For Better or For Worse

Від Lilrico05

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This is the sequel to Ripped at the Seams....... I know you guys have Been waiting for it so here it is There... Більше

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 3

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Від Lilrico05

It's the weekend and Roman is sitting at the island in the kitchen drinking his coffee and getting some work done on his lap top. While Kianna is getting the twins dressed to have a play date with Sharda and Melody Sharda's and Jason's 4 year old daughter. Once everyone was ready to go Kianna headed to the kitchen to say goodbye to her husband Roman and drop JoJo off at her cheer practice. As Kianna was packing up some drinks and snack for the twins Roman had notice that they were all dressed and ready to go some where and he wanted know where his wife was taking his kids things were about to get inserting between the two of them.
"Where do you think you are taking my kids woman"
"Roman don't start with me right now I told you about the play date I set up with Sharda and Mel today"
"Are you sure Sharda is going to be there"
Kiki rolled her eyes at her husband and said, "yes she will be there and if you don't believe me you can have Brian follow me if you like"
"We should be good as long as someone will be with you"
"For god sakes Roman it was one time and it was years ago I took my eyes off of Nelle for one second when I lost her at the park that day"
"That's all it takes is one second Kianna we could have lost her and would have never seen her again"
"You think I don't know that geez I thought we had gotten passed this but clearly you haven't because you keep throwing it back in my face everytime I leave the house with the kids"
         Kianna didn't want to fight with Roman any more so she told the kids to say goodbye to their father so they could leave. She was mad at Roman for bring something up like that in front of the kids it took her back to that day she lost Nelle at the park she was remind of how Roman made her feel that day. She was trying so hard to fight back the tears when she remembered how angry Roman was at her to the point where he even said he wanted to divorce her.
"Okay kids say goodbye to your dad we need to get going before we make your sister late for practice"
"Bye daddy" the twins said as they hugged him.
"Later dad" JoJo said.
"Bye guys and be good for you mother"
"We will daddy" Nelle replied.
Kianna was heading towards the door when Roman got up and grabbed her by the arm to say goodbye to his wife but once he touched her she pulled away from him and walked out the door. He went after her and shut the car door shut so she couldn't get in and wrapped his arms around her waist and whispered in her ear that he was sorry.
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to upset you like that"
"Whatever Roman since you want to be a dick for whatever reason, have you found out about this so called stalker of yours yet?"
"No I haven't babe please don't fight with me today I got way too much to do"
"Fuck you Roman I can't start with you but it's okay for you to start with me"
"Baby I'm sorry don't be mad at me you know I love you right"
"Right I got to go Roman JoJo is going to be late"
"Hey can I get a kiss before you go" he ask with sad puppy dog eyes.
She kissed him on the cheek and got into the car and shut the door and locked it as Roman waved bye to them.
JoJo was worried about her mother and as the twins were yelling at each other JoJo could tell that her mother was trying so hard not to cry. She leaned over and hugged her mother to make her feel better and ask her if she would be okay.
"Mom are you going to be okay" JoJo ask.
"Yeah JoJo I will be fine don't worry about me or your dad there's something else he's mad about"
"Yeah well he shouldn't really take it out on you and it's pretty messed up of him to lay into you like that"
"It is what it is JoJo but just have fun and be a teenager and don't worry your father and I"
While Kianna was dropping off JoJo at practice Roman was at home in his office waiting on Brian to arrive because he got more details to give Roman about this black mailer. Roman was checking his emails when Brian walked in to the house with his laptop in toe and he needed to get down to business with Roman and find out what is really going on because what he has to show Roman could possibly ruin his marriage.
"Alright boss I got some good news and some bad news which would you prefer first"
"The bad news"
"Well I interrupted this package from being sent to your home just now and it's was addressed to Kianna"
"Okay that's good what's the good news"
"Wait there's more before I show you this are you positive you haven't been cheating on your wife"
"No damn it now just get on with it your testing my patience right now Wolfe" Roman hissed.
"Hey don't shoot the messenger boss" Brian quickly typed away at his laptop and pulled up a video for Roman to watch.
"What's this" Roman asked.
Brain turned the volume up and made the screen bigger so Roman could see everything the first clip was of Roman and some unknown woman sitting at a bar having some drinks and talking and the woman was also putting her hand on Roman's shoulder as he was whispering something in her ear. The next clip was in a hotel room with Roman on the bed and this unknown woman straddling him Roman was naked and so was the woman in the video it looked like they were having sex. Roman had seen enough and he slammed the laptop closed shut and put his head in his hands and yelled at Brian.
"What the fuck is this some kind of joke" Roman yelled at Brian.
"Look boss I know your mad this is what I found out when I looked into things further"
"I know what your gonna say Brian but I haven't been cheating on my wife I don't even know who this woman is"
"I mean after all the women you have been with I'm surprised that you don't recognize her body"
"I'm not cheating on my wife and of course I don't recognize this woman's body the only body I have ever needed to to know is the one that belongs to my wife and the fact that you are accusing me of cheating pisses me off"
