Jelsa: A Tale of Two Snowflak...

By xxFAnAtiCxx

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Elsa had seen him years ago. She and him became friends over the year. Then he's gone. And now Elsa is seeing... More

Pitch Black
The Guardians
The Boy with the Pale Skin


343 8 3
By xxFAnAtiCxx

A/N i just majorly edited this story, and it's now on a complete different story line. Hope you like it!

•Years Ago•
Don't feel.
Don't let it show.
Those words where etched into my brain. My father moved me away from my sister, and locked me up in my room. I never had any fun, and I was never aloud to leave. I sighed.
"Time to sleep Elsa" I spoke to myself, which is something I've started to do regularly, having no one to talk to and all.

As a lay in bed with my eyes closed, I heard rustling.
Sitting up in my bed, I ran over to the window.
In the moonlight I saw a Brown haired boy walking towards the woods. He looked 14, about my age. Something fell out of his pocket, and he kept walking as it hit the ground with a thud.
He obviously didn't notice.
"Hey wait" I whispered out to him, but I wasn't loud enough, and I knew speaking any louder would alert my father, and he'd come in right away.
"What to do Elsa? What to do..." I whisper-spoke to myself until I had an idea.
I walked over to the metal grate over the window, and froze the lock.
The lock cracked open and I opened it along with the window.
I looked at how far the ground was below me, and used my Ice Powers to create a slide like structure down to the court yard below.

There where guards everywhere.
I remembered that Anna and I used to dig tunnels, and went straight for one, that would easily get me under the castle's gate.
It was a tight squeeze, as I wasn't 5 anymore, but I still got through.
I ran towards the area where he had dropped something.
I picked it up. It was heavy and wooden. It looked a little like a little sketch book.
I took a peak inside, and within it where the most elaborate and beautiful sketches I had ever seen. With that, I ran into the woods where I had seen him last.

The woods where dark and quiet, except for the faint rustling of leaves up ahead. I figured that's where the boy went.
Taking many twists and turns, the noise finally came to a stop, so I ran to catch up.
In front of me was a lake frozen over.
It didn't look very stable, and I saw the boy standing on it. It made me very uncomfortable.
I saw the boy in the light. He had Brown hair to match his Brown eyes.
He was kinda cute...
"Hey..." I startled him and he looked over towards me.
"Uh hi" he answered reluctantly
"I um saw you drop this" I held the notebook out for him to see.
"Oh! Thanks. I'm Jack by the way."
"Wanna come skate with me?"
"Oh I uh, don't know how..."
"Then how about we just talk for now, and I'll teach you to skate tomorrow night?"
The fact that he was implying to see me again made me blush.
"Okay!" Even though I knew I could be a danger, he didn't seem scared of me, and I haven't had a friend in so long..
He sat down on a rock and motioned for me to sit next to him.
"So Elsa, how old are you?"
"I'm 15"
As he was talking, I saw him weave together twigs and vines into two small bracelets.
He took my pale hand, and placed it on my wrist ever so delicately.
We talked for hours, and soon, the sun started rising"
"Oh no!"
"What is it Elsa?"
"I gotta get home! My dad will kill me if he knows I left my room!"
"Oh, you'd better get back. I'll see you tonight?"
I blushed. "Sure!"
He offered me his hand to help me up, and I accepted it.
"Bye Jack!"
"Bye Els"
I blushed furiously over the nickname he had given me. I snapped out of my trance and ran home as fast as I could.
The Sun had just barely gotten above the castle by the time I climbed back up and closed the window and grate.
Jack was so dreamy!
I sat on my bed and stared at the bracelet woven from twigs.
"I've gotta do something back for him!
Hmm but what Elsa? But what..."
I paced back and forth trying to figure out what to get Jack.
"Ooh! I know! I'll make him twigs woven into a crown like thing. It'll look so cute on him!"
"Elsa? Who are you talking to in there?" Papa's voice echoed through the halls.
"No one Papa! Just myself"
"Are you talking about a boy? Did you meet someone?
Papa hounded me with questions. I'm reaching that age where 'I'll start acting rebellious' and he's watching out for it.
"No dad... how would I sneak out? I'm stuck in my room for the rest of my life"
"Now Elsa, princess, your not trapped in there for your whole life. Don't be such a Drama Queen."
Papa exchanged a few more hurtful words to me, and then left.
He hates me. I know it. Anna is his favorite. Because Anna isn't "a burden to the world" like I am.
I started to sniffle, and before I knew it I started crying.
My powers where getting out of hand, and everything around me froze.
After an hour or two of crying I snapped out of it. I need to make that gift for Jack.

I opened my window and the grate on it, and climbed down. It was day time so I was easier to spot than I was last night.
I gathered all the supplies I needed, in the small castle garden, and climbed back up.

