Book 1: Hikaru

By NobodyXidel

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(Avatar Last Airbender Fanfic) Hikaru, a mysterious water bender, has always struggled to survive. In a war... More

The Start of it All
The Avatar
Winter Solstice
Freedom Fighters
Prison Break
Hikaru's Fortune
Book 2: Serene

The Deserter

184 2 0
By NobodyXidel

We decided to try and keep a low profile, since we were traveling through part of the Fire Nation, as we walked instead of flying. However I couldn't shake the feeling that we were being followed.

"This should give us a good idea of what's around here," said Katara getting my attention as we stopped at a message board.

"See if you can find a menu," said Sokka, "I'm starving."

"You're always starving," I sighed.

"I bet we can find something to eat here," said Aang as he pointed to a poster on the board, "The Fire Days Festival; Fire Nation Cultural Exhibits, jugglers, benders, magicians. This would be a great place for me to study some real fire benders."

"You might want to rethink that," called Sokka from the other side of the board, "Look at this."

When we looked over by Sokka, a wanted poster of both myself and Aang were posted.

"Hey a poster of me!" cheered Aang.

"A WANTED poster," emphasised Sokka, "This is bad."

"Going into a crowded Fire Nation town would be a really bad idea now that they're looking for us," I said. Then I noticed a poster of the Blue Spirit, Zuko, "Zuko."

"I think we'd better keep moving," said Katara.

"That'll be best," I agreed.

"I have to learn firebending at some point," explained Aang, "And this could be my only chance to watch the masters up close."

After a moment Katara said, "I guess we could go check it out."

"What?!" exclaimed both Sokka and I.

"You want to walk into a Fire Nation town where they're all fired up with all know...Fire!"

"What happened to keep moving?" I asked.

We'll wear disques and if it looks like trouble we'll leave," explained Katara.

"Yeah cause we always leave before we get into trouble," said Sokka as he joined Katara and Aang on their way to the Fire Nation town.

"This is going to end badly," I sighed.


As we approached the cliff hanging over the Fire Nation Town, we were starting to preparing for our visit. That's when Aang looked over to Appa and Momo, "You guys stay out of sight here, while we go to the festival."

Momo leaped off of Appa's horn and flew into a small bush to hide. Appa not wanting to draw attention decides to hide behind the same bush however, he was much too big and completely visible.

"I don't think that bush is going to do it," I thought.

"Ready disguises," said Aang, then Katara and Sokka lifted their hoods from the cloaks I had given them. I also used one of my own to cover myself. Aang then pulled the back of his shirt over his head, sort of covering his arrow.

"It's like you're a whole different person," said Sokka sarcastically as Katara laughed.

"Seriously? How is Momo the only smart one when it comes to hiding?" I thought face palming myself.

"Hikaru, do you have another cloak Aang could use?" Katara asked.

"Unfortunately not, but we might find some in town to hide him," I said, "Festivals like these usually have some kind of costumes."

"Alright then let's go!" said Aang as we headed into town.


Once we entered the town it was bustling with excitement. Kids were running around with sparklers, laughter from families rung through the town as a parade dragon danced through the streets. I smiled reminding myself of simpler times, long before I left my home. I was pulled back into reality when I saw Katara, Sokka, and Aang pull away from anyone passing by like they had a disease.

"You know you guys stick out like sore thumbs acting like that," I sighed, then looked around and saw many of the townsfolk wearing masks, "We could wear these to blend in a bit better."

"Where are we supposed to get masks like that?" asked Sokka.

"Get your genuine Fire Festival Masks here!" shouted a salesman nearby.

"That was surprisingly easy," said Sokka as Katara and Aang rushed over to the booth.

"It's a festival booths like these are all over the place," I explained.

After paying for the masks, Sokka chose a smiling blue mask with a yellow mane, Katara chose a Fire Nation ladies mask, Aang picked a sad faced red and orange mask, while I picked a unique dragon's mask that was red on the left side of it and blue on the other. However Katara switched both Sokka and Aang's mask which fit better for them. Laughing a bit, from imagining Sokka's face. Walking around the festival a bit more freely then before, Aang pointed out a food stand further ahead, "Look there's some food."

"Finally!" said Sokka as he rushed over to the stand, "What do yah have?"

