He saw Nandini walking towards him...

Manik: Nandini?

Girl: Yes what you want sir?

Manik comes back to senses when that air hostess ask and realised it is not Nandini...

Manik: nothing...

Manik thinks back how on the first day Nandini comes to his room to safe him from Robert...Later how they become friends and how much desperately he waited to come back to Paris to see Nandini...After that, he thinks back how much fun they have together during her birthday and how she sleep hugging him like her personal teddy bear...Next, he thinks back how he get so jealous when John hug Nandini...Finally, he thinks back how they play in the rain and how the end up kissing each other sensually and how Nandini confess her love...

Manik mind talk: Shit what have I done...I can't think a life without her yet I told her we can't be together...

Girl: Sir please fastened your seat belt!!!

Manik comes back to senses and say...

Manik: I have to go...

Girl: Sir we are ready to take off...

Manik: I don't care...I need to go...

By saying this Manik get out the almost taking off flight...He immediately rush to Nandini's house and he ring the bell...

Nandini's dad open the door and ask...

Rajesh: So finally you are here Manik...

Manik: Sir please let me see Nandini...

Rajesh: I would love to but Nandini is not here...

Manik: Where is she?

Rajesh: Okay now I understand why she didn't tell me where is she going because she knows you will come in search of her...

Manik: Where would I find you now Nandini?

Rajesh: You love her so much right?

Manik: Yes sir a lot...I need to see her and tell her what I feel for her...

Rajesh: I can see that...The only thing she say is she is going somewhere where she can find peace...

Manik thinks back and decided to check at somewhere...

Manik: I know where she can be...

Rajesh: Best of luck Son...

Manik smiles and say...

Manik: Thanks dad...

Manik run from there and he reach lover bridge...

After searching for Nandini for some time, finally he found Nandini a the corner of the bridge...

Manik: NANDINI!!!

Nandini turn back and Manik immediately reach near Nandini and say...

Manik: I love you Nandini!!!

By saying this he immediately hug Nandini tightly...Nandini's eyes become teary in happiness and she hug him back...After some time, Manik break the hug and he wipe Nandini's tear...

Manik: I am sorry for not realising your love Nandini...Now I know I really love you Nandini...

Nandini punch him on his face and started to walk away from the bridge...Manik run behind her...

THE END...Don't worry epilogue abhi baki hai...


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