
By XioAxelrod

17.2K 273 23

What started out as random moments between Isak, Even, and their friends post season 3, morphed into a loose... More

Walk This Way
Fair Play
Little Green Monster
Sleepless in Oslo
Oxygen Starved
Perchance to Dream
Stalking 101
Fast Friends
Squad Plus One
No Small Confession
Even's Hands
Sometimes It Just Rains
Thank Yous
The Hows and the Whys
Gratulerer Med Dag, Even (Happy Birthday, Even)
Valentinsdag (Valentine's Day)
Proof of Heaven
Use Your Words
Earning His Wings
I Spy
Taxicab Confessions
Family Matters
Hvem Er Mikael?
The Waiting Game
I Går, I Dag, I Morgen, Alltid

Look Before You Leap

299 6 0
By XioAxelrod

Author's Note: I've been relatively fluffy with this piece, but I looooooove angst. So, I had to give you a bit before we get back to the fluff.

Summary: Something's up. Isak can feel it, even though Even denies it. Whatever it is, it can't be good because Even is keeping secrets. Again.

Onsdag 11.46

Isak, Jonas, Mahdi, and Magnus are sitting in the cantina.

MAGNUS: [shoving a piece of bread in his mouth] I'm just saying, if we all stay in Oslo for uni, we could get a flat together.

MAHDI: Bro, I don't know if I could live with you 24/7. No offense.

MAGNUS: Total offense! What do you mean? I'm the easiest person to live with, ask my mom.

JONAS: Your mom complains about the state of your room, like, all the fucking time Magnus.

MAGNUS: How would you know?

MAHDI: Because you're always telling us what a shit stain it is, and how your mom is always on your case about it.

JONAS: You'd be just the type of roommate to never do the dishes.

MAGNUS: [shaking his head] Lies.

MAHDI: Or clean the bathroom.

MAGNUS: [looks between the two of them, incredulous] Is this really what you think of me? [turns to Isak, who has been quiet.] Isak? Do you agree with these losers?

Isak doesn't respond. He's engrossed with the cheese toastie on his plate and is picking off the bits of cardamom seed.

MAGNUS: [nudges Isak's shoulder] Earth to Isak.

ISAK: [startles] Huh?

Jonas and Mahdi stop whatever they're doing and look at him.

MAGNUS: You alright, man?

ISAK: [straightening, wiping his hands on his jeans] Uh, yeah. Yeah. Why? What's up?

JONAS: You zoning out or something?

ISAK: My, uh, I'm just busy. With schoolwork, it's like it never stops.

Jonas and Mahdi exchange a look.

MAGNUS: Is something up with Even?

ISAK: [his voice cracking as he raises it] No! Geez, no. Why do you guys always think something's up with Even?

MAHDI: We don't.

JONAS: But something usually is.

ISAK: [swinging his gaze back to Jonas] The fuck is that supposed to mean?

JONAS: [sighs and sets his bottle of soda on the table] It means that there's always something going on with Even.

ISAK: [opens his mouth, closes it] It's not like that.

MAGNUS: That's not fair, Jonas.

JONAS: What isn't fair? Look, I know he's got...a lot going on, or whatever, but it doesn't excuse the fact that he strung Isak on for, like, months. He had a fucking girlfriend, and he was...whatevering with him.

ISAK: [without heat] Jonas, you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

MAHDI: He's not wrong, though. What is it this time?

MAGNUS: Don't say it's nothing, Isak. We all know you pretty well. We can tell when something's not right. So, spill.

ISAK: [sighs] It's...I don't know. He's been...shady this week.

MAHDI: [sitting up straighter] Shady how?

ISAK: [shrugs one shoulder] Elusive. It feels he's hiding something.

MAGNUS: [frowning] Another episode?

ISAK: I don't know. I don't think so, but...what do I know?

JONAS: [sighs heavily] Fuck. Isak? Just...ask him. Don't beat around the bush, ask him. And if he's being truly shady, dump him.

