Son Of A Gun (Zarry AU)(seque...


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Just when you think you can't love someone more than you already do you start falling harder. Just when you t... More

Son Of A Gun (Zarry AU)(sequel to The Mobsters Boyfriend)
Ch.2 All of Me.
Ch.4 Welcome Home.
Ch.5 We all hurt.
Quick note:
Ch.6 Voices.
Ch.7 distractions.
Ch.8 you're a bit pathetic.
Bad news: Don't be mad.
Ch.9 A New Low.
Ch. 10 disturbing the peace.

Ch.3 Tonight.

1.7K 80 37

"Stella, thanks again for watching James, There is t.v. dinners in the freezer, but don't let him eat the brownie he gets a upset stomach every time he eats it." Harry says putting on his shoes

"Harry, were almost a hour late." Zayn says sitting on the couch his elbows rest on his knees as he waits for his husband.

"oh, yeah his bedtime is  at 8:00 ok no later. if he gets restless warm up some milk and it'll knock him right out." Harry stumbles out.

despite Harrys thorough explanation and direction Stella still looked clueless.

Zayn laughs in realisation. before standing to his feet his smirk making Harry suspicious. Out of no where Zayn begins to speak to Stella explaining everything harry said in Spanish.

Harry just stood there watching the scene.

"Alright, you ready to go?" Zayn asked after turning around to face Harrys confused but pleased face.

"Yeah, we should head out before he wakes up from his nap and clings to your leg." Harry sighs out.

"Wait did you tell her not to-" harry begins but before he could finish Zayn turns harry around towards the door waving to Stella as they left.

"Zayn you crazy bastard I swear if-" but before Harry could finished Zayn pressed his lips to Harry's shutting him up.

"Were going out ok, we have to find niall a friend. James will be o.k. now go start the car and i'll go drop the money off." Zayn commands in his sweet voice.

Harry rolls his eyes but reaches into Zayns coat pocket, retreiving the car keys.

Zayn smiles satisfied before walking away from Harry and to the office of the apartment complex.

He arrives at the glass door that read office in a chipped off white paint and sighed.

He knew he had a lot of persuading to do, but he felt like the man of his home and he knew he needed to take care of his family.

He let's his knuckle connect with the glass the noise of it echoing off of the walls.

"enter." he heard Marcos Spanish voice say like a evil villan which in Zayns case he was.

The ex-mobster shoved his ego aside and walked into the office pulling his leather wallet out of his back pocket.

"I have the rent money." zayn says pulling out the last of the cash he had to his name.

"about time, I thought I was gonna have to put you guys out on the street." Marco says smirking evily.

"look, I need a favour. My uh my partners birthday is coming up and I just want to take him out to dinner but this is all I have left for money and...look can I pay half now and half next week." Zayn asked.

Marco looks at him and just laughs making Zayns anger boil. He really didnt want to do something that would show his past but his landlord does not know who he's messing with.

"you're kidding me, no way." he says. Zayn couldn't help but roll his eyes.

"look, please put yourself in my shoes.  Don't you have a wife."  zayn asked as a last effort to ask in a civil way.

"my personal life does not concern you, nor does yours concern me. You can give me the full amount or you can pack your bags." the landlord threatens.

"Fine!" Zayn almost shouts, he wanted to slap those glasses right off of his old wrinkly Spanish face.

he throws the 500 notes on the desk and he begins to walk out of the office happy he didnt let his anger get the best of him.

just when he was about to be out of the office peacefully Marco made a mistake.

"like i'd ever help a couple of fags. el loco." the old man says speaking Spanish towards the end.

That was it.

Zayn turns around. immediately startling the old man. Zayn the pushes everything off of his desk before leaning over it and grabbing Marco by his collar.

"Don't ever disrespect me or my family, you don't know who I am or what I'm capable of and you don't want to find out." Zayn spits leaving the elders heart beating.

Then he pushes him back making the once noble proud man feeling vulnerable and weak.

"I'm taking half of this." Zayn says taking half of the money and exiting.

Harrys P.O.V.

since when does he speak Spanish, I've been living here just as long as him and yes I've picked up some of the words but he spoke it fluently.

