Angel in Disguise

By Justins_Hillz_babe02

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By Justins_Hillz_babe02

Michael's POV

I woke up to the annoying sound of my alarm going off.

I groaned and went to roll over but stopped as soon as I realized Haven was still in bed with me.

I reached over her being careful not to wake her up and turned my alarm off.

I made sure to set it for 9 so we wouldn't sleep late and we would have plenty of time to eat and get ready for our big day.

Plus I would need that much time trying to calm my nerves and act normal.

I smiled as I watched her sleep.

She was so beautiful.

She had on my shirt from last night and that's all.

It was so big on her it went past her thighs but she didnt seem to care.

I pushed the strands of hair out of her face that had fallen there and started kissing her jaw working my way towards her lips.

She stirred at little and I pecked her on the lips then the nose then the forehead.

Finally her eyes fluttered open and she smiled.

"Goodmorning beautiful." I said smiling.

She blushed and groaned.

"Michael go back to bed it's too early for this."

She tried to turn over and go back to sleep but I pulled her closer to me instead.

"You are not going back to sleep. Instead me and you are gonna get up and we are gonna go get some pots and pans and that's how we are gonna wake everyone else up."

She smirked and got up with me following.

"You do realize you don't have to be there until 2 right?" She asked as she realized how nervous I was as we walked towards the kitchen.

"I know I'm just really nervous."

She stood on her tip toes and kissed me pulling away shortly after.

"Don't worry baby just be yourself and they will love you."

I smiled and we finally got to the kitchen.

We both grabbed some pots and pans and started beating on them running around the house to wake everyone up.

Ashton emerged from his room and yelled at us.

"Guys what the fuck?!" He asked laughing but trying to act like he was angry at us.

We both laughed, "You needed to get up." I said.

Haven nodded, "That goes for everyone!" She yelled.

We put the pots and pans back in the kitchen and watched as everyone filed in looking well looking dead.

"Damn you guys look like shit." I said laughing.

Calum flipped me off and sat down next to me.

"Sunny wanna help me cook breakfast?" Haven asked turning towards Sunny.

Sunny nodded and the girls started cooking.

"So are you guys nervous?" Luke asked taking a drink of his coke.

I nodded and so did Ash and Cal.

"Yeah but I think I'm more excited than anything." Ashton said.

"I'm still shocked that it's even happening." Calum said.

"Same." I said just as Haven and Sunny reappeared with food.

"Food!" Ashton yelled.

We laughed at him and started eating.

Every once in a while I would steal some of Haven's bacon and she would hit me and we would laugh.

The morning was going great so far and I could only hope that the rest of the day went great as well.

Before we even realized it it was 1.

So we all started getting ready.

We decided it would be best to dress and act like we always do.

We didn't want to dress really fancy then they like us then realize that we were being fake.

Besides none of us liked to be fake.

We loved who we are and if they don't like it then that's their problem.

I slipped on my favorite pair of black skinny jeans with rips in the news and a plain grey v neck t shirt and my grey converses.

My hair didn't really need anything so I left it how it was and went to find Haven.

She looked beautiful as usual.

She had on a pair of dark blue skinny jeans, a plain white t shirt that hung off of one shoulder, and her white high top convereses.

"You look beautiful baby." I said slipping my hands around her waist as she pulled her hair into a pony tail.

"You don't look too bad yourself." She said turning around and poking my chest before running out of the room.

I laughed and followed her into the living room were everyone was waiting for Luke.

"Luke mate come on it's 1:30 it will take at least 30 minutes to get there."
Calum said knocking on the bathroom door trying to get him to come out.

We all knew what he was doing.

His hair.

God forbid if his hair is flat.

Finally he walked out smiling proudly.

"Now that your hair is fixed can we go?" Ashton asked.

Luke nodded grabbing Sunny's hand and we all walked outside to get into the car.

Shortly later we pulled up to the studio.

I was shocked.

It was huge.

I had stopped thinking about what could happen and instead focused on what was happening in the moment and decided to go with the flow.

I think the others had decided the same thing too because we all causally got out of the car and headed inside like we owned the place.

Haven went in first holding my hand as I trailed behind her because she was the one who talked to Patrick in the first place.

After being seated in the lobby a guy who looked kinda short for his age walked into the lobby smiling at us.

"Hello I'm Patrick." He said introducing himself.

Haven stood up and we copied her actions.

"Which one of you is Haven?" He asked looking around.

