Book 1: Hikaru

By NobodyXidel

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(Avatar Last Airbender Fanfic) Hikaru, a mysterious water bender, has always struggled to survive. In a war... More

The Start of it All
The Avatar
Winter Solstice
Freedom Fighters
Prison Break
Hikaru's Fortune
The Deserter
Book 2: Serene


154 1 0
By NobodyXidel

After traveling for sometime, we decided to find someplace to camp before night fall. Appa landed us in the middle of a forest, once we landed, Aang, Sokka and I went to check the surrounding area. While we looked around, Aang found a small sword stuck into the ground.

"Hey look a sword made out of a whale's tooth," said Aang picking up the sword.

"Let me see that," said Sokka as Aang gave him the sword, "This is a Water Tribe weapon!"

"What's a Water Tribe weapon doing way out here?" I asked.

"Not sure," said Sokka staring intensely at the sword, "See if you guys can find anything else."

The three of us immediately began searching the area for anymore Water Tribe signs. Then Katara came seeing us searching the area, "Did someone lose something?"

"No we found something," said Aang.

As I continued to search, I found a broken half of an arrow underneath some leaves.

"Hey Sokka, I found something," I said picking up the arrow, upon closer examination it looked to be burnt, "It's burned."

Sokka then noticed some battle marks on the nearby tree, "There was a battle. Water Tribe Warriors ambushed a group of firebenders. The Firebenders fought back, but the Warriors drove them down this hill."

Sokka ran down the hill with the rest of us close behind. We followed Sokka to a beach at the bottom of the hill, Sokka stopped and stared disappointed at the ocean waters.

"So then what happened?" asked Aang.

"I don't know," sighed Sokka, "The trail ends here."

"Wait, look!" shouted Katara pointing a little further down the beach, to a large Water Tribe boat.

"It's one of our boats!" shouted Sokka as we ran toward the boat.

"Is this Dad's boat?" asked Katara as Sokka inspected.

"No, but it's from his fleet," explained Sokka, "Dad was here."

"Why don't we came here for the night?" I suggested, "It'll be dark soon."

"Right," nodded Sokka.

"I'll go get Appa," agreed Aang.

"Besides," I thought looking at the boat, "I don't think they'd want to be anywhere else tonight."


Late that night, Aang and Katara were fast asleep, leaving me and Sokka sitting around the campfire. Sokka stared at the fire as if deep in thought about something.

"This boat must bring back some memories of his dad," I thought, Katara had told me some things about their family. Their dad left with most of the men from the Southern Water Tribe to fight the Fire Nation, leaving Sokka to take care of Katara, "He must miss his dad. I know I miss mine."

Suddenly we heard something walking toward us, Sokka and I immediately stood up ready for an attack.

"Who's there?" shouted Sokka reaching for his boomerang.

"Come out where we can see you!" I shouted opening my gourds.

A man with long brown hair and dark skin came out of the shadows. He had on a blue robe similar to Sokka's, but his left upper portion was removed, showing bandages covering that part of his body.

"Sokka?" asked the man.

"Bato?" asked Sokka, waking Katara and Aang.

"Who the what now?" asked Aang rubbing his eyes.

"Bato!" cheered Katara.

"Sokka! Katara!" smiled Bato as the two Water Tribe siblings hugged him, "It is so good to see you two! You've grown so much."

"Hi, I'm Aang," bowed Aang.

"Hikaru, pleased to meet you," I greeted.

"Where's dad?" asked Sokka before anything else could be said.

"Is he here?" Katara asked after her brother.

"No, he and the other warriors should be in the Eastern Earth Kingdom by now," explained Bato, disappointing Katara and Sokka. Suddenly a cold ocean breeze blew through the area. "This is no place for a reunion," said Bato urging Katara and Sokka close, "Let's get inside." He walk a few steps away with them then urged Aang and I to follow him, with Appa and Momo close behind.

We followed him off the shore and into the forest. On the way, Katara and Sokka began telling Bato about some of their adventures since joining the Avatar. Until we found ourselves at a peaceful Abby, where Bato had been staying at. As we entered, a powerful scent filled the area. The scent wasn't toxic or unfavorable, but instead surprising pleasant.

"After I was wounded, your father carried me to this Abby. The sisters have cared for me ever since," explained Bato as we were greeted by one of the sisters, "Superior, these are Hakoda's children, they've been traveling with the Avatar, along with their friend, Hikaru. I found them by my boat."

"Young Avatar," bowed the Superior, "It gives me great joy to be in your presence. Welcome to our Abby."