"Flaming Fire Flakes," said the salesman as he handed one to Sokka, "Best in town."

"I'll take em," said Sokka quickly shoving them down his throat. Then he suddenly screamed in pain as the Flaming Fire Flakes kicked in, "HOT! HOT!"

"Flaming Fire Flakes, hot," explained Katara, "What do you know?"

"I'll take a bag too please," I asked the salesman realizing I was a bit hungry myself.

"Are you crazy? It's hot!" warned Sokka as I place a few in my mouth.

"Only if you can't handle it," I smirked enjoying the flakes. In all honesty I was enjoying myself.

"Hey look at this!" shouted Aang as he lead us to a children's puppet show about the Invisible Fire Lord Ozai. We quickly decided to leave and find something else as Aang rushed ahead to another location.

"Aang hold on where are we going?" asked Katara as we entered a large crowd of people.

"I don't know, but there's a big crowd it must be good," said Aang.

"Knowing the Fire Nation, it's probably an execution," remarked Sokka as we neared the front of the stage. It turned out to be a firebender performance. Using the flames from the four torches around him, the fire bender rapidly swung fireballs around him, amazing the crowd. He then brought them all together and as they collided, they dispersed and reveal four birds flying away.

"I gotta learn that trick!" cheered Aang.

"As long as you don't expect birds to come out of it," I said with a grin as the show continued. That's when one of my old memories began to play through my mind.


"This way!" I cried dragging a boy by the hand through the town as the festival was bustling with excitement.

"Slow down, Serene!" called the boy, "I can only go so fast!"

"Look! A sparkler stand!" I cried darting towards it.

"Hey!" he cried being yanked in a different direction. I couldn't help myself, this was the first time I had ever been to a festival. I remembered I was 7, so was the boy. He had invited me to join him and his mom at nearby town festival. I was so excited, my mother had made me a beautiful red kimono with black, white and gray flowers on it to wear. Before we could even get to the sparkler station a new stand caught my attention. It wasn't a food or mask stand, but it had tank full of water and small fish were swimming in it.

"What is it?" asked the boy then noticed the stand I was focused on, "That's a goldfish stand."

"Goldfish stand?" I asked then saw a small boy with his dad stop at the stand.

"Just watch," smiled the boy.

After the father payed the guy at the stand, he handed his son one of the small hoop with paper covering the hole. The small boy the dipped the hoop in and tried to catch one of the fish. As he pulled the hoop out of the water, the goldfish he thought was caught fell through the hoop as the paper ripped.

"The object of the game is to try and catch a goldfish with the hoop," explained the boy, "If you manage to catch one without ripping the paper then you get to keep it."

"Really?" I asked.

"Yeah, but as you saw, it's not easy, if the paper is too wet it'll rip and the fish will get away," explained the boy, but saw my interest in the game, "You still want to give it a try?" I nodded rapidly, the boy smiled, "Alright let's give it a shot."

We had walked over to the stand, the boy paid the man and we both were given a hoop. As the boy said it wasn't easy, both of us had failed. I took too long in the water and the boy was putting the hoop in too fast to catch anything. The boy was about to leave, but he saw how determined I was to get a fish, so he paid for one more hoop. That's when we both held the hoop and gently placed it in the water after choosing our fish. I closed my eyes, praying that we would catch it. When I felt our hands rise up the boy called my name, "Serene look." I slowly opened my eyes to find a small goldfish lying on our hoop.

"We have a winner!" shouted the man then placed the goldfish we caught in a clear bag with water in it.

"We did it!" I cheered then hugged the boy who almost dropped the fish.

"Whoa!" cried the boy as he regained his grip on the bag, "Careful Serene!"

"Sorry, I'm just so happy!" I smiled, "We couldn't do it by ourselves, but we caught one together!"

"That's because we're best friends," smiled the boy, "Best friends like us can do anything as long as we work together. Right Serene?"

"Right Zuko," I smiled.


"Hard to believe things were once like that," I thought then the performer snapped me back into reality.

"Thank you!" bowed the performer, "For my next trick I need a volunteer from the audience!"

Aang immediately shot his hand up, "ME! ME!"

Sokka quickly put Aang's hand down, "What do you think you're doing?"

