Stargate: The Avalon conundrum

By Maisieklaassen

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This story follows John, Rodney, Teyla and Ronon as SG-14 when two new (original) characters are assigned to... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen

Chapter ten

30 0 0
By Maisieklaassen

2012 August 11


Atlantis, Jumper bay

With Colonel Giles sitting in the pilot's seat, taking up John's space, the rest of the team was quiet. Distrustful of the man no one spoke, Ronon even sat in the rear section, trying to stay as far away as he could from Colonel Giles within the enclosed space. Coughing Ry'tac tried to break the silence. "Teyla, what did Mr. Woolsey wish to talk to you about?"

"Richard wanted to inform me the IOA council is meeting today so we will likely learn if mine and Ronon's request will be accepted. A permanent base in the Pegasus galaxy would be a great help to saving lives and ensuring a strong offensive against the Wraith."

Lifting an eyebrow, Lesya aimed a question at Ronon. "Do you have any plans if the request is accepted Ronon?"

Grunting Ronon glared at Lesya, the message clear.

Frowning Lesya turned back to Teyla. "No plans then. Teyla would this base also mean one of the X-304's will be permanently present in the Pegasus galaxy?"

"Permanently basing one X-304 in Pegasus is indeed part of our proposal. However, knowing the IOA and their initials reactions to our proposal I have a strong sense they will either accept a watered down version. Or even worse, they will deny the proposal in its entirety. Which is why I have been thinking about returning to Pegasus on my own."

Speaking up for the first time in several hours, Ronon softly spoke. "If you go back, I'll come with you Teyla."

Grimacing at the team potentially falling apart, Rodney spoke next. "If you are going back, you should at least take some things I have been working on with you. One is a special loading mechanism which can recharge your magnum its cells ten times as fast as they currently load with the gate powered device you got now."

Turning to the scientist, Ronon's face softened as he thanked Rodney. Turning back to watch Colonel Giles, his face swiftly hardened again, his anger clear.

Thinking of the situation in Pegasus, Rodney turned to Teyla. "One thing I have been working on is a version of the Lantean personal shield. Instead of creating a person shield, this version creates a temporary bubble to protect whoever is inside it. If you want, I can focus on it so you have some protection if you do decide to go back to Pegasus. Then again, a subspace communication setup so you can contact the Travelers, might also be useful to include." Rodney thought out loud. Continuing his rambling, Rodney kept whispering about all the potential tech Teyla and Ronon could take with them. If only to increase their chances of survival for these two incredible survivalists even likelier.

"We have arrived and are landing," Giles announced out of nowhere. Walking into the rear section, Teyla, Ronon, Lesya and Rodney put on their bags and armed themselves in preparation. Looking around at the five of them, Giles spoke up. "Ry'tac, why are you not preparing?"

Speaking up with a raised eyebrow, a habit he had picked up from Master Teal'c, Ry'tac answered. "Should someone not stay behind to watch the Jumper and to fly it to the team in case there is a need for evacuation? ... Sir."

Giles answered with a condescending voice, "These people are extremely primitive. Our weapons will be enough to defend ourselves with in case we need to retreat to the Jumper. Now arm yourself."

Leaving behind Ry'tac, Colonel Giles exited the Jumper, barking out a short order for the others to follow him. The sound of the Jumper's ramp closing could be heard seconds later as Ry'tac jogged towards the group. Speaking up with a steady voice as they walked, Colonel Giles made a statement to the team. "We are roughly one click away from the city, so due to Dr. McKay's slow pace we should arrive in ten to fifteen minutes. Move out."

Walking out of the forest, the six of them covered ground fast. Colonel Giles had, to the team their surprise, parked the Jumper near the edge of a forest allowing them to clear the trees in only a minute. Walking over the grassy lands, the six of them remained silent. Walking at the rear were Ry'tac and Ronon. Thinking about his task, Ry'tac guessed he would not gain the possibility of telling Ronon about their plan while in the city without being overheard. Needing to create a situation in which he could tell Ronon, Ry'tac tugged on Ronon's sleeve, mentioning to him to walk slower. After exchanging several quick whispers Ronon nodded and regained his former pace, retaking his spot at the rear of their party, Ry'tac following not far behind.

Only minutes later, they reached the area where buildings and tents were present, indicating they had reached the outer section of the city. Following the first road, the team walked forward at a steady pace, the number of people and starts increasing. Teyla, Ronon, Lesya, Rodney and Ry'tac did not mind the stares at all, but the few glimpses they could catch of Colonel Giles' face showed them he did mind. Lines sharp on his face which was stuck in a look of annoyance

Teyla hoped he would soon relax for the negotiations to be a success. At least the had something to report to Richard or general Landry once they returned to use against Colonel Giles.

Entering through one of the many gates, the team entered the inner city where houses and tents stood side to side. Observing the people from the city, Teyla noted the similarities to her people and their tents which had been mentioned to her the day before. Walking through the city, they could see the wonder on Ry'tac's face. Curious about this Teyla asked him about it. Looking at her, sorrow flashed on his face before returning to wonder.

"When Master Teal'c found me and took me in for training I was alone, with my parents killed by the Goa'uld years before for Master Teal'c' rebellion. Until then I had only lived in a small farm town, which supported the larger city where the false god lived. After being taken in by Master Teal'c, I was taken to the mountains of Chulak to be trained there. So this is my first time, within an actually large city if we don't count Atlantis. Which feels more like a ship to me than a city, sorta reminding me of the Ha'tak I've been on."

While curious about his past, Teyla had to halt the conversation as they had reached the square. It was filled with smaller tents and a dense group of people. Upon their arrival, a whisper went through the crowd and a minute later the door to Agrue's house opened. Walking towards them at a slow pace, his eyes switched between each of the new team members, interested in why the team had doubled in size for the negotiations. Stopping in front of them Agrue greeted them in his croaky voice, "Welcome back Lesya, Rodney. Who are all these new people?"

Smiling at the friendly Elder Lesya answered, "This man here is-" Before Lesya could introduce Ry'tac Colonel Giles interrupted her.

"The man with the symbol on his forehead is Ry'tac. The large man is Ronon and the woman next to him is Teyla. I'm Colonel Konner Giles. It is a pleasure meeting you Agrue," Giles said no interest or pleasure to be found in his voice.

Agrue's smile disappeared at this show of disrespect for Lesya, only reappearing as he looked at Teyla. "Ah Teyla, it's a pleasure to meet you. I'm looking forward to exchanging stories of our people."

Teyla answered with a twinkle in her eye at hearing new stories of the Ancestors answered, "Thank you for your welcome Agrue. It will be a pleasure to exchange those tales."

Turning around Agrue near whispered, "Well, let's go in and start these negotiations then, shall we."

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