***Authors note***
Hey guys just wanted to check in and see how you liked the story so far. There probably won't be a lot of other chapters but I'm sure you will love it hopefully. Feel free to tell me what you think! Anyways enjoy lovelies!

Haven's POV

The next few weeks went by in a blur.

The boys were always busy and at the studio but me and Sunny were always right by their side.

Right now Michael is driving us to the studio so they can do some recording and song writing.

They were quickly starting to become famous.

His hand is holding mine and he's rubbing circles on my thumb with his.

I looked over at him and smiled.

I knew he was tired from all of this work.

"You know you don't have to come to the studio with me." He said suddenly breaking the silence.

I looked over at him confused.

"What do you mean?"

He shrugged, "I don't know I just figured this would be tireing to you and I wanted to let you know that you didn't have to come."

I was grateful that he cared about me and what I was interested in but I wanted to come to these things.

"Michael listen to me." I said sternly turning the radio down.

He needed to know how I felt about this.

He nodded letting me know he was listening since he couldn't take his eyes off the road.

"Yes these things are tireing but that won't stop me from going to them. All of this started because of me. I promised you that I would be there with you every step of the way and I'm not breaking that promise. Every thing that invovles this band you can promise I will be there. You wanna know why? Because I love you. I love you and I support you and your dreams. I know this has always been your dream and I will be damned if anybody gets in the way of that because making you happy is what I do. If your not happy I'm not. I know this is difficult and challenging and it's gonna have its up and downs but in the end it will all be worth it I can promise you that because I will be holding your hand every step of the way."

By the time I was finished with my rant I was breathing heavily and we had arrived at the studio.

Michael looked over at me and I could see tears gleaming in his eyes.

He pulled me in for a hug and squeezed me so tight I couldn't breathe.

"Thank you." He whispered in my ear, "For everything."

We pulled apart and he kissed me softly and gently before getting out and strolling to my side of the car opening the door for me.

His hand found mine and we intertwined our fingers walking through the doors together.

At this point I felt invincible.

The rest of the boys and Sunny were already here waiting for us.

They all said hey and smiled as we walked in.

Michael kissed my forehead before turning to the boys and getting involved in their conversation while me and Sunny were involved in our own.

A little bit later Patrick walked in with Justin by his side.

Justin smiled at me but I ignored him.

I didn't really feel comfortable around him he was always looking at me and there was no telling what he was capable of.

"Alright boys lets get to work!" Patrick said clapping his hands and sitting down at his chair behind all of the equipment as the boys filed into the little room where their instruments and microphones were.

Michael caught me staring at him and winked before getting his guitar ready and everything.

That was another benefit of this.

I got to see the boys living their dream.

I got to witness them singing their hearts out and laughing when the time wasn't serious and instead silly.

Sunny and I were definitely lucky.

I sat down on the couch with Sunny by my side. 

I looked up to see Justin looking at me.

I rolled my eyes and turned towards Sunny leaning towards her to whisper in her ear.

"This Justin dude is a total creep."
I said making her laugh and nod her head as she agreed.

Good thing I wasn't the only one who thought it.

He never tried anything on me he just stared at me and it made me feel uncomfortable.

But I knew if he ever did try anything Michael would probably kill him.

Michael is very overprotective but I'm thankful for that especially in situations like this.

2 hours later the boys were finally done and we were able to go home.

"Babe go get ready I want to take you out to eat." Michael said as we walked in the house.

He's been acting kinda weird lately and I don't know what's wrong.

Every time I ask him about it he changes the subject.

"Anywhere fancy?" I ask.

He nodded and kissed my forehead before heading into the kitchen while I was left staring where he was just standing and wondering how in the world I got so lucky to be able to call him mine.

I walked into our bedroom and grabbed my favorite black dress.

It was simple and stopped right above the knee with a little bit of flare and had one sleeve on the shoulder.

I also grabbed my favorite black wedges and went to shower.

I changed into my dress and put on my shoes before braiding my hair.

I decided to go with no makeup so I walked out of the bedroom and into the living room to find Michael waiting on me.

He had one a nice pair or black skinny jeans with a plain white shirt and his white vans.

He grabbed my hand and led me out to the car.

He opened the door for me and bowed.

"My lady." He said trying not to laugh.

"Thank you sir." I said also trying not to laugh as he jogged to his side and got in the car turning the radio up and driving down the road instantly intertwining our fingers.

It was moments like these that I cherished the most.

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