You do crazy things when your...

By honeystarsunshine

13.4K 553 206


Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter four
Chapter 5

Chapter three

2.6K 104 78
By honeystarsunshine

At the BAU~~

"I need coffee." Reid groans walking inside the building and heading straight for the coffee maker.

Morgan smiles at Reid, "I always find you doing this. Just tell him already or I will." Garcia says playfully.
Morgan jumps at her presence chuckling. "Alright Garcia I will. After we are done with the case."
Garcia kisses his cheek. "Thank you chocolate now. Now if you'll excuse me," she giggles, "Boy wonder!" She runs over to Reid.

Morgan tilted his head but shrugged and walked into the briefing room. JJ, Emily, Hotch and Rossi were already there, all that was missing was Reid and Garcia.

"Where are Reid and Penelope?" Hotch asks.
Rossi shrugs. "I'm sure they'll be here soon."
"We're here!" Garcia shouts dragging Reid into the room.
"Where have you two been?" Emily smirks and JJ winks.
"Oh I'll tell you later." Garcia whispers to Emily and JJ.
"Garcia..." Rossi says pointing to impatient Hotch.
"S-sorry sir. Ok let's begin." Garcia says pulling up a picture of the last victim.

"Haley Smith's throat was ripped. She was a sophomore at the public high school." Garcia informs the team.
"Ok. Morgan and Prentiss will go to the crime scene. JJ and I will go to the station and start setting up. Reid and Rossi go to the high school and start asking questions. Now let's get started." Hotch says as everyone stands up from the table.

Morgan felt a little annoyed that he and Reid weren't together but had to live with it. Emily smirks at Morgan as they walk into the elevator, he rolls his eyes at her.

"Prentiss. Don't start." He says.
"Oh come on big guy!" She teases.

Reid watches the elevator doors close watching his crush go away. Rossi puts his hand on the young doctor's shoulder giving him a warm smiling.

"You'll get him. Just be patient." Rossi chuckles.
Reid blushes madly looking at Rossi. "W-what are you talking about?"

Rossi laughs patting Reid's back and walks into the elevator with him.

At the crime scene

"Ok. So how did Haley even get in here?" Prentiss asks looking around the small apartment.
"Well Alisha couldn't have let her in because she wasn't here." Morgan answers.
"You know the girl?" Prentiss giggles.
"Only because when I was picking up Reid I meet her. She's pretty cute." Morgan smiles looking around.
"Hmm I'm gonna talk to you about that later. But I have a feeling we should talk to Alisha to find out why Haley was there." Prentiss says calling Rossi.

"Hello?" Rossi answers.
"Yeah Rossi we need to talk to Alisha." Prentiss says.
"Alisha?" Rossi repeats in question
"Alisha? What does she have to do with this?" Prentiss hears worried Reid in the background.
"Reid hush." Rossi demands.
Prentiss laughs, "tell him not to worry please. We just have to find out why Haley was here."
"Will do." Rossi says hanging up the phone.

Morgan gives Prentiss a look, "Well?"
"They're asking her." She replies.

At the high school

Reid and Rossi enter the high school. "Let's find the principal and inform him about what's going on." They walk into the principal's office, the principal Mr. White stood up and walked towards them.

"Good morning I am principal White. What can I do to help?" He asks.
Rossi looks at Reid. "I am agent Rossi and this is Dr. Reid." Reid waves.
"We need to talk to a student. Is Alisha in school today?" Reid asks.
The principal nods his head and walks to the microphone. "Alisha Diez please come to the principal's office thank you."

In the classroom

After the announcement the class start to laugh quietly. Alisha sunk down in her chair embarrassed. A boy turned to her and smirked.

"Hey Hispanic. What did you do this time?" He chuckles.
She fake laughs, "Haha funny. I didn't no anything."
"Don't worry Diez your chill." Her friend giggles.
"Ms.Diez before you leave here is your science grade." The teacher says handing her a paper.
"Probably got 100. Your an A student." Another boy says.
"Mierda!" She shouts in Spanish and walks out the room.
One boy laughs, Kyle. "She said Shit."

