Memento (BoyxBoy)

By FrozenEscence

23.8K 1.3K 132

(Book 1 in the Memento series) All Adrian had to do was remember, but how could he remember if he didn't wa... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 7

1.1K 72 8
By FrozenEscence

I jumped away from Zach like I'd just been burnt, and quickly tried to readjust myself. I grabbed my shirt from where it lay on the floor, tossing Zach his as I pulled mine on in a hurry. The look of hurt on his face didn't go unnoticed, but I was too busy freaking out.

Examining myself quickly in the mirror, I threw a quick glance at Zach to see him fully dressed and making his way upstairs.

My jeans were sticky and uncomfortable, but I ignored it the best I could and opened the door to come face to face with Jake. Really man? Really?

"Hey dude, so party starts in a couple of hours, but I thought we could hit the shops, buy what we need and then you can help me set up for the party," he spoke, making his way into my house without invitation.

I stared at him in confusion before I cleared my throat and spoke.

"I told you I couldn't go."

"I know but I heard your aunt and uncle went away on a business trip, so what's stopping you?"

"The fact that they said no?"

"Come on, Adrian. I need my wingman!" He pleaded, a pout forming on his face.

"Your aunt and uncle don't even have to know," he tried to convince me. Not seeing another way out of this, I sighed.

"Fine, just give me a minute." Jake smiled brightly, nodding his head and taking a seat on the sofa. The same sofa me and Zach just...

Shaking my head, I quickly made my way upstairs and into my room where I found Zach, freshly showered and wearing my clothes, I had to stop myself from drooling at the sight.

"Everything okay?" He asked, but refused to look at me, I swallowed down and forced myself to look away.

"Not exactly. Jake's here and he wants me to go to the party."

"Your aunt and uncle said no," Zach said with a stern voice, finally turning to look at me but I didn't meet his gaze.

"I know but they're not here, so I can't exactly use that excuse." I shrugged.

"How about the fact that you don't want to disobey them?" His hands went to his hips, and his intense stare burned into me.

"That wouldn't work, I've disobeyed them too many times in the past," I admitted, guiltily. Wow, I was a bad nephew.

I heard Zach sigh and I looked up to find him rubbing his eyes.

"Come with us!" I said. The look he gave me said a million words, it was the look you give someone when they say something incredibly stupid.

"It will be fun; we don't have to stay for long. Please Zach, for me?" I gave him the best puppy dog eyes I could muster, and his expression softened before he sighed again.

"Fine," he caved, making me grin. "Go shower, I'll keep the blockhead company." He groaned, before heading to the door.

I grabbed his hand, making him come to a stop and stare at me in surprise. I gave a small smile before placing my lips on his cheek, lingering there for a moment before I finally pulled away.

The look of shock on his face was still there, but I simply ignored it as I turned and headed into the bathroom.

Stripping my clothes off, I jumped into the shower, letting the water wash away the mess we caused earlier.

I let my eyes fall shut as I relaxed under the shower head, the events from earlier coming back to me. I blushed furiously at the thought, a small smile forming on my lips.

I know I probably should regret what happened, but I didn't. It was the most amazing I have ever felt in my life and in all honesty, I wanted to do it again.

Shaking my head, I began washing my body down, covering my body in a layer of shower gel, before letting the water wash it away.

Remember me

That's what he said, but what did he mean by that? As much as I hated to admit it, I knew it had something to do with the pendent, and every other weird thing that has been happening to me.

This thing, whatever it was, was hurting Zach. The thought made my heart ache, I couldn't continue to ignore what was happening, not if it meant hurting Zach. He was the last person I wanted to hurt. I think I was falling for hi-

I shook my head; I wasn't quite ready to admit that yet. Sighing deeply, I quickly washed my hair before turning the shower head off, and grabbing a towel.

I dried myself off, threw on some new clothes and headed back downstairs to put Zach out of his misery.

Zach and Jake were sitting on the couch, awkwardly, and I openly cringed at just how awkward it was. Coming up behind them, I cleared my throat.

"Ready to go?" I asked and they both held relieved expressions as they jumped up from the couch.

We headed out the door and all jumped into Jake's car, I hated taking mine when there was a party, I didn't trust the students not to trash it while drunk. Jake didn't live too far away from me anyway, so we could always walk back.

We pulled up at the supermarket and climbed out of the car. Jake had a shopping list with him of all the stuff he needed, which was stupid really, considering all he needed was alcohol and snacks.

Zach snorted at the list, rolling his eyes and I sent him a glare, but could feel the smile pulling at my lips. He ignored me and silently followed us around the shop.

Jake grabbed a few bags of crisps, a bucket load of coke, 4 bottles of vodka, 4 bottles of whiskey, 4 big bottles of cider, a few crates of beer and gummy bears. This time I rolled my eyes, before we made our way to the checkout.

After everything was paid for, we headed back to the car, dropping the bags into the boot and were en route to Jake's house.

We pulled up at his about 5 minutes later and we once again piled out of the car, grabbing the bags from the trunk and heading inside.

"Put the bags in the kitchen, I'll be back in a minute," Jake said, before rushing off upstairs.

I slowly approached Zach, setting the bags on the side and placing my hand on his shoulder. I ignored the tingles and locked eyes with him.

"I'm sorry, I know you don't want to be here...I can take you home if you prefer." I didn't want him to go home but the important thing was what he wanted, not me, and he clearly didn't want to be here.