"Thank you, it's truly an honor to be here," bowed Aang, "If there's anything---"

"What smells so good Bato?" asked Sokka suddenly.

"The sister's craft ointments and perfumes," explained Bato.

"Perfume? Maybe we could dumb some on Appa," joked Sokka, "Because he stinks so much! Am I right?"

All of us looked at Sokka thoroughly confused as I face palmed myself, until Bato broke the silence, "You have your father's wit. Come, I'll take you to get something to eat."

Just as we were following Bato to his room, something caught my attention. Someone had quickly leaped over the walls of the Abby leading into the forest.

"Who was that?" I thought staring at the spot the person had lept over, "Someone clearly doesn't want to be found, but why run from an Abby?"

"Hikaru, is something wrong?" asked Aang reminding myself I was still with him.

"Oh, no I'm just fine," I smiled as I turned to leave, "I'll catch up with you guys later."

"Wait, where are you going?" Aang asked.

"Just going to take a quick look around the place," I assured, "Don't worry, I'll be back before you know it."

Aang nodded and once he had entered Bato's room, I ran out of the Abby and in the direction the person went. "I have to make sure that guy wasn't a Fire Nation spy. If he is I need to stop him before he tells someone like Zhao where we are."

I ran to the side of the wall where I found broken branches and fallen leaves from the guy jumping over the wall. I looked towards the forest and saw a trail of footprints and broken branches. Who ever this guy is, he clearly has no idea how to cover his tracks. I was no tracker, but anyone could follow this. Swiftly I ran through the forest following the runaways tracks, until I started to hear heavy breathing, just a little up ahead I see a figure running.

"Hold it!" I shouted and instinctively opened my gourds. Thrusting the water at him against a tree then froze him to it, except his head, "Who are you and why did you run from the Abby?!"

"Please I mean no harm, I was only...," he started then looked at me surprised, "Could you be Miss Hikaru?"

"How do you know who I am?" I asked.

"Any dual bender would know who you are Miss," he said, "My friends call me Mud. I train under Master Hisho."

"Hisho!" I gasped, "Then your a dual bender."

"Yes Miss," nodded Mud.


After I unfreeze him from the tree, I had gathered some branches and got a fire going. Seeing him in the light of the fire, Mud had the features of your average Earth Kingdom boy. Mud was also bandaged all across his chest and on his left leg as well.

"I'm sorry I attacked you like that," I apologized, "I thought you might have been a Fire Nation spy."

"Please don't apologize Miss Hikaru," said Mud holding his hands up, "I'm sorry I acted so suspiciously. When I saw more people coming to the Abby, I panicked and ran. I didn't realize you were one of them."

"It's alright Mud," I smiled at his defensiveness, "By the way, is that your real name?"

"No, my real name is Doro," said Mud, "But everyone at camp calls me Mud."

"Why do they call you that?" I asked.

"Well, let's just say my waterbending could use some work," laughed Mud, "That's why I'm training under Hisho so I can improve."

"Well, Hisho is one of the best waterbenders of dual bending," I said, "If anyone can teach you it's him."

Mud nodded, "I know, from what I've seen, he's definitely suited to his title of Leviathan. But I have so say, it's truly an honor to be talking with you Miss Hikaru."

"Please, you don't have to be so formal with me," I smiled, "You can just call me Hikaru."

"Really? Oh thank you Miss...I mean Hikaru," said Mud excited.

I smiled and laughed a little then looked at his bandages again, "So what happened?"

"Hisho was having us scout the area for Fire Nation soldiers, to make sure it was safe before moving ahead," explained Mud, "That's when we came across a battle between some Fire Nation soldiers and Southern Water Tribe warriors. We were going to pull back and avoid the fight, but Master Hisho didn't. He saw the Water Tribe Warriors struggling in the fight and charged in to help. The rest of us, went to his aid and drove back the Fire Nation soldiers." Then Mud motioned to his chest. "While the firebenders retreated they shot fireballs at us. I blocked one of them that was aimed for Master Hisho. After that Master Hisho took me to the Abby with Bato and Hakoda, and told me to meet up with him at the next hideout, once I was ready."

I let out a sigh of relief, "So he is safe then, that's good. But still as reckless as ever."

"Master Hisho will be so relieved to see you safe," continued Mud, "He's been looking for you every chance he gets. He talks about you a lot."

I blushed and bashfully looked away. Mud laughed a bit, "Haven't seen anyone get that red, but Master Hisho. He would be so happy to see you I'm sure."