The class starts laughing and saying they'll remember that word when really they'll forget.

In the principal's office

"Hey sir?" She asks walking in dropping her backpack by the door.
He looks at her, "Yes the FBI is here to talk to you."
"Which FBI agents?" She asks slowly walking towards the door.
"Dr. Reid and Agent Rossi why?" He replies

Her eyes widen and she starts to run but Rossi blocks the door way.

"Going somewhere?" Rossi asks.
"Mierda...." she cursed walking back inside.
"Alisha where were you going? Why run?" The principal asks.
"Because Dr. Reid is here! And I failed my science test." She sadly sighs.
Rossi laughs. "It's ok we won't tell him."
"Tell me what?" Reid asks walking side.
"Nothing." She says avoiding eye contact and hiding the test behind her back.

Reid grabs the paper behind her back and exams the paper. Rossi looks at Alisha knowing what Reid is going to say. She looks down scratching her neck.

"Alisha! We studied how could you ha-" Reid was shouting and he stopped himself after looking at Rossi.
"Reid..." Rossi says.
"We'll talk about this later but I wanna talk to you about Haley." Reid says.
"Actually I'm going to talk to her Reid." Rossi says taking her outside.


"Hello agent Rossi. I am Alisha Diez." She introduces herself.
He smiles at her. "Do you mind if I ask a few question Alisha?"
"Not at all! Ask away." She replies.
"Where were you on the night Haley was killed?" He asks.
"I was at my boyfriend's house. His name is Kyle." She says without hesitation.
"Ok and what was she doing there?"
"She was going to rant to me about her boyfriend Jeremy."
"Do you think he did it?"
"No. Because after I told him he came over cried for hours then overdosed because he missed her. It was suicide because I found the note he wrote years ago if he ever..." she stops wiping her eyes. "I'm sorry."
"No no it's ok. I'm going to get dr. Reid."

Back inside.

"Reid she's all yours." Rossi says patting his back and walks into the principal's office closing the door.

Reid walks out of the office and looks around for Alisha to ask her things. He sees her in the hallway sitting there with her head against the wall. He walks up to her and sits next to her. She looks at him and wipes her eyes again.

"Hey dr. Reid." She says a bit shaky.
"I'm sorry. I over reacted." He apologizes.
"It's not you. It's just the people in my life that I care about are dying. I loved Haley and I loved Jeremy and then what happens if," she stops herself and gulps, "they get Kyle."
"Don't worry. We're going to make sure that doesn't happen. I promise." He says.
She holds out her pinkie. "Promise?"
"Promise." They lock pinkies.

With Rossi on the phone

"Hey Morgan. She says Haley was there to talk to her and that she was at her boyfriends." Rossi says.
"Wait a second how did Haley get in?" Morgan asks.
"Oh I forgot to ask. Let me ask." He says walking to her and Reid.
He asks the question and her response was. "I don't know."

Rossi walks away and continues to talk on the phone. Alisha stands up then starts pacing around the room paranoid.

"Oh my god how did they get in?" She mumbles to herself.
"They probably broke in it's going to be ok." Reid says trying to calm her down.
"Ok your right." She says picking up her bag.

The bell rings

"Babe you ok?" Kyle asks running to her.
"Hey I'm fine." She smiles at him.
"I'm going to go. See you later." Reid says about to walk away.
"Wait dude," Kyle says stopping Reid, "Your that smart guy that knows everything! Hi I'm Kyle! You are so cool." He says shaking Reid's hand.
"Really? You think I'm cool?" Reid asks surprised.
"Yeah after I told him about you he's become of your biggest fans." Alisha laughs.
"Finally a normal fan." Reid mumbles to himself.
"Get to class you two." The teacher demands.
"We'll see you later dude." Kyle says putting his arm around Alisha and they walk to class.

Rossi walks up to Reid with Morgan and Prentiss. Reid looks at them with a cocky look on his face causing Prentiss to laugh and Morgan to ask.

