Leah X Jacob

By Mysbetty

16.3K 97 67


Leah X Jacob
Leah X Jacob II
Leah X Jacob III
Leah X Jacob Part IV
Leah X Jacob Part V
Leah X Jacob Part VI
Leah X Jacob Part VII
Leah X Jacob Part VIII
Leah X Jacob Part VIIII
Leah X Jacob Part XI

Leah X Jacob Part X

1.2K 11 16
By Mysbetty



My rationality flew out the window -I thought of nothing but killing Bella, I wanted to obliterate her. She was only a couple of feet from my grasp when she decided to leap over a road instead of through it. I pushed my self harder only to be stunned at the sight of Charlie's police cruiser speeding right for me. The shocked look on his face stopped me on my tracks. Fear ran through my body like an electric shock thinking of Charlie colliding into me, not for my own safely but his. To my surprise Charlie turned his steering wheel to try to avoid me. He turned left only to collide with the road's guard rail. His speed threw out enough force to break the rail. My body, shocked beyond belief, became paralized. I watched in fear as Charlie's cruiser flew off the cliff. My body finally snapped out of trance as I heard Bella's screaching screams of terror.



I pushed myself off the road faster than I have ever moved in my whole life. Adrenaline ran through my body- hightening all my senses. My vision seemed to be clearer, my body moved faster than I ever thought possible. I tilted my head down as I brased myself to collide with Charlie's crusser. I pushed myself off of the cliff and collided with Charlie's crusser with as much force as I could muster. I watched as his car flew side ways forcing it back into the cliff securing him from the dephs below. A surge of accomplishment rushed through me -I felt weightless...and then I realized where I was. Everything seemed to move in slow motion. I looked down and panic struck. I fladed my paws as I began fall. My front paws finally got a hold of some rocks on the cliff's edge but I had a hard time holding onto something solid. Me, being in my wolf form didn't help my situation. I mearly pulled rocks out of the ground -they fell like toy legos. "Leah!" I heard Bella shout my name . In an instant she was above me "Give me your paw Leah!" she said with extened arms as her hands tried to catch my front paws. I felt my back paws dangeling in mid air, I knew time was running out. Out of desperation, I tried to reach for her hand but neither her or I could grab hold. "Leah, this is going to hurt, but just trust me!" Bella said, and before I could respond, I saw her hands turn into claws and then I felt pain. Her fingers dug into my paws and I struggled to not fight back. I yelped in pain as she dragged me up the cliff, her nails dug inside my paws even harder and though I this caused me pain, I trust her for the first time. As soon as she saw I was safe, she turned her attention to Charlie. She ripped Charlie's car door and let it fall. I plooped down on the ground from exhaustion and relief. "Dad! Dad!!! Dad wake up" She said as she gently shook him. "I have to get him to a doctor Leah" she said with pleading eyes. If she could cry, I knew she would be crying right now. I mearly nodded and within a second they both disappeared. I tried to get up but instantly fell back down. My front paws were bloody but I knew they would heal quickly. I couldn't risk being seen. Specially with Charlie's police cruiser only feet away from me -it would cause instant panic to the community. I limped my way accross the road and hid in the forrest.

Bella saved me? Bella saved me when she could have easily let me fall. Could she have done it for her own benifit? I couldn't think of any reason how it could be.She could have let me fall and no one would have ever know what happened to me. For all everyone knew I could have just ran away and decided never to phase into my wolf form. What is she up to? She has to be up to something.



Brady, Embry and I ran through the forrest as I called Edward's name in my head. I guess this is one of the rare moments where I actually liked the fact that Edward could read minds.

"Don't start a fight with him right away . I know you said we have to treat them like any other vampire, but you can't deny the history we have with them." Brady's thought concentratied on me.

"You know kid, you're starting to be as anoying as Seth was when he was your age" I said playfully.

"Don't let your guards down you two, we still don't know if the rest of the Cullens are here or not" Embry thought out loud.

The rest of the Cullens, here or not? I repeated in my head. I shook my head as I tried to remember why we were here. My nose began to twitch as I caught Edward's scent.

"Its just me and Bella here Jacob. No one else." Edward's voice echoed from above me. He jumped off of a branch about 30 feet above and landed right infront of me.

"Why are you here?" I said trying to keep my voice steady.

"Are you finally going to let me talk without any disruptions?" He asked with a sly smerk.

I let out a chest growl. "Why - are - you - here?" I asked again as I started to quickly lose patients.

Edward straighted up. "Alice had a vision that Charlie was in trouble. She saw his Police Crusier fly off of a cliff. Instead of doing the practical thing and just call Charlie, Bella felt that she had to come here in person to protect him. You know how Bella can get."