Haven raised her hand and walked forward.

"Nice to meet you Patrick." She said smiling.

God she played it so cool.

I found it pretty hot too.

"Yes nice to meet you too. Thank you for posting that video and allowing us to see such talent. Would you like to introduce me to them?"

Haven nodded and turned around smiling at me.

Her eyes allowed me to stay calm because one was the color of the water which was calming and the other one was brown and I could get lost in it so easily.

"This is Michael my boyfriend he plays guitar and sings, next to him is Luke he also plays guitar and sings, next to Luke is his girlfriend and my best friend Sunny, next to Sunny is Ashton he sings and plays the drums, and finally we have Calum who sings and plays bass."

She pointed to each one of us and told Patrick what it was we did.

He smiled from ear to ear and shook hands with each of us and we exchanged hellos.

"If you would follow me please." He said turning around and walking off.

We followed him down a hallway and into a large office.

"You may sit down." He said pointing to the couches and chairs in the room.

There was a large desk in the middle of it where he sat down.

He pressed a button on his phone and the door opened to reveal a young looking guy.

He looked around our age.

He walked over to the desk.

"Yes sir?"

Patrick smiled and looked towards us and so did the guy.

He had a name tag on that read 'Justin'.

His eyes landed on Haven and the way he looked at her made me
uncomfortable so I grabbed her hand and intertwined her fingers.

"Justin this is the group 5 Seconds Of Summer I was telling you about. Guys this is my assistant Justin."

He waved and we all nodded at him. He sat down in one of the empty chairs and I couldn't help but feel overprotective over Haven because he kept glancing back at her.

"So let's get started shall we?" Patrick said looking around at us.

"Tell us a little about yourselves starting with Luke."

He looked to Luke because Luke was the start of the little circle we were sat in.

"My names Luke Hemmings. I'm 20 years old. I play guitar and I sing."

He smiled and looked to Sunny who was sitting next to him.

"I'm Sunny I'm Luke's girfriend I'm 18."

Ashton was next.

"I'm Ashton I'm 19 I play the drums and I sing."

Then Calum.

"I'm Calum I'm 20 and I play the bass and I also sing."

Then me.

"I'm Michael I'm 19 I play guitar and I sing as well."

Then Haven.

"I'm Haven Michael's girlfriend and I'm 17."

I smiled at her and she smiled back up at me before we turned our attention back to Patrick.

"Justin they must be thirsty will you get some water."

Justin nodded and ran off to get water only to return seconds later with water bottles.

He handed one to each of us ending with Haven.

He smiled at her as he handed her the bottle and I watched as he made their fingers touch.

She didn't seem to notice and took her water taking a sip from it.

I glared at him and scooted closer to Haven.

After discussing various things along the lines of our talent and plans for the future Patrick pulled papers out of his desk and it was up to us whether we wanted to sign them or not.

This was it.

We could be getting signed to a record company.

I looked at all of the boys and they looked at me.

We didn't have to say any words to know what we wanted to do.

We smiled at one another before Luke picked up the pen.

He hesitantly signed the paper before giving the pen to me and letting me sign.

Then Ashton and Calum signed and that was it.

It was official.

We are officially a band.

We talked to Patrick a little more about terms and conditions and stuff like that and Patrick told us that we could go home to get some rest and be back tomorrow to started producing some music.

So we did as we were told and went home.

The whole ride home was silent but I think it's because everyone was still shocked.

We all walked into the house and couldn't hold it in any longer.

"Guys we just got signed." Luke announced sitting on the couch with Sunny.

"I know right I can't even believe it." Calum said also sitting down.

"I never thought we would make it this far." Ashton said suddenly.

We all looked at him and waited for him to explain what he meant.

"Like I mean we all knew we wanted to that's why we started this because it's what we love but I never thought we would actually make it especially not this soon. I mean two days ago we were literally a small garage band practicing and having a good day and now today look at us. We're the real thing."

For a minute I thought he was gonna cry.

"Alright group hug everyone." Haven announced pulling me into her side as everyone gathered around us.

We stayed like that for a while until we decided it was time for food.

"Let's order pizza and watch movies." Sunny said grabbing the phone.

"That's my girl." Luke said laughing.

I grabbed Haven's hand and intertwined our fingers leading her over to my favorite recliner.

I sat down and pulled her onto my lap.
She cuddled into me and I could tell she was tired.

"I love you Haven." I whispered kissing her forehead.

"You have no idea how much I love you."

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