Love the way you lie

By 1niallD

473 27 3

Niall Horan fanfic :) More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13

chapter 8

13 2 0
By 1niallD

My dry mouth woke me up. I was in a bed I'd never seen before. I turned my head around and found Zayn laying on the other side of the bed sleeping. I thought I would pas out when I saw him. I don't remember a single shit of what happend last night.

I found my dress and took it on before I dissapeard out the door. I fast realized I was at Zayns house. I ran down the stairs and found Liam and Julie on the cough.

"What the fuck" I yelled.

Liam woke up immediatly.

"Carro" he said and looked at me before he looked down at Julie.

"Looks like you got something last night" Liam said.

"You too" I said and nodded my head at Julie

"Is Niall here" Liam asked and sat up.

"No" I said and Liam looked at me with a wide open mouth.

"You did Zayn" he asked.

"Nialls gonna kill me" I said and ran to the kitchen and puked like fuck in the sink.

Liam came running after me while he laughed. "Are you okay" he asked.

"Do I look okay" I showed him my middle finger.

"Maybe you're pregnant" he said.

The words hit me hard. "Don't you fucking say that" I thought I would pas out. I never puke when I'm hangover.

I had noe idea what the fuck I was gonna tell Niall. "Hey I fucked your bestfriend" would not work at all.

Zayn came down the stairs. "Whats happening" he asked.

"You made her pregnant" Liam said and I took an apple and threw it at him.

"Shut the fuck up Liam". Liam laughed and my head was still in the sink.

"We used protection" Zayn said.

Could this be more awkward?

"I don't remember a shit" I said and drank water.

My phone was vibrating, Niall was calling me.

"Hey Zayn have you seen..." Niall came in the door. He didn't say anything more when he noticed us. "What is going on here".

"Zayn made her pregnant" Julie said.

Of course she did, because she has no fucking clue of how things work around here. At a minute I thought I would kill her, but I mostly wanted to kill myself so.

"He did what" Niall looked confuced and Liam had his mouth open and laughed a bit. He is probably still drunk.

"Say something" Niall yelled since none of us answerd him.

"I'm sorry" Zayn said and stared down on the floor.

I had to puke more so I turned my head around into the sink. When I turned it back up again Niall had dissapeard and Zayn laid on the floor holdning his hand on his eye. Julie looked scared and Liam just sat on the bench, eating an apple like nothing is wrong.

I wanted so bad to run after Niall, telling him how sorry I was and all that shit but I couldn't, I just puked like fuck all the time. At a moment I thought I was pregnant. After a while I got my shit together and ran after him. I had to stop in the middle of the street to puke more.

"Girl are you okay" a harsh male voice asked.

"Do I look fucking okay" . I had now come to the part where there is nothing to get up so you just stand there, puking air and water. I turned my head around and looked at him.

A tall guy with curly brown hair, a headband and way to tight jeans stood behind me. He looked extreamly handsome.

There I stood with yesterdays makeup, sex-hair, a dress and puke all over me.

He handed me his bottle of water and I drank it while I stared at him. I had no idea what to say, I was so embarresed.

"Hangover" he asked and smiled.

"No pregnant"

His face changed dramatically.

"I'm joking" I said after a while and handed him an empty bottle of water.

"Thank God" he said and opened the bottle to drink but realized fast it was empty.


"Why is that" I crossed my arms.

"Uhm..cause that will asume that you have a boyfriend"

More awkward.

"Oh..Well I do, or well I think I do" I said and uncrossed my arms.

"I'm Harry Styles by the way. And you btw look like you need something to eat" he suggested and stared at me.

How awkward is this guy?

"Uhm..I was running after my boyfriend and just had to take a pause and yeah you know so I think I will keep running after him, but thanks Harry" I said and nodded my head before I sarted running.

"You can at least tell me your name" Harry yelled after me.

I turned my body around and yelled "Caroline" before I ran further.

I ran over to Nialls apartment and thank God he was there. I opened the door, ready to explain everything.

"Niall" I said and had to struggle so I didn't puke the water the guy gave me all over his floor.

"I have nothing more to say to you Caroline" it looked like he was about to cry.

"Love the way you lie" I said.

"haha fuck no" Niall laughed. "My bestfriend? My Goddamned bestfriend? Off all the people around here you had to take him. You know I hate giving Zayn a black eye" he stared out the window.

"Can you fucking stop staring out the window all the fucking time Niall? I'm sorry I mean it. I don't remember a fucking shit from last night. For everything I know we didn't do it" Terrible exuse.

"Oh well then it's okay" he rolled his eyes. "I'm so fucking tired of you Caroline".

"I fucked up" I walked over to him and tried staring in his eyes.

"Can't fucking wait to  leave" Niall said quiet.

"Are you gonna leave me now" He had all the right to do it.

"I should have done it months ago" Niall said.

"Oh don't you fucking dare say that 'cause you know it's not true" my temper was bigger than I had expected.

"Not again" Niall rolled his eyes again.