"Why so cocky pretty boy?" He asks.
"I have two normal fans!" Reid responds like an excited child.
"Haha finally." Prentiss teases.
"Not cool." Reid says.
"Guys focus. We have to get to the bottom of this." Rossi says.

With the killer

"Well well. Look at little Nicole struggle." The killer says with a smirk on his face.
"Let her go! She didn't do it!" Jack shouts at him.
"Shut up Jack! She was there!" He shouts at him.
"Please. I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry." Nicole cries.
"It's to late now." He shots Nicole and Jack.
"It's my turn to have fun." He cuts open there necks and plays with the organs.

Back at the police station

"Well how did it go?" Hotch asks them as they walk in the police station.
"Well this killer is organized. Left no finger prints." Morgan says.
"This was also an over kill. He mutilated her." Prentiss says.
"How did he get in?" Hotch asks Reid and Rossi.
"Well that's what we don't know." Rossi replies.
"No forced entry." Morgan informs them.
"Hmm ok." Hotch says.
"Guys. Two others were just killed." JJ says leading showing them pictures.
"He's on a killing spree." Rossi says.

All of a sudden a bunch kids enter the station.

"Can I help you?" Morgan asks walking up to the group.
"Nicole Smith and Jack Jones have gone missing. They didn't show up to school for two days and they aren't home." One girl says crying her eyes out.
"Val calm down it's ok. Let's let Alisha do the talking." Kyle says hugging his sister.
"Hey agent Morgan. Those two have been missing. For a while." She says.
"I think we know where they are." Morgan says making a sad look.
"Oh my god." Val girl shouts hugging Kyle more.
"Red hair and blue eyes right?" Morgan asks.
Alisha nods.

Valerie walks out of the station crying with a couple kids following her.

"Shit. Well thank you." Alisha says grabbing Kyle then walks out.

Reid walks up to Morgan confused to what had just happened. Morgan explains to Reid and Reid sighs in response. They know they gotta catch this guy before anyone else gets hurt. Morgan gives Garcia a call.

"Baby girl got anything for me?" He asks hopeful.
He's killing the sophomore class. Nicole and Jack are in the class and so was Haley. That's his targets. But that's all I got handsome." Garcia says.
"Thanks baby girl." Morgan says hanging up.

"He's targeting the sophomore class?" Reid asks scared and worried.
"Yeah. We're gonna find that bastard." Morgan says walking up to JJ and Hotch.
"We ready for a profile?" He asks.
"Yes." Hotch replies.

After giving the profile

"Hey your dr. Reid right?" One of the cops says to Reid.
"Yes." Reid replied.
"I'm Nick Rogers." He shakes Reid's hand.

Reid blushes. He was tall and handsome. He has black hair and green eyes.

"I would love to hang out sometime. Can I have your number?" Nick asks with a blush forming on his face.
Without hesitation Reid gives him his number. "Yes of course!"
"Thanks cutie." He winks and walks away.

Emily runs up to Reid and pulls him to the side. Which was very noticeable.

"Reid! That hot guy just hit on you!" Emily whisper shouts.
Reid shushes her. "Emily. Be more quiet people might hear."
But it was to late, Morgan already heard. "Woah woah what's this about?" Morgan asks.
"Um well." Reid stutters.
"Some hottie just hit on Reid!" Emily giggles.
"Emily!" Reid shouts at her embarrassed.
"Sorry." She apologizes walking away.
Morgan looks at the guy. "I don't like him Reid."
Reid's mood changes. "Why not?"
Morgan shrugs. "Bad feeling about him I guess."
"Well Morgan I don't care." Reid says walking away.

Morgan groans trying to grab his hand but he slips out and walks away. Morgan looks at him again and a bad feeling grew upon him again.

On the street

"Yes baby cakes! I'll be fine. Trust me. Bye bye." Val says hanging up the phone to Alisha.

Val is a sophomore walking to her car from her friends house. As she's walking a strange man is following her, she notices and gets her pepper spray ready. He took out his gun and held it to her back.

"Keep walking." He says.

She obeys and walks to the car only to get shot and mutilated.

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