"I'm sorry Roman but you don't have to explain yourself to me man but I do know one thing for sure the one person you will have to explain yourself to is that woman who loves you you know your wife because in the end she is the one who will want to know and to be honest with you Roman we go way back and by keeping Kianna in the dark about this will only make things worse for you brother"
With that being said Brian left Roman to ponder the possibility that he indeed had cheated on his wife but the one thing that was bothering both Roman and Brian was the fact that Roman couldn't remember cheating on his wife. He couldn't even remember the name of this woman or what she looked like Roman knew that he had to tell Kianna the truth but he just didn't know how. All he could do was replay that night over in his head he knew that he was on a business trip and that he and Kianna had a fight right before he left about how he doesn't help Kianna with the kids and she was being over whelmed and that Roman didn't seem to care that she needed help. He had gone to the bar that night to blow off some steam but never in his wildest dreams did he think he would run into someone from his past and literally cheat on his wife of 4 years of marriage. Roman tried so hard to shake the memory from his head but he couldn't and all that came to his mind was the fact that his wife would leave him if she ever found out the truth.
Meanwhile Kianna and Sharda where sitting down having lunch while the kids played games at chuckle cheese. Kianna and Sharda were talking about their kids and husbands when the kids came running up asking for some money to play more games.
"Momma momma can we have some money to play games pleaseeee" Mel ask.
"Mel what do you need money for?" Sharda ask her daughter.
"It's fine girl here you guys go" Kiki hands them a 5 dollar bill.
"Girl are you nuts don't be giving them that much money"
"No auntie it's okay JoJo is going to get stuff animals for us" Mikey said.
"Girl don't trip it's Roman's money anyway" Kiki said.
"Okay but I'll pay you back though" Sharda said.
"It's cool you guys go play its on uncle Ro Ro" Kiki said.
"Yay" they all said.
"Thank you uncle Ro Ro" Mel said that was the nickname she gave him.
Kianna went back to eating and talking with Sharda, Sharda could tell something had been bothering her friend so she decided to ask her about it and see if she would be okay.
"Girl you haven't talked much about Roman since we got here I have been asking about how y'all are doing and you just change the subject."
Kianna signed before she spoke, "there is something going on with him and he won't tell me about it and he blow up at me this morning over taking the kids on their play date with Mel today"
"Why what's his deal?"
"I don't know he has been acting distant and strange ever since he had been getting this letters from an unknown person"
"Wow that sounds like he has a stalker of some sort"
"Yeah I guess but did he really have to throw it in my face about the time I lost Janelle at the park"
"He did what! Oh Nell no!" Sharda raised her voice.
"Girl don't even trip I'm over it it's nothing new with Roman you know he always takes his shit out on me"
"Well he better stop before he catches himself a case I'm just saying" Kiki laughed at her best friend.
They went back to talking about the kids and how cute they are when they play together JoJo had nicknamed them the mini shield because when you had all three kids in one room they were horrible, they wrecked everything they came into contact with.
"So I have been trying those positions you told me to try out with Jason and oh my god girl all I can say is damn" Sharda said.
"I told ya they would work girl I ain't an ex porn star for nothing" Kiki said sarcastically.
"Girl bye" Sharda said as Kiki laughed.
"So what are you going to do about Roman" Sharda ask.
"Girl what I always do when he's acting stupid"
"Put that naughty school girl on him" Sharda said as she winked at Kiki.
"Yeah and some of that Spanish too it drives him crazy girl"
"Uh oh no way it does" Sharda ask.
"Girl it does it melts him like chocolate every time"
"Well hell you need to give me some Spanish lesson then so I can put it down on Jason one time." Her and Kiki both laughed.
After awhile they both headed home to their husbands because it was getting late and even though Kiki and Roman had a fight she still didn't want him to worry about where she was.
Once she arrived home with JoJo and the twins they all ran into Roman's office and greeted him as the twins were hugging Roman and telling him all about their day with Mel and auntie Sharda. Kianna went to change her clothes and set up the theater room for movie night for the twins.
"Hi daddy did you miss us" Nelle ask.
"Of course I missed you guys so much" Roman told them as he squeezed them.
"Hi dad" JoJo said as she hugged her father.
"Hi baby girl, where's your mother at" Roman asked.
"She went to go set up the theater for movie night, and she's still mad at you too I think" JoJo told her father.
Roman laughed at Jojo's comment and went back to doing his work and the kids ran off once they heard Kianna calling for them.
"Kids the movie is about to start hurry your little butts up" she yelled towards Roman's office.
"Coming mommy" they both yelled back at her.
"See you later daddy" Nelle said.
"Peace out daddy o" Mikey said.
Roman laughed at the twins as they ran off towards the theater room. Kianna was in the kitchen making snacks for the kids when Roman walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her into him and thrusted up against her ass. She could feel his erection starting to form. Kianna was still upset with him for how he had treated her this morning.
"Go away Roman I'm not in the mood for your shit tonight"
"Baby please I'm sorry I know I said something I shouldn't have but I'm only human and you can't fault me for that"
"I take a lot of shit from you and it's because I love you but don't ever throw that day back in my face again"
"You know I didn't mean what I said to you that day"
"Yeah well it sure did feel like it that day and it still does feel like you want to divorce me"
"Baby I don't want to divorce you I love you with all my heart and I only said those things because I was angry with you"
