The Dark Palace

By CoppeliaRose

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AU where the Dark Curse has never been cast. When Snow White gives birth to her child, she gives her daughter... More

Prologue - Welcome to the Enchanted Forest
Chapter 1 - Goodbye Emma
Chapter 2 - The Garden's Secret
Chapter 3 - The Lady's Maid
Chapter 4 - Distracted
Chapter 5 - Bedridden
Chapter 6 - The Garden's Secret 2
Chapter 7 - The White Kingdom's Princess
Chapter 8 - I Want You
Chapter 9 - Burning Sensation
Chapter 10 - Spellbound
Chapter 11 - Duck and Cover!
Chapter 12 - The Swan and the Queen
Chapter 13 - Heart to Heart
Chapter 14 - As Promised
Epilogue - Our Happy Ending

Chapter 15 - True Love

2.5K 105 12
By CoppeliaRose

A/N: Smut with magic penis - skip to the timeskip if you want.

"Em... Emma!" Regina arched her back off the bed as she held onto the Savior with all her might, her nails raking down the woman's back leaving angry looking scratch marks in their wake.

"Regina..." Emma moaned into the woman's ear, shivering as she came undone as well.

A bright light emanated from the both of them, a shock-wave of true love's magic traveling through the enchanted forest. Regina was still trying to catch her breath as she looked at Emma and chuckled softly. The younger woman looked into her eyes and smiled.
"Did we do that?" She asked and the brunette nodded, sliding her hand through the silky blonde hair.
"Yes... We did that." She said softly and held Emma close, kissing her cheek and nuzzling her as she was so incredibly happy right now.
"I hope that won't happen every time we conjure one of those..." Emma pointed at her nether regions where the magic cock was just now. "Everyone will know what we're up to." She smirked and Regina hit her on the back.
"It's just proof that we love each other... a lot." She smiled and nuzzled into woman's neck. "And a magical phallus has nothing to do with that." She notified the woman and moved to lie on her side, curling up with her wife in her arms.

~*~*~*~A month later~*~*~*~

The blonde sat next to Regina, rubbing her back as the woman threw up repeatedly into the bucket.
"Did you eat something bad?" She asked softly and Regina shook her head. This had happened a few mornings in a row now and whenever she got a whiff of something that she didn't agree with, she quickly felt queasy.
"No, I don't think this has anything to do with food." She whimpered and let Emma wipe her mouth with a towel.
"What is it then?" She asked and frowned.
"I have a hunch, but I'm not telling yet." Regina chuckled and got up again, sliding her arms around her blonde Queen. "But it's nothing bad, I promise."

Even with how sick Regina seemed at times, Emma noticed how cheerful the Queen was even if she couldn't quite explain why. She just went with the flow and proceeded to stand by her wife as she took care of important business for the kingdom. Regina had instructed Emma to pay attention 'because you will have to take over at some point' is what she had said.

After about two more months of watching her wife throw up she was quite done with the mystery.
"You're going to have to explain to me why you keep getting sick so much..." Emma sighed and held her wife close, pulling her into her lap as she hugged her tight. "I don't want to lose you, you know how much I love you." The blonde looked into the beautiful hazel eyes and cupped the woman's cheek, rubbing her thumb over the cheekbone.
"I'm not going to die." Regina chuckled and kissed the blonde softly. "I'm doing the opposite really, for once I'm creating life." She whispered and looking into the deep pools of green in the hope that the woman would catch on.
"Creating life?" Emma asked softly and slid her hand over the woman's stomach, feeling the bump there. Lately the woman had been wearing flowy dresses and no corsets. Emma gasped and chuckled as it suddenly clicked. "You're pregnant?!" She asked and Regina smiled and nodded slowly.
"We're expecting a baby Emma." She kissed the woman softly and smiled into the kiss.
"But I thought you said you couldn't... Like... Ever..."
"So did I. Long ago I drank a potion that made me infertile, but I have a hunch that that one time we... You know." The woman chuckled awkwardly.
"True love can break any curse." Emma said and smirked. "Looks like I did a good job." The blonde grinned widely as Regina swatted at her shoulder.
"So, will you pay attention in meetings now or no?"
"I will do anything you ask of me, your Majesty." She purred and kissed Regina deeply.


"You didn't have to come all the way here~" Snow said and welcomed her daughter and daughter-in-law with open arms. "You could have sent a messenger about the trades." She said and Regina chuckled.
"The trade was just a pretense... We're actually here with other business." She said and looked at Emma with a bright smile. Snow observed the women and then looked at Regina closely.
"I think I can guess what it is." She smiled and then bounced excitedly. "You're absolutely glowing!" She said and hugged Regina tightly. The woman yelped, not having expected such an assaulting hug all of a sudden. "Let's get inside... It's cold out here." She said and linked her arms with her guests before guiding them inside.
"Where is dad?" Emma asked and Snow chuckled.
"He's off, as per usual... There is a winter festival coming up in the village and he's helping with the preparations." She explained and took them to a comfortable room and made them sit before ordering a servant to get some tea.
"You should wait for him to come back, I'm sure you want to tell him yourself." Emma nodded at her mother and smiled.
"You're not even going to ask how it happened?" The blonde quirked an eyebrow.
"I have a clue when it happened. I'm sure that light that woke everyone up in the middle of the night had something to do with it." The woman smirked and chuckled. "True Love magic is powerful Emma, more powerful than any curse."
"I'm physical proof..." Regina said and smoothed her dress down, showing off her baby bump in the process.
"I still don't understand why you drank that potion." Emma said softly and bit her lip.
"What potion?" Snow frowned.
"Remember what I told you about your father? I made adequately sure that I would never bare his children, also to stick it to my mother." Regina explained to snow. Emma looked at the two women but she had heard the story before. She knew that Regina's mother was a bitch and the man she was forced to marry was less than desirable.

Soon enough, tea was brought in and served. As the servant left the room, Charming walked in and smiled.
"Emma! I heard you and Regina had come to visit." He smiled and sat next to his wife. "I'm sorry, I was..."
"Helping with the winter festival. So we heard." Regina finished for him and chuckled.
"I'm curious to see it now. I've never been there." Emma said and her wife looked at her.
"Well, we could go if you want to see it. I'm sure it will be nice." She smiled as she watched Emma's face light up.
"Yes, please." She said and smiled before sipping her tea.

"So what brings you here? I thought it was about a trade but now that I'm here it doesn't look like business." He chuckled and looked at his wife.
"Dad, truth is..." Emma looked at Regina and held her closer. "You're going to be a grandfather." The blonde broke the news to him and after a few moments it clicked.
"You're pregnant?!"
"Well, Regina is." Emma chuckled. "But yes, we're expecting."
"That's wonderful! Congratulations." The man smiled brightly and looked at his wife. "We're going to be grandparents."

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