Lol JK!

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Sorry guys! I'm soooooo changeable!! Did you really think I'd only have 4 chapters! Forget about it!


Chapter 5

"Fred... Please... I-I don't like this prank, Fred. Please. Wake up! Please!" A tear rolled down George's cheek and landed on Fred's forehead.

And as if it was some sort of spell or sign, that it was time, Fred Weasley opened his dead eyes.

Fred felt a cold but yet warm salty drop land of his forehead. He opened his eyes confused of what was going on. Wen he opens his eyes he could se 3 faces, all with red eyes and wet checks. One of the tree was sitting to his left. It was George. Next to his head was Ginny, like George, she had a confused, shocked, surprised, scared and yet happy look. But he didn't have time to recognise the last of the tree. His view had Ben blocked by a messy mane of brown hair. The person was hugging him tight.

And then he could smell it. Amortentia.

And he knew it was Hermione.

then she whispered something wonderful in his ear.

"I love you too."

And all of a sudden she had pressed her lips agents his. Fred was happy and without thinking he at once kissed her back. His right hand was laying softly by her wet cheek. Softly he started brushing her tears away with his thumb.

They broke apart to get air but they still had there foreheads pressed together.

"Fred?" Ginny's voice was shaking. She didn't care that her best friend had just kissed her brother.

Her dead brother.

Hermione sat up right again wen she remembered that her and Fred weren't the only two there.

At turns Fred hugged George, Ginny and the rest of the family who had been standing around them.

They found out that Fred was inches from dead but survived. No one could tell how.

But Hermione didn't care.

He was alive.

She gripped his hand never wanting to let go.

Fred smiled at her, they both sat on the floor of the great hall. Hermione smiled back and a cupel of new tears rolled down her cheeks. Fred raised his free hand up to brush Hermione's tears away and wen his hand retched her chin, she closed her eyes and enjoyed the feeling of his hand on her skin.

Fred lowered his hand and waved her closer. And he made shore to be very close to her ear wen he asked:

"Hermione? Would you mind being my girlfriend?"

"No Fred" she whispered back smiling. "I wouldn't mind at all"

And then again there lips crashed together.

'What an amazing feeling' Hermione thought. 'I truly love him! And he loves me back! It's amazing!'

Fred's lips was dry and warm. She could tell that he really WAS alive. It was like pure MAGIC!

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