Zach sighed, his hand taking a hold of mine, the one that wasn't on his shoulder, his thumb ran across my skin and I closed my eyes, sighing contently. Why did something so simple, feel so good?

"I want to stay with you," he whispered, pressing his forehead against mine. My eyes opened slowly to see his closed, his face so close to mine.

I couldn't get over how astonishingly beautiful he was. My hand raised to press against his cheek, but unfortunately it didn't get very far before Jake was interrupting us...again.

"Okay guys, I got the music." Zach and I pulled away from each other as Jake walked back into the room.

"Dude, where'd you get the cake?" I asked, noticing the vanilla cake that sat on the side.

"My mum made it, I told her I was having a party and, well...mothers." He rolled his eyes, walking back out the room and into the living room.

My finger swiped up some of the icing from the cake before entering my mouth, I moaned aloud from the taste. Jake's mum made the best cakes.

Reopening my eyes, I noticed Zach staring at me with desire in his eyes. I gulped at the silver that shone in them before swiping up some more icing with my finger and moving it over to Zach's mouth.

The desire in his eyes grew as his lips descended around my finger, his kept his eyes open and locked on mine as he sucked the icing off.

There was a tightening growing in my jeans as I watched him, and I'm pretty sure if I saw my eyes, they'd be bright silver right now.

A quiet moan escaped my lips as I kept watching, unable to look away, before he finally pulled his mouth away from my finger. A smirk grew on his face, before he walked away to join Jake in the living room. Oh, that little...

With a pout set on my face, I went about preparing for the party, moving all the valuables to a safe place, locking the bedroom doors, and putting out drinks and snacks.

When I was finally done, I cut myself a piece of cake and sat down at the counter. I smiled and licked my lips before I dug into the sweet treat, moaning at the delicious taste.

Not long after, Zach joined me at the counter, sitting opposite from me and sighing.

"What's wrong?" I asked him through a mouthful of cake, causing him to chuckle.

"Your friend is annoying me, why does he care so much about this party?"

"He has a rep to protect," I told him, before finishing off my slice of cake and ditching the plate in the sink.

Glancing at the clock, we had about 20 minutes before people would start getting here.

"I hate parties," Zach grumbled from where he sat at the table.

"Well suck it up, buttercup! Party's starting soon." Jake slapped Zach on the back, causing Zach to snarl at him.

I sent Zach an apologetic look, but all he did was glare at me before going back to pouting, he is so cute. A blush took over my cheeks, and I forced myself to look away so no one would see.

We talked for the rest of the remaining time, until we heard cars pulling up outside. Jake ran over to turn the music up, before running back to the door to welcome his guests.

Zach looked tense as he eyed the door, and I sighed quietly to myself. Let the fun begin.

People poured into the house, one after the other and instantly people were helping themselves to drinks, and turning the living room into a dance floor. I stuck by Zach, feeling as uncomfortable as he looked.

I took a seat beside him, needing to get closer to talk now with all the noise.

"You want a drink?" I asked, needing one myself to calm my nerves. I hate huge crowds.

"Please," he said, nodding his head eagerly.

I went over to the counter to pour us both a drink, I forgot to ask what he wanted but somehow I already knew, so I poured us both a vodka and coke before taking the drinks back over to where Zach sat at the counter.

"Thank you." He smiled as he took the drink from me, taking a gulp as I did the same. We downed the first drink before getting another, it wasn't until then that my nerves started to calm down.

"Look at all these beauties!" I heard Jake slur behind me as his arms wrapped around both mine and Zach's shoulders.

"What are you doing just sitting here? Dig in boys!" Jake is a lightweight, it's been this way for as long as I've known him, and I was now used to his drunken behaviour. Zach on the other hand wasn't, and looked at my friend in disgust.

"Uh, I think we'll pass, man. You go have fun!" I smiled, which he returned before swerving back into the living room.


"Shots! Shots! Shots! Shots! Shots!" The room chanted as we all gathered around the table. We all partook in the shots, even Zach and I, and at this point I was feeling fairly drunk and I could tell Zach was too.

People had started playing truth or dare in the living room, Jake being one of them. I watched from a distance as they made him take his shirt off, while a girl drew on his chest with mayonnaise. I shuddered from the sight, but Jake seemed to be enjoying himself as he laughed aloud.

Tingles rushed through my body as I felt someone push up against me. I instantly knew who it was, so I didn't feel the need to pull away, nor did I want to. Instead, I turned around to come face-to-face with him.

"You okay?"

"These people are annoying me," he shouted, people around us looking at him like he was crazy.

I laughed loudly before taking his hand in mine, grabbing a half empty bottle of vodka and some shot glasses, and pulling him upstairs.

I unlocked the spare bedroom, knowing Jake will probably need his room later and pulled Zach inside, locking the door behind me.

We sat on the bed, facing each other and I poured us both a shot. We necked it quickly and cringed at the aftertaste.

"Better?" I asked, setting the vodka to the side for later.

"Much," he chuckled, already drunk.

"Even alcohol can't keep people from annoying me," Zach said with a serious expression on his face.

"Yeah, there are way too many people here," I commented, hearing all the noise from behind the closed door.

"Truth or dare?" Zach asked, his eyes trained on the shot glass in front of him, as he examined it in fascination.

I laughed, quietly.

"Dare," I dared.

He looked up at me with so much desire in his eyes, I felt a shiver wrack my spine. He smirked wickedly and I gulped, awaiting his next words.

"I dare you to kiss me."

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