"I want to get a closer look!" said Aang.

"It's better that we don't attract any attention to ourselves," explained Katara.

"How about you little lady?" called out the performer to Katara. Katara shook her head in refusal, "Aww she's shy. Let's give her some encouragement folks!" The crowd cheered as Katara was unwillingly pulled onto the stage.

"Aw that could have been me!" whined Aang.

Before I could say anything I noticed someone quietly moving through the crowd, like us he seemed out of place, "Is he the one who's been following us?"

"This next trick is called Taming the Dragon!" called out the performer getting my attention as he pulled out a chair, "You will be my captured princess." He then tied Katara up in the chair, trapping her. The performer began the trick by using the flames to create a fire dragon as it circled Katara, "Don't worry young maiden! I will tame this fiery beast!" He made a rope of fire and latched it onto the dragon. As he tried to tame it the dragon seemed to be winning, "It's too strong! I can't hold it!"

"We gotta help her!" shouted Aang as Sokka and I stopped him from going on stage.

"No we don't want to make a scene!" said Sokka.

"The rope! It's breaking!" shouted the performer as the flaming rope dispersed and the dragon charged for Katara. Before any of us could do anything, Aang quickly lept up from the crowd and made a tornado to counter the flames, as they exploded into confetti. "Hey you trying to upstage me kid?" whispered the performer.

Facepalming myself I sighed, "He forgot it was just a show."

Realizing this Aang put on a quirky dance to try and entertain the audience as Sokka and I untied Katara.

"Hey that kid's the Avatar!" shouted someone from the crowd as Aang realized his mask had blown off. The guards quickly rushed towards the stage at the sound of the Avatar.

"Crud!" I thought, "I knew this would happen!"

"I think it's time to go," said Sokka as we took off our masks.

"Follow me!" shouted someone behind us, "I can get you out of here."

"That's the guy that's been following us," I thought then noticed the guards coming up on the stage, "Let's go!"

We all rushed through the broken gap of the wall behind us, where the guy urged us. Once we were through he threw a smoke grenade at the guards, covering our escape. Following the guy through the town we rushed away from the guards, but more started pouring in.

"This isn't looking good guys," I said.

"I'm calling Appa!" said Aang as he blew on that bison whistle.

"I hope he can hear that bison whistle!" said Sokka.

"This way!" shouted the guy as he lead us down an alleyway, but on the other end awaited some more guards, "Okay not this way." The guy threw another smoke bomb as we escaped into another alley into a dead end of a stock of fireworks.

"This isn't good," I said and the guards had us pinned down.

As I prepared myself to fight, we heard the familiar growl of Appa coming towards us.

"Appa down here!" shouted Aang. The sight of Appa was enough to scare the guards as they fled the scene. Quickly we managed to climb aboard Appa and escape the town before the braver guards showed up. As a finishing touch the guy pulled out a grenade and set off all the fireworks to cover our escape.

"That was a close one," I sighed with relief.

"Nice touch setting off the fireworks," said Aang.

"You seem to really know your explosives," said Sokka.

"I'm familiar," said the guy as he took off his hood.

"Wait a second, your a Fire Nation soldier!" I realized.

"Was," said the guy, "My name's Chay."


Once we got far enough away from town, we landed and set up camp in a nearby forest. That's when Chay began to explain.

"I serve a man, more than a man really, he's a myth, but he's real," said Chay, "A living legend Jeong Jeong the Deserter. He was a Fire Nation General or wait was he an Admiral?"

"He was very highly ranked we get it," said Sokka.

"Wait is he talking about THE Jeong Jeong!" I thought.

"Yeah way up there!" exclaimed Chay continuing his story, "But he couldn't take the madness anymore. He's the first person to ever leave the army and live. I'm the second, but you don't get to be a legend for that. It's ok though. Jeong Jeong is a firebending genius! Some say he's mad, but he's not. He's enlightened."

"You mean there's a firebender out here who's not with the Fire Lord!" Aang stood up excited, "We've got to go see him! He can train me!"

"We're not going to go find some crazy firebender," said Sokka sternly.

"He's not crazy!" snapped Chay, "He's a genius! He's the perfect person to train the Avatar! That's why I followed you into the festival."