Where is he anyways. Soon enough I see him walk out of the building. Fist clenched....he was pissed.

I move over into the passenger seat when he nears the car.

"what happened?"  I ask.

"nothing." he responds pulling out of the car park.

"We can't build our lives on secrets." I say turning to look at him.

he looks at me and glares, but I could tell he was trying not to laugh.

"Shut up Harry, I'll talk to you about it later." he says chewing on his lower lip. I smile, he still hasn't broke that habit.

"You, really think Niall will agree to go out with us." I ask putting my hand on his thigh mentally admiring how his tight black jeans fit him.

"Yeah, well he has no choice now all we have to worry about is if that guy you found at the market is intrested." Zayn replies looking to his left to make sure no cars were coming.

" Nialls a cute one, I'm sure alejandro will love him." zayn quickly looks at me his tongue sticking out as he gives me a amused smile.

"alejandro, my god Harry can he speak even speak English." Zayn asked obnoxiously.

"You're kidding me right....if you can speak Spanish I'm sure he can speak English." I say squeezing his thigh.

"I'm just saying." zayn replies as we pull into where niall lives he was waiting outside.

"look who's anxious." Zayn says smiling at his Bestfriend as he gets in the back seat.

"more like sexually frustrated." Nialls Irish accent admits.

"Wait this is not just a booty call." I enforce.

"if he's hot enough it is." niall replies.

"well I'm sure alejandro is thinking the same thing." Zayn jokes.

"alejandro...can he even speak English?" niall asked making zayn bust out in laughter.

"Shut it Malik." I say smiling to myself.

"I love you too babe." he says smirking.

I was having fun already. It's been a while since I could...I don't know let my hair down...?

Soon enough we arrive at the cafe that I guess alejandro's family owns.

"Here we are." I announce.

"are you nervous?" zayn asked turning off the car.

"shit, yes." Nialls tough Irish accent says confident.

"let's go then." I say getting out of the car.

When we arrive inside the cafe it was nice on the inside you would almost think it was a Italian cafe.

"hi um were looking for alejandro." The women at the counter smiles at me.

Then she yells something insanely fast in Spanish. the only thing understandable to me was alejandro.

Soon enough out walked the man i met at the market. His light brown hair was lightly gelled emphasizing his curls that were a bit smaller then mine. his sun kissed skin letting his light green eyes look unbelievably sexy. He was fit. But, I wasn't into innocent Spanish romantics.

"Harry, how are you. good?" he asked his accent sounding like he was from the movies.

"si." I respond.

"And you must be niall, I must say you look much better in person." alejandro says, but to my Zayn.

Zayns eyes almost bulge out of his head.

"Uh no sorry, I'm not niall this is niall." he says clearing his throat and moving so niall could be in eye sight.

" Oh, I am so very sorry." the Spanish lad that I now like less says kissing Nialls hand.

"It is very nice to meet you." alejandro says but his eyes still looked at zayn.

and I don't know if it was just jealousy but I really wanted to go home now.

"please, join me in the back." the Spanish asshole says leading us to the back grinning at us but at zayn in particular.

I swear Zayn smiled back, I mean is he dumb we have a child.

We all sit down at a table that was lit by candles which was horribly  cheesy if you ask me.

"I'm so glad you agreed to meet me Neil." the now nick named Spanish asshole says not even pronouncing Nialls name right.

"its our pleasure." Zayn says. I nearly threw up at his response ooooh when we get home I swear.

"I had ah no idea Harry had such good looking uh friends." alejandro says again his eye contact not leaving my Zayns brown ones.

"Nialls the real looker,Zayn just got lucky today." I say trying to change the subject to niall.

Zayn looked at me raising a eyebrow but letting my comment go with a laugh.

"yes Niall your eyes I must say are very bonito." he says flinging his Spanish language around like he's special. guess what you Spanish asshole everyone in this country can speak Spanish so....

"and, you.. Zayn is it. your eyes remind me of the sun during how do say oh  Autumn." I was about ready to blow, why did Zayn allow him to do this.

