The Most Fateful Day

By fellaway

14.7K 486 1.1K

*SEQUEL TO "AS FATE WOULD HAVE IT"* I hear wedding bells! Duncan Robert Nelson and Courtney Elizabeth Barlow... More

Wedding Day Preparations
The Parents: Part 1
The Parents: Part 2
Off to See the Wedding Planner
Hunt for the Dress
Taste Testing: Part 1
Taste Testing: Part 2
Guy Time
Final Preparations and Unexpected Callers: Part 1
Final Preparations and Unexpected Callers: Part 2
Bachelorette Party
Bachelor Party
Getting Ready: Part 1
Til Death Do You Part
Now to the Reception...Finally!
Wedding Night

Getting Ready: Part 2

591 25 35
By fellaway

*(Courtney's POV)*

     "Court, you need to sit still and straight if you want me to do this!" Heather said to me through gritted teeth.  She was trying to do my makeup. 

     "Heather, that's too dark!  And don't yell at her, she's stressed!" Bridgette exclaimed. 

     "I can speak for myself thank you very much, now let me see!" I say, pushing them aside and looking into the vanity mirror.  Heather's given me two smokey eyes with a pale red lip.  "Heather!  It's too dark!  This may work for you, but it doesn't work for me!"  My eyes begin to water. 

     "Told you so," Bridgette says, putting her hands on her hips.  "Court, don't tear up!  You'll ruin your makeup!"

     "Well, if it's just so bad, why don't you do it?" Heather asks with a hint of venom in her voice. 

     "I'm trying to do Court's hair though!"

     "Bridgette, do my makeup!  And Heather, you do my hair!" I yell.  They both look at me startled and get in different positions.  Bridgette begins to use makeup remover and wipe off the layers of makeup Heather had just applied. Heather takes down my hair and brushes it gently. She starts weaving strands over and under in and out all around to create the image she has inside of her magnificent brain. Honestly I can't wait to see what she does. Bridgette wipes the last of it off and works on my eyelids. She says I don't need foundation, powder, or blush. I guess I will have a natural glow already in front of everyone for the ceremony. My mind starts wandering until the sound of Heather's phone ringing snaps me back.

"Bridge, can you hand me my phone?" Heather asks, pointing to the counter of the vanity. Her phone is right beside the makeup that Bridgette is using.

"You're lucky I was just going to apply a different shade," Bridgette replies, handing Heather the phone.

"Thanks," Heather says before holding the strands of my hair with one hand and answering her phone with the other. "What do you want, Alejandro? I'm trying to do Courtney's hair here!"

"Ooh put him on speaker!" Bridgette and I both shout whisper. Heather deviously smiles and hit the speaker button as she shakes her head.

"Mi amor, I have a question. Should I wear my hair down or in a ponytail?" asks a certain mischievous voice. 

"Well, since you're Duncan's best man, wear your hair in a ponytail. You need to look sharp and polished, not rough and sexy." Heather replies into the phone with edge as she tugs my hair slightly. Bridgette and I try to stifle our giggles.  Heather blushes and adds, "Did I say sexy? I meant slimy."

"Oh Heather, we're dating. You can admit your attractions to us." Alejandro's laugh can be heard through the phone.

"Us? Am I on speaker?" Heather demands. Bridgette and I "oooh" and laugh some more. 

"What? No, I would nev-" Alejandro's voice says before Heather hits the 'end call' button on the phone.  She then rolls her eyes, puts her phone in my lap, which Bridgette puts back on the table, and returns to doing my hair. 

     "Isn't that kind of hypocritical since you had him on speaker?" I ask with a laugh.

     "Ha!  What he doesn't know won't hurt him.  It's good to keep him on his toes." Heather laughs. 

"You've got that right!" Bridgette says, returning the laugh. I can't help but smile. Why? Because I couldn't agree more. Because I'm happy. Because I'm surrounded by my friends. And the best part? They're not fake.

After awhile, both Heather and Bridgette step away from me and admire their work. I can tell by their wide grins that they like what they've done. "Let me see," I tell them. They take out two handheld mirrors and hold them around me as I stare at my reflection in the vanity mirror I'm sitting at. "Wow... I look amazing! The makeup accentuates my eyes and still looks natural and beautiful! Thanks Bridge!"