I sighed, "It would be nice to see him again, but I can't."

Hearing this shocked Mud, "But why?"

"The others I came here with are traveling to the Northern Water Tribe," I explained, "I'm making sure they get there safely."

"Forgive me but, who are those kids that you feel needs protecting," asked Mud confused.

"Two of them are kids of Hakoda, and the other.....the other is someone who can help one day help us," I said, "But first we need to get to the Northern Water Tribe."

After a moment of silence from Mud he asked, "What should I tell Master Hisho?"

"Tell him, that I am alive," I said, "Tell him that even though I'm not by his side, I'm still striving towards our goal. I will return once my task is done."

"Alright, I'll make sure he knows," said Mud as I stood up to leave.

"Thank you Doro," I said, "I have to head back, I've been away from others for too long. Once you've rested for a bit you should head out as well and find Hisho."

"I will," nodded Mud, "Take care Hikaru. We will look forward to your return."

"Take care," I smiled as I left to go join everyone back at the Abby.


I had returned to the Abby late that night and met up with Katara, Sokka, and Aang. We agreed to stay at the Abby for a little while, mostly Katara and Sokka wanted to check up with Bato some more. The next morning, once I was ready, I walked out into the Abby's courtyard and saw Aang feeding Appa some of the Abby's hay. Then a piece of paper fell out from his person, which the Superior quickly found and scolded him for littering. Once the Superior had left, I went over to Aang and greeted, "Good morning, Aang."

"Ahh!" jumped Aang then realized it was only me, "Oh, good morning Hikaru."

"Are you okay?" I asked, "Why's he so jumpy?"

"Yeah, great," he stuttered, "Why wouldn't I be?"

Before I could answer Katara, Sokka and Bato called us over.

"Hey Hikaru, Aang, we're heading down to Bato's boat, want to come?" asked Katara.

"Sure," I said.

"Okay," nodded Aang.

We all followed Bato back to the shore where his boat was docked. Once we arrived Bato began telling us about his boat.

"This ship is sentimental to me," explained Bato, "It was built by my father."

As I was listening to Bato, all of a sudden I heard a quick rush of wind nearby. When I looked where the noise was coming from, I saw Aang whistling as if he was hiding something.

"Is this the boat he took you Ice Dodging in?" asked Sokka.

"Yup, it's got the scar to prove it," smiled Bato, "How bout you Sokka? You must have some good stories from your first time Ice Dodging."

Sokka shrugged as Katara explained, "He never got to go. Dad left before he was old enough."

"Oh, I forgot, you were too young," realized Bato.

"What's Ice Dodging?" asked Aang.

"Crazy, thrilling, terrifying, and awesome all in one," I explained.

"How do you know, Hikaru?" asked Katara.

"Because I ended up going Ice Dodging too in the Northern Water Tribe," I explained.

"Basically, it's a right of passage for young Water Tribe members," began Bato, "Normally when you turn 14 your dad takes you....You know what? You're about to find out."

Once we got the boat into the water, Bato began to explain what Ice Dodging was, "Ice Dodging is a ceremonial test of Wisdom, Bravery, and Trust. In our village it was done by weaving a boat through a field of icebergs."

"How are we supposed to Ice Dodge without ice?" asked Sokka.

"You'll be dodging those," said Bato as he pointed to a group of sharp rocks ahead.

"This'll be fun," I thought.

"Sokka you steer and call the shots, lead wisely. Katara you secure the mainsail, the winds can be brutal, so be brave. Aang you control the jip, without your steady hand we all go down, your position is about trust," explained Bato giving out the jobs.

"So Aang gets my job," I thought smiling.

"I know that!" shouted Aang, "Why wouldn't I know that? I'm the Avatar, I know about trust!"

"Something's definitely wrong, I'll have to talked to him about this later," I thought joining Bato at the front of the boat.

"For this to be done right, Hikaru and I cannot help," explained Bato as we sat down, "You pass or fail on your own."

The three of them looked nervously at each other as we neared the rocks. Once we were close Sokka began shouting ordered. The boat turned sharply as it began dodging rocks, with Sokka's directions they were able to navigate through the rocks. Everything was going well until Katara yelled, "There's no way through!"

Bato and I stood up to see what was ahead, and sure enough there was large, sharp, rocks blocking the path.

"We can make it!" smiled Sokka.

"Sokka you've already proven yourself," assured Bato, "Maybe we should--"

"Aang I'm going to need air in that sail," Sokka began ordering, "Katara, I want you to bend as much water as you can between us and those rocks. NOW!!"