Niall POV;

On the first page everything seemed so fucking bright. Then things turned out so evil, why am I even shocked? But she'll always be my angel. Always. And I fucking hate that. This tug of wars she always wins, even if I'm right. I try to run but I don't wanna leave not until our walls are burning, and all our memories turns into smoke, but at a time like this, there's no fucking walls. 

"Get the fuck out" I yelled at her and stood up, pointing at the door.

She took her arms up and pushed me over the table. A glass fell on the floor and broke. She was crying.

"Don't leave me" she yelled and held around me.

"Hush. Speak softly, tell me I'll be sorry that you pushed me into the table, so I can fucking puch you off me" I was screaming even louder than her.

"Whate the fuck Niall" she frowned her forhead. I love being poety.

My body laid against the table and hers into mine.

I pushed her away from me and walked away from her and found my bag. I took my phone out off the charger before I walked in the direction of the door. I turned around and threw my keys at her. She stared at me while tears ran down her face.

"It's over" I said. I ran down the stairs while my eyes started tearing up.

Carolines POV;

"I fucking hate you" I yelled after him while he dissapeard out the door. I knew where he was Ireland.

This is the end. The fucking end we all have been waiting so patient on. The hardest thing in the world must be saying good bye to the once you love. I know he will never come back. I fucked up so hard this time that he will never be able to forgive me. And yet I don't blame him. I can't believe eveything we have been trough together. When I search through my thoughts I realize what a complete idiot I actually am, and how fucking much he must have loved me. Nothing in this world can be more hurtfull than watching the person you love have sex with somebody else. I love him so fucking much.

I cried my eyes out.

I found the keys he threw at me and realized it was the keys to his apartment. I locked the door and fell down on the floor, screaming. I fell asleep.

I woke up with an obnoxious feeling inside me. I ran into the bathroom and puked. I took my phone up and called Liam. He answerd me fast and was wondering where I was, and told me he was sorry.

"I am puking more" I cried.

"Caroline, you have to take a pregnancy test. I will come with you. And you have to eat" his voice was so serious

I nodded my head while tears ran down my face, after a while I realized he could not see me and I said no that he didn't need to join me before I hung up. I was still wearning my dress, so I found some other clothes. I found my wallet before I ran over to a store, which was closed. It's 11 at night. I've slept all day.

I walked around and tried to find a store who wasen't closed. After a mile I found one almost in the city.

I walked over to the section where all the girl things was. The store was almost empty. I stared at all the different testes. I was terryfied. After about 10 minutes I just took one and walked awkwardly to pay it while I tried hiding it the best I could in my hands.

"Oh fuck" I said out loud.

"We meet again" Harry said.

I can't believe I met this hot, sosical awkward guy again.

"So what's for the lady today" He said and raised his head high.

"Nothing" I said awkwardly.

"Did you find your boyfriend" he asked.

"Sort'a" I just wanted to run out and never see this weird guy again.

"So he left you, or you him"

"What the fuck" I said and stared at him with the weirdest look ever.

"You're here by yourself, buying a pregnancy test, and I can tell you have been crying" he smiled a little sassy smile. "and you told me that you wan't sure if you had a boyfriend".

I thought I would pas out. How the fuck did he know?

I stared at him for a long time.

"We have camras you know" he said and pointed at the screen behind him.

"You've watched me?" I rolled my eyes.

"Of course"

I gave him the pregnancy test and paid for it. He gave me my change back before I walked awkwardly out of the store.

"Hey Caroline" he yelled.

I turned around and looked at him. He came running after me.

"No woman should ever take a pregnancy test by herself" he said and stood by my side.

"Are you telling me I should bring you with me" This british guy started freaking me out more and more.

"Yes I am. I can be good support" he smiled.

"What if you're a rapist" I crossed my arms.

"That's just a risk you have to take" he squeezed his mouth together.

"What ever"

I rolled my eyes. I'm so broken right now that I don't even give a fuck.

I started walking and he came after me. His mouth wasn't shout a single secound the whole trip back the apartment.

"It's a nice place" Harry said while looking around.

"It's not mine" I said and walked into the bathroom.

I started crying while staring at the box. What the fuck will I do if I'm pregnant? I have no fucking money and I don't know how to handle a baby. The only thing I know is that I will never take an abortion.

Harry came over to me and opened the box for me.

"I'll help you" he read the script for a few secounds before he handed it to me.

"Okay you pee on that thing, than we wait for 3 minutes". I will admit he was supportive.

I sat down peeing not even giving a shit that a complete stranger stood on the bathroom with me.

After I was done I put it on the bathroom-desk and stared at Harry. Tears was streaming down my eyes. Harry opened his hands and took them around me. He gave me a tight hug.

"I don't know you, but I know you will make it whatever it shows" he said quiet.

His body was warm and he smelled extramly good.

"I can't believe he left me" I yelled.

"He's a dick" Harry said and started swinging his body.

"I love him, but at the same time I hate him so goddam much" Why am I telling a stranger about my problems?

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