"You're welcome, I tried to capture your natural beauty." Bridgette says with a blush and a smile.

"And wonder you're such a pricey stylist! My hair looks stunning! Thank you!!" I say, praising Heather this time.

"Well, ya know-" Heather begins in a showboating tone with a flip of her hair. Then, she stops and smiles wide and genuinely. "Actually, enough with the bragging. You're so welcome! I'm glad you enjoy it!"

"I couldn't possibly be happier with what you two did if I tried!" I exclaim. It's true. They did an amazing job.  Plus, it was completely free!  Who doesn't love free services?

      "Yay!  That's wonderful!" Bridgette exclaims.

      "Yeah, it's your big day!  We're happy to help." Heather added. 

      "Thanks guys..." I say, but then my tone changes.  "Am I really ready for this?  Is Duncan truly the only one for me?  Am I making the right decision?  What about the whole Gwen situation?"

      Heather cuts me off there.  "Courtney, we've known you for literally ever.  You never make a decision or let someone into your love without meaning it.  Well, maybe except for the Scott thing, but we all know, except for him, that he was a rebound to make Duncan jealous-"

     Bridgette cut in.  "What Heather's trying to say is that you know what you're doing and the answer to every question you asked is an answer you already know.  We believe in you, Court."

     "Yeah, if you wonder what my opinion is, it's that you belong with Duncan and Duncan belongs with you.  Also, that I am so glad you turned down Scott's proposal." Heather added.

     "We both are," laughed Bridgette.  "And I also believe you and Duncan are meant to be."

"Thanks babes." I say with a genuine smile and teary eyes. Then I let out a laugh. "Also, who proposes to someone when they're not even technically dating and all they've done is kiss?"

"Right! That dirtbag has issues." Heather laughs. Heather then looks at her phone. "Guys, it's almost time for the the ceremony! We've gotta finish getting ready!"

Bridgette jumps up and gathers everything she needs. Her heels, her bouquet, and her own phone. Meanwhile Heather runs to the other side of the room and gently, yet quickly, takes my veil and hairpiece out of its bag. Then she comes back and carefully puts the hairpiece in my hair, makes sure it's snug and that it won't budge. Then, even more carefully, she fastens the veil into the hairpiece.

"There. Perfection. Does it look good to you?" Heather asks me.

"Beautiful." I reply.

"Awesome." She then darts off and hands me my huge bouquet of white lilies.  My favorite flower.  I breathe in their scent and smile.  Heather gets her own bouquet and fixes her hair in the vanity mirror beside Bridgette.  I carefully stand up.  Wow.  This dress is really big and slightly heavy.  I'm actually kind of glad I'm not an actual princess because wearing these frilly dresses every day would suck.  I'm much more comfortable in my sweaters and jeans. 

     "Wow Court.  You look gorgeous," Bridgette says, looking at me upright.

     "Ditto," Heather breathes.

      I laugh softly.  "Thanks."

      "Are you ready to go?" asks Bridge. 

      I smile.  "I think I am."

      "Then, let's go and meet up with your dad," Heather says, leading the way out of the room.  I follow her and Bridgette follows behind me as close as she can without stepping on my dress.  We all carefully walk down the lengthy hall until we see the large wooden double doors.  I gulp and both Heather and Bridgette comfortingly rub my back.  For being as different as they are, they're very in sync.  My dad is standing beside the doors in his nicest suit. 

     "Hey, Daddy," I say with a smile.  He looks up and right when he sees me, tears well up in his own onyx eyes and he smiles wide. 

     "Oh Courtney, my only daughter.  You look absolutely beautiful." Dad says. 

     "Thank you," I reply with a giggle.  "You don't look too bad yourself."

     "That means the world to your old man," he answers.  "You ready?"

      "Ready as I'll ever be.  You?"

      "Same here." He chuckles and I see him give the thumbs up to someone inside the double doors.  Then the music starts. 

      "It's showtime," Heather whispers.  I put on a smile even though my stomach is in knots.  It's still a real smile.  A happy smile, even though every one of us have tears in their eyes.  I'm sure it's the same on the other side of these double doors.  I realize that these doors will change everything that happens within the next few seconds.  My father offers me his arm with a prideful smile and I take it.  The doors open.

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