The Most Fateful Day

By fellaway

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*SEQUEL TO "AS FATE WOULD HAVE IT"* I hear wedding bells! Duncan Robert Nelson and Courtney Elizabeth Barlow... More

Wedding Day Preparations
The Parents: Part 1
The Parents: Part 2
Off to See the Wedding Planner
Hunt for the Dress
Taste Testing: Part 1
Taste Testing: Part 2
Guy Time
Final Preparations and Unexpected Callers: Part 1
Final Preparations and Unexpected Callers: Part 2
Bachelorette Party
Bachelor Party
Getting Ready: Part 2
Til Death Do You Part
Now to the Reception...Finally!
Wedding Night

Getting Ready: Part 1

704 25 56
By fellaway

*(Duncan's POV)*

     "You can do this, Duncan," I tell myself.  My hands are shaking like mad.  I'm in one of the separate rooms of the church that's set up for me to get ready before the ceremony commences. Courtney's in her own separate room. I haven't seen her since the day before yesterday. She spent the night at Heather's place and I spent the night at Geoff's. I showered earlier today, right before the guys excluding DJ, he had to prepare for the catering, and I showed up here. We got here at the same time as the girls. How do I know that? Well, they were holding a ton of bags and boxes, probably for getting ready, and when they saw us, they ran to their dressing room giggling.

     Geoff comes up and pats me on the back.  "You'll be fine, man." I jump at his sudden words and touch.

     "What?" I say, discombobulated. 

     "I heard you trying to reassure yourself, so I thought I'd comfort you," Geoff answered with a lighthearted chuckle. 

     "Oh," I say, letting out a breath.  "Thanks."

     "No problem."

     I'm wearing my tuxedo suit already, but hair won't lay right.  I try running my hands through it to fix it, but pieces keep sticking up in the back.  "Ugh!  Fuck me!" I mumble angrily. 

     "Isn't that Courtney's job?" Alejandro retorts from the other side of the room.  The other guys laugh while I just wallow in my own anger.  "Anyways...should I go with my hair down or in a ponytail?"

     "I don't know.  Figure it out yourself," I respond through gritted teeth as another attempt to fix my cowlicked hair fails. 

     "Sheesh, amigo.  Calm down.  I'll just ask Heather." Alejandro replies, pulling his cellphone out and dialing his girlfriend on speaker. 

     "What do you want Alejandro?  I'm trying to do Courtney's hair!" an agitated Heather says through the phone. 

     "Mi amor, I have a question.  Should I wear my hair down or in a ponytail?" He asks through the phone, snickering. 

     "Well, since you're Duncan's best man, wear your hair in a ponytail.  You need to look sharp and polished, not rough and sexy." Heather says, slightly agitated.  I swear I can feel her blushing through the phone since she immediately adds.  "Did I say sexy?  I meant slimy."

     "Oh Heather, we're dating.  You can admit your attractions to us," Alejandro laughs. 

     "Us?  Am I on speaker?" Her voice demands. 

     "What?  No, I would nev-" he's cut off by the phone hanging up.  We all burst out laughing and I'm glad that lightened my mood a bit.  Alejandro sighs with a laugh.

     "Hey, ponyboy, can you groom me next?" I joke.  Alejandro scoffs, but walks over to brush and gel my hair, fixing it.  "Thanks Al."

     "Do you want me to beat you into oblivion?" Alejandro angrily says, with the raise of one of his thick dark eyebrows as well as shivering from his age old hated nickname. 

     "No, chill out.  It's my wedding day." I answer with a nervous chuckle, mockingly putting my hands up. 