At Sokka's command Aang began to fire gusts of air into the sail, while Katara was lifting the water making the boat rise higher and higher.

"This'll be close!" I thought as we neared the rock wall. Everyone tensed as we rode the wave Katara bended over the rocks. All of us sighed with relief when we made it through in one piece. Once we returned to the shore, Bato had the three line up to receive their marks from the test.

"The Spirits of Water bare witness to these marks," said Bato as he brought out his bowl of blue paint. He first walked over to Sokka, "For Sokka the mark of the wise, the same mark your father earned." The mark was a curved arch with a dot beneath it placed on his forehead. Next was Katara, "For Katara the mark of the brave, your courage inspires us." The mark was a curved moon. And finally Aang, "And for Aang the mark of the trusted, you are now an honorary member of the Water Tribe." His mark was just an arch like Sokka's, but without the dot underneath.

"Congrats guys," I smiled, but Aang seemed disappointed about something.

"I can't," said Aang.

"Of course you can," smiled Katara.

"No," said Aang wiping the mark from his forehead, "You can't trust me."

"Aang what are you talking about?" asked Katara.

"A messenger gave this to me for Bato," admitted Aang as he took the piece of paper from before and gave it to Katara, "You have to understand, I was afraid you--"

"THIS IS THE MAP TO OUR FATHER!!" shouted Sokka once Katara uncrumbled it, "YOU HAD IT THE WHOLE TIME?! HOW COULD YOU!? Well, you can go to the North Pole on your own! I'm going to find Dad!"

"Now Sokka I think you should--" Bato began.

"Katara are you with me?" asked Sokka cutting Bato off.

"I'm with you Sokka," said Katara as she joined Bato and Sokka heading back to the Abby.

"Sokka, Katara!" I called out but they didn't listen and walked away.

"It's ok Hikaru," sighed Aang, "They have every right to be mad at me."

"But Aang.." I started but stopped, "I know what he did was wrong, but we should really talk about this."


Once we returned to the Abby, things still were sour between Sokka, Katara and Aang. Sokka and Katara were preparing to leave with Bato while Aang and I prepare for our journey. Aang mostly sat with Appa while I packed up. I purposely took a long time to pack, hoping that the three of them would talk this through, but it seemed that they were done talking to each other. That's when Katara sadly walked over to us.

"Good luck," she said.

"Yeah you too," said Aang as Katara left to join her brother and Bato. Then Aang noticed me climbing aboard Appa, "You don't have to come with me Hikaru," said Aang, "I'm sure you want to be out looking for Leviathan."

"Yeah, I do," I admitted, "But right now you need me more."

The Superior walked over to us giving Aang a look that meant it was time to go.

"Guess we should be moving on," sighed Aang.

"That would be best," agreed the Superior.

Aang motioned Appa and Appa walked out of the Abby. We watched Katara, Sokka, and Bato walk down the opposite road. Aang sulked his head, "I'm an idiot Momo."

Watching them walk away, I sighed, "I really wish they would've talked about this first. Maybe they just need a bit more time."

"Guess we should get going," said Aang.

"Wait," I said, "Let's go to the shore, where Bato's boat is."

"Why?" asked Aang.

"I just want to meditate by the water for a bit," I lied, "Maybe if they think about this for a bit they might come back if not to travel with Aang, then to part on better terms."


Once we got to the shore, I faked meditated in the water hoping that Sokka and Katara would show up soon. After a while Aang sighed then said, "I know you're faking Hikaru. I know you just trying to see if Katara and Sokka would change their minds."

"Maybe," I said standing up, "I just wanted to make sure that you three are serious about parting ways."

"Looks like we going alone guys," said Aang, but just before we took off the Superior from the Abby came running towards us.

"Avatar!" called the Superior, "You must leave!"

"Okay, I get it! Everybody wants me gone," said Aang.

"A group of people came to the Abby looking for you," continued the Superior.

"Who?" I asked.

"A fierce looking woman with a horrible monster," explained the Superior, "And a young man with a scar."

"Zuko," growled Aang.

"The beast was using the scent of a necklace to find you," said the Superior.

"A necklace?" I asked, "Why would they use a necklace?"

"Katara!" realized Aang, "We have to go find her!"

"Let's get going then," I nodded as we immediately took to the air.


On our way to Sokka and Katara, I saw them being carried by a large beast with the woman, Zuko and Iroh on it's back. It looked like they found a way to track Aang. We decided to head back to the Abby to ambush them. Once they entered the Abby the beast following Aang's scent was going in a circle trying to find him.

