Fifty Shades Of Something Dif...

By i_am_Nk

483K 20.8K 6.2K

Fifty Shades Fanfiction *Disclaimer* I do not own the Fifty Shades of Grey characters. More

Bumping Into You
Meeting Bastille
Test of Faith
Well shit!
The First of Many
Valentine's Day
Meet Barney
Long Overdue
Cottage Grove
Coping Together Gala - Part 1
Coping Together Gala - Part 2
Coping Together Gala Part 3
Whose side are you on anyways?
Cry Wolf
Memories Back Then
Reminiscences - Part 2
Cold War
Long Time Coming
I've Told You Now
Give Up
Falls Down
Home With You
Home With You Part 2
Other Side
4 Lily
Olive Branch
Say Yes
New Book

Take Me To Church

8.3K 432 47
By i_am_Nk

Heyyy guys!

I really hope that you enjoyed my last chapter. It's really really hard getting Christian's character down - but I try.

Also thank you so so much for reading, voting, commenting and telling your friends about this book (if you did and if not that's still fine😊👍)

Nowww let's get to it



It was my lunch break and I was on my way up the stairs to meet up with Elliot to see the progress made on my apartment. I had stopped at Subway to get the men sandwiches and drinks.

"There she is." Elliot's boomed.

He was standing outside my apartment with outstretched arms reminding me so much of Jesse.

"Hi Elliot." I smiled.

He gave me a big bear hug and swung me in the air before letting me go.

"Come on. Let me show you around your apartment."

He gestured for me to go into the apartment first. I walked in and was assaulted by the strong smell of paint.

There were men working everywhere. I stepped over their equipment carefully on the uneven floor and looked around.

"Hello boys." I greeted cheerfully.

They all looked in my direction and gawked.

"Is there something wrong with me? Why are they looking at me like that?" I asked Elliot.

"They've just never seen a beautiful woman before." Elliot snickered.

I blushed but I doubt that anyone noticed being black and all.

"She is mighty fine." One spoke up.

"And she is way too good for you Kevin." Another piped up.

They all laughed.

"She also happens to be my brother's girlfriend so she is off limits." Elliot said.

They all oo'd and laughed at Kevin as they ribbed one another.

"I figured that you'd be hungry. So I brought some food for you." I lifted the bag but the room was completely bare save for their equipment that I didn't didn't know where to pit their food.

"Here let me take that." One of the men stepped up.

"Thanks." They all sang before moving to the corner of the room to have lunch. I noted that there were 10 men but I had bought 12subs.

"This one is yours." I said holding up another bag out to him.

My own sub was in the car so I wouldn't pass out at work.

"Thank you." He smiled taking the bag.

"As you can see we have taken out the tiles and the carpet." He said leading me around.

"So now we're painting all the rooms white first then the colours we agreed on." He explained.

"We've also replaced your ceiling and your pipes."

"I had damaged pipes?"

"Yeah, they were in really bad shape."

"Oh thank you Elliot." I smiled.

"No problem."

We walked into each of the rooms and everything was bare. The carpet was out like he said. The walk in was stripped too as well as the other rooms and bathrooms.

They had also painted the ceiling as well as the walls.

"You still sure that I'll be able to move in Monday?"

"I'm positive. Maybe even Sunday."

"Ok I trust you."

We spoke some more about before he walked me out when it was time to get back to work.


I walked down the long hallway to the music room where I knew she would be when I didn't find her in her room.

I watched from outside her back flex while she played the piano. Her body was tense her hands moved in angry quick movements over the keys without pause. I couldn't hear anything since the room was sound proof but I could tell that she was angry from just reading her body language.

Then she stopped abruptly before she banged her fists hard, repeatedly over the keys. She stood up with a flurish knocking the piano bench over. She pulled in a deep breath and screamed making her veins at the side of her neck bulge. She screamed again and again and again only talking a few short breaths only to scream again until she wore herself out leaving her breathless. Her chest heaved up and down harshly trying to pull oxygen into her lungs.

My heart broke the longer I watched her. I decided then to walk in.

She turned quickly looking like a frenzied animal but when she realized it was me her gaze softened. Her bottom lip trembled and tears swam in her big innocent eyes.

"Kehlani." She choked.

"Oh sweetie."

I walked over to her hurriedly and wrapped my arms around her.

I held onto her tightly as she cried her eyes out.

"I don't understand. Why me?"

"It's going to be okay Lana."

"I just don't..."

"Shhh it's going to be okay." I said rubbing her back fighting off my own tears.

When she finally calmed down she pulled away looking embarrassed.

"There's no need to feel embarrassed."

I picked up the bench and sat down. I pat the space next to me gesturing for her to take a seat.

She sank onto the bench next to me. Her eyes following the movement of my fingers over the keys. I wasn't pressing just floating over them.

"You want to talk about it?" I asked.

"No." She said weakly but I could hear the hesitation in her voice so I stayed quiet giving her a choice if she wanted to tell me I'd listen or she could keep it to herself until she was ready to tell me.

"I am so angry." She said.

"I'm angry at everyone and everything."