I made Jacks gift, and I finished just in time, because pretty soon it would be my bedtime.
I heard scratching, and a second later my food was slid under the door.
It was cold. My father always told the cooks it didn't matter if my food was hot or not because I'd just screw it up anyway.

Creak. Creak. Creak. Creak.
The gates slid closed. The moon was up and it was time for all the Royals and the people in town to be sleeping.
All but Jack and I.
I lie in bed waiting to hear the rustling like I did the first night.
All was silent. I waited for a long time to hear the crunching, but fell asleep before long.

Snap. Rustle. Crunch.
I awoke to the sound of footsteps. The sound of someone walking. I scurried up to the window and saw a beautiful boy with brown hair walking towards the woods.
I grabbed my gift and got outside as fast as I could. I ran towards Jack, and saw that he was carrying something.
Skates. I placed his twig-crown on his head
"Hey Jackie boy" he didn't stop walking but instead replied with "Hey pretty girl"
I blushed furiously and was glad he couldn't see me.

Once we got to the lake, he studied it and determined we couldn't skate on the lake until I can skate off the lake.
"We can just practice in the ice patch for now" and he pointed towards a huge patch of ice.
"After you Els." He held his hand out, and we walked to the patch.

We skated in our shoes for hours, when suddenly "JACK?" Someone yelled out of the darkness.
I looked over at him and he looked worried. Scared even. "Jack-" I started to speak
"I gotta go!" He interrupted me, "Sorry Princess! See you soon" he had a doubtful tone in his voice. "Bye Els..."
He looked longingly at me and then gave me a quick kiss on the cheek.
With that, he was off. Running out of the woods as fast as he could.
Slowly, I made my way home.

Jack's POV
I saw the fear in Els' eyes as I spoke to her.
She looked so pretty in the moonlight. I don't know what came over me, but I leaned in and gave her a quick kiss.
I wanted to kiss her again more than anything. The desire building up inside me.
But instead, I turned and ran as fast as I could towards the voice.

Tonight I was supposed to meet Jack on the lake. We had been meeting every night since I met him, two years ago.
He still doesn't know i'm the Princess of Arendale, and I don't plan on letting him find out.
"Okay Elsa, tonight is finally the night you and Jack will skate on the lake."
A thousand questions swarmed through me.
What do I wear?
What do I say?
How do I act?

I took hours figuring it all out.
"It's your 16th birthday Elsa. You've gotta do something to show Jack how special he is to you."
Hmm but what?
"I know! I'll tell him i'm the Princess!"
Yes! But that's not enough Elsa...
Think harder.
"My Ice Powers?"
No no no it's much to dangerous.
You already act super nervous around Jack
"Your right Elsa. I can't be a danger to Jack..."
But it would truly show him that i like him
"Good point Elsa! I'll do it!"

Jack's POV
Tonight has to be perfect. I'll finally tell Elsa how I feel! She is super important to me. And my best friend. Maybe even more. No... definitely more.
I sneak out of the house, and to avoid being caught by my mom, I go out of my window this time.
I'm so excited, I can't wait to see Els!

Elsa's POV
I run as soon as I get outside the castle walls. I can't wait!!
I ran up to him for a hug, and he caught me off guard, by picking me up and spinning me around instead
"Happy Birthday Els!" He gave me a passionate kiss on the nose
I blushed insanely and he commented "Is the Ice Princess loosing her cool?" Ice Princess?! Did he know?!
"Haha i'm kidding Els!" He set me down gently and handed me a pair of white Ice Skates.

We skated out on the lake. I was absolutely terrified.
"Jack! I'm scared"
"I know, I know... but your not gonna fall in. We are gonna have a little fun instead!"
"No we're not!"
"Would I trick you?"
"Yes! You always play tricks!"
"Well alright, not this time. I promise. I promise, your gonna... your gonna be alright"

Jack's POV
I see how scared Els is, and I don't know what to do!
I see a stick with a crook in it, and pick it up.
I get the hook around Els's waist and pull her out.

She smiles, and then looks down at where i'm standing, she looks terrified
I look underneath me. It was cracking.
I knew trying to get off would make it fall immediately.

I look up at Els, her cheeks stained with tears.
"I love you Els"
I take one last look at her beautiful face.
"Jack no! It's gonna be okay! Your gonna be okay!"
She cried harder, bringing pain in my chest. CRACK
I knew I was about to fall
"Princess, I love you more than anything ever. Okay? I love you. Please please don't be sad. I'll be Oka-"

A/N This is my first story! It is also sort of like Frozen and Rise of the Guardians, but with a twist. Also this episode and other episodes may contain flashbacks!

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