"Look thanks for your help, but we're leaving for the North Pole in the morning," said Sokka.

"Sokka, this could be my only chance to meet a firebending master, who would actually be willing to teach me," begged Aang.

"I'm actually with Sokka on this one too, Aang," I said then began to hold my hands, "Water is the element you should focus on right now. Fire is quite different from the other elements."

"It can't hurt just to talk to him," added Katara.

"That's what you said about going to the festival!" snapped Sokka, "Why doesn't anyone ever listen to me?!"

Suddenly a group of men surrounded us pointing their spears at us, before we could prepare ourselves.

"Don't move," growled who we assumed was the leader. We surrendered, seeing as how we were out numbered. They took us deep into the forest then the Leader spoke, "Jeong Jeong told you not to look for Avatar!"

"Hold on you know these guys?" Sokka asked Chay.

"Yeah, Lin Ye's an old buddy," smiled Chay, "Right Lin Ye?"

"Shut up," silenced Lin Ye, "Keep moving."

We continued to walk through the forest until we came across a small hut at the foot of a river.

"Go on," said Lin Ye to Chay, "He sees you only."

"Well that's okay," Chay smiled weakly, "We can chat later."

"Is that where Jeong Jeong is?" asked Aang pointing at the hut, "I need to talk to him right away."

"No you wait there," stopped Lin Ye, then returned his attention to Chay, "Go now!"

"Don't worry, everything will be fine," assured Chay as he walked down to the hut, "He's a great man. Great man!"

Then Lin Ye escorted us to another hut nearby as we waited for Chay to return. Katara, Sokka and Aang decided to get some rest as they waited, while I sat leaned up in a corner of the hut.

"We shouldn't be here," I thought, "Aang isn't ready for firebending yet. I don't think he realizes how harmful it can be."

"Everything okay Hikaru?" Katara asked surprising me as she sat next to me.

"I don't know about you, but I think if we take anymore detours Sozin's Comet will be here before we even reach the Northern Water Tribe," I said making it pretty clear I didn't want to be here.

"I know you think he needs to learn Water first, but if we can find someone to teach Aang firebending earlier then we don't have to worry about it later."

"I guess," I muttered, "But we've wasted enough time by going to the festival and now we're stuck here for who knows how long."

"But it seemed like to me you were enjoying yourself at the festival," said Katara.

"What?" I asked confused.

"You actually seemed happy, something that we don't get to see often," Katara pointed out.

Blushing I turned away from Katara, "Shouldn't you be getting some rest, since who knows how long Jeong Jeong's going to be with Chay?"

Katara laughed as she went to lay down next to Sokka, "Alright I'll stop teasing you for now. But you shouldn't be embarrassed about having fun. Especially during a time like this, it's nice to have a little fun."

"Fun huh?" I thought blushing like mad.


A few hours later Chay sulked into the hut, seeming depressed. From the looks of it the talk with Jeong Jeong didn't go so well. Once Chay sat down, Aang shot up from the ground asking questions, "What happened? Can I see Jeong Jeong now?"

"He won't see you. He's very angry that I brought you here. He want's you to leave immediately," said Chay.

"Finally!" cheered Sokka.

Then as I stood up Chay said, "However he'd like to see the Devil Waterbender before you leave."

"Huh?" I asked kind of shocked.

"Wait, why does Jeong Jeong want to see Hikaru?" asked Aang a little annoyed that he didn't wish to see him.

"I don't know," said Chay, "He just said he wanted to speak with her."

"Well the sooner I talk with him the better," I said walking out, "As soon as I talk to this guy we can leave."

I entered the hut and inside was a man meditating in a ring of lit candles. I sat myself down before him, "You wished to see me?"

The man lifted his head and opened his eyes, "So you are the one who escaped the madness of flames and found refuge in water?"

I tightened, how much does this guy know about me? It definitely isn't something one would hear isolated like this. Not to arouse suspicion I decided to play dumb for the moment, "I'm not sure what you mean?"

"You are wise to be cautious," said Jeong Jeong, But it is unnecessary with me, Serene." My eyes widened at the sound of my real name, before I could ask Jeong Jeong continued, "I've known about you for some time. I once had the honor of working with your father, but that was many years ago."