"There was a time when my life was perfect before I was diagnosed. I had friends. I had good grades at school. I even had a boyfriend."

"But they all abandoned me when I told them. They didn't want to get attached only to have me die so they jumped ship. But I can't find it in myself to be mad.... I... I... I really want to be mad but I understand why they did it." She whispered.

Tears welled in my eyes. I was afraid to look at because I knew I'd break down but I didn't want to make this about me.

"I'm angry at God. He put me in this situation and I don't get why he did that. I've never hurt anyone. I give money and food to the homeless, I used to go to church - practically lived there but..." she choked on a sob.

I hugged her and let her cry. I wish I had the right words to make her better. I wish I had the answers to her questions but I didn't. When she was done she pulled away again.

I felt a need to cheer her up. And I knew what would help. It was a coping mechanism for me that I was sure would work for her.

"This is going to be a secret between us girls. No one outside of my family and best friends know that I can play."

"Not even my boyfriend." I winked.

It was easier to say boyfriend than saying a man I had a one night stand with.

My fingers ran over all the keys before playing a tune that had just popped into my mind.

But my hair kept getting in the way so I pulled it into a messy bun.

I played my rendition of '7 years' on the piano. She caught on and sang along as I played.

I then morphed it into 'I took a pill in Ibiza'. Our eyes met and we laughed because it wasn't a song I should have been playing for a 15 year old but I didn't stop playing the piano while she sang along now with a smile on her face.

We noticed her mom - Amanda filming us on her phone.

"I'm sorry it's just I haven't seen her that happy in a while." She explained wiping away her tears.

I waved off her apology and beckoned her over.

If that was the case I didn't mind her taking videos of us. Screw the consequences.

She came closer while still taking a video.

"What else should I play?" I asked while freestyling on the piano.

"Do you have someone who can play the drums?" I asked suddenly.

"I can." Her brother Jake said coming into the room

"Come on then." I said.

We played 21pilots hit 'Heathens'.

"Okay this one's the last one." I said.

I needed to get back to Matthew who was still with Sawyer because I came to the hospital straight after I left work.

I morphed in Meghan trainers song 'No'.

When that one was done there was a round of applause. We turned to see her dad there. He looked like he had just gotten off from work.

"Can we please play one more." She begged.

"Yeah please." He begged.

"Are you two ganging up on me?" I asked incredulously chuckling a bit.

"No." They said in unison.

"Okay. What would you like me to play?" I asked

"Uh.... take me to church." She said.

"Oh wow."

"You know it?" He asked.

"It's one of my favourite songs but we can't do it much justice without an electrical guitar."

"Now that I can play." The dad said. James I believe was his name if I wasn't mistaken.

He left his briefcase on the coach kissed his wife and daughter and ruffled his sons hair on his way to the guitar.

He tested the guitar tuning it to his liking.

"Can you give me a sample?" He asked.

I played the intro of the song on the piano and watched as he listened carefully before nodding.

"Ready?" He asked.

I looked to the two siblings and with their confirmation I started playing.

While Alana started singing. Her dad joined in then her brother.

It was amazing to hear such a powerful voice come from someone so small in stature and so so young.

She hit the high notes perfectly. I could feel myself becoming emotional. But pushed it down and carried on playing.

When the song came to an end she hugged me tightly.

"Thank you. I needed that." She said her voice thick with emotion.

"You're welcome." I said hugging her back.

After staying two more hours talking and laughing with the family. Just getting to know them I left.

While on my way out I heard my name being called. I turned around to see Dr. Trevelyan coming my way.

"Kehlani? I didn't know you were at the hospital."

"Oh I just stopped by to see how Alana was doing." I said biting back tears.

She gave me a gentle smile and walked me over to a bench and took a seat.

"I know it's hard. Believe me. I've seen a lot in my years and it doesn't get any easier." She said with a far off look on her face.

"I don't know how you do it." I shook my head.

"I sometimes ask myself the same thing. But I love helping children." She said patting my hand softly in a way that a mother only could.

"Is there anything I can do? Pay her medical bills? Anything?"

"Well I can't tell you anything or make you pay." She said.

"But I can't stop you from making a donation on the behalf of the family." She said giving me a sideways glance.

I nod my head in understanding.

"You have a beautiful heart." She complimented.

She opened and then closed her mouth. She seemed to be pondering something before shaking it off when a nurse called her name.

"It was good seeing you again Kehlani."

"You too Dr.... Grace." I corrected myself at the look on her face.

We then walked our separate ways. I had a nephew to get back to.


When I got home Matthew was fast asleep and Sawyer was on the couch watching tv. I took a quick shower but my heart still felt heavy even after my talk with Dr. Trevelyan.

I needed to speak to Christian. I decide to video call him in hopes that seeing him will make me feel better. Even if it's a little bit.

I could call the girls but I want Christian.

He picks up the phone after the third ring.

"Hi." I said placing my tablet in front of me as I took a seat at the breakfast bar.

"Hello beautiful. Aren't you a sight for sore eyes." He complimented.

I chuckled but it all went downhill when my lip trembled and I struggled to hold my tears.

"You're not busy are you?" I asked.

