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((This is based on the fantastic work of the Quinn JK Rowling)) this is a story about the love you can never... Daha Fazla

Chapter 2
Chapter 3 part 1
Chapter 3 part 2
Chapter 3 part 3
Chapter 4
The end
Lol JK!
Chapter 5 part 2
Chapter 5 part 3
Bonus part!
Chapter 5 part 4
2 weeks after the wedding.

Cahapter 1

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idathepotterhead tarafından

This is a fanfic it Is written bc fremione is my otp and bc I think there aren't that manny fremione fanfics (if you know one please tell me ☺️)



It all started in The late November in Hermione's 4th year. All students was informed of the ball. The Christmas Ball. It was because of The Trie Wizard Tournament. And because of the tournament there was students from other schools. And one of the schools represent was none other than Viktor Krum. A famous quiditch player. Hermione's friends Harry and Ron was crazy of excitement wen they found out (mostly Ron) but only in the start. Ron quickly found out that Krum was "the enemy" he was going to fight agents Harry in the tournament.

Viktor Krum had been on the library (Hermione's most used place for studying) and it annoyed Hermione. Well not him, but all the girls. They followed him EVERYWHERE! Also the library. With there giggling. Hermione couldn't concentrate! Therefor wen Krum came she took her books and left to the common room. It didn't always help. Not because the giggling girls could follow her but because of the Weasley twins they were of cause always nice to her. Nice but noisy. And one day in November Hermione came into the common room with a big pile of books. She fount out that it would be easier to concentrate with 10 screaming 3 year old kids in the room. She sighed and left the common room again. Wen she turned a corner on her way bag to the library, she bombed into none other then Viktor Krum. "Sorry" she said quickly. "Erhhh 'ermion?" Said Krum looking down at Hermione blocking her way to the library. She looked at him quickly. "Sorry" she said again and tried to walk around him but he was still blocking her way. She looked up at him confused. "Ehrm" Krum began "I 'ave watched you... Erhhh in the libery... And I thought youe might want to' go to' erhhh the ball?" Hermione was confused she didn't understand Much of what he said but she did under Stand 'want to go to' and 'the ball' she thought for a second and then she got it. The ball! Krum was asking her to go with him! "Erhhhh 'ermion?" Krum afsked asked a bit confused. Hermione snaped back to realty. "Oh ehhh .... Yes!" She said quickly. "T'anks! T'anks! 'Ermion!" Krum said and gave her a tight hug before he turns and walked away. Hermione was shoved but happy. She turned and walked back to the common room. She had completely forgotten all about the library.

There was much more silent in there now. Maybe because only about 12 stutens was in there. The Weasley twins, Ginny, one of Ginny's manny friends from 3rd year and then the some 2nd and some 5th years. Hermione sat down in a sofa next to Ginny. "Hey Gin" Hermione said "your brothers are quit client... It's odd" Ginny looked up and smiled "yes they are acutely STUDYING!" Fred and George sat in the sofa opposite Hermione, Ginny and Ginny's friend. "Hey!" Fred said and looked up. "We acutely DO our home work!" George said trying to sound angry but he couldn't stop smiling. "Some times..." Whispered Fred. All 3 girls laughed. Then Hermione took out a book and started on her potions essay. 30 minutes later Ginny's friend stud up and yarned. "I'll go to bed now... Are you coming Gin?" She asked. Ginny looked up. "Oh yes coming now" Ginny said and stood up too. Hermione wanted to talk to Ginny but it couldn't be now, with the 3rd year girl and the Weasley twins watching. 10 more minutes passed and then George stood up. "I'm done now Fred... I'm going to bed now." Fred looked up quickly "erhmm yes... I just need to finish this" George nodded and left....

20 minutes later Hermione sighed. "Do you need help?" Fred asked. Hermione looked up at Fred quickly. Fred walked over and sat beside Hermione. His red ginger hair was messy and his brown eyes sleepy. "Yes... Please" Hermione said slowly. "Which subject?" Asked Fred. "Potions" Hermione said and sighed again. Fred looked down at Hermione's essay. But what Hermione didn't see was that he blushed. He was just reminded of his potions class that day: they had worked with the love potion 'amortentia' a potion that changed smell after what the one person likes the most. Fred could smell a sort of forest smell, butter bear and then something he didn't realise what was in the first place. But now he knew. Hermione's hair. He was shocked but quickly managed to say something. "Oh erhh ... Portions well not really my best subject but let's give it a try!" He said. Hermione smiled. Fred spent at least 45 minutes helping Hermione. Wen she was finished and started walking towards her dormitory, Fred stopped her. "Hermione?" She turned. "Yes?" He looked down in Hermione's deep brown eyes. "Erhhh will you go with me to the Christmas ball?" Hermione was tired and just wanted to go to bed and she had no idea how to tell him he was abut 3 hours late. "Oh... I'm sorry Fred..." She said slowly and watched him look more and more disappointed. "I'm already going with some one..." Fred looked at her. "Im sorry Fred.." "No it's okay... I'll - I'll just go with one of the French girls" he said trying to be funny. It didn't work. he turned quickly and walked up to his dorm. "See you tomorrow Granger..." "I'm sorry Fred!" She said again. She waited.Then she went up in bed and thought of all the things she could have done and said. She didn't get much sleep that night...