"You knew my dad?" I asked, trying to remember if I had ever seen Jeong Jeong once before.

Jeong Jeong nodded then continued, "You were still quite young when we met, Sisu was a strong and valiant warrior, but also a kind and understanding man. I see that kind of strength within you as well."

"Dad," I thought to myself.

"I've heard about your deeds from across the nations as Hikaru, the Devil Waterbender," said Jeong Jeong, "However I've also heard some troubling things concerning your people."

"Has something happened to them?" I immediately asked.

"It appears as if some of them has gone missing," explained Jeong Jeong, "But I'm afraid as to who and why I don't know."

"What's he mean? Why are my people disappearing?" I pondered, "People don't just vanish....Hisho..."

"This news troubles you?" observed Jeong Jeong seeing the worry on my face.

"Of course it does!" I admit, "Last time I was with them everything was fine."

"It seems that much changed in your absence," sighed Jeong Jeong.

"I never intended to be away from them for so long," I said, "As soon as I get the Avatar to the North Water Tribe then I'll head out to find them immediately."

"Once the hen leaves its nest, the fox comes to prey on it's children," said Jeong Jeong.

"What?" I asked confused by his words.

"Do what you feel is best, but remember the longer you wait the more danger you people are in," said Jeong Jeong, "The Avatar may not stay, whatever the case may be."

"I understand," I bowed, "Thank you Master Jeong Jeong."

Once I left the hut, I saw Aang walking down to me.

"Aang, what are you doing?" I asked.

"I'm going to see Jeong Jeong," he said walking past me, but I managed to grab his arm.

"Wait, Jeong Jeong said he wouldn't see you," I said, "If he won't train you there's a reason for it."

"Who else will teach me then?!" Aang snapped pulling his arm away, "Right now Jeong Jeong is the only firebender that's not on the Fire Lord's side. If not now then when?"

Aang rushed down to the hut, "Aang wait!" But he was already inside, "Great..."


To my surprise Jeong Jeong had agreed to teach Aang, he was so defiant in teaching Aang so what changed his mind. However it meant our trip to the Northern Water Tribe was going to be delayed again. Jeong Jeong began teaching Aang the next day. Sokka decided to try and fish in the river, while Katara worked on her waterbending. I on the other hand was meditating in the lake, but was have a hard time concentrating. The things Jeong Jeong told me were plaguing my mind.

"Silence!" Jeong Jeong shouted at Aang, "Talking is not concentrating! Look at your friend is she talking? Even that oaf knows to concentrate on what he's doing!"

"Hey!" shouted Sokka after hearing Jeong Jeong.

"But what am I concentrating on?" asked Aang.

"Feel the heat of the sun, it is the greatest source of fire," said Jeong Jeong, "It is in complete balance with nature. Look at your friend in the water, see how she makes herself one with her element."

"So when do I to make some fire?" asked Aang.

"Concentrate!" snapped Jeong Jeong as he walked away.

Katara and Sokka laughed at Aang's disappointment, but stopped when Aang glared at them. A few hours later, Jeong Jeong took Aang some place else to concentrate. Sokka had left to check on Appa and Momo. As I took another deep breath trying to calm myself, I felt someone touch my shoulder.

"Hey Hikaru," said Katara as I turned to see her, "You've been meditating for hours, I just wanted to make sure you were okay."

"I'm fine Katara thank you," I smiled slightly, "How's your waterbending coming along?"

"It's coming along, thanks to the waterbending scroll I've learned quite a lot," smiled Katara, "But I could probably learn more from a master."

Just then Jeong Jeong returned to his hut without Aang, he probably wanted him to concentrate alone.

"I'm sorry I can't teach you or Aang," I apologized, "I know you wanted me to in the beginning."

"It's alright Hikaru," said Katara, "Your style's different from the normal, It's probably best we learn from someone in the Northern Water Tribe."

"Yeah," I sighed then thought of something, "I can show you one thing."

"Really?" asked Katara.

"It's nothing, like the Water Whip or anything like that, but I find it helpful," I explained.

"What is it?" she asked.

"Do you know why I mediate Katara?" I asked her.

"To calm yourself?" she answered.