     "You're one to talk," he retorts before walking off to brush his hair into a perfect shiny ponytail of dark brown hair.  So masculine.  I sigh and get back to straightening my outfit out.  At least my hair is laying right.  I look at my recently polished silver watch.  Man those things tarnish like crazy.  Every piece of jewelry I had was legit, so I spent a lot of alone time polishing my rings and chains.  It was a lot of work.  Respect to the jewelry clad ladies out there.  What am I rambling on about?  Geez.  More importantly why?  Oh right.  It's only an hour before my wedding begins and I have to be out there standing in my place in the next half hour.  In just a couple of hours I'll be a married man.  No longer a singleton.  I can feel the responsibilities rain down and hit me. My stomach churns and grumbles.  Ugh nerves.  I need some pretzels and a sprite.  Not of that copycat sierra mist crap.  Don't judge me, it's what I crave when my stomach is upset.  I belch loudly, the kind where you can taste and smell the stomach acid in the back of your throat, and Geoff looks at me with knowing eyes. 

     "I'll grab the sprite and pretzels," Geoff says before dashing out to the church's kitchen.  Man is it great to have a friend who knows you that well.  Geoff's the best.  So's Alejandro, but I've known Geoff longer and there were less complications at first with

     "Thanks Geoff!" I call before unbuttoning my shirt a little bit to let in some air.  I don't like feeling nervous.  Duncans do not get nervous.  They do when they're marrying the love of their life...  Stupid knowledgable conscience.  That's an oxymoron!  Wait what the fuck?  Since when do I know what an oxymoron is?  Christ, I've been around Courtney too much.  Correction, not enough.  Right right that's definitely correct.  Not enough.  Never enough.  Hell, I'm marrying her aren't I?  Ugh, I keel over with my stomach pain and now I've got a headache.  "Hurry up with the stuff, Geoff!" I yell.  I hate stomach pains, wow I must be really nervous.  Well, of course I am.  BRAIN STOP IT!  I let out a sigh and Alejandro turns on the fan that's conveniently in the corner of the room. I make sure to pace my breathing and Geoff comes back with the food.  "Thanks again man." I slowly eat and drink what's in front of me and become to feel settled in awhile. 

     "No problem, man." They all watch me as I take my time eating and drinking what was given to me.  "You all good now?" Geoff asks.  I nod slightly.  He looks at his watch.  "We should start heading up.  It's almost time."

     "You're right.  Let's go." Feeling much better than just a couple minutes ago, I finish off the can of sprite before crushing it in my hand and throwing it away.  Alejandro looks into his handheld mirror (I know right?  What guy needs a handheld mirror?  Apparently Heather's...), tightens his ponytail, and smoothes it out.  He also straightens his dark red bolo tie.  Geoff adjusts his hat, which he's never taken off to this day.  He even wore the damned thing at his own wedding.  Does he keep it on asleep?  More importantly, does he even take it off during sex?  Hmm, I'll have to ask Bridgette that one... Can you imagine how that thing must smell after almost two decades? Maybe even longer?  Damn. I shake my head of the thought.  I check myself out in the full-length mirror and make sure everything's in place and perfect for my princess.  It all looks right and we nod at each other, signaling that we're ready to head out.  We walk out of the room and head down the main hallways to where the ceremony will be held. The butterflies in my stomach return a little.  Deep breaths. I think to myself on repeat.  My two best men and I walk into the main room.  Guests are already starting to get their seats.  The pastor is at the front reading over notes and his bible in his best ceremonial outfit.  I see that Courtney and I's parents are already seated at the front.  Well, except for her father. He does have to give her away after all, much to his dismay I imagine. I continue my breathing exercises and the pastor and I greet each other and shake hands.  After that, he goes back to going through his things and I subconsciously run a hand through my hair.  "Shit...  Guys, did I mess up my hair?" I ask Geoff and Alejandro.

     Alejandro inspects my hair and squints.  "Nope, you look fine."

     "Phew thanks," I say.  I breathe out.  Good. 

     "You're welcome," Alejandro replies.

     I straighten up and make sure not to let my hands near my hair again until after the ceremony.  Then, I notice that the room is full.  Everyone is here.  Behind me, I can tell that the pastor is straightening up himself.  Suddenly the classic tune starts up.  It's happening.  I can't believe it's really happening.  Relief and fear wash over me.  It's finally happening.  Wow.  It's starting.  Here she comes...

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