Mistake (Male Super Jail x r...

By JavaBeast

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After committing a robbery, a certain over-aggressive robot took you into custody and after a not-so-comforta... More

Chapter 1: The Warden
Chapter 2: New Residence and Guard Duty?
Chapter 3: Beer, Beer, and More Beer
Chapter 4: Stingray, you--!
Chapter 5: Unexpected Experiment
Chapter 6: Relationship Problems and Vacation
Vacation: Day 1 ; Part 1
Vacation: Day 1 ; Part 2
Vacation: Day 1 ; Part 3
Vacation: Day 2 ; Part 1
Vacation: Day 2 ; Part 2
Vacation: Day 2 ; Part 3
Vacation: Day 2 ; Part 4
Land Ho!: Day 1; Part One
Land Ho! Day 1; Part 2
Land Ho! Day 1 ; Part 4
Land Ho! Day 1 ; Part 5
Chapter 19: Welcome to Ultra-Prison . . .
Chapter 20 - Limited Freedom

Land Ho! Day 1 ; Part 3

992 23 15
By JavaBeast

A/N: First of all, this is mostly based off the rough draft that YamiBaki has provided me. I decided since they aren't particularly active in this story that I'd do my own thing and recreate it entirely (as it was already in the process of being made). Hopefully, this doesn't upset anyone!

I'd also like to say that I'm nowhere near fluent in German so please bear with me.

Also: ereyesterday: Day before yesterday. It's not technically English, as the word practically died, but I'm still using it.


I gagged voluntarily, almost practicing to be dramatic for the day. I might as well talk to the posse too. At least, that's what I usually do. Do I have any variety? I always hang out with the same people, it's kind of funny, really, heheh . . .

Welp, I guess I'll indulge in "fine dining".


I patted down my attire, my lips curled in disgust. Petty inmates and their clumsy nature! Now I have this unknown nosh staining my garments! It's the only outer garment I have . . . so changing was out of the question.

"Maybe if I add a tad bit of water?" I queried to no-one-in-particular whilst involuntarily fiddling with the cloth. I shrugged, giving the question a bit of thought. Might as well head back to my sojourned living chambers. Won't be going back in a while so might as well.

I let my appendages fall to my sides before letting a sigh slip from between my chapped lips. My eyes fluttered as I glanced about the empty galley. I had an omnipotent creature to thank for the lack of dialogue with Alice. She seemed totally oblivious to my being. I guess I was doing the same, however.

I kicked the ground before coughing into my hand a little. It was a bit too quiet in this large space. It made me feel compelled to leave, but somehow I stayed.

"Fuck it," I said, pushing the fact that I was loitering profusely in an empty dining hall. It was pointless and tedious. I'm going to stick with what my encephalon says, instead of my body feigning fatigue. Damn this cursed body!

My boots echoed across the tiled floor as I made my departure. I had a few things in mind when I left this behemoth of a vessel. Plus the repetitive use of yellow was quite blinding and was beginning to induce a migraine on my cranium. However, I digress yet again. I was to collect my necessary belongings, most of which I lack due to certain circumstances. Let's say my old attire up and left mysteriously as well as some other belongings from ereyesterday. Who honestly is counting? Oh, yeah. The author.

The corridor was also deathly silent.

Oh, but I lied. It was bustling with activity! I mean, this was their chance to flee from this treacherous rocking boat that left them to the mercy of the sea's mighty tendrils. Many of us have become ill from the motion. I would be lying if I wasn't a tad bit queasy on the trek here. Wherever "here" is.

I looked at my arm, seeing rough epistles drawn crudely onto my arm with a drained sharpie. It was hard to read, but there were no words! I mean, how else am I going to navigate in such a place without a proper map? I don't recall of having a map, and if I did, it must be in the recesses of some unforgiving alternate world for all I care. The maps around here were quite vague. Not like my arm made it any better.

I quickly sped through the halls and just like that there was my designated room. I failed to mention of a certain figure blocking the entrance, however. I scowled as I recognized his putrid, atrocious visage.

"Doctor," I seethed, already knowing this was going to be a bad encounter. He was here voluntarily so what did he want? I just want to relax and rid my body of this shaky mass that has lead us so far.

"Ah, the young frau," the doctor spoke, indifferent to my anger. "Fancy seeing you here."

My face contorted into disgust as I studied his figure. The doctor was clad in gaudy, typical attire for the occasion. A Hawaiian shirt and equally tasteless shorts to match. A wry smile graced his features, almost tauntingly and mockingly. His voice induced a bile of liquid to rise in my throat. The nerve!

"What do you want?" I retorted in a desultory fashion. I was kind of nervous on what he waited patiently to tell me about. From what I could infer, it wasn't good.

"Oh, just stopping by," he responded unceremoniously, adding a swift shrug to show his apathetic and taunting nature. "I didn't realize you were such as whore, mein mädchen."

"I'm not whore!" I protested but he cut me short before I could defend my argument.

"What would the Warden think when he hears that his most innocent colleague is exchanging bodily fluids with the inmates?"

My breath hitched and I stood there for a second contemplating what he said. Does he really think I slept with . . . them? I wouldn't do such an atrocious act! Then again, the Warden believed just about anything.