"That's only part of it," I said then urged her to sit beside me, "Come sit by me and close your eyes." After Katara did so I continued, "To master an element, you must become one with it. Feel the push and pull of the water, try to match your breathing with it, until it becomes one in the same." After a few minutes I saw that she was in perfect sync with the waves of the river, "Great work Katara."

Our mediation was interrupted by Aang angrily storming into Jeong Jeong's hut. Then after a few minutes Aang came out a bit calmer than before. Aang as if in thought about something, sat down on a rock peeking out of the water to meditate on it. It wasn't long until Jeong Jeong came out of his hut to find Aang meditating.

"I thought about what you said," said Aang, "I promise I'll be more patient."

"We are going to work with fire now," said Jeong Jeong.

"OH YEAH!!" cheered Aang as he lept into the air with joy, then immediately calmed himself, "I mean..Let us begin."

Jeong Jeong then swiftly grabbed a falling leaf, as he approached Aang steam poured from the leaf, as Jeong Jeong had burned the center of the leaf. After handing the leaf to Aang, Jeong Jeong explained, "Concentrate on the fire. I want you to keep this flame from reaching the edges of the leaf for as long as you can."

Groaning Aang widened his stance and began concentrating. That's when Lin Ye appeared, "Master, there is trouble!"

"What's going on?" asked Aang as I immediately stood up.

"Concentrate on your leaf!" ordered Jeong Jeong as he followed Lin Ye into the forest.

"I'll be right back Katara," I said, "I'm going to go check it out."

"Be careful," she said, nodding I rushed after Jeong Jeong.


I managed to catch up with Jeong Jeong and Lin Ye, they were crouching behind some tall bushes looking out to the river.

"What is it?" I asked crouching beside them.

"Fire Nation troops," said Jeong Jeong pointing towards the river.

Sure, enough when I looked out, I saw three Fire Nation river boats and a certain Admiral leading them, "Zhou, this isn't good."

"You must take your friends and leave immediately," said Jeong Jeong then turned to Lin Ye, "See if you can hold them off long enough for the Avatar to escape."

Lin Ye nodded then rushed into the forest to get the others. Jeong Jeong and I immediately rushed back to the camp, as we came close I heard a scream, making my heart stop, Katara.

"You burned my sister!" I heard Sokka shout, then when we arrived I saw Katara running away from Sokka and Aang, who was knocked to ground. I immediately ran after Katara, praying she was okay. I finally found Katara crouching over by the river in pain.

"Katara!" I called rushing to her side, noticing that she was covering her hands, "Let me see." Shaking Katara slowly brought out her hands, showing fresh burnt marks on them. "This is going to sting, but it'll help," I said gently lowering them into the water. Katara tried to jerk them away, but I held her hands in water. Just then Katara's hands began to glow, releasing her, Katara pulled her hands out of the water. To our surprise, her hands had completely healed, as if there wasn't a burn in the first place.

"You have healing abilities," said a voice from behind, we turned to find Jeong Jeong approaching us, "The great benders of the Water Tribe sometimes have this ability. I've always wished I were blessed like you, free from this burning curse."

"But you're a great master," said Katara, "You'll have powers I'll never know."

"Water brings healing and life," explained Jeong Jeong, "But fire brings only destruction and pain. It forces those of us burdened with it's care to walk a razor's edge between humanity and savagery. Eventually we are torn apart."

Suddenly I saw a burning fire ball shot towards us, "Look out!"

Jeong Jeong immediately stood up and deflected the blow, before we could react, "Go get your friends and flee!"

"But Master Jeong Jeong!" I began to protest, but was interrupted.

"Do not come back here or you will all be destroyed!" he shouted, I hesitated, "Hurry!"

Frustrated I ran with Katara into the forest to get to Aang and Sokka.


As we came upon the camp, Sokka had already packed up Appa, ready to go. He then noticed us running towards him, "Katara! Are you alright?"

"I'm fine," assured Katara, "We've got to get out of here? Where's Aang?"

Sokka pointed to Jeong Jeong's hut, and Katara went after him. While I hurried to my things, grabbed my gourges and went by the lake to refill them, "No way am I letting him get captured! I have to help Jeong Jeong!"

A few minutes later Aang rushed out of the hut, "I have to help him!"

"Aang, hold up I'm coming with you!" I called rushing to his side, "This way!"