Fred had no idea why he asked Hermione. 'YOU STUPID GINGER!' He though to himself while taking a quick shower before bed. 'WHY DID YOU DO THAT?! SHE ONLY SEES YOU AS A BROTHER YOUR IDIOT!' He thought. 'Or.... Does she?' He then thought going out of the shower. 'Well... She did say sorry three times... Maybe she really is taken... I need to .... No that would be rude ... Oh god Fred Weasley you ARE an idiot...' He could feel a big hole inside himself... But why? Was it friendly? Or in a brother way? ... Or was it because... 'NO' he thought surprised of him self 'but' said a voice in his head 'the smell in the amortentia...' He bite his lip 'the smell...' That love potion smelled of something the person really LOVED. 'I have to be Professional' he though... Fred got to bed. He tried to sleep but he couldn't stop thinking of Hermione.

Next day...

The next Day Hermione knew why Fred asked her. It was of course like friends! 'He meant it professional! Stupid! Stupid Hermione!' She thought. She wanted to say sorry (again) to Fred. But he avoided her all day. Hermione had no idea why but she felt guilty. 'But it is NOT my fault!' She thought 'or is it? Don't I have a part of the fault? But what part' Hermione couldn't concentrate in her classes... 'I need to speak to Ginny...' Hermione thought. She got the opportunity later that day. Ginny was coming out of the common room just wen Hermione was about to go in. "Gin!" Hermione said. "I need to talk to you.... Now..." Ginny nodded and Hermione found a hidden passage where they could talk without people listening "Gin..." Hermione began. She decided to go strait to the point. "Fred asked me to go with him to the ball..." Ginny looked surprised "go!" "I can't" Hermione said slow. "Why?" Asked Ginny confused. "Well... I'm going with Krum..." Said Hermione awkward "WHAT?!" Shouted Ginny surprised. "He... He asked me about 3 hours earlier then Fred... And - and I said .. Yes..." Said Hermione. "Omg" whispered Ginny. "Viktor Krum? That Viktor Krum? The quiddich player?" Hermione nodded. "Holy cow! Are you sirius?!" Asked Ginny smiling from ear to ear. "Yes Gin! ..... Oh god I don't know what to do!" Hermione said trying to hold back tears. Why the hell was she going to cry now?! Why! Ginny hugged her. "Hey 'mione you have no idea how many girls that are gonna be jealous!" Hermione knew Ginny was trying to comfort her but it didn't help much. 'Why? Ginny can always make me happy! Can't she?' Hermione was confused. For the first time EVER she had no idea what to do.

To get some time to Think Hermione walked outside in the freezing wind. There wasn't snow yet but the lake was frozen. Hermione walked fast down towards the lake. To find a quite place alone where no one could see her. She turned around a Bunch of trees and bumped into... "Fred!" She said surprised. "Hey granger..." He said trying to sound happy. They looked at eatchother for some time. "It's freezing out here! Don't you think?" Fred nodded. "Here" he gave her his jacket. "You're cold" Hermione smiled. "Soooo who are you going with then..." Hermione looked down. "Viktor. Viktor Krum..." She said slowly. Fred got a bit pale. "When did he ask you?" Fred's voice was shaking. Hermione looked at him quickly then looked down again. "About 3 hours before you..." Fred stopped walking he was as pale as snow. He nodded then turned and walked back to the castle... Hermione was confused 'what was that all about?!' She thought. She kept walking and thinking for 5 minutes then stoped slowly. 'Wait...' She thought with a smile 'the lake... Is frozen!' She dropped Fred's jacket (she had forgot all about it) and sprinted down to the ice. She stopped. Then slowly walked out on the ice. She was 5 meters out wen the ice cracked. She fell through through the ice. It was freezing! 'I'm gonna die' she thought. It felt like hours. Then a pair of strong arms was raped around her and dragged her up. She couldn't open her eyes but the person Carried her up to the castle.

She woke up in the hospital wing. Confused. 'What the hell just happened?' She thought after taking a look around. The last thing she remembered was walking out on the frozen lake. She thought for some time.