A thought popped up in my head that was just as appealing.

What if the doctor were or is going to tell the Warden? I'd be stripped of my privileges and then I'd be your run-of-the-mill convict! I don't want to be impertinent, but I'd rather refrain from such a rash situation. Who knows? I might even be sent to the whorest prison in the universe or wherever-the-fuck it is!

"But I did not!" I furthered my statement, remaining adamant.

"Nein! You lie," the doctor accused, a thin, crusty smirk he adorned. I spotted in his greedy hands a strange beverage in which he sipped casually, amused by our exchange of dialogue. "However, if you . . . let's say . . . make a deal with me, I'll let it slide."

"Your DNA for an experiment or two and I'll make it like nothing happened," the Doctor offered, taking another swig of his beverage. He watches as I inwardly panicked, shaking with fear. I had not done such a thing, but I still felt guilty! My life could be inexplicably ruined because of alleged sexual relationships with the inmates and me! If that wasn't far from the truth!

I couldn't take much of this shit any longer! The weight on my shoulders was already a burden enough, but I had to deal with this menace yet again? What could he possibly want with me? Why can't he toy with a convict that actually deserves the torment? I would not succumb to petty blackmail, even if it was entirely fictitious.

A hiss escaped from within my clenched teeth, my hands balled up into fists, my nails digging into the palms. My eye twitched as I noted the Doctor casually leaning against the entrance to my temporary place of residence. I would not stand for this. He knew not of what I was capable. Maybe it was a rash and impulsive action but I knew it had to be done, despite my morals. I was a Corrections Officer for fuck's sake!

My arm quivered before I lunged at the beefy male, paying no heed to his perplexed behavior. My hand clenched tightly on the jugular, listening to the faint voices in my head of how to properly retaliate a potential assailant. My thumb squeezed his neck, leaving the male vulnerable and gasping for air. In his fit of disbelief, his beverage fell from his motionless fingers, shattering on impact. The noise reverberated across the hall but I didn't bat an eye as the viscous liquid surrounded us in its disgusting slop. He sputtered for words but he couldn't form any. He was left to my mercy, his arms pushed tightly to his side with the help of myself.

"Are you threatening me, Doctor?" I queried, a mock smile adorning my curled lips as I laughed at his pathetic state. It was airy and humorless, the air around us heavy with ire. He writhed under my grip but with no use. I didn't expect an answer and I didn't get one.

Of course, I could not equate to Alice's strength but I could render a man like this choking for air and vulnerable. However, I didn't really have much trouble with the Doctor, surprisingly. It made me almost impressed with myself.

However, I must not dawdle. Have to cut to the chase.

I leaned in, my face close to his putrid and atrocious body but I was too engrossed in anger to heed it. I spoke, my words laced with venom, "Now you listen here, you little shit."

"I've been through a fuck ton and I'd rather not have you torment me with your pointless blabber. This jail is a nightmare and I'm not sure if you understand how hard it is to be in my position. I may not know how hard it is in yours, and yeah, I might have been asking for it when I robbed that bank but I knew from the start that I wouldn't succumb to petty blackmail and torment, nonetheless yours."

I released my grip pushing the male out of the way as I traipsed off to release the anger built up from that incident. I didn't even care about the items in my room that needed retrieving, I just needed to clear my mind, and that was exactly was I was going to do.


Author's P.O.V.

Unbeknownst to the girl, from around the corner observed three males as she marched off in a fury, leaving the other male choking and in disbelief. To say the least, the posse was quite giddy from the incident. Before the girl was long gone, Nicky let out a whistle of encouragement, almost in a teasing manner, the gang looking rather impressed.

Nicky turned towards the others, a slim smile adorning his visage, "You're lucky that chick didn't rip your balls off from all that shit you did to her!"

"Y-Yeah. I mean, damn," Ash murmured as he looked as the girl rounded the corner, heading to some unknown destination. The Doctor, who was presumably in shock, quickly scurried off into another corridor, luckily not spotting the three.

"Oh, come on! She'd be on the ground crying for mercy if she tried to do such a thing!" Stingray countered with a scowl but he, himself, was oddly impressed. Maybe it was because of the fact SuperJail was devoid of any such females and he always deemed them as "weak" and "vulnerable". However, he still was impressed, despite her gender stereotype.

"Come on. Let's go," Stingray muttered, slightly dazed from the scene but still coherent. The two obliged, ready to play another game of poker for the day before heading off. They still had an hour so why not make the most of it?


First P.O.V.

I let out a sigh after making another round around Super Boat's vast corridors. I finally made it back from my little walk to my room of which I meant to go to about thirty minutes ago but that was postponed for obvious reasons. Now I could retrieve my stuff with hopefully little to no difficulty.

Lucky, I was. My room was free from torment and I was able to retrieve my essentials from the confines of certain areas, whether it be between the mattresses to retrieve my "phone" or under a wide array of junk in the bathroom for a sheet of important epistles. It wasn't too hard, however, and with the time to spare, I brushed my teeth with the hygiene products the Warden generously provided my room with. I decided to take that, too.

And with that, I left to join the rest of the group in this newfound land. What awaited us?

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