Ch.6 Voices.

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Louis P.O.V.

"you have had 2 and a half years taken off of your sentence... due to bail and good behavior." The judge says to me as I sit in my Orange jump suit hands cuffed.

"you will be on 8 months of probation, and you must check in with your monitor 3 out of 5 days during the work days are we understood Mr. Louis Tomlinson." the elder women says taking advantage of her power.

"Yes m'am." I reply.

"no,....bitch listen to us not her."

" well in that case you are to be released back into society, but don't think we won't be watching you our eyes will be wide open."

"Yes ma'm" I reply as the cops guide me out of the court room.

Prison was not at all what I was use to. Sure I'm use to being surrounded by killers and gamblers but the bitterness and cold hearted inmates rub off on you...I'm not even angry anymore to be honest I'm just scared not of anyone just myself.

I have a list, a list of what I miss the most about the real world. Harry still some how tops the list. he's like a drug and when youre addicted you'd do anything to have it.

but prison was like my rehab and as long as I don't relapse things should be okay.

"you're a nobody, Louis listen. listen."

things have changed for me and I realize that these voices that I hear in my head aren't thoughts they're people I know it but no one will believe me. It just started one day while I was locked up just as I got done with writing Harry my 55th roomate burned it and there was nothing I could do about it... then the voices screamed for me to kill him....that's all they ever want me to do kill. The prisons psychatrist diagnosed me with schitzophrenia, and bi polar sydrome and she gave me pills but the voices hated when I took them so I stopped.

"Hey Tomlinson someone's waiting for you outside." a prison gaurd says handing me the belongings I came here with as I enter the departure section of the prison.

"Tom was it." I ask, remembering him from the first day I was here.

"kill him. kill him. kill him" the voices in my head scream.

"Shut up." I say under my breath earning a odd look from the gaurd.

"he thinks you're a fool Louis kill him" The voices scream again

"Shut up!" I scream.

"Hey are you alright son?" the gaurd asked concerned.

"Who's waiting f-for me?" I ask stuttering.

"A Greg Horan." the gaurd says his voice reminding me of the time he knocked me out with his police baton, because I didn't get to my cell fast enough.

"he'll kill you if you don't kill him." The voices screech out making me shake and grab my head in pain.

"we have a 887 here in departure." the guard says into his walky talkie.

and that was the trigger this time.

"sir, i'll be leaving now." I say the voices in my head going silent.

"Yeah, maybe you should wait here a second" the guard says as I walk towards the automatic doors ignoring his suggestion, but things fell apart when one word left the guards mouth.


I knew I wasn't meant to hear this but I heard it and so did the voices in my head.

"Freak.freak.freak.freak" they repeated until I gripped the plastic bags that held my belongings and turned on my heels making my way to the guard.

"kill, him show him who the freak is." they whisper it sounded like hundreds of  men and women talking at once

"Hey son what're you-" the guard begins as he notices I snuck up on him

but he couldn't make out another word as my hands wrapped around his throat and as I see his eyes slowely fall closed I realize he'll never say a word again.

"Louis , Louis shhhh, you win." the voices say praising me

the voices finally stopped, and that made this all ok.

I hear a door open and I knew I had to leave so I quickly run outside and see Greg in his black Corvette I hurried and jumped in.

"Go!" I scream

"What's wrong!" he yelled back slamming his foot on the gas.

what's wrong......

"Louis your a freak." the voices say

I'm a psycho.

............That's what's wrong


A/N: Louis is a psycho!!!!! I guess that's what prison does to a person like him. but pretty much all chapters in Louis p.o.v. are going to be short so yeah....

but he's out of prison.




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