Then someone opens the door to the wing slowly. "'Mione?" The person said slowly. Hermione didn't know who it was she couldn't focus on the face. All she knew was that the person had flaming red hair.

The person sprinted over to Hermione's bed. "God! 'Mione you've woken!"

It was Fred. Hermione didn't know if she was happy or not. She didn't even know her oven last name! Fred dragged a chair over beside Hermione's bed. He sat down and took her hand. Hermione looked out a window. It was dark outside. How long had she been here? Hours? Days? Weeks? "Fred?" She said slowly with a week voice. "Shhhhh" he said slowly robbing her hand softly. "How long was I asleep?" Fred looked at her. "Quite long... It's the 19th of December... Wait..." He looked at his watch. "Oh 20th of December!" Hermione got pale. "20th!! What?! The Christmas ball is in 4 days!" "Yep" Fred said in a sad tone. "Have... Have you found a date...?" His face turned darker. "I'm going with one of the French girls... Sophia I think... George is taking Angelina..." Hermione nodded. Fred had stooped rubbing Hermione's hand. "Fred I don't want to spent the hole night with Krum... Can you please do me a favour?" Fred looked at her curious "what?" "Can you meat me that night? After the 3 first songs? Outside? Down by the lake?" She was almost gonna say please, but she didn't have to. "Of course" he smiled.

Hermione fell asleep with Fred holding her hand. But wen she woke up he was gone.

"Fantastic! You're awake miss. Granger!" "You don't say!" Said Hermione smiling. Hermione had a quick check then she was free to go. Yes the nurse called it 'a quick check' but it wasn't quick it took about 3 hours! She got out in time to lunch. But she wasn't hungry, so she went to the common room. She meat Ginny on the way. "'Mione! You're out!" Ginny smiled. "Yes I am'' said Hermione smiling from ear to ear. "I have so much to tell you!" Ginny started. "First of all... I'm going to the ball!" "What? Who?" Hermione said surprised. "Well Neville but I don't care who I'm going with just that I'm going!" Hermione was happy that Ginny was going AND that it was with Neville... He probably didn't stand a chance with anyone.

Wen they entered the common room it was empty not one single student. Hermione and Ginny sat down in a sofa next to the fire. The Christmas brake was started so no one had to worry about classes. They talked about all the things that had happened wen Hermione was at the hospital wing. Wen they talked students slowly began to come. Neither Hermione or Ginny payed attention to them. Then the Weasley twins entered the common room. They said something Hermione didn't hear and everyone laughed. Then they sat Down in the sofa. George beside Ginny and Fred beside Hermione. "Helloooo ladies!" Fred said "hey" Ginny said. "Good to se that you finely woke up Hermione!" Said George smiling. "Yep" fake yawned Hermione "I really needed that nap..." They talked for long Hermione didn't care where Harry and Ron was right now she was happy. It turned darker out side. Then Hermione yawned and this time it was a real yawn. Fred laid a blank over Hermione. "Thanks Freddie" Hermione smiled. She leaned her head at Fred cheats. He wrapped an arm around her. Hermione could hear Fred's heart beat. Fred hand was lying on Hermione's shoulder. George and Ginny couldn't stop smiling. Hermione fell asleep, but Fred, George and Ginny kept talking it was almost time for dinner wen Ron entered the common room pale as snow. "Ron!" Shouted Ginny "what happened?" Hermione woke up wen Ginny shouted. She found herself laying with her head on Fred's lap and his arm rubbing her shoulder gently. She slowly sat up. She smiled to Fred. "What's wrong with you?" Ginny asked someone behind Hermione. Hermione turned and saw Harry looking at Ginny who was holding an arm around Ron. Harry looked sad and Ron was pale and looked scared. "What's wrong with you two?" Fred asked. "They got a no from the girls they asked to the ball..." Said Ginny. "And now we have to go with 'the leftovers'" said Ron. Hermione lost it. "WHAT?!" Hermione stud up from the couch and walked over to Ron. "What did them Ronald?!" Ron didn't care about what Hermione said he looked up at her and then got an idea. "Wait! Hermione you're a girl!" He said happy. "Oh how clever you are Ronald!" She said angry. "You can go with one of us!" He said still happy. Hermione blushed. "No. I can't" "what?" Ron looked confused. "I've already been asked!" 'More then once...' Fred thought sadly. "Who are you going with?" Asked Ron surprised. "It's none of your business!" Hermione said storming out of the common room. "Okay... Ginny you can go with Harry... I'll just-" "sorry Ron I can't" she said a bit sad. "What? Not you too! Who are you going with?" Ginny sighed "Neville..."

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