"No my meeting isn't until a little after noon."

"Hey, what's wrong?" He asked when he saw my tears.

"I went to the hospital."

"Are you okay?" He asked running his hands through his hair.

"No, no, I'm fine." I reassured.

"Then why would you need to go to the hospital? Are your friends okay? Is Matthew?" He asked looking concerned.

"Everyone is fine. It's not them."

"I went to a children's hospital. For a second visit to see this girl. Her name is Alana. She's 15 and diagnosed with leukemia." I choked out.

"Baby..." he said at a loss for words. His voice and expression sympathetic.

"She's stage at her final stage. She doesn't even look sick!" I exclaimed.

"She still has a head full of hair and everything. She doesn't look underweight, she's never tired, she... she seems fine." I said waving my hands around.

"I just wish that there was something that I could do. Make her pain go away." I couldn't hold it together anymore.

I covered my face and cried into my hands.

"Baby do you need me to fly down?" He said looking desperate and frustrated that he didn't have any control over the situation. He ran his fingers through his hair repeatedly something he seemed to do a lot when he's frustrated or feeling helpless.

"Because I would. In a heartbeat." He said and I could tell he was sincere. He would drop everything just for me. My stomach fluttered at the thought. 

"No. No. I'm just being emotional." I said.

"She's such an amazing girl. She's headstrong and so so brave for someone her age. I wouldn't have made it if I were in her shoes." I said trying to wipe away my tears.

"She has so much life in her and just so much to live for." I said looking away.

"She loves reading and music. Her favourite colour is green because it represents life." I said looking back at him.

"Life, renewal and growth. All the things she thinks she won't have... a life. A chance to start over. A chance to grow." I said bitterly.

Christian looked helpless as he reached for the screen and caressed it. I mirrored the action and offered a small smile.

"And guess what she wants to be when she grows up?"

"What?" He asked.

"An editor. She wants to be a acquisitions editor to be exact 'to be able to make writer's dreams a reality'." I said quoting her words.

"And I could give her that. If I wasn't stuck in a really bad episode of undercover boss. I could maybe give her a tour of the company."

I grimaced at the thought.

"Well maybe after the renovations."

"Then I guess you've found your motivation. You are a smart woman Kehlani. I believe that you can catch whoever it is. You just weren't that motivated to finding him because technically he stole SIP's money and not yours. Finding him is just a precaution as to not having him do the same to you."

"But now I believe that you have found the right motivation - Alana." He said.

"You're right."

"Now wipe away your tears and show me those big beautiful pearly whites of yours." He said.

I gave him my best exaggerated Colgate smile making him laugh before a genuine smile made it's way on my face.

"There she is. There's my girl." He smiled.

I was already calling Nelson on my phone.

"Christian." I called him.

"Yes Kehlani?"

"Thank you."

"Anytime baby. Now go get 'em tiger." He winked before ending the call.

"Wattup boss. I was just about to call you." Nelson said as soon as he picked up the phone.

"There's finally been a break through?"

"There's finally been a break through." He confirmed.

And just in time! I couldn't have been so lucky.

"So tell me what you've found."

"I'm sending you a file right now."

I grabbed my Mac and followed as he explained what he had found

"Whoever was stealing money was smart enough to have us digging for a full month and then some but not smart enough."

"I followed a paper trail that lead to a whole sea of fake offshore accounts. But I finally found the real one because he got sloppy, greedy and cocky enough to think that he would not be found."

"So do we know who the culprits are?"

I have expected him to say Jack Hyde.

"Mark Lautner from finance and SIP's internal auditor who also happens to be his girlfriend Kelsey Hunter."

"Modern day Bonnie and Clyde." I muttered.

It almost felt surreal that just a few minutes ago I was crying my eyes out and determined more than ever to find the person embezzling money. And not a moment later I had their names and position now all I needed was a plan of action.

"Thank you so much Nelson."

"No problem. Just doing my job." He said sounding like those police officers in movies who were praised for doing a good job.

We said our goodbyes and hung up.

While I stared off into space my phone vibrated drawing my attention. It was an incoming call from an unknown number.

"Hello, Kehlani."

"Dr. Trevelyan?" I asked.

"Yes. I'm sorry to bother you."

"It's no bother. Is something wrong?"

"No. I just wanted to invite you over for dinner tomorrow. I'm having a small, intimate get together."

I really wanted to say no for many reasons because first I haven't really spent time with Matthew. Second I was a complete stranger and she might have been nice but it could be awkward having dinner with complete strangers and third I wouldn't know anyone.

I was tempted to invite Imani but I didn't want to come off rude.

"I'd love to. What time would you like me to be there?"

"Dinner is served at 8:30 so sometime before then would be lovely darling." She said.

At least it was after his bedtime but I still felt like I was abandoning him.

"I'll be there."

"Perfect. I'll send the address."

"I'll be looking forward to seeing you there."

Soon after we hung up my phone lit up with the address of her home.

Well I hope I'm not making a mistake going over there for dinner.


Thank you for reading! I know I posted this one much quicker than I expected😓 Tell me what you think🤔😊

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