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By basixallygilinsky

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new book!!


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By basixallygilinsky


we arrived at the hospital where nate made sure i stayed wrapped up in the blanket tightly and we made our way to the entrance.

as we turned numerous corners and rode up the elevator to jack's floor, we soon arrived at his room door.

"wait, nate." i stopped him using my hand.


"just don't tell jack about the beach - ever.

"wha -"

"i don't need him worrying about me."

"he's your boyfriend, that's what he's supposed to do."

"just don't."  i begged firmly.

nate looked at me weirdly and then nodded. i slid open the glass door and my heart sunk to my feet.

what the hell?

"jack?" my eyed widened in confusion. "madison?"

im sorry u haven't been updating much :( forgive me !

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