Family Ties.

By LarryNarryZiall

66.3K 2K 261

Zayn & Harry have been in a relationship for over five years and decide to adopt some kids to take it to the... More

Family Ties.
Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.

Chapter 5.

4.7K 202 16
By LarryNarryZiall

Josh had undressed Niall and pushed him against the wall. He slapped Niall's bare skin roughly, the infant let out a loud whimper.

"Baba. Want Baba." He sobbed.

"Shut up you little shit." Josh said kicking him in the stomach, which only caused Niall to cry louder.

"Shut up, shut up, shut up!" Josh scream, hitting Niall repetitively over the head. Niall started screaming, he attempted to hit Josh's chest, which didn't do much. Josh caught Niall's hands and scooped him off the floor. A wave of panic washed over him, what of he actually really hurt the baby.

"Sshh, Niall bub. I'm sorry. Daddy's sorry." Josh soothes.

"You not my Daddy." Niall whimpers, trying to wriggle from Josh soft grasp.

"I'm your new daddy baby."

Niall looks up at Josh, smiling. The poor boy can't tell a lie from the truth.

Fifteen minutes later, Josh had put a clean nappy on Niall and dressed him in a green dinosaur onesie.

"Okay baby, do you want your bottle?" Josh asked, shaking the warm bottle of milk. Niall nodded slightly, totally unaware of the fact Josh had slipped in some form of sleeping drugs. He watched on happily as the baby in his arms sucked eagerly at the bottle. Niall glanced up at Josh every so often to make sure he wasn't doing anything that would get him in to trouble. When Niall started going limp in Josh's arms he knew the drugs were working.

"Night night." He smirked.


"Daddy. Where is NiNi? I want to watch Power Rangers with him!" Louis asks. Harry looks down biting his lip. How does he tell a 5 year old boy his baby brother is missing, probably kidnapped? Zayn had heard Louis' question and walks in the room, noticing Harry looking rather uncomfortable, so he answers for him.

"Louis, some one very nasty stole NiNi, but we'll get him back. I promise." Zayn sighed, already knowing what Louis' reaction would be. Louis looks up at his fathers, his eyes start to water and his bottom lip quivers before he lets out a loud scream.

"I want NiNi! Want him back!" Louis cries.

"Baby, me and Baba are doing everything we can to get him back yeah." Harry says, a few tears leaking from his own eyes.

"Okay Daddy." Louis sniffles.

"How about we go look around for him now?" Zayn suggests. He knows the chances of finding him themselves is slim, but he knows it'll make Louis feel better.

"Yeah." Louis nods, following Zayn out to the car. They drive around for hours searching for Niall. Eventually Louis falls asleep in the back of the car, so Zayn decides to drive home. He carries the sleeping boy inside, slipping a pull up on him before tucking him into bed.

"Goodnight boo."


Niall groaned as he started to regain consciousness.

"Baba?" He mumbled. Then he remembered where he was.

"Baba!" He cried. Of course Josh had heard Niall's loud cries float up from the basement. When he entered the underground room Niall whimpered.

"No." Niall screamed. Trying to shove Josh away. Josh slipped a knife out of his pocket and pressed it gently to Niall's cheek, then sliding it down to his stomach. He wasn't really going to stab the baby, just wanted to scare him. But Niall started panicking, he began shaking, he breathing became uneven. He was having a panic attack, which was prone too anyway. Out of no where Niall turned a shade of green before vomiting onto the front of Josh's shirt. Jumping due to the fact he wasn't expecting Niall to throw up Josh accidentally stabbed Niall.

It wasn't long before Niall's piercing screams rang out through the house. Shit, what if Niall dies because of him? He carries Niall's body which is getting weaker out to the car, driving him to the hospital.

Josh rushes into the hospital with Niall in his arms. Hoping that the nurses will buy his lies.

"Help someone, I found him on the street stabbed." Josh shouts. People coming rushing over, one nurse takes Niall from Josh's arms.

"Someone call the baby's parents." Another shouts.

Niall lay in a hospital bed, still unconscious. He was hooked up to numerous machines which were keeping him alive. Josh had decided to say by Niall's side the whole time. He couldn't help but feel guilty.

Fifteen minutes later Harry, Liam and Zayn, who had Louis on his hip came rushing into Niall's hospital room.

"NiNi." Louis giggled, climbing up next to his brother. Louis shook Niall's shoulders trying to wake him up. No one in the room had the heart to Louis that Niall probably wasn't going to wake up anytime soon.

"Why NiNi no wake up?" Louis asks.

"He's sleeping." Zayn sighs. Louis just nods, snuggling into Niall.

Harry can't stand to see his baby laying in such a large hospital bed, with an oxygen mask over his face and hooked up to so many machines. He couldn't even imagine how someone could do this to such a poor innocent boy. Little did Harry know that the other man in the room was the one who stabbed Niall.

Liam on the other hand knew he'd seen the man someone before, he just couldn't put his finger on it. He examined the mans face, desperately trying to figure out who he was. It struck him. It was the man that tried to take Niall in the park the other day.

"Dad?" Liam whispers, tapping Zayn on the shoulder.

"Yeah love?"

"I need to talk to you outside." Liam says, dragging Zayn outside the room.

"Dad that man in there he was the one that tried to take Niall at the park. What if he was the one who took him this time. What if he was the one who stabbed him?" Liam gushed out. Zayn's eyes widen.

"You're 100% sure that's him?" Zayn asks.

"Yeah Dad, positive."

Zayn nods, dialling the police, explaining the situation.

When the police arrive, Josh doesn't try to resist, he just accepts his fate. The handcuff him and drag him out to their car.

It's obvious now Josh is gone everyone is feeling a bit better. Harry sits down next to Niall, running his fingers through the boys hair.

"Ni baby, we need you to wake up soon. We all love you and we missed you while you were gone." Harry whispered, kissing Niall's forehead.

A/N: I'm really impatient so they already got Niall back. Well sorta. Anyway how was it? (:

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Bye Chickens!! Xx

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