"A shirshu?!" I thought watching from the roof tops, "Then that woman must be that bounty hunter June!"

"What's it doing?" yelled Zuko, "It's just going in a circle!"

That's when Aang swooped down from the sky on his glider. As the beast tried to catch him with it's tongue, it fell backwards knocking everyone to the ground. June quickly stood up and cracked her whip, commanding her shirshu to get back up. Once June was on the shirshu's back she charged for Aang, but I quickly jumped aboard Appa. Appa then charged for the shirshu, knocking them to the ground.

"Nice work Appa," I cheered then noticed Zuko attacking Aang, "Let's go help Aang out."

"Hold it!" snapped June as her shirshu attempted to attack us with it's tongue.

"Appa, Yip, yip!" I shouted as Appa took to the sky, but was suddenly forced to land, "Appa what's wrong?" Appa growled at June and the shirshu.

"Your bison wouldn't be flying off anywhere," smirked June, "My shirshu's toxin's will make sure of that."

"Dang it!" I thought, "It's tongue must have hit Appa when we were in the air."

"Come on Appa, you've got to get up!" I urged, Appa quickly recovered and stood up angrier than before, "That's a good boy."

June's shirshu and Appa charged for each other. The collision sent June flying forward over Appa as her shirshu was sent back. June quickly cracked her whip at me, but I created an ice shield to block it. Appa tried to stomp on June as she hit the ground, but she quickly rolled out of the way.

"Just admit it June, your way over your head here," I taunted.

"We'll see," she huffed as she leaped onto her shirshu. As we waited for an attack she then decided to change targets and began to attack Aang, who was fighting Zuko on the rooftops. Once Aang had knocked Zuko off the roof, June and her shirshu climbed up and charged for Aang.

"Appa!" I called as Appa used it's tail to summon a gusts of wind at the shirshu. The shirshu was so busy dodging Appa's attacks, that Aang was able to get away from it, but was back to fighting Zuko. Zuko began to chase Aang, but Appa blocked his path and growled at Zuko. Suddenly Appa was hit in the face with the shirshu tongue again and again. Appa tried to tough out the toxin's, but he eventually fell.

"Your bison's finished," laughed June, "And you're next."

Her shirshu launched it's tongue at me, but I quickly skated out of the way, "You have to catch me first." I looked back and her shirshu began to chase me. I smirked, but then suddenly crashed into Aang, who was fighting Zuko, "Ow..."

We quickly recovered, but we were cornered by Zuko and June. We continued to dodge their attacks, but we couldn't for long.

"Aang we' to think of..something!" I shouted dodging the shirshu's tongue.

"Working on it!" snapped Aang as dodged one of Zuko's fireballs.

Suddenly a large splash of perfume covered Zuko, June and her shirshu. Confused by the overwhelming smell, the shirshu went crazy. It knocked June off it's back then paralyzed Zuko with it's tongue. June tried to calm it, but ended up getting paralyzed herself. Iroh managed to catch her as she fell to the ground. The confused shirshu then ran away from the Abby crashing into the walls until it found the exit.

"You guys okay?" asked Katara as she and Sokka ran over to us.

"We are now," I said, "Thanks."


Soon afterwards, the four of us climbed aboard Appa. Aang was surprised that Katara and Sokka still wanted to travel with him.

"So...where do we go?" asked Aang.

"We're getting you to the North Pole," said Katara.

"Yeah we've lost too much time as it is," said Sokka making me smile.

"Don't you want to see your father?" asked Aang.

"Of course we do Aang," admitted Sokka, "'re our family too and right now you need us more."

"And we need you," added Katara.

Aang smiled then said, "I wish that I could give you a little piece of home Katara. Something to remind you--"

"I'll be okay," said Katara.

"Still just a little trinket, maybe something like this?" said Aang as he pulled out a small necklace with the symbol for the Water Tribe at the center.

"Aang! How'd you get that?" asked Katara as she put the necklace on.

"Zuko asked me to be sure I got it to you," smiled Aang.

"Aw that's so sweet of Zuko," joked Katara, "Would you give him a kiss for me when you see him?"

"WHAT?!" I thought.

"Sure," said Aang then Katara kissed him on the cheek making Aang blush.

"Hikaru, why are you all red?" asked Sokka.

"What?" I said then realizing I was burning red, "Oh it's..uh..nothing..nothing at all!"

"Why do I still blush like this?" I asked myself, "Those were old feelings, it's not that way anymore. Besides he doesn't even know I'm alive."

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