Within a few minutes we arrived to the riverside, and saw Admiral Zhou and his soldiers surrounding Jeong Jeong.

"Jeong Jeong!" called out Aang as we approached.

Seeing us coming Zhou ordered his men, "Men take the Deserter!"

"No!" I thought running faster.

Before I could make it, his soldiers released a ball of fire at Jeong Jeong. Then when the fire dissipated, Jeong Jeong had vanished.

"It's a trick!" shouted Zhou, "He's run of into the woods! Find him!"

"Hikaru you go after Jeong Jeong," said Aang, "I'll take care of Zhou."

"You sure?" I asked hesitant to leave him alone.

"I'll be fine," said Aang.

"Watch yourself," I cautioned, then ran off after Zhou's soldiers.

I rushed back into the forest following the soldiers, suddenly I saw a fireball headed for me from my right. I quickly ducked and heard someone shout, "Over here!" Within seconds I was surrounded by eight soldiers, four were benders, while the others held spears.

"Wait this isn't the Deserter," said one of them.

"Hold on isn't she the Devil Waterbender?" asked another, "She has a bigger bounty on her too."

"Alright then girly," said one of them as I stood up, "No sudden movements. If you come quietly then no harm with come to you."

I laughed to myself, "Yeah right."

"Take her!" shouted one of them, but it was too late. I quickly opened my gourges and just as the fire benders struck, I had already created a shield of water around myself, blocking the attack. As soon as the attack stopped I changed the shield into a whip and swung it around me knocking some soldiers back and the others over. I used this chance to make my skates and pulled back, then as I swung back around, two of the firebenders were about to meet my approach. As I skated towards them, I Water Whipped one to a tree, then froze him to it, then knocked the other to the ground freezing him there. Then one of the soldiers tossed their spear at me, I quickly had my water freeze around my hands and arms. The spear bounced off the ice, then I lept into the air and punched the soldier into the ground, unconscious. Hoping to catch me off guard, one of the firebenders came up from behind, but I was ready. Knowing he was already behind me I swerved around and kicked him in the gut, making him out for the count. Then one of the soldiers charged for me with his spear, quickly I pulled up my ice hand to block. The spear's tip broke and I punched him away. Melting my ice on my right hand, I took hold of the pole of the spear. The last firebender fired a fireball at me, I quickly staked out of the way, and threw the pole at his head, knocking him out. The final two soldiers tried to come at me from two sides in a last ditch effort, I smirked knowing that this was over. I lept into the air as the two missed me going past each other, but they were stopped. A spiral pillar of ice had trapped them both.

"Looks like I win," I smiled, but then heard a large explosion by the riverside, "Aang!"

When I returned to the riverside, the Fire Nation ships that had been docked, were on fire and sinking into the water.

"Aang come on let's go!" I heard Sokka shout.

I looked over to find Sokka and Katara on Appa, as Aang rushed over to them.

"Where's Hikaru?" asked Aang.

"I'm here!" I shouted and rushed over to board Appa, "Let's get out of here!"

"Wait, where's Jeong Jeong?" asked Aang as we took off.

"He disappeared," said Sokka as we flew over the empty camp, "They all did."

"I think I was able to stall the soldiers long enough for them to escape," I said, slouching in the saddle, exhausted from my fight.

Once we were far enough away in the sky, Aang joined us in the saddle. That's when Katara noticed something, "Aang you're burned." Aang looked at his arm, which had a slight burn. Katara went over to him and moved the water from her bota onto her hand, "Let me help you." Her hand began to glow as it did before, as she place it on Aang's wound. When she pulled away, Aang's burn was gone.

"Wow, that's good water!" smiled Aang.

"When did you learn how to do that?" asked Sokka.

"I guess I always knew," shrugged Katara.

"Oh, well than thanks for all the first aide over the years!" whined Sokka, "Like when I fell in the grease fire brambell, and the time I had two fish hooks in my thumb!"

"Two?" asked Aang.

"He tried to get the first fish hook out with another fish hook," explained Katara as I face palmed myself.

"Are you serious?" I thought.

"Oh and that time that pit snake bit me," continued Sokka, "That was great. Really helpful."

"Are you done complaining yet?" I asked.

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