"Yeah and sometimes I say angry things at you but I never once said that I wanted to divorce you that really hurt Roman and it still does hurt and it doesn't help the fact that you are pushing me away because you're being stubborn and won't let me in and tell me what's really going on"
Roman was about to come clean to his wife when his phone went off letting him know that he received a text message. Roman was still holding on to Kianna's waist when he looked down at his phone and read the text he got from an unknown person.
"Baby I love you I swear that I do but as much as I would love to continue fighting with you but I really need to take this call" Roman kissed her forehead and walked off outside. The message that was sent to him read the following.
"Aww look at how adorable your little family looks" and it was a picture of Roman hugging the twins and another picture of him in the kitchen with Kianna.
"Watch it daddy because that will be the last time you ever touch her like that again tell that bitch to watch out because I'm coming for what's mine"
Roman was so livid and quickly called Brian to get an update on the where a bouts of this person because Roman was done with the bullshit he just wanted his wife back in his heart and his bed.
"Hey we need to hurry up and catch this person because now they know where I live and sent me pictures of my wife and kids"
"I got it boss send me those text messages and I'll see what I can do"
"I don't see Brian do they are coming after my family now and this shit won't fly with me you know that" Roman snapped as he hung up the phone and went back inside.
Kianna was putting the kids to bed and cleaning up the theater room when Roman got into the shower once Kianna was done cleaning and locking up the house she said good night to the kids and headed to her bedroom.
Kianna changed her clothes and was in bed when Roman joined her she was sending out some last minute emails when Roman just stared at her wondering what she was thinking.
"Babe are you still mad at me" he ask her.
"Go to bed Roman I have nothing else to say to you goodnight"
She slammed her computer closed and rolled over on her side and pretended to be asleep. Roman pulled her close to him and just held her tight until she talked to him.
"I love you and I'm sorry baby you mean everything to me"
Kianna started to cry she cried so much that Roman thought something was really wrong with her something he was afraid to find out.
"If you love me so much then why won't you be honest with me and tell me what's going on but in instead you shut me out and make me think the worst"
Roman sighed and said, "I don't mean to push you away I love you you know that just know I will tell you everything as soon as I find out but I know as much as I told you" Roman lied to his wife because he didn't want to upset her even more with the truth being that he could have possibly cheated on her again.
"Yes Roman"
"Can I ask you something"
"Would you ever leave me if I cheated on you"
"Roman where is this all coming from" she ask him.
"It's nothing never mind"
"No I mean it's okay to just ask Roman I wont be mad if you did"
"Well I'm not asking for me I'm asking for Trey he says his wife is a lot like you and he made a stupid mistakes one night and cheated on his wife"
"Oh well in that case in all honest if you did ever cheat on me again hell yes I would leave you in a heart beat I'm not going to put up with all that again"
"Just like that no explanation"
"Yeah just like that I would take the kids and leave and never look back"
"Wow really damn that sucks but I'll let Trey know what you said" Roman knew he could never tell Kianna the truth no matter how hurt she would be he couldn't lose his family over this and he was going to fight like hell to stop this person who was trying to end his marriage.
Roman wanted so badly to be with his wife in a sexual way but after seeing those videos of himself he was sick to his stomach and couldn't bare to have sex with his wife tonight even though that's all he wanted to do was make up with her. Kianna rolled over to face Roman and laid her head on his caramel skin chest and looked up at him and wondered what was going through his mind at this very moment.
"Yes babe"
"I love you and I'm sorry and I don't want fight with you anymore"
He wrapped his arms around her and said, " I love you too babe and I hate fighting with you too"
"Look Roman I know you wouldn't never cheat on me again because I know that is all behind you, you have been the best father and husband these past 4 years and I'm really lucky to have you in my life"
Kianna words put a smile on Roman's face but made his heart feel heavy because he knew that she wasn't really all that lucky to have him because his past was coming back to haunt him and the possibility that he had cheated on her.
Kiki had rolled on top of Roman and straddled him and started to kiss him all over on his neck and chest once she got to his manhood. Roman had made her stop because he couldn't have sex with her knowing that he had sex with another woman other than her.
"Babe not tonight please let's just go to bed we both had long days"
Kianna did as Roman wanted but this was the second time this week that Roman has turned her down and now she was growing suspicion about what was really bothering her husband and once she put two and two together it didn't take her long to figure it out that Roman her husband of 4 years had cheated on her. As Kianna laid in bed pretending to be asleep as tears rolled down her eyes she wondered if Roman would ever come clean to her or if she would have to take actions herself to find out. Roman on the other hand laid awake in bed staring up at the ceiling wondering if he did really cheat on his wife because he couldn't remember anything about that night and the last thing he wanted was for Kianna to up and leave him and take their kids with her. So to keep the peace for now Roman rolled over on his side and watch as Kianna breathed up and down he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into him where her some what naked body caressed his shirtless chest. He kissed her goodnight and held her tight till they fell asleep.

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