MAHDI: Blunt much, Jonas?

MAGNUS: Why are you so quick to believe the worst, Jonas?

JONAS: I'm not, but Even doesn't have the best track record.

ISAK: [rubs his eyes hard] Jonas...I know you mean well but shut the fuck up.

JONAS: Yeah, I mean well. And, no, I won't shut the fuck up. I'm tired of seeing you strung out over Even.

ISAK: [bristling] I haven't been strung out over Even, what the fuck?

JONAS: Not lately.


ISAK: No, not fucking lately. Yes, we had a rough start. No, things aren't always peaches and cream. This isn't a fucking movie, Jonas. We're going to have ups and downs.

JONAS: No one said life was a movie, well, no one but Even.

MAGNUS: Guys, stop.

ISAK: [leaning forward] Do you have a problem with Even?

JONAS: [looks up, takes a breath] Yes.

MAHDI: [groans] Fuck. Jonas, man.

JONAS: Not with Even, but with...look...Isak, he makes you happy. Most of the time. And you know I'm all for that. But if you think he's playing you again...

ISAK: Jesus fuck, Jonas. Is this how it's going to be? Every time I need to talk something out you're going to use it as an excuse to shit-talk Even?

JONAS: I'm not...

MAGNUS: Uh, yeah you are, dude.

MAHDI: Okay, everybody back up and take a breath. Shit.

All four boys stay silent for a while. Isak's leg bounces beneath the table. He's breathing hard, and his face is red. Magnus puts a hand on his shoulder.

MAGNUS: Tell us what's going on, we won't judge or jump to conclusions. [looks at Jonas] Right?

JONAS: [nods] Sorry, man.

ISAK: [nods, takes a deep breath] I walked in on him talking to Eskild the other day. As soon as I arrived, they stopped talking. They were both acting all weird.

JONAS: [brows raised] You don't think he and Eskild...

ISAK: [jaw drops] No! God, no. No. They were talking about me. I caught the tail end of their conversation, and Even said something about me dumping him if I found out whatever it was they were talking about.

MAHDI: Did you ask him?

ISAK: Yes.


ISAK: [blushing] He...uh...changed the subject.

JONAS: [rolls his eyes] Using sex to avoid a conversation is not a good sign.

MAGNUS: Good sex is good sex, though.

MAHDI: I am so not sharing a flat with you.

MAGNUS: [looks offended] Am I wrong?

JONAS: You need to have a conversation with Even, Isak. If something is bothering you, talk to him. It's better to know now if something's up, before you get in any deeper.

ISAK: [sighs and nods] Yeah.

MAGNUS: Honestly, Isak, I don't know if either of you could get any deeper. [brightens] That sounds so dirty!

MAHDI: Focus, blondie.

MAGNUS: [clears his throat] Right. What I'm saying is...Even cares about you. A lot. Like, a lot a lot. And we all know you're stupid over him.

Jonas snorts.

MAGNUS: Anyway. As I was saying, I don't think it's anything you need to worry about. No other guys. Or girls. Have we established whether Even is bi or pan?

MAHDI: Does it matter?

MAGNUS: No, I'm just curious. Anyway, Isak, don't worry yourself into a fit. You tend to do that.

MAHDI: Yeah, you do.

JONAS: Magnus is right. Ask him. Don't jump to conclusions.

Isak raises an eyebrow.

JONAS: I'll try not to jump to conclusions on your behalf.

ISAK: [nods slowly] Ask him.

MAHDI: Tonight.

MAGNUS: Before the sexy times.

ISAK: [rolls his eyes, but worries his bottom lip between his teeth] I...I don't want to lose him, but...maybe it's all too good to be true.


ISAK: Right. No jumping to conclusions.

MAHDI: Find out what's up.

JONAS: And if he fucked up, we'll deal with it.


JONAS: [nods once] We.

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