I stared at him without responding. Talkes of Alice just reminded me of the Cullen family, of the past -

"When are you two leaving?" Embry asked bringing me back to reality.

"As soon as Bella sees fit. She just wants to make sure her father is safe." He said in a matter-of-fact tone.

"So you decide to come down here, without warning anyone. And you two have decided to stay until 'Bella sees fit' to leave, without any consideration on how it would affect everyone down here. You two are out of your fu -"

Edward's phone rang distracting me. "Are you effing serious?" I listened carefully.

It was Alice on the phone with him. She was talking way to fast to understand but I was able to catch some of what Edward was saying. "What do you mean she left?.... Where did she go? ..... lost track of her future...I know..nothing's happened....I have to go" he looked at me and took an unnesesary deep breathe.

"Jacob, there's something I have to tell you. Renesmee is -" Edward said then suddenly stopped. He looked beyond us, eyes squinted, concentrating on something.

"Renesmee is what?!" I asked, frustrated.

"Bella and Charlie are in trouble" he said and started to run. I follwed him, as he ran a straight line throught the forrest.

"What is it, Edward? Talk to me." I thought out loud. He ignored me and continued running. I felt Embry and Brady try to keep up with us, but they weren't fast enough.

"Keep going bro. We're right behind you" Embry said.

"Bella!" Edward shouted.

I looked ahead as I searched for Bella. Then the smell of blood caught nose. "No" I thought in disbelief. It took me only a second to spot Bella running as she carried Charlie's limb body.

"He was in a car accident, he needs help" Bella said as she ran towards us.

"Give him to me" Edward said as we began to run beside her.

Bella shook her heard stuburnly and continued running.

"What the hell happened?!" Embry said confused as he spotted us.

"I need the two of you to go to Sam. Tell him not to panic. I know once they find out - and they will find out -that Charlie's hurt they'll think that Bella and Edward had something to do with it. This was not their fault. It was a car accident. You both heard why the Edward and Bella are here. Go and show him!" I ordered and at that they started running towards La Push.

"I can get him to the hospital faster Bella. Plus, you know they're going to make such a big deal on how you were able to carry him from the crash sight to the hospital. I'll run him to the hospital. I need you to drive the car there to form an alabi.

Bella let out tearless sobs then hesitently and carefully handed Charlie over to Edward. Edward carried Charlie and disappeared in a flash. I slowed down to keep pace with Bella. Then suddenly she stopped and feel on her knees. She started to cry - wells it sounded and looked like she was crying but no tears fell from her eyes. I knew she was suffering. I phased to my human form not caring if she saw me naked. I bent down in frount of her.

"There's no time for this Bella, we have to go" I said as I tried to comfort her without letting my guard down.

"This was all my fault. None of this would have happened if I just stayed away" She said that suddenly wrapped her arms around me.

I was stunned. I couldn't move. She continued to sob tearless cries on my shoulder and I found meself hugging her back. I touch sent a flood of memories through me. Memories of when it was just the two of us, before Edward ever came back, even before Nessie. I had to snap myself back into reality. The past is the past. I had to remind myself I'm now fighting for my future with Leah. I pulled away from Bella. I grabbed her by the shoulders and helped her stand up.

"Now is not the time for the blame game Bella. We have to get the car to the hospital." I said not looking directly at her. She saw how uncomfortable I was and nodded.

"I'm so sorry Jake. I shouldn't have -"

"Again, Bella, this is not the time" I said inturpting her. I phased without saying anything else.

"Okay Jacob." She relpied. She raised her hand to my shoulder as if to pat me like she used to, but then stopped. "Thank you Jacob" She said that started running. I follwed her. Then suddenly, it hit me. It was Leah's breathing that kept me calm. I concentrated in Leah's thoughts. She was hurt - as much as she tried to keep her mind off of the pain, I was finally able to see it. I stopped in my tracks.

"What's wrong Jake?" Bella said also stopping. I whined and pointed the other way. I didn't need to say anything. Bella knew what I wanted. "Go to her Jake." She said then continued running. I follwed Bella's scent (where she and Charlie had come from).

"Leah, Leah" I thought out loud, calling for her.

"Jake" she said faintly with a smile.


Hola, hola dear readers! Sorry again if it took forever to upload this chapter.

Anyway, I hope you like this chapter even though its not a cliff hanger - oh wait, it is! What was Edward saying about Renesmee? :D

This chapter is dedicated to Celeste. (cbaca9). You're awesome amiga!!!

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