" Gracias los ojos están muy bien" zayn replies why the hell in Spanish I don't know but all I know is the Spanish asshole is now happy to know that my sons father speaks Spanish.

"ah, Spanish with a English accent very different but quite sexy." oh the nerve this Spaniard has is dangerous.

Niall has just been sitting here enjoying my reaction to the whole thing. I assume he wasn't interested in him.

Zayn just turns his head not acknowledging it to much.

Smart move malik.

Soon the same women from the front of the  cafe came to us with a platter full of tacos.

"Ah! thanks senora." Spains biggest asshole says sending the women off with an award winning smile.

At this point I realize I should never be a matchmaker at a spanish market.

"Niall, are you hungry." niall just grins amused by the whole events of tonight as he grabs a few greasy tacos.

"Harry?" alejandro asked gesturing to the platter of food.

" you know i'll take some to go and Zayn maybe you should bring some home for OUR son." I say taking a taco with my bare hands and biting it as I walk out. Niall busting out into laughter.

As I get outside I throw the tack to the ground despite how good it tasted, Zayn arrived soon after.

"Harry what the hell was that." Zayn asked walking past me and to the car.

"I don't know you tell me you... Spanish dick lover." I say as I get into the passenger seat.

Zayn begins to pull out of the car park.

"Uh what about niall and what did you say to him in Spanish?" I ask

"niall has a booty call to tend to and I just returned the compliment." Zayn says laughing.

"Don't laugh this isn't funny." I say.

"What's wrong?" he asked more serious.

"You. Zayn javvad Malik-Styles were flirting with Nialls date." I yell as we arrive at our apartment.

"Harry, no I wasn't I was being a wing man." he defends.

"really because to me it looked more like you were taking flight of the whole situation and you were not coming down anytime soon" I yell.

yet his smirk stayed on his face.

"Harry are you jealous?" zayn asked.

I wasn't going to play this game so I get up and go to our flat he was close behind.

"Harry, talk to me." he said. as we arrive to our flat.

but as I go to open the door I see a white sign that red EVICTION NOTICE.

"Zayn, explain." I say ripping it off of our teal door.

Zayns eyes immediately read guilt.

"Let's go inside and I'll explain." he says calmly.

"I want to know now, you were supposed to pay the rent today so what is this." I yell a little too loud.

"Harry, calm down." he says trying to pull me into a hug, but I pull away.

"You have five minutes." I say.

"Ok, so Marco he uh he disrespected you and I-my anger got the best of me I-" but I cut him off

"No Zayn your ego, your pride got the best of you and now... you, no your whole family is homeless." with that I open the door to our flat but only enough so I could get in.

"Go to niall's for the night!" I yell before slamming the door in his face.

"Dada!" I hear James yell and then I feel his two little arms wrap around my legs.

I breath before turning around.

"You're still up!" I say smiling as I pick him up.

"Sorry senor Styles." Stella says but I just nod at her to leave. She nods and does that letting Zayn in during the process.

"Puppy!" I hear James yell.

I turn around to see Zayn with a pleading look in his eyes.

"go to your room and pick a book for dada to read you." i whisper in James ear.

he smiles before I put him down and he runs off to his room.

"Zayn, I do not want to see you right now just go." I say.

"Harry I'm sorry, look I can make it better." Zayn says.

"Go!" i shout.

"No this is my home." Zayn says standing his ground.

"Fine then I'll go!" I say pushing past him grabbing the keys and walking out of the door.

I quickly went outside and got in the car. I take a breath and then slammed my fist against the steering wheel, I sit there my thoughts looming over my head until I decide to start the car. I was planning on going to Nialls until I realised the tank was empty.

"fuck." I say turning the car off but turning the radio on but Ofcourse alejandro by lady ga ga was on. so I turn that off and decide to sit in silence.

Fuck Tonight. Fuck Money.


A/N: it took all day to write thus because I was side tracked lol but here's Ch.3 but as you can see money causes a lot of problems in relationships :/ but it'll work out!!!

Ever since josh told them the news about Louis they've been under a lot of stress but they're evicted now